Description: Carolyn Sawyer reports that a group of unemployed laborers are picketing the construction site of the new Post Office in Dudley Square in Roxbury. The picketers are demanding that fifty percent of the laborers on the site be residents of the Roxbury community. Press conference held by the picketers at the site. Rev. Graylan Hagler from the Church of the United Community says that the men will not go away with "crumbs." Picketers Ivan Singleton, James Gun, and Ron Nelson also speak out at the press conference. Interview with Stephen Coyle of the Boston Redevelopment Authority, who is trying to mediate the dispute. Coyle says that the community is legitimately concerned about the high rate of unemployment among residents. He adds that he expects similar protests during upcoming construction projects. Sawyer reviews the agreement concerning minority participation in the construction project.
1:00:37: Visual: Footage of Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) speaking at a press conference held at the construction site of the new Post Office in Dudley Square. A group of African American men stand behind Ellis-Hagler. Ellis-Hagler says that he and the men will not go away with "crumbs." Ellis-Hagler says that if his men do not work, then nobody works. Shots of the Post Office construction site in Dudley Square. Carolyn Sawyer reports that no one has worked at the Post Office construction site since last Friday. Sawyer reports that picketers have refused to be moved. V: Footage of Ivan Singleton (unemployed laborer) speaking at the press conference. Singleton says that he lives in the community; that laborers on the construction site are coming in from outside of the community. Singleton says that he wants to work on the site. Footage of James Gun (unemployed laborer) speaking at the press conference. Gun says that unemployed laborers in the community are not working on any of the construction jobs in the community. Shot of the Post Office construction site. Sawyer reports that the workers want the fifty percent of the laborers on the site to be residents of the Roxbury community. Sawyer notes that federal law requires minority participation to be ten percent. Sawyer reports that the Post Office has agreed to hire 30% of the work force from the community. V: Shot of a Post Office building in the city. Footage of Stephen Coyle (Boston Redevelopment Authority) being interviewed in his office. Coyle says that the Post Office has satisfied the law and made an agreement with the community. Coyle says that the community is not satisfied. Coyle says that the Post Office and the community appear to be on a collision course. Sawyer reports that Coyle is charged with keeping the project on schedule; that the project is due to be completed next August. Sawyer notes that Coyle met separately today with Suffolk Construction (general contractor of the construction site), with Post Office officials and with Roxbury residents. V: Footage of Coyle being interviewed by Sawyer. Coyle says that the community has legitimate concerns; that unemployment rates are high. Sawyer reports that he expects more of these kinds of disputes in the future. V: Footage of Coyle being interviewed by Sawyer. Coyle says that there will be more tension surrounding upcoming construction projects; that there are not enough jobs and contracts for everyone. Coyle says that he hopes the public sector will engage in more capital projects in the future; that an increase in capital projects would ease the tension. Sawyer reports that government budgets are tight; that more capital projects appear unlikely. V: Shots of the Post Office construction site; of an African American man at the press conference. Footage of Ron Nelson (unemployed carpenter) at the press conference. Nelson says that laborers are coming in from outside to take food from the mouths of community residents. Nelson says that money from the construction is not circulating in the community. Nelson says that the unemployed laborers will continue to picket until they are allowed to work.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/21/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the street violence that resulted in the accidental shooting of Darlene Tiffany Moore (eleven-year-old Roxbury resident). Vaillancourt interviews Maleka Few (Roxbury resident, age twelve) and Jessica Moore (Roxbury resident, age 10). The girls are afraid of the violence that resulted in Tiffany Moore's death. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury residents went to City Hall to ask for more police protection in the neighborhood. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Roxbury community leaders at a press conference. Amanda Houston (Roxbury resident), Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council), and Louis Elisa (Roxbury resident) talk about the need for more police on the streets. Vaillancourt reports the Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has put more police on the streets and has pledged a full investigation of Moore's shooting. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) and Flynn at a press conference. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury is experiencing its worst violence in twenty years. She notes that city and state officials gathered at a press conference to discuss the problem. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of the press conference in Roxbury with Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston), Royal Bolling, Sr. (former State Senator), and John Kerry (US Senator). Roache blames drug traffic for the violence. Kerry criticizes the ineffectual drug policy and social programs of the Reagan administration. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of police officers stopping African American men on the streets of Roxbury.
1:00:26: Visual: Footage of Maleka Few (Roxbury resident, age 12) saying that she thinks it might happen to her next. Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article with a headline reading, "Police vow to capture girl's killers." A photo of Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident, age 11) accompanies the article. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Moore was sitting outside on Humboldt Avenue in Roxbury when she was killed by a stray bullet; that Moore was the unintentional victim of a war between two rival gangs. V: Shot of a Humboldt Avenue in Roxbury. Footage of Few saying that the gang members were not shooting at Moore; that Moore was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Few says that she does not want to go out to the store with her mother anymore. Footage of Jessica Moore (Roxbury resident, age 10) saying that she used to sit in the same place on Humboldt Street. Shots of African American girls standing on a street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury parents went to City Hall today to ask for more police protection. V: Footage of Amanda Houston (Roxbury resident) saying that she is a "gutsy lady;" that she is starting to feel frightened. Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking to the press. Bolling says that there is open warfare going on in the city. Shot of media camera crews. Footage of Louis Elisa (Roxbury resident) saying that Roxbury residents pay their taxes; that Roxbury citizens are demanding equal protection under the law. Vaillancourt reports that forty extra police officers are patrolling Humboldt Avenue; that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has pledged a full investigation of the shooting. V: Shot of two police officers patrolling a street. Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) speaking to the press. Flynn stands beside him. Celester says that the community has been providing information about the shooting to police; that the police are investigating suspects. Footage of two white police officers stopping an African American man to search him. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury is experiencing its worst violence in twenty years. V: Footage of Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) speaking at press conference in Roxbury. John Kerry (US Senator) and Royal Bolling Sr. (State Senator) are among the crowd standing with Roache. Roache says that drugs equal violence. Shots of the press at the press conference. Vaillancourt notes that Kerry visited Roxbury today to talk to residents about the drug problem. V: Footage of Kerry saying that the government cannot ask kids in Roxbury to say no to drugs if the Reagan administration cannot say no to General Manuel Noriega (leader of Panama). Kerry says that the drug policy of the Reagan administration is hypocritical and ineffective; that the administration's policy is contributing to the drug problem. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury residents are calling for drastic measures to fight violence; that some curfews, night-court sessions, and the National Guard have all been suggested. V: Footage of Kerry saying that the presence of the National Guard will not solve the drug problem; that overcrowded prisons, an inadequate school system, and a lack of treatment centers are all contributing to the drug problem. Shot of two white police officers talking to an African American teenage boy on a street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury residents want increased aid on all levels. Vaillancourt notes that residents are worried that the situation will not improve after Moore's killer is found. V: Shot of a cameraman filming a man in a business suit on the street; of Humboldt Avenue in Roxbury.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/22/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Roxbury community leaders met behind closed doors to draw up a plan to deal with the growing problem of gang violence in the community. Jones reports on the recent deaths of Roxbury residents Darlene Tiffany Moore and Richard Bailey. Jones' report includes photos of Bailey and Moore. Four suspects in the Bailey murder, including Shango Dilday, Demetrius Dunston, and Emmett Snow, were arraigned today in Roxbury District Court. Interview with Barry Snow (uncle of Emmett Snow) about the arraignment. Police have arrested Roxbury resident Shawn Drumgold and another suspect in connection with Moore's death. Information from the community led to Drumgold's arrest. Press conference with Police Commissioner Francis "Mickey" Roache, who says that police are working with members of the community to solve crimes. Interview with Roxbury resident Terrence Kelley about the increase in violence. City Councilor Bruce Bolling speaks to the press.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) and Gloria Fox (State Representative) entering a building. Members of the press remain outside. Marcus Jones reports that Roxbury leaders met behind closed doors to draw up a plan to deal with the growing problem of gang violence. V: Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article a headline reading, "Police vow to capture girl's killers." The article features a photo of Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident and shooting victim). Jones reports that two Roxbury youngsters have been killed in less than two weeks; that Moore was killed in the crossfire of two warring drug gangs on August 19. V: Shot of the Humboldt Street location where Moore was killed. Jones reports that Richard Bailey (Roxbury resident, age 14) was stabbed to death by a rival gang member over the past weekend. V: Shot of a color photo of Bailey. Jones stands on the corner of Copeland Street in Roxbury. Jones reports that Bailey was one of several gang members being chased by a rival gang; that Bailey was caught and stabbed by the rival gang member. Jones reports that four suspects in the Bailey murder were arraigned today in Roxbury District Court. V: Shot of Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) approaching the podium at a press conference. William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) and another man stand stand behind him. Footage of a lawyer at the arraignment of the suspect. The lawyer addresses the judge, saying that the government does not have a case against his client. Shots of Clarence Dilday (father of Shango Dilday) in the audience of the courtroom; of Barry Snow (uncle of Emmett Snow) in the audience of the courtroom; of other audience members. Jones reports that a 14-year-old juvenile was arraigned in court today; that Shango Dilday (Roxbury resident), Demetrius Dunston (Roxbury resident) and Emmett Snow (Roxbury resident) were also arraigned. V: Footage of Barry Snow saying that he brought Emmett Snow to court today so that the situation could be straightened out. Shot of Shawn Drumgold (Roxbury resident) in Roxbury District Court. Jones reports that police have arrested Drumgold and another suspect in connection with the Moore shooting; that police arrested Drumgold in court where he was being arraigned on a heroin charge. [Shot of Drumgold in Roxbury District Court. Jones reports that the information from the community aided police in making Drumgold's arrest. V: Footage of Roache at a press conference. Roache says that he has spoken to members of the Roxbury community; that members of the community are willing to do whatever they can to help police. Footage of Jones interviewing Terrence Kelley (Roxbury resident) on the street. Jones asks Kelley if there will be an end to the violence. Kelley says that the violence may only be at its beginning. Shot of Jones stands with other members of the media outside of the building in which Roxbury community leaders are meeting. Jones reports that today's meeting is a signal that Roxbury leaders are serious about ending the violence. V: Footage of Bolling speaking to the press outside of the building. Bolling says that community leaders are going to work together to get rid of the negative elements in the community. Shot of Copeland Street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/29/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that State Rep. Byron Rushing and Republican candidate Mike Duffy are competing for the state representative seat in the ninth Suffolk District. Interviews with both Rushing and Duffy. Rushing accuses Duffy of lying about Rushing's political record. Rushing says that Duffy cannot find issues on which to challenge him. Duffy says that Rushing is arrogant and out of touch with his constituents. Duffy calls Rushing presumptuous for declaring himself "the lesbian and gay candidate." Duffy is openly gay in a district with a high percentage of gay and lesbian voters. Rushing has been endorsed by several gay and lesbian activists. He adds that lesbian and gay voters may decide the race. Jones reviews the candidates' positions on the issues. Jones notes that Rushing must prove himself to voters. He adds that there is hostility toward incumbents on the part of many voters during this election season. Jones report is accompanied by footage of both candidates campaigning and by footage of both candidates at their campaign headquarters. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Winnie Mandela speaks at the Twelfth Baptist Church
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) campaigning in the street. Rushing speaks to an African American man and an African American woman who are seated on the front steps of a building. Shot of Rushing shaking hands with an African American man and a white woman on the street. Marcus Jones reports that Democrats outnumber Republicans ten to one in Rushing's district. Jones notes that Rushing is campaigning hard against Mike Duffy (Republican candidate for state representative) in the Ninth Suffolk District. Jones notes that Duffy is a twenty-seven year old Republican. V: Shot of Duffy working at a desk. Duffy answers the telephone. Footage of Rushing being interviewed on the street. Rushing says that he is taking the campaign seriously. Rushing accuses Duffy of lying about Rushing's political record. Rushing says that Duffy is waging a "dirty campaign." Rushing says that Duffy does not deserve to get any votes. Footage of Rushing campaigning on the street. Rushing shakes hands with an African American woman on the street. A Rushing supporter stands nearby, holding a campaign sign. Rushing approaches a white woman on the street. He shakes her hand. Jones reports that the Ninth Suffolk District includes parts of the South End, the Fenway, Back Bay, and lower Roxbury. Jones reports that the race may be decided by lesbian and gay voters in the district. Jones reports that Duffy has been going door-to-door in order to introduce himself to voters. Jones notes that Duffy has never denied his homosexuality. Jones reports that Duffy believes that his homosexuality may give him an advantage. Jones adds that the district has a high concentration of gays and lesbians. Jones reports that Duffy proposes to increase the government's role in the fight against AIDS. V: Footage of Duffy knocking on the door of a housing development building. Duffy enters the building and climbs the stairs. Duffy knocks on an apartment door. Footage of Duffy being interviewed. Duffy says that the state government needs to do more to fight AIDS. Jones reports that Rushing is not conceding the lesbian and gay vote to Duffy. Jones reports that Rushing is not gay; that Rushing has been endorsed by several lesbian and gay activists. V: Shot of Rushing in his office with a campaign worker. Shots of Rushing's campaign literature; of a campaign flyer which reads, "Rushing is the lesbian and gay candidate." Footage of Rushing being interviewed on the street. Rushing says that most of his lesbian and gay constituents support him. Rushing says that he wanted his campaign literature was prepared by lesbian and gay supporters. Rushing says that he wants his campaign literature to focus on his support in the gay and lesbian community. Footage of Duffy being interviewed by Jones. Duffy says that Rushing's campaign literature is offensive; that Rushing should not call himself the "gay and lesbian candidate." Duffy says that it is unthinkable for a candidate who is not African American to run as the African American candidate. Duffy says that Rushing is presumptuous; that Rushing's campaign is offensive and demeaning. Jones reports that the two candidates differ on issues of affordable housing, crime prevention, and the budget. Jones notes that both candidates oppose the tax-rollback petition. V: Shot of Duffy and a group of campaign workers folding campaign literature. Shot of a campaign sign opposing the tax rollback; of a campaign sign for William Weld (Republican candidate for governor of Massachusetts) and Paul Cellucci (Republican candidate for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts). Jones reports that Duffy has accused Rushing of being out of touch with the people who have elected him. Jones notes that Rushing may be vulnerable to attacks on that issue. Jones adds that there seems to be hostility toward incumbents during this election season. V: Shot of Rushing waving to cars passing by on the street. Footage of Duffy being interviewed by Jones. Duffy says that voters harbor a great degree of resentment toward Rushing. Duffy says that Rushing is arrogant; that Rushing has not been there for his constituents. Footage of Rushing being interviewed. Rushing says that Duffy cannot find an issue on which to disagree with him. Rushing says that Duffy is now lying about Rushing's record. Jones stands on a street in the Ninth Suffolk District. Jones reports that the Ninth Suffolk District is evolving socially; that the district may be evolving politically. Jones notes that Rushing must prove to voters that he is still in touch with them.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/22/1990
Description: IBM film on computer software that produces words on the screen by human speech recognition. Two speakers using technology to write memos. Demonstration of several features, like adding new words to the dictionary and editing previously written memos.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/01/1984
Description: Carmen Fields reports that Captain William Pinkney is on a solo quest to sail around the five great capes of the world. Pinkney has already rounded three of the capes and children from around the world are tracking his voyages. Interview with Pinkney, who talks about his next voyage around Cape Horn. He says that he wants children from disadvantaged backgrounds to realize that it is possible to achieve one's goals through hard work and determination. Fields' report includes photos of Pinkney on his boat, footage of Pinkney addressing a group of people and footage from Pinkney's video logs of his journey.
0:59:24: Visual: Footage shot from a boat of rough seas. Footage of Captain William Pinkney (sailor) addressing a group of people. Pinkney says that he was told at age fourteen or fifteen that he had a bleak future. Pinkney says that he was told that he would probably be dead at age twenty from drugs or violent crime. Pinkney says that he was told that he would probably be incarcerated if he was not already dead. Shot from a boat of a sunset over the ocean. Footage taken by William Pinkney of his boat sailing into a harbor. Footage of Pinkney addressing the group. Pinkney says that his seventh grade teacher taught him not to believe what he was told. Carmen Fields reports that Pinkney set out from Charlestown Navy Yard on a boat last August; that Pinkney is on a quest to visit the five great capes of the world on his boat. Field reports that Pinkney has already rounded the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Leeuwin of Australia and the South East Cape under Tasmania. V: Shots of color photos of Pinkney in his boat. Footage of Pinkney being interviewed by Fields. Pinkney says that he has covered 14,000 miles so far; that he will wait out the winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Pinkney says that it is iceberg season in the Southern Hemisphere. Pinkney says that his next voyage will be from Hobart, Tasmania to Cape Horn. Fields reports that children from around the world are tracking Pinkney's voyage; that Pinkney is making the voyage in order to set an example for young people. V: Footage taken by Pinkney of a group of schoolchildren in Tasmania. The schoolchildren wave and say, "Hello America." Footage of Pinkney being interviewed by Fields. Pinkney says that a dream can become a goal through hard work. Pinkney says that the goal can become a reality if a person is willing to pay the price to succeed. Pinkney says that children from disadvantaged backgrounds, and other children, must learn that it is possible to achieve their goals and dreams. Fields reports that Pinkney's 47 foot boat is computer-equipped; that Pinkney was able to repair his own steering device at sea. V: Shots of the computer on Pinkney's boat; of rough seas surrounding Pinkney's boat. Fields reports that Pinkney believes that sailors must be resourceful when they are out at sea. V: Footage of Pinkney being interviewed. Pinkney says that his voyage taught him that the present time is what counts. Pinkney says that he never saw any media coverage of the Gulf War while at sea; that he was focused on his journey. Footage from Pinkney's video log from September 8, 1990. Shot of a sunrise near Bermuda. Fields reports that Pinkney will attempt to round Cape Horn next; that Cape Horn is one of the most difficult stretches of water in the world. V: Footage of Pinkney being interviewed. Pinkney says that Cape Horn is "the graveyard of ships"; that many clipper ships were lost there. Pinkney says that Cape Horn is a challenge for all sailors. Pinkney says that he looks forward to the challenge. Pinkney says that he is confident that he will do it.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/22/1991
Description: St. Patrick's Day Lunch at Boys and Girls Club of Boston in South Boston. State Senator William Bulger speaks to the audience and tells jokes. Bulger sings Irish ballad "The Wearing of the Green." Tom McGee is on stage.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/08/1984
Description: Ray Flynn, William Bulger, Thomas McGee, Joseph Casper, Jim Kelly, and Mike Flannery at Annual Saint Patrick's Day Lunch at the Boys and Girls Club of Boston, in South Boston. People eating at tables. People speaking to the crowd, telling anecdotes and jokes, and discussing drug and alcohol problems in South Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/08/1984
Description: Christopher Lydon interviews Sarah Small, who runs the Protestant Ministry at the University of Massachusetts Boston campus. Lydon and Small pray together before the interview. Small talks about her admiration for Martin Luther King, Jr. and her involvement in the civil rights movement. She says that she learned a lot about herself after spending time in jail for participation in the civil rights movement. Small talks about her commitment to helping those in need. She comments on the status of African Americans in US society. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Banks agree to improve access to banking services in low-income neighborhoods and Julian Bond at Harvard University
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Sarah Small (United Campus Ministries) being interviewed by Christopher Lydon at Packard Manse in Roxbury. Lydon reports that Small runs the Protestant Ministry at the University of Massachusetts Boston campus. Lydon says that Small grew up in rural North Carolina; that Small is a devout Christian. Lydon reports that their interview began with a prayer. V: Footage of Small and Lydon praying together as they hold hands. Footage of Small saying that she has always had great faith in God. Small says that she has always seen great leaders as humans. Small tells a story about how she refused to stand up for Lyndon Johnson (former US President), saying that she only stands up for Jesus. Small talks about how much she loved and admired Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Small says that King was a leader who was led by the holy spirit. Small says that King knew he had a limited time to accomplish his goals. Lydon reports that Small found her political and spiritual direction when she was in jail in the 1960s. V: Footage of Smalls being interviewed by Lydon. Small says that she ended up in jail a lot; that jail became a restful haven for her. Small says that she is thankful for having gone to jail. Small says that she overcame many fears through going to jail and through her participation in the civil rights movement. Small says that she realized that she is free to do what she wants and to not do what she does not want. Lydon reports that Small often played music for the crowds before King's speeches. Lydon notes that Small's front door at the Packard Manse is always open. V: Shots of Small playing the piano and singing; of three children clapping along with the music. Footage of Small talking about helping the less fortunate. Small says that she feeds and shelters those in need. Small says that she is not afraid to keep her door open, despite the violence on the streets. Small says that she does not own anything that she would not give away to someone else. Lydon reports that Small believes that people need to realize the complexity of real equality. V: Footage of Small being interviewed by Lydon. Small says that African American children learn things twice. Small says that African American culture is different from white culture; that African American children need to learn both cultures. Small says that African American children are not given credit for learning both cultures. Small says that one group of people should not be able to determine cultural standards. Small compares American culture to a vegetable soup. Small says that African Americans are the untapped resource of the US.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1990
Description: Hope Kelly reports that John Sasso, the former Chairman of Michael Dukakis' 1988 campaign, addressed members of the World Trade Club and spoke about the campaign. Sasso spoke about the Democratic Party, the role of Jesse Jackson, and the failure of the Dukakis campaign to win over voters. Sasso talks about the need for the Democratic Party to recognize Jackson's leadership. He also says that negative political advertising was not the reason for Dukakis's defeat. Kelly reviews Sasso's career and his role in the 1988 presidential campaign. She reviews Sasso's resignation from and return to the Dukakis campaign. Kelly's report includes footage of Dukakis and Jackson at the 1988 Democratic National Convention and footage of Sasso during the 1988 presidential campaign.
0:59:07: Visual: Footage of John Sasso (former chairman, 1988 Dukakis campaign) saying that he and Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) are taking the time to reflect on the successes and failures of the campaign. Hope Kelly says that Sasso has been taking stock of the 1988 Dukakis campaign. V: Footage of Sasso addressing the World Trade Club. Sasso talks about the need to identify the lessons to be learned from the 1988 campaign. Kelly reports that Sasso says that the Democratic Party needs to recognize the role of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader). V: Shots of Jackson addressing a campaign rally; of Jackson greeting supporters in the street; of Jackson hugging a supporter. Footage of Sasso speaking at the World Trade Club. Sasso says that Jackson has "an original mind;" that Jackson is a "gifted motivator." Sasso says that the Democratic Party needs to find the courage and skill to relate properly to Jackson. Sasso says that Jackson will trouble the Democratic Party until they recognize his role. Shot of Jackson, Jaqueline Jackson (wife of Jackson), Dukakis, and Kitty Dukakis (wife of Dukakis) sitting together at an event in July, 1988. Shots of Dukakis; of Jackson. Audio of Sasso saying that Democratic Party leaders need to get organized to do a better job. Footage of Sasso saying that he does not agree with those who say that negative advertising played a big role in Dukakis's defeat. Kelly reports that Sasso believes that there was a fundamental failure on the part of the Dukakis campaign. V: Shots of the audience at the World Trade Club luncheon. Sasso says that the Dukakis campaign failed to make voters realize the need for a change in leadership. Kelly reports that Sasso reflected on the state of the Democratic Party; that Sasso made no reference to the personal feelings of himself or Dukakis. V: Shot of Dukakis speaking. Sasso stands at his side. Kelly reviews Sasso's role in the Dukakis campaign, including his resignation in September of 1987. V: Footage of a CBS news report from September of 1987. Dan Rather reports that the Dukakis campaign was responsible for damaging revelations about Joseph Biden (US Senator). Dukakis speaks from a podium. Dukakis acknowledges that Sasso provided tapes about Biden to the New York Times. Sasso appears at press conference to resign. Kelly notes that Sasso had also worked on the campaign of Geraldine Ferraro (former US vice-presidential candidate). V: Footage of Ferraro at a campaign rally. Shots of Dukakis and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) sitting in the audience. Sasso whispers in Dukakis' ear, then moves away. Kelly reports that Sasso rejoined the Dukakis campaign after an 11-month absence. V: Footage of Sasso at a gathering. A woman says "Welcome home" to Sasso. Footage of Sasso speaking to the media after his speech at the World Trade Club. Sasso says that his absence from the campaign had nothing to do with Dukakis's loss.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/19/1989