Laval Wilson and School Budget

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Description: Marcus Jones reports that Dr. Laval Wilson, Superintendent of Boston Public Schools, has announced cuts to the school budget. Jones outlines the nature of the cost-saving measures and reports that additional cuts may be necessary. Wilson talks about the budget at a press conference. Interview with John Nucci, President of Boston School Committee, about Wilson's attempt to cut costs in the budget. Jones notes that the Boston School Committee has rejected Wilson's proposal to consolidate eight schools. School Committee meeting. This tape includes additional footage from the end of a news story on mental illness.
1:01:08: Marcus Jones reports that Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) has announced cuts to the school budget. Visual: Shots of Wilson at a press conference; of an audience member looking at a handout of the budget. Footage of Wilson saying that he was faced with difficult decisions when he made the budget cuts. Shots of a list of names of school administrators targeted for layoffs. Jones reports that the superintendent submitted a $292 million budget last month; that the mayor had allotted $288 million for the school budget. Jones notes that the total for the new budget is $289.3 million; that more budget cuts may be necessary. V: Footage of Wilson saying that he has tried not to cut programs; that he has made minimal cuts in the school support staff. Shot of the printed cover of Wilson's preliminary budget. Jones reports that Wilson has recommended layoffs for 90 teachers, administrators and office workers; that Wilson has cut chosen not to implement a $2 million program geared toward reducing the school dropout rate; that Wilson had eliminated a $6 million request for repairs to aging school facilities. V: Footage of John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee) saying that Wilson has made a good effort to preserve educational programs while staying within the budget. Jones reports that the School Committee vetoed Wilson's proposal to cut costs by closing or consolidating eight schools. Jones notes that Wilson has made cuts elsewhere in the budget. V: Shots of audience members at a School Committee meeting. The audience members hold up signs protesting school closings. Shot of a sign reading, "JP is a pleasure because JP is a treasure." Shots of Wilson at the meeting. Footage of Nucci saying that the School Committee will not cut educational programs for at-risk youth; that the Boston Public Schools have an "astronomical dropout rate." Marcus Jones stands outside the offices of the Boston School Committee. Jones reports that the School Committee will discuss the new budget proposal next Tuesday; that members of the public will have an opportunity to weigh in on the proposed budget.