Cambridge Uncovered

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Description: Town/Gown Opening Title: In 0:00:54, Out 0:01:43 Preliminary Sequence: In 0:01:47, Out 0:02:29 Ginny Berkowitz welcomes the guests into the studio. Footage is a little rough. Introduction: In 0:02:30, Out 0:03:34 Ginny Berkowitz introduces the show and its topic. Panelist Introductions: In 0:03:35, Out 0:05:31 Discussion: In 0:05:32, Out 1:18:23 Town/gown: nickname for relations between Cambridge and Harvard and MIT. Topics covered: New t/g committee, how it is set up and how David works with it. Old t/g committee formed in 1991, t/g relations not good. More communication now, through Annual Planning Board presentations, Annual Town/Gown Report. Cambridge appreciates universities but asks that they behave like “good neighbors.” Examples: educational programs, things that directly benefit Cambridge residents. Universities must publicize these deeds to get credit for them. Cambridge wants the universities to talk to new biotech companies to show them how to be “good neighbors.” Need for Cambridge and universities to share their long-term plans. Decentralized and shifting nature of city and university leadership makes agreement difficult. When universities buy land: city loses tax money. Harvard’s PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) Program. Role of local citizens: people must have realistic goals, must be civil at meetings, must realize that all action cannot be derailed. Debate sometimes covered by the press. Should be a rotating cast of citizens on meeting boards. Closing Credits: In 1:18:24, Out 1:19:08 CCTV Studio
CCTV Studio
Talent:Moderator: George Metzger (Architect) Panelists: David Maher (Councilor), Laurie Sheffield (Cambridge Resident), Sarah Gallop (MIT Co-Director of Government and Community Relations), Mary Power (Harvard University Senior Director of Community Relations)