School committee picks superintendent

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Description: The Boston School Committee holds a meeting in its chambers. Grace Romero (Boston School Committee) accuses School Committee members of playing political games during the process of electing a new superintendent. John Grady (Boston School Committee) reads a statement from Joseph Casper (Boston School Committee). The statement reads that Casper will vote for one of the other candidates because Joseph McDonough (Interim Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) withdrew his name from consideration. Jean McGuire (Boston School Committee) voices her support for one of the candidates. John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee) talks about the search process. Edward Winter (Secretary, Boston School Committee) calls the roll. Dr. Laval Wilson wins the election, 9 to 4. Romero objects to a motion to make Wilson's election unanimous. School Committee members prepare to leave the room. Eileen Jones interviews Felix Arroyo (Latino community activist) about the vote. Arroyo says that he will support Wilson as superintendent. Jones interviews Jack E. Robinson (NAACP) about the vote. Robinson says that he is pleased that the three finalists were all minority candidates. Robinson says that Wilson was the right candidate for the job. Jones interviews Romero outside of the School Committee chambers. Romero says that she objected to making the vote unanimous because the record needs to reflect how each member voted. Jones interviews O'Bryant about the vote. O'Bryant says that he had never committed himself to a single candidate before the vote. O'Bryant says that Wilson is a strong candidate. He denies accusations that he switched his vote from another candidate. Jones does several takes of her reportage for the story.
0:59:53: Audio of Boston School Committee proceedings. Visual: The Boston School Committee meets in its chambers. A large crowd has gathered in the audience, including members of the media. Grace Romero (member, Boston School Committee) chastises members of the school committee for playing politics. Romero says that school committee members must conduct themselves better in the future. She briefly mentions relations between School Committee members and Hispanic voters. Joseph Casper (member, Boston School Committee) says that he cannot speak because he has lost his voice. Someone jokes that Casper "lost his voice two weeks too late." The audience applauds. John Grady (member, Boston School Committee) reads a statement from Casper. The statement reads that Joe McDonough (Interim Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) was his first choice to be superintendent; that McDonough has withdrawn his name from consideration. The statement reads that Casper will vote for another candidate this evening. The statement urges school committee members to salute the work of McDonough. Casper speaks softly to the other members after Grady reads the statement. 1:03:38: V: Jean McGuire (member, Boston School Committee) talks about the importance of the post of superintendent of schools. She voices her support for Dr. Peter Negroni (candidate for Superintendent of Boston Public Schools). John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee) talks about the value of the search process for the candidates. He urges the committee to select a new superintendent with a significant majority. Nucci says that each of the candidates is qualified for the job. Nucci calls on Edward Winter (Secretary, Boston School Committee) to call the roll. Winter calls the roll of members, and each member indicates his or her choice for superintendent. School Committee members Abigail Browne, William Marcione, Kevin McCluskey and McGuire vote for Negroni. School Committee members Daniel Burke, Casper, Grady, John O'Bryant, Thomas O'Reilly, Shirley Owen-Hicks, Romero, Rita Walsh-Tomasini and Nucci vote for Dr. Laval Wilson (candidate for Superintendent, Boston Public Schools). The audience applauds after the vote has been taken. Marcione moves to make the election of Wilson unanimous. Romero objects to the motion. She explains that she does not want the record to reflect that Negroni received no votes. Shots of Winter; of Romero. Grady makes a reference to the rules pertaining to the motion. 1:08:26: V: Owens Hicks gathers her papers and prepares to leave the chambers. Romero does the same. Members of the audience are rising to leave the chambers. Groups of people stand speaking to one another. McGuire and Nucci stand at the front of the room, preparing to leave the chambers. O'Bryant greets an audience member. Burke and Julio Henriquez (aide to Burke) confer in the chambers. Two white men confer at the front of the chambers. 1:09:00: V: Eileen Jones interviews Felix Arroyo (Latino community activist) about the school committee vote. Arroyo says that the vote gives Wilson a clear mandate; that the city of Boston must work with Wilson to improve the schools. Arroyo says that he was not surprised at Wilson's election to the post. Arroyo says that he would have liked to have seen Negroni win the post; that he will fully support Wilson now that he has been elected. Jones asks for Arroyo's reaction to Romero's remarks. Arroyo says that he did not understand what Romero was trying to say in her remarks; that many Hispanics do not believe that Romero is representative of their community. 1:10:39: V: Jones asks Jack E. Robinson (NAACP) about his reaction to the vote. Robinson says that he is pleased with the result of the vote; that the School Committee made the right choice and acted with maturity in electing Wilson. Robinson says that it is significant that three minority candidates were the finalists for the post. Robinson says that the committee members elected Wilson on the basis of his qualifications. Robinson says that he was not surprised with the results; that the committee members had decided to put politics aside and vote for the best candidate. 1:11:43: V: Jones interviews Romero about the vote. Jones asks Romero why she objected to a unanimous vote for Wilson. Romero says that Negroni was a qualified candidate with support; that she does not want the record to show that he did not get any votes. Romero says that the motion for a unanimous vote is part of "a game" played by some members of the school committee. Jones notes that a unanimous vote would show full support for the winning candidate. Romero says that the committee should have showed unanimous support in the beginning; that the record needs to show how each member voted. Jones asks Romero what she had been trying to say to the Hispanic community in her earlier remarks. Romero says that O'Bryant has not delivered on his promises to the Hispanic community. 1:12:54: V: Jones sets up an interview with O'Bryant. Jones asks O'Bryant if he switched his vote from Negroni to Wilson. O'Bryant says that he never made a commitment to any candidate; that many assumed that he would support Negroni because he supported him in 1981. O'Bryant says that he initiated the search committee process for the Boston School Committee in 1978. O'Bryant emphasizes that he never committed to any candidate. O'Bryant says that he decided to support Wilson after making site visits; that his support for Wilson never wavered. Jones notes that Romero's earlier comments were directed at him. Jones says that Romero accused O'Bryant of making a promise to the Hispanic community that he would vote for Negroni. O'Bryant says that Romero is lying. O'Bryant says that he did not promise anything to any community. Jones asks O'Bryant if he was suprised at the vote. O'Bryant says that he was not surprised because Wilson is a strong candidate. O'Bryant says that the vote might have gone the other way if he had supported Negroni. 1:15:08: V: Jones stands in the Boston School Committee chambers. Jones reports that members of the school committee hope that Wilson visit Boston by the end of the week to work out details of his contract and to meet the community. Jones does two takes to the closing of the news story. Jones records an alternate closing in which she reports on Romero's objection to a motion to make the vote unanimous. Jones does two takes of the alternate closing to the news story.