Gov. King's budget address

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Description: Gov. Edward King's first budget address for FY80 before joint legislative session in House chamber (Constitutional Convention). Speaker Tom McGee forcefully bangs gavel. Senate President William Bulger announces entrance of the governor and Lt. Gov. Tom O'Neill. Rep. Robert Larkin, James Collins, Chester Atkins. Increase in local aid. “The people of Massachusetts do not want and do not deserve an ever expanding, ever more expensive state government. They do deserve and obviously want a government that provides the essential services they need at a price they can afford.” Goals: 1) reduce property taxes and stimulate economic development; 2) provide essential services to those most in need of care; 3) initiate improved management techniques in daily government operations. Man smoking pipe. King refers to high technology social contract (reducing individual taxes to level found in competing industrial states in exchange for job creation).