Silber on prenatal care for minorities

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Description: Hope Kelly reports that John Silber (Democratic candidate for Governor of Massachusetts) visited Uphams Corner Health Center in an effort to highlight his position on medical care in the state. Kelly reviews Silber's health care proposals. Kelly notes that Silber was the first candidate to bring up the high infant mortality rate among African Americans in the state. Kelly reports that Silber sparked a controversy recently with his remarks about health care for the elderly. Kelly's report includes footage of Silber at a press conference. Silber says that he does not want to deny health care services for the elderly. Silber says that many citizens do not have access to good health care. Silber talks about his proposals and about the budget for his proposed health care plan. Kelly notes that Silber focused on prenatal and post-natal care during the press conference. Kelly reports that Silber has called the health care system a "national tragedy." She adds that Silber must convince voters that he really cares about the issue. Kelly's report is accompanied by footage of Silber greeting minority children and parents in the lobby of the Uphams Corner Health Center and by footage of infants in a hospital nursery
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of John Silber (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) in the waiting room of the Uphams Corner Health Center. Silber greets a young boy and the adult sitting with him. Shot of a young girl sitting on a woman's lap in the waiting room. Footage of Silber talking to a young African American girl. Silber asks her about school. The girl says that she is seven years old; that she is in the second grade; that she likes to study math. Hope Kelly reports that Silber visited the Uphams Corner Health Center in Dorchester today; that Silber is trying to show his human side to voters. Kelly reports that Silber's staff says that the visit had been planned for weeks. Kelly notes that Silber has been trying to clarify recent remarks that he made about the elderly. Kelly reports that Silber says that he is having a hard time putting the remarks behind him. V: Shots of the media photographing Silber. Footage of Silber at a press conference. Silber speaks from a podium placed in front of a large campaign banner. Silber says that Evelyn Murphy (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) and Francis Bellotti (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) are making efforts to distort his position. Silber says that he does not want to deny health care services to the elderly; that he does not want to deny health care to anyone. Kelly reports that Silber says that pregnant women and young children are the groups most underserved by the current system of "health care rationing." V: Shots of the media at the press conference. Footage of Silber speaking at the press conference. Silber says that the citizens have never had any input into current health care policies. Silber says that some people are being denied benefits. Kelly reports that Silber points out that Massachusetts should not be among the states with the highest infant mortality rate for African Americans. Kelly notes that Silber is the first candidate to bring up the infant mortality rate as a campaign issue. V: Shot of a health care worker tending to an infant. The infant is hooked up to medical equipment. Shot of a monitor connected to the equipment. Shot of another infant hooked up to breathing equipment; of the medical equipment. Shot of an infant in an incubator. Kelly reports that Silber needs to convince voters that he cares about the issue. Kelly notes that Silbers empathy comes across as economics. V: Footage of Silber speaking at the press conference. Silber says that society depends upon human capital. Kelly reports that Silber called the health care system a "national tragedy." V: Shot of an African American child being examined by a white male health care worker. Kelly reports that Silber wants to provide treatment on demand for pregnant women; that Silber wants to provide tax credits for medical staff who work with the poor; that Silber would like to establish no-fault medical insurance instead of malpractice suits; that Silber would mandate community service for medical graduates of state-funded schools. V: On-screen text and visuals detail Silber's health care proposals. Footage of Silber speaking at the press conference. Silber says that medical graduates should be required to perform two years of public service to fulfill their medical obligations to the state. Kelly reports that Silber focused on pre-natal and post-natal care during the press conference. V: Shots of the media at the press conference. A reporter asks Silber how he would fund the program. Silber says that he would reallocate the funds in the Medicaid program. Silber says that $2.4 billion dollars are spent on Medicaid; that his program would only cost a few million dollars. Kelly reports that Silber put a small price tag on a huge problem; that Massachusetts has not yet been able to solve the problem.