Rainbow Coalition

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Description: B-roll of campaign staff work at the local headquarters of the Rainbow Coalition in the South End. The workers speak on the telephone, sort through papers and assemble handouts. Boyce Slayman, a political consultant, speaks to some of the workers. He shows them a newspaper headline about Jackson's top position on the Massachusetts' primary ballot. Shots of Jackson campaign pins, Jackson campaign letterhead and shots of Rainbow Coalition posters. Close up on a photo of Jackson and community activist Mel King. Exteriors of the campaign headquarters. Campaign signs for King's mayoral candidacy remain in the window of the headquarters.
1:00:01: Visual: Shot of a Rainbow Coalition campaign button reading, "Jackson in '84." Campaign workers are working in the local headquarters of the Rainbow Coalition in the South End. An African American male campaign worker rummages through cardboard boxes on the floor. He looks for something in his desk. A white female campaign worker affixes a Rainbow Coalition campaign button to her shirt. The male campaign worker answers the phone, saying "Rainbow Coalition/Mel King's Office." A white female worker sits at a desk, speaking on the telephone. The male campaign worker assembles handouts from papers at his desk. Shot of the campaign workers Rainbow Coalition campaign pin, reading "Jackson '84." Shots of the letterhead on the papers on the campaign worker's desk. The letterhead reads, "Jesse Jackson for President Committee." The male campaign worker continues to assemble handouts. A white female worker sorts through papers while on the telephone. 1:05:20: V: Shot of a black and white photo of Mel King (African American community leader and activist) and Jesse Jackson (candidate for US President). King and Jackson have raise their linked arms in the photo. The white female campaign worker continues to talk on the telephone. She is talking about the Jackson campaign. Shot of the Rainbow Coalition campaign pin worn by the worker. 1:06:31: V: Boyce Slayman (African American community leader and political consultant) stands in the headquarters of the Rainbow Coalition. He speaks to an African American female campaign worker. Shot of a small painting of a rainbow. The caption above the rainbow reads, "I believe in love." Two campaign workers converse in an office. A white female campaign worker sorts paper in the office. Slayman enters the office and picks up a newspaper. The white female campaign worker continues to sort through papers. The crew sets up a shot with the white female campaign worker and an African American female campaign worker in the office. Slayman shows them both an article from the newspaper. Shot of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Jackson's name to top primary ballot." Shot of the white female campaign worker's campaign button which reads, "Jesse Jackson. Now is the time. 1984." The white female campaign worker and the African American female campaign worker continue to work in the office. 1:10:20: V: Slayman reads the newspaper in the outer office where the male campaign worker and a white female campaign worker sit at desks. The white female campaign worker continues to speak on the telephone. The male campaign worker continues to assemble handouts. The African American female campaign worker confers with Slayman. 1:11:47: V: Shots of the exterior of the headquarters from the street outside. Snow is falling. Campaign signs from King's mayoral campaign hang in the window. A sign for the Rainbow Coalition hangs in the window.