Supt. Marion Fahey interview

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Description: Exterior of the Joseph Lee School. Dorchester environs. Pam Bullard interviews Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) on the opening of schools for the 1976-77 school year. Before interview starts, they shoot cutaways. During interview Fahey talks about declining school enrollment, staffing, school programs, and the effects of court-ordered desegregation. Fahey admits that school desegregation and a low birthrate have caused the decline in school enrollment. Fahey discusses advancement in techniques for assigning students to schools to optimize programs tailored to students' needs. Fahey expresses confidence in the school system. She says that a federal grant will fund additional teachers and aides in the schools; that the court order has resulted in increased parental participation in the schools. Tape 1 of 2.
0:00:31: Visual: Shots of the exterior of the Joseph Lee School. Two African American women and three African American children walk toward the entrance. 0:02:33: V: More shots of the exterior of the Lee School. An African American woman and child walk through the parking lot. Shots of the playground behind the school. Two African American boys ride their bikes through the playground. 0:06:11: V: A Boston Police car moves slowly along Westview Street. The housing project on Westview Street is visible. Long shots of Westview Street. Shot of parking lot of housing project. An African American man moves slowly through the parking lot. Shot of houses across the street from the Lee School; of school from across Talbot Avenue. 0:10:14: V: The crew sets up cutaway shots for Pam Bullard's interview with Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools). 0:11:45: V: Bullard sets up an interview with Fahey in her office. Fahey asks her secretary to bring her some papers. 0:12:11: V: Fahey says that one of her goals is to develop a better management system for Boston schools; that management is done best by administrators in the schools, not from central administration. 0:13:07: V: Fahey looks at a sheet of statistics. Fahey says that there are 75,443 enrolled in the schools; that enrollment has declined; that enrollment is declining in schools across the nation due to a low birthrate. Fahey admits that desegregation has affected enrollment in Boston schools, but that the schools have not lost 20,000 students. Fahey says that the enrollment figure of 96,000 students has never been verified; that her administration has started to compile detailed data on student enrollment; that this data is allowing more effective management. Fahey says that her administration is tracking bilingual students in order to cluster them together in bilingual classes. Bullard asks if there is a shortage of teachers. Fahey responds that there are enough teachers; that staffing the schools has always been an issue; that the media are giving the issue a lot of attention this year. Fahey says that the Boston school system has received the largest federal grant ever awarded through the Emergency School Assistance Act; that the $7.2 million grant will go toward supplementary programs in basic skills; that the grant will bring additional teachers and aides. 0:17:41: V: Fahey says that she is confident in the teaching staff. She says that last year's court order brought good educational programs to the schools through links with universities and businesses; that the court order also encouraged strong parental participation; that she hopes the parental participation continues. Bullard remarks that some people believe that the desegregation order brought needed reforms to Boston schools. Fahey says that the court order did provide an opportunity to focus on new programs; that the court order resulted in increased parental participation. Fahey says that the Boston schools will be safe this year; that the transport of students will be efficient and safe; that bus monitors will continue to ride the buses.