Tommy Harper vs Red Sox

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Description: Marcus Jones reports that Tommy Harper (former Boston Red Sox player) was fired from the Boston Red Sox in December of 1985. Jones notes that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has concluded that Harper was wrongfully dismissed by the team. Jones notes that Harper was fired after he spoke out against a team policy which allowed only white employees of the team to go to an Elk's Lodge near the team's spring training camp in Winter Haven, Florida. Jones interviews Harper. Harper talks about his complaint against the team and the situation during spring training camp. Jones reports that Harper now works at the Geneva Autobody Shop near Fenway Park. Jones interviews Stan Block (Geneva Autobody Shop). Jones notes that the Boston Red Sox have a reputation as a racist team. He adds that the Red Sox have threatened to appeal the EEOC ruling. Jones' report is accompanied by footage from a Red Sox game.
1:00:27: Visual: Footage from a Boston Red Sox game; of the "green monster" at Fenway Park; of fans in the seats at Fenway Park. Marcus Jones reports that the Boston Red Sox are known for being unpredictable. V: Footage of Tommy Harper (former Boston Red Sox player) being interviewed by Jones. Harper says that most people think that the Boston Red Sox are a racist team; that the Boston Red Sox have done nothing to discourage their reputation as racist. Jones reports that some unpleasant images are associated with the Boston Red Sox; that the Red Sox have a blemished record in dealing with minorities. Jones reports that Harper was fired from the team last December; that Harper filed a discrimination suit. Jones reports that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sided with Harper yesterday; that the EEOC concluded that Harper was wrongly dismissed for speaking out against a team policy. Jones notes that Harper spoke out against a team policy which allowed only white employees to go to an Elks Lodge near the team's spring training camp in Winter Haven, Florida. V: Shots of Harper in his office. His office walls are covered with autographed pictures of baseball players. Shots of the photos on the wall of Harper's office. Footage of Harper being interviewed by Jones. Harper says that he complained to team officials privately; that he gave them one year to rectify the situation. Harper says that he realized that the situation was not going to change in the spring of 1985. Harper says that he was approached by the media; that the media asked him directly if he could go to the Elks Club. Harper says that he told the media that he could not go. Jones reports that Harper has been working at the Geneva Autobody Shop for the past few months. V: Shots of Harper with his co-workers; of the Geneva Autobody Shop. Footage of Stan Block (owner, Geneva Autobody) saying that he was happy to have Harper come to work with him. Jones stands outside of the Geneva Autobody Shop. Jones notes that the lights at Fenway Park are visible from the Autobody Shop; that Fenway spectators park their cars in a nearby lot during games. Jones reports that Harper has been forced to watch this season from a distance. V: Footage of Harper being interviewed by Jones. Harper says that there are other things in life besides baseball; that he would have liked to stay in baseball. Harper says that it was not to be. Harper says that he will continue on with his life. Jones reports that the ruling by the EEOC was the first ruling in Harper's dispute with the Red Sox; that the team has threatened to pursue the matter in US District Court. Jones reports that further legal action will further tarnish the team's reputation during an otherwise good season. V: Footage from a Red Sox baseball game.