TOCN show tape

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Description: 1) David Boeri gets copies of property tax checks paid by St. Botolph Realty Trust and traces the flow of money through the trust, involving Harold Brown, Thomas Finnerty, and inexplicably William Bulger. Attorney Paul Garrity comments. 2) Boeri debriefs on set. 3) Meg Vaillancourt reports on outside income earned by state senators while they are apparently claiming per diem expenses incurred during public service. Sen. Brian Lees and Senate Ethics Committee are not inclined to investigate. 4) Deborah Wang reports on state's effort to stimulate foreign trade with Mass. businesses through Office of International Trade and Investment; Howard Foley of High Technology Council; Gov. Dukakis on increasing exports; Quest Systems develops light emitting compound for medical diagnosis and wants to market outside US. Anchors Lydon and Fields.