Total Mess 4

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Description: Man smokes a cigarette and announces when the show will begin in terms of how much he has left to smoke. Show begins with footage of Kendall Square studios, music playing over. Segment “Goodbye” by the Great Martizmo Man sings a song a cappella in front of a green screen. Segment Man dressed like a Native American performs a chant outside. Segment Very dark footage of someone performing on drums. Segment Man talks about giving blood, how his boss found out he (himself) was HIV-positive. Segment “Vampire Mess” Vampires attack people. Segment Rusty, a car dashboard figure, asks viewers to send in their pictures for a chance to win a medallion. Segment “Fig Leaf Sandwich” Opens with quote from Bible about Adam and Eve covering themselves in Eden with sewn-together fig leaves. Panning over a garden-type area, shots of drawings of people covered with fig leaves and eating sandwiches. Then a topless man plucks a fig from a tree and begins to eat it. Segment “Mess Draw-A-Long” A naked man sits in a chair, swinging a hammer at his genitals (shot is arranged so it’s not an explicit view). Image of the head of Jesse Helms is superimposed over the man’s head. On-screen message invites viewers to draw this image and send it in to the MESS show, c/o CCTV. Segment lasts for 7 minutes, counting down to the next segment. Segment Shot of a remote control, voiceover claims that the remote control is the viewer’s god. Zoom out to see the man doing the voiceover. He plays a trick on the casual viewer: for the next four minutes, he pretends that the CCTV channel is “The Calendar Channel,” by having the camera point to a page of a daily calendar and reciting a voiceover of what day it is. Segment Origami birds arranged in some outdoor space. Audio: two men perform a parody of “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off,” based around the 45th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings. Segment Man sings part of the “1812 Overture” repeatedly, bursting paper bags during the parts where the cannons fire. Segment Man lies on the floor (which is a bluescreen) and talks about some video of him and his parents eating at a restaurant. Video is projected onto the bluescreen, so it looks like he’s lying on the image. Lots of tracking problems near end of segment. Segment “Mess” Shots of a very messy kitchen (rock music playing over) intercut with shots of a dog in a garden (easy-listening music playing over). Segment Footage of someone playing violin. Segment Footage of people at an outdoor barbecue.