Kathy Gannett and HUD

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Description: David Boeri reports that Kathy Gannett, a former employee, has settled a wrongful dismissal complaint against the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Gannett claims that she was fired for filing a complaint with HUD against the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) for discriminatory housing policies. Footage from an interview with Gannett in 1987. HUD officials claim that Gannett was fired for inappropriately questioning Doris Bunte of the BHA during a meeting. Interview with Gannett and her attorney Elizabeth Rogers. Gannett talks about the case and says that her complaint against the BHA was ignored. Gannett says that she did not question Bunte inappropriately, but asked if Bunte had asked for protection for minority families moving into white housing projects. Boeri quotes Bunte as saying that Gannett was impertinent towards her during a meeting. Boeri reports on the deal reached by the two parties. Following the edited story is b-roll of Gannett.
1:00:08: V: Footage of Kathy Gannett (former HUD employee) saying that no one seemed to want to listen to her when she filed a complaint about discrimination in public housing in Boston. Shots of white parochial school students walking toward a housing project in South Boston; of white residents sitting on park benches outside of a housing project in South Boston; of a young white boy scrambling under a fence near a housing project in South Boston; of white children near a housing project in South Boston. David Boeri reports that Kathy Gannett is a former employee of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); that Gannett filed a complaint against the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) last fall. Boeri reports that Gannett wrote a report on occupancy in BHA housing; that HUD buried the report for eighteen months. Boeri notes that the BHA maintained that there were no African American families in public housing in South Boston because white families were higher up on the waiting list. V: Shot of Gannett walking into a building. Footage of Gannett from 1987 saying that African American families were passed over on the waiting list for apartments in South Boston public housing projects; that the BHA is denying access to public housing projects on the basis of skin color. Shots of white residents in front of housing project buildings in South Boston. Boeri reports that Gannett claimed she was fired because of her report on discrimination in BHA housing. Boeri notes that HUD officials say that Gannett was fired because of her questioning of Doris Bunte (BHA) at a meeting between BHA and HUD officials. V: Shot of Bunte speaking to a reporter. Footage of Gannett saying that Bunte said that BHA would not move forward with desegregation until it received extra funding for security. Footage of Boeri interviewing Gannett and Elizabeth Rogers (attorney for Gannett). Rogers says that Gannett asked Bunte if the BHA had asked the mayor for adequate protection for minority families in white housing projects. Boeri reports that Gannett says that she was polite to Bunte during the meeting. Boeri quotes Bunte as saying that Gannett's question was "impertinent and inappropriate, if not actually hostile." V: Shot of a HUD document. A quote from Bunte is written in text on-screen. Boeri reports that Gannett filed suit; that she has settled the suit. Boeri notes that the settlement has wiped the firing incident from Gannett's record. V: Shot of Rogers and Gannett. Shot of Gannett exiting a building with a small group of people. Audio of Gannett asking how the city of Boston will protect minority families who choose to live in white housing developments. Boeri stands in City Hall Plaza. Boeri talks about Gannett's settlement with HUD. Boeri notes that HUD did not apologize to Gannett; that Bunte had no comment on the settlement.