“Insured and Broke”

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Description: Factors in state auto insurance crisis: escalating rates, arson, fraudulent claims. Auto body shop, welding, painting. Burned, abandoned cars. Poor driving habits at dangerous intersection in Allston. ‘Welcome to Massachusetts’ sign. Consumer affairs secretary Paula Gold; Sen. John Houston; Reps. Richard Voke, Dan Foley Sr, Francis Woodward; Rick Splaine, Al Jones, Robert Laing, Robert Shaw of Boston Fire Department. John Mooney of Kemper; Ron Barros of Sentry; insurance commissioner Roger Singer; former commissioner Peter Hiam; Michael Dukakis on auto arson and theft; Leo Boyle, Mass. Bar Association; insurance industry lobbyists and spokespersons Daniel Foley Jr, Joseph DiGiovanni Jr, Jeffrey Beyer; Registry police inspectors Ken Scott, Don Griffin; Stephen Pizer of Mass. Fair Share; Josh Kratka of MassPIRG. (on same tape with TOCN show 2/16/1988)