Cambridge Uncovered

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Description: Arts Funding Opening Title: In 0:00:59, Out 0:01:48 Panelist Introductions: In 0:01:49, Out 0:03:15 Discussion: In 0:03:16, Out 1:03:50 Ginny Berkowitz provides a brief intro. Discussion topic: priority, value and importance of Massachusetts state funding for cultural institutions. Specifically, the 62% cut to the MCC’s budget and its effect on state and Cambridge cultural resources. Topics: Brief intros of panelists and their organizations: Longy, Mateo’s Theatre, Club Passim, MCC. Cuts’ effects on operations of these organizations. MCC funding and its requirement of “sharing” art with the public. The Public: underappreciates arts, doesn’t believe they need funding, distrusts organizations that dispense public money. Purpose of arts: not just to entertain but to build healthy people and communities. Cutting arts funding means that only the wealthy can experience them. Statistics cite the jobs and revenue provided by arts in New England. MCC’s status as an auditor whose donation to a nonprofit can act as a “stamp of approval” to other donors. Suggested action: make politicians and public aware of situation and its effects. Closing Credits: In 1:03:51, Out 1:04:33 CCTV Studio
CCTV Studio
Talent:Introduction: Ginny Berkowitz Moderator: Dan Hunter (Director, Massachusetts Advocates for the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities) Panelists: Anna Kuwabara (Exec. Vice President, Longy School of Music), Jose Mateo (Artistic Director, Jose Mateo’s Ballet Theatre), Mary Kelley (Executive Director, MCC- Massachusetts Cultural Council), Tracy Hoffman (Development Director, Club Passim)