Description: Robert Dole addresses Massachusetts building trades representatives. Speaks about construction industry, real estate, and inflation. Defends President Ford. Makes several jokes and makes the audience laugh. Makes sarcastic comments about Jimmy Carter.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/16/1976
Description: Video starts with people speaking over color bars. B-roll of Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority advisory board meeting. Interview with Robert Foster, chair of MBTA. He is requesting a larger operating budget. He discusses the work done by the MBTA and their attempts develop a better relationship with the advisory board. He speaks of plans for transportation demands during Pope John Paul II's visit. They shoot cutaways. Interview with Ed Novakoff, advisory board representative from Brookline, who complains about green line LRVs, and does not support giving the MBTA a larger operating budget. Several takes of reporter standup in the MBTA lot, with buses in the background.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/21/1979
Description: Interview with ICA director David Ross, discussing the late photographer Robert Mapplethorpe whose work is controversial for its erotic and gay subject matter. Discussion of his self-portraiture. Discussion of some members of Congress' attempts to censor the rotating exhibit. Ross argues for freedom of speech.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/16/1989
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Robert Mugabe (Prime Minister of Zimbabwe) was awarded an honorary degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Mugabe receiving his doctoral hood from Maki Mandela (daughter of Nelson Mandela) and footage from Mugabe's speech and press conference. Vaillancourt reports that Mugabe spoke out against apartheid in South Africa and advocated sanctions against the South African government. Vaillancourt reviews Mugabe's career. Comments on President Reagan's political actions concerning Apartheid. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Mugabe in Zimbabwe.
1:00:06: Visual: Footage of Robert Mugabe (Prime Minister of Zimbabwe) speaking at the commencement ceremonies at University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Mugabe applauds the US Congress for considering sanctions against South Africa. Meg Vaillancourt says that Mugabe talked about sanctions against South Africa in his speech at UMass Amherst; that Mugabe was honored by the university for "his efforts to establish racial harmony between blacks and whites." Vaillancourt notes that Mugabe was presented with an honorary doctorate of laws. V: Shot of Mugabe receiving his doctoral hood from Maki Mandela (daughter of Nelson Mandela). Vaillancourt reports that Mugabe became Zimbabwe's first prime minister in 1980; that Zimbabwe had been known as Rhodesia under colonial rule. V: Shots of Mugabe and his cabinet in 1980; of white colonial rulers before 1980; of a newspaper headline reading, "Black Hitler." Vaillancourt reports that Mugabe was a fierce opponent of apartheid in neighboring South Africa; that Mugabe had spent ten years in prison before emerging as the leader of the Zimbabwean struggle for independence. V: Shots of Mugabe in the Zimbabwean Parliament; of Mugabe being led away by two police officers; of Mugabe entering a military garrison. Vaillancourt notes that Mugabe is a strong supporter of black South African leaders. V: Footage of Mugabe at a press conference. Mugabe says that he advocates using all legitimate means to overthrow apartheid; that he advocates armed struggle against South Africa. Mugabe says that he can understand the desire to fight apartheid using non-violent means. Mugabe encourages the use of "maximum non-violence" through sanctions and political pressure. Shot of the press at the press conference. Vaillancourt says that Mugabe dismissed concerns that sanctions would hurt South African blacks. V: Footage of Mugabe saying that black South Africans are already suffering and dying under apartheid; that black South Africans are prepared to suffer under sanctions because they will yield a positive result. Vaillancourt says that Mugabe was questioned about his leadership of Zimbabwe; that there have been accusations of human rights violations in Zimbabwe under Mugabe. V: Shots of Mugabe in a government building; of Zimbabwean troops uncovering an arms cache. Vaillancourt reports that Mugabe says that he has detained those who have tried to overthrow his government. V: Footage of Mugabe at the commencement ceremony. Mugabe says that the struggle for human rights is a universal struggle. Vaillancourt stands on the campus of UMass Amherst. Vaillancourt says that Ronald Reagan (US President) is trying to win enough votes in the US Congress to sustain his veto of sanctions against South Africa. Vaillancourt notes that Reagan is promising an African American ambassador to South Africa as part of his weaker sanctions package; that Reagan is expressing concern over a disruption of summit talks if sanctions are approved by Congress. Vaillancourt adds that Mugabe said that the time for compromise in South Africa is over.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/01/1986
Description: Meg Vaillancourt interviews Robert Peterkin (Superintendent, Cambridge Public Schools) about school desegregation in Boston. Peterkin reviews desegregation in Boston, both the positive and negative outcomes. He talks about the challenges that lie ahead for desegregation. Peterkin discusses his belief in the potential for educational innovation and quality in a minority school system, stating that quality education will desegregate schools more effectively than a court order. He discusses the difficulties in moving from a "numerical desegregation" plan to a "freedom of choice" plan and notes that the Cambridge Public School System desegregated its schools through a "freedom of choice" plan. Peterkin says that busing was necessary to desegregate the Boston school system; notes that the city had been given opportunities to explore other desegregation models; that the resistance to busing was very strong. Peterkin discusses the magnet school concept and the need to institute valuable educational programs at every school. Peterkin talks about the problems with the court-ordered desegregation plan in Boston, but says that the positive result of equal access to the schools far outweighs the negative results. Peterkin discusses the prospect of more students returning to Boston schools in the future. Peterkin says that Arthur Garrity (federal judge) should end his supervision of Boston's schools; that the Boston School Department is able to assume the responsibility of continued desegregation of the schools, but that safeguards are required to prevent a return to discriminatory practices. Peterkin discusses his perceptions of what Martin Luther King would have thought about school desegregation in Boston.
1:00:02: Visual: Meg Vaillancourt interviews Robert Peterkin (Superintendent, Cambridge Public Schools) about school desegregation in Boston. Vaillancourt asks Peterkin to review desegregation in Boston. Peterkin says that school desegregation has given minority students access to better school programs; that school desegregation opened up the Boston Public School System. Peterkin talks about partnerships between the school system and businesses and universities in the community. Peterkin mentions the cooperation between the school system and human services agencies. Peterkin says that school desegregation exposed the educational shortcomings of the system. Peterkin says that school desegregation is still a difficult issue in Boston; that white and middle-class students have abandoned the school system; that the population of the Boston schools is overwhelmingly minority. Peterkin says that the desegregation effort needs to focus on educational programs; that Robert Spillane (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) is focusing more on educational reform; that parents support the renewed focus on educational programs. Vaillancourt asks Peterkin if improvements in education are possible with a minority student population and an overwhelmingly white city government. Peterkin says that he resents the implication that educational innovation and quality are not possible in a minority school system. Peterkin notes that the school system must spend their resources wisely; that the quality of education will determine whether or not students will attend; that quality education will desegregate schools more effectively than a court order. 1:05:00: V: Vaillancourt asks Peterkin's opinion on the "freedom of choice" proposal. Peterkin says that the "freedom of choice" plan will not work until the quality of education improves in all schools across the city; that there is varying quality among the schools in Boston; that each neighborhood school needs to offer strong educational programs. Peterkin says that it will be difficult to switch from a "numerical desegregation" plan to a "freedom of choice" plan; that the "freedom of choice" plan will require an enormous leap of faith for the minority community and the court. Peterkin mentions that the Cambridge Public School System desegregated its schools through a "freedom of choice" plan. Vaillancourt asks Peterkin if busing was necessary for desegregation in Boston. Peterkin says that busing was necessary at the time; that the city had been given opportunities to explore other desegregation models; that the resistance to busing was very strong. Peterkin says that Arthur Garrity (federal judge) made efforts to improve the schools through magnet programs and partnerships with businesses; that parents are more willing to bus their children to a school with strong educational programs. Vaillancourt asks Peterkin if all schools should be follow the magnet school model. Peterkin says that there must be an effort to institute valuable educational programs in every school; that parents will send there children to schools with sound educational programs; that it is not necessary to make every school a magnet school. Vaillancourt asks about the problems with the court-ordered desegregation plan in Boston. Peterkin says that the schools were ignored recently by city officials and the community in the late 1970s and early 1980s; that many residents and city officials did not pay attention to the schools because of a fiscal crisis and low attendance; that a declining school system can adversely affect the whole city. Peterkin says that a reduced student population was a negative result of school desegregation; that the positive result of equal access to the schools far outweighs the negative result. 1:11:24: V: Vaillancourt asks Peterkin if students will return to the schools. Peterkin says that there has been a renewed commitment to the schools in the past few years; that improvements in the educational programs will prompt younger parents to consider sending their children to the Boston Public Schools. Peterkin notes that the decline in attendance has leveled off. Vaillancourt asks Peterkin if Garrity should end his supervision of the schools. Peterkin says that Garrity should end his supervision; that the Boston School Department is able to assume the responsibility of continued desegregation of the schools. Peterkin says that there need to be some safeguards in the system to prevent a return to discriminatory practices. Peterkin says that flexible guidelines must be established to guarantee the percentages of children in neighborhood schools; that educational standards must be guaranteed. Vaillancourt asks Peterkin what Martin Luther King would have thought about school desegregation in Boston. Peterkin says that King would have been disheartened by the violence and turmoil resulting from school desegregation; that King would have been encouraged by the positive changes in the system and in the city. The crew takes cutaway shots of Vaillancourt and Peterkin. Peterkin and Vaillancourt speak informally about the state of schools in Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/17/1983
Description: Exterior of Boston English High School. Interview with Boston police commissioner Joseph Jordan about how successful he thinks the third year of court-ordered desegregation will be. Interview with Headmaster of English High School Robert Peterkin on the opening of school, and English High School as a magnet school. Interview with two students, Maura and Sharon, about what they like about English High School. Interiors of the school, lockers, students in hallways, on the escalator, in the cafeteria, in the classroom.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1976
Description: Robert Spillane (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) speaks to an audience in the chambers of the Boston School Committee. He is introduced by Jean Sullivan McKeigue (President, Boston School Committee), who notes that the School Committee will vote on March 5 about whether to keep Spillane in the post of Superintendent. Spillane addresses the issues of school desegregation and school violence. Spillane says past students in Boston Public Schools had been denied a good education due to segregated schools and cynicism among educators. Spillane talks about the continued involvement of Arthur Garrity (federal judge) in the supervision of the Boston Public Schools. Spillane says that the Boston School Department must begin to take responsibility for school desegregation. Spillane reminds the audience that racial discrimination will not be tolerated in the Boston Public School system; that the climate in the schools must be improved. Spillane stresses the importance of faculty integration. Spillane talks about school discipline and the fair implementation of the disciplinary code. Spillane says that a monitoring process will assure that minority students are no longer singled out for disciplinary action. Spillane promises to establish a task force to investigate school violence. Spillane says that school desegregation will have been a failure if quality education cannot be assured. Spillane also talks about additional programs for students, teacher training, teacher evaluation and community involvement in the schools. John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) is interviewed by the media after the speech. O'Bryant says that Spillane has addressed school desegregation in a courageous manner; that he will vote for Spillane on March 5.
1:00:04: Press and members of the community are gathered in the Boston School Committee chambers. Jean Sullivan McKeigue (President, Boston School Committee) enters the room and announces that the vote on the office of school superintendent will take place on March 5. McKeigue introduces Robert Spillane (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools). Spillane enters the room and sits down. Spillane thanks McKeigue. He acknowledges the fact that the School Committee will be voting on whether to continue his superintendency. Spillane addresses the need for community involvement in Boston schools. Spillane says that he started as superintendent seven months ago; that he was aware of the social, fiscal and educational problems faced by Boston schools; that he has tried to provide constructive leadership. Spillane says that the schools are working with reduced resources; that he is trying to address the educational and social needs of nearly 60,000 students. Spillane refers to school desegregation across the nation. He says that Boston public school students had been denied a good education due to segregated schools and a cynicism among educators. Spillane says that he would like to address two problems today: school desegregation and school violence. Spillane talks about Judge Arthur Garrity's efforts to produce agreement among the parties in the Boston school desegregation case (Morgan v. Hennigan). He says that these agreements aim to secure the advances made by eight years of school desegregation; that these agreements would form the basis of a final set of court orders; that Garrity would cease to supervise the schools after these consent decrees were put in place. Spillane says that the consent decrees provide an opportunity to assess the progress made in school desegregation. Spillane reviews the state of the Boston Public School System before desegregation. Spillane says that he would like to eliminate racial inequality while improving educational quality. Spillane says that he would like to institute a long-range plan for the schools; that the plan would be presented to Garrity through the consent decree process. Spillane says that Boston schools must take responsibility for school desegregation; that equal educational opportunities must exist for all students; that the staff must be integrated as well as the students. Spillane says that the schools require strong leadership, a clear curriculum, conscientious teaching and a safe school climate. Spillane says that students must be prepared for higher education or the job market; that schools must work with parents to improve education. Spillane says that racial discrimination cannot be tolerated in and out of school; that he will not tolerate those who say that some children cannot learn. Spillane says that teachers must work hard to educate all children. Spillane says that he supports the integration of school faculty; that school staff must represent a cross-section of American society; that minority staff have been denied access to jobs in the past. Spillane says that African Americans and other minorities will be represented in key positions in the school administration. 1:10:44: Spillane says that youth violence is a problem in Boston's schools and neighborhoods. Spillane says that order must be kept in the schools; that alternative programs must be provided for all students in need of them. Spillane says that violence can stem from a lack of success in school; that school staff must help students to learn and achieve as best they can. Spillane says that fair and equitable disciplinary action must be assured; that minority students may have been singled out for disciplinary action in the past. Spillane says that he will set up a process to monitor disciplinary action and insure fair implementation of the disciplinary code. Spillane says that he will establish a task force to investigate school violence; that the task force can make recommendations on how to counter school violence. Spillane notes that students who are not taught to read and write are victims of another kind of violence; that some students are not encouraged to learn; that all students must be prepared to function as active and contributing members of society. Spillane says that desegregation will be rendered ineffective if quality education is not assured; that urban schools can make a difference in the lives of their students. Visual: Shot of a young African American boy who is fidgeting in the back of the room. Spillane says that teacher training is important. V: Jump cut in videotape. Spillane talks about alternative programs for students with special needs. V: Jump cut in videotape. Shots of audience from Spillane's perspective. Spillane says that a fair process of teacher evaluation will be implemented; that assistance and training must be given to teachers; that superior performance should be recognized and inferior performance should be addressed. V: Shot from the back of the room of Spillane addressing the audience. Spillane talks about the need for high academic standards. V: Jump cut in videotape. Spillane says that he will continue to work with the business community on employment and training programs for students. V: Jump cut in videotape. Spillane talks about the need for good vocational education programs. V: Jump cut in videotape. Spillane addresses the need for strong bilingual education programs. Spillane says that the programs must be assessed to assure that they are meeting the needs of the students. V: Jump cut in videotape. Spillane says that education must be a priority in the city; that civic leaders, parents and school administrators must work together to improve the schools; that all groups concerned about the schools must be listened to. V: Jump cut in videotape. The audience claps for Spillane. V: Jump cut in videotape. John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) is interviewed by the media. He says that he is impressed with Spillane's growth since his stormy meeting with the school committee on February 8; that he will vote for Spillane. O'Bryant says that Spillane addressed school desegregation in a courageous manner; that very few high-profile officials talk about the beneficial effects of school desegregation in Boston; that few people give Garrity credit for instituting desegregation in Boston schools. O'Bryant says that he is optimistic about Spillane's ability to do the job. The media continues to question O'Bryant.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/02/1982
Description: Profile of Robert Spillane, superintendent of Boston Public Schools as he prepares to leave Boston for a post in Virginia. Vaillancourt reports on Spillane's accomplishments in improving the Boston Public School System and cutting the school budget deficit. Interview with Spillane where he compliments the teaching staff in the Boston Public Schools and talks about his opinion of Arthur Garrity. He says that Garrity's stewardship of the school system was a disaster. Interview with Peter McCormick, the President of the Bank of New England, about Spillane's good relationship with the business community. Vaillancourt speculates about whether Spillane will one day pursue a career in politics.
1:00:21: Visual: Footage of Robert Spillane (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) speaking to an audience. Spillane says that the quality of every school must be improved in order for school desegregation to be considered a success. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Spillane took over as Superintendent of the Boston Public Schools four years ago; that Boston was undergoing school desegregation. V: Shot of a young African American boy watching an anti-busing march. White protesters chant, "Here we go, Southie." Shot of a police officer pushing an angry white man against a car. Vaillancourt reports that the quality of education was very low. Vaillancourt notes that school officials admitted that more than one-third of the graduates from Boston Public Schools could not read. V: Shots of students descending an elevator at English High School. Shot of an African American male student reading at a his desk; of two white male students sitting together in a classroom; of students in a classroom. Shots of a group of students sitting together in a study hall; of a teacher in the study hall. Vaillancourt reports that there were six superintendents during the first seven years of school desegregation in Boston. Vaillancourt reports that Spillane was committed to changing the schools in Boston. V: Shot of Spillane seating himself as he prepares to speak to an audience. The audience applauds. Vaillancourt reports that Spillane instituted the first changes to the school curriculum in fifteen years; that promotion standards were established; that students' test scores began to improve. V: Shot of two elementary school students seated in front of computers. A teacher looks over the shoulder of one of the students. Vaillancourt reports that Spillane shares credit for success with his staff. V: Footage of Spillane being interviewed. Spillane says that there is an excellent teaching staff in the Boston Public Schools. Spillane says that the rising levels of student achievement reflect the dedication of the teaching staff. Spillane says that he provided help and direction. Spillane says that he challenged the teachers by publishing the test scores of each school. Shots of Spillane in his office. Vaillancourt reports that Spillane is known as the "velvet hammer." V: Shot of a hammer with a velvet grip on display in Spillane's office. Vaillancourt reports that Spillane is credited with pushing Arthur Garrity (federal judge) aside; that Spillane allowed the Boston School Department to take charge of the schools once again. Vaillancourt notes that Garrity is slowly handing over his control of the Boston Public Schools. V: Shot of Garrity at a community meeting in January of 1976. Vaillancourt reports that Spillane has few kind words for Garrity. V: Footage of Spillane being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Spillane says that Garrity was a "disaster"; that Garrity was not a good manager of the schools. Spillane says that Garrity did what was necessary to desegregate the schools; that Garrity tried to manage the schools as well. Spillane says that a federal judge has no qualifications to manage a school system. Vaillancourt reports that Spillane considers his ability to manage the school system as his strength. Vaillancourt reports that the school budget had tripled in the decade before Spillane's arrival. Vaillancourt reports that Spillane cut the school deficit from $30 million to $3 million within one year. Vaillancourt notes that Spillane got Boston businesses involved in the schools; that Boston businesses have given over $5 million in additional funds to the schools. Vaillancourt adds that the Boston Public Schools have the largest private endowment in the nation. V: Footage of a woman introducing Spillane to an audience. Spillane rises from his seat, shakes the woman's hand and prepares to address the audience. The audience applauds. Shots of audience members. Footage of Spillane receiving an award in front of an audience. Footage of Peter McCormick (President, Bank of New England) being interviewed. McCormick says that Spillane is highly respected by the business community. McCormick says that Spillane understands the problems of the business community; that Spillane has been willing to be flexible. McCormick says that the business community responded in kind to Spillane. Vaillancourt reports that Spillane is leaving Boston for Virginia; that Spillane will make an additional $30,000 per year in his new job. Vaillancourt reports that Spillane made $70,000 per year in Boston; that his salary is considered low. V: Footage of Spillane talking with a small group of people. Spillane shakes hands with an Asian American woman. Footage of Spillane being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Spillane says that superintendents are like athletes in that they have a short span of time in which to perform well and make money. Spillane says that there is a good market for superintendents. Vaillancourt reports that some are speculating that Spillane is looking for a political appointment in Washington DC. in the future. Vaillancourt notes that Spillane is a former Deputy Commissioner of Education in New York. V: Shot of Spillane socializing with a group of people at a gathering. Footage of Spillane being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Spillane says that public service is a great opportunity; that he loves public service. Spillane says that he may enter politics in the future; that he might like to be a city councillor or school committee member someday.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/28/1985
Description: David Boeri reports that Pat Robertson, a Republican US Presidential candidate, is confident of success in the Super Tuesday primary elections. Robertson has strong support in the South. His success could threaten the campaigns of candidates in both parties, including Al Gore. Interview with Robertson, who says that he is the only conservative candidate in a position to win. Al Gore and Tipper Gore campaigning. Republican candidate Jack Kemp. Jackson campaigning in New Hampshire. Boeri reports that Jesse Jackson did well in the Iowa caucuses, and expects to do well in the New Hampshire primaries. Interview with Jackson.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Pat Robertson (Republican candidate for US President) being interviewed by David Boeri. Robertson predicts that he will place among the top three candidates in the New Hampshire Primary; that he will win every state in the Super Tuesday presidential primaries except for Missouri and Maryland. Shot of Robertson at a campaign rally. A large banner behind him reads "Americans for Robertson." The audience applauds. Footage of Robertson speaking in New Hampshire on September 25, 1987. Robertson says that a few people can change the course of the nation. Boeri reports that Robertson has always projected an air of confidence; that Robertson placed second in an upset in the Iowa caucuses. Boeri notes that Jack Kemp (Republican candidate for US President) has lost conservative votes to Robertson. V: Shots of Robertson waving to supporters; of Kemp speaking; of Robertson waving as he exits an airplane. Boeri notes that Robertson's base of support lies in the South. V: Footage of Boeri asking Robertson if he expects to be a frontrunner after the Super Tuesday primaries. Robertson says that he is the only conservative candidate who is in a position to win. Boeri reports that Robertson's success could spell trouble for Republican and Democratic candidates; that the campaign of Al Gore (Democratic candidate for US President) is centered in the South. V: Shot of Richard Gephardt (Democratic candidate for US President). Shot of Al Gore speaking to a small group of people. Tipper Gore (wife of Al Gore) sits beside him. Shots of Gore shaking hands with voters; of Al Gore and Tipper Gore exiting a building. Boeri reports that eight of fourteen Southern and border states allow crossover voting in the primary elections; that Robertson could end up with votes from conservative Democratic voters. V: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) addressing a crowd at the Mall of New Hampshire on February 16, 1988. Jackson says that "the people can win." Shots of Jackson greeting voters. Boeri reports that Jackson did well in the Iowa caucuses. V: Footage of Jackson saying that he will beat Democratic candidates Gore, Gary Hart, and Bruce Babbit in the New Hampshire primaries; that he has not spent much time or money in "Dukakis's backyard." Shot of Jackson having his photo taken in front of the fall foliage in New Hampshire in October of 1987. Jackson turns away from the photographers and enters a building. Boeri notes that Robertson and Jackson are leaving the North to return to their bases of support in the South.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/16/1988
Description: Harvard University Hasty Pudding club names actor Robin Williams Hasty Pudding Man of the Year 1989. Williams wears tassel bra and long hair wig on stage to receive ward. Reporter Jeff Strate explains qualifications for Man of the Year. Close-up of hand circling words on printed paper. Footage of Williams speaking to crowd, with award and students on stage. Strate gives brief over view of Williams's key acting roles; clips of the actor on stage and with John Lithgow (Strate says "Lithbrow") on film. Brief clip of firetrucks with sirens at venue in response to alarm before awards ceremony. Strate talking to students. Williams gives closing thanks to crowd.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/21/1989