Description: Marcus Jones reports on school desegregation in Lynn, Massachusetts. Jones notes that an influx of immigrants and a change in housing patterns have tipped the racial balance in the public schools. Jones adds that Lynn made an attempt at school desegregation in the early 1980s by designating certain schools as magnet schools. Jones reviews that racial breakdown of the student population in Lynn Public Schools and in specific schools in the city. Jones interviews Clarence Jones (President, Lynn chapter of the NAACP), Albert DiVirgilio (Mayor of Lynn), Alexander Tennant (candidate for mayor of Lynn), James Leonard (Principal, Washington Community School), Robert Gerardi (Superintendent, Lynn Public Schools), and Michael Alves (Massachusetts Board of Education) about school desegregation in Lynn. Jones notes that there is some opposition from parents who want their children to attend neighborhood schools. Jones interviews parents Kathleen Sherkanowski and Rose McCusker. Jones reports that the State Board of Education has ordered the Lynn School Committee to implement a plan without delay. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Hope Kelly reports on school desegregation in Lowell
1:00:03: Visual: Shots of downtown Lynn; of shoppers in downtown Lynn; of traffic in downtown Lynn. Marcus Jones reports that Lynn has a population of 78,000; that housing patterns and an influx of immigrants have tipped the racial balance in public schools; that school desegregation has become an issue in the city. V: Shots of Boston Harbor; of Harvard Square; of students in Lowell; of a condominium building; of children boarding a school bus. Footage of Kathleen Sherkanowski (Lynn parent) saying that she wants her son to attend his neighborhood school. Footage of Clarence Jones (President, Lynn chapter of the NAACP) saying that the courts will need to take over the school system if the city of Lynn does not desegregate its schools. Footage of Alexander Tennant (candidate for mayor of Lynn) saying that Lynn is "one step away from receivership." Footage of Jones interviewing Albert DiVirgilio (Mayor of Lynn). DiVirgilio says that he will not let the desegregation issue tear apart the community; that he will work closely with all members of the community. Jones reports that DiVirgilio serves as Mayor of Lynn and as Chairman of the Lynn School Committee; that DiVirgilio taught in the Lynn School System for fourteen years. Jones notes that DiVirgilio was his student government advisor during Jones' own high school years. V: Shots of African American students exiting a bus in front of South Boston High School. Jones stands among a group of schoolchildren in the schoolyard of the Washington Community School. Jones notes that he was a student at the Washington Community School; that there were more white students than African American students when he attended the school. Jones adds that the student population at the Washington Community School in 1987 is 51% non-white; that the school has been classified as "racially isolated." V: Shots of students in a classroom at the Washington Community School. Jones reports that the Washington Community School has been racially imbalanced for almost ten years. Jones notes that James Leonard (Principal, Washington Community School) helped to coordinate Lynn's first attempt at school desegregation in the early 1980s. Jones adds that the Washington Community School was made into a magnet school in the early 1980s; that white students were to be bused voluntarily to the school. V: Shots of Tony Marino (former Mayor of Lynn) addressing a crowd; of the exterior of the Washington Community School. Footage of Jones interviewing Leonard. Leonard says that it is important to improve the quality of education in Lynn Public Schools. Footage of Marcus Jones interviewing Clarence Jones. Clarence Jones says that many minority parents are sending their children to private schools. Clarence Jones says that the Washington Community School is underfunded; that the school is a "disaster." Marcus Jones notes that Clarence Jones is his father. V: Shot of children playing outside of a school in Lynn. Jones notes that minority enrollment in Lynn Public Schools has doubled since 1981; that the population of Lynn Public Schools is currently 26% non-white. Jones notes that white enrollment has declined by 3,000 students. V: Shots of minority students in a classroom; of the exterior of the Washington Community School; of the exterior of the Ingalls Elementary School; of the exterior of the Connery Elementary School; of the exterior of the Harrington Elementary School. Jones notes that minority enrollment is over 50% in four elementary schools; that minority enrollment is 57% at the Harrington Elementary School. V: Shots of the exterior of Cobbet Elementary School; of the exterior of Eastern Junior High School; of students outside of Lynn Classical High School. Jones notes that Cobbet Elementary School, Eastern Junior High School and Lynn Classical High School have student populations which nearly qualify as racially imbalanced. Jones notes that a minority population above 36% classifies a school as racially imbalanced. Jones reports that eight of the city's schools are "majority isolated"; that the Sisson Elementary School had a 3% minority population last year; that the school has a minority population of 8% this year. V: Shots of mostly white students in a classroom at the Sisson Elementary School; of the students listening to a record on a turntable. Footage of Robert Gerardi (Superintendent, Lynn Public Schools) saying that most Lynn parents do not have a problem with school desegregation; that the parents want to maintain neighborhood schools. Footage of Rose McCusker (Lynn parent) saying that she does not want her children bused from their neighborhood. Shots of a racially integrated classroom in Lynn. Jones reports that the Lynn School Committee has issued its second desegregation plan in two years; that the State Board of Education has ordered the city of Lynn to implement its plan without delay. V: Shots of a white teacher in a Lynn classroom; of students in a school hallway; of students exiting a schoolbus. Footage of Michael Alves (Massachusetts Board of Education) saying that school desegregation should be resolved on the local level; that Boston spent fifteen years dealing with federal court orders on school desegregation. Footage of Clarence Jones saying that quality education is more important than racial confrontation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/23/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Boston School Department has called the Lee Elementary School a model of a successfully integrated elementary school. Jones notes that test scores are improving at the school. He adds that there is a good relationship between school faculty and parents. Jones reviews the racial breakdown of the student population. Jones interviews Arthur Foster (Acting Principal, Lee School) and Jack Flynn (Lee School official) about the success at the school. Jones' report includes footage of students in racially integrated classrooms at the school. Jones interviews students and teachers at the school about school desegregation. Jones reports that the US Circuit Court of Appeals has declared that school integration is complete in Boston. He adds that the Lee School is an exception and that some schools have not been successfully integrated. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: David Boeri reports on integration at the Marshall Elementary School Marshall Elementary School is still segregated
1:00:06: Visual: Footage of a white teacher doing a lesson with a racially integrated class at the Joseph Lee School in Dorchester. Shots of individual students in the classroom. Marcus Jones reports that the Boston School Department calls the Lee School a "model" of how school desegregation should work. Jones notes that the US Circuit Court of Appeals has declared yesterday that school integration is complete in Boston. Jones notes that the population of the Lee School is 60% African American, 28% white and 12% other minorities. V: Shots of an African American female student; of a white male student; of an African American male student; of a white teacher at the chalkboard. Footage of Jones asking a white male student if he knows what desegregation is. The student says no. Footage of an African American female student saying she does not really know why some students are bused in from other parts of the city. Footage of Arthur Foster (Acting Principal, Joseph Lee School) saying that the students are learning and that the students get along well. Footage of a white teacher teaching to a racially integrated class. Jones reports that test scores are improving at the school; that there is a good relationship between the faculty and parents; that white parents are eager to send their children to the Lee School. V: Footage of a white male student saying that he likes the school; that there are students of all races in the school. Footage of Jack Flynn (Lee School official) saying that white parents are willing to have their children bused to the Lee School. Jones notes that school officials hope that yesterday's court decision will not bring changes for the school. V: Footage of a white female teacher saying that she hopes the city has matured; that she hopes the city can move beyond the court order. Footage of Flynn saying that the Lee School is an exception; that the School Department needs to make desegregation work better across the city. Jones notes that the court decided that the Boston Public Schools were as desegrated as possible; that some schools are more segregated now than they were before the court order. V: Shots of a classroom at the Lee School.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/29/1987
Description: The Boston School Committee holds a meeting in the School Committee chambers. Members of the School Committee discuss school business. John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) reports on the need for school repairs; Robert Spillane (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) reports on staffing issues. Sharon Stevens (WGBH reporter) interviews Kathleen Kelly (President, Boston Teachers Union) about a proposed school choice plan. Kelly says that many parents support a school choice plan because the current system allows little flexibility. Kelly says that the school choice plan must be considered carefully to prevent a return to segregated schools. Stevens interviews O'Bryant about the proposed school choice plan. O'Bryant says that the plan promotes greater access to schools across the city; that the current system is archaic and inflexible. Stevens interviews Barbara Gray (parent) about the proposed school choice plan. Gray says that parents should be allowed to choose a school with programs suited to the needs of their children. Gray says that the schools need to be improved; that the Boston Public Schools are not truly integrated because there are few white students. Stevens has extended conversations with interviewees while cutaways are shot. Takes of Stevens doing standup about supporters of the school choice plan working on an official proposal for the end of the month. The audio quality on this tape is uneven.
1:00:12: Visual: A Boston School Committee meeting is held in the chambers of the Boston School Committee. School committee members Jean McGuire, John O'Bryant, Jean Sullivan McKeigue, Kevin McCluskey, and Rita Walsh Tomasini are seated at the front of the room. Robert Spillane (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) sits at the front with the members of the School Committee. Community members and the press are seated in the audience. O'Bryant talks about the need for $40 million to make school repairs. He says that the mayor, the Boston City Council, and the community must be made aware of the money needed for repairs. Shots of the various committee members. McKeigue agrees that school repairs are needed. A vote is taken on approving a draft of a letter to the mayor and the Boston City Council. O'Bryant thanks Spillane for his report. O'Bryant asks Spillane a question about staffing. Spillane says that more staff is needed before instituting a certain program. Audio is muffled. Shots of Sharon Stevens (WGBH reporter); of members of the audience; of the stenographer; of the committee; of the audience. The committee members discuss school business. Audio remains muffled. Shot of the committee members from the perspective of the audience. 1:05:10: Visual: Spillane talks about setting objectives for the school Social Studies programs. Shots of the committee members; of the audience. Audio is muffled. The committee members take a vote. Committee members discuss school contract issues. Shot of Stevens; of Kathleen Kelly (President, Boston Teachers Union) speaking to another audience member; of audience members. 1:08:15: V: Stevens sets up an interview with Kelly. Stevens asks Kelly about a "freedom of choice" proposal supported by some African American parents. Kelly says that she has not yet seen the proposal; that many African American and white parents support a "freedom of choice" plan because the geocode system allows little flexibility; that parents are more interested in good education than racial statistics. Kelly says that a control mechanism must be put in place to prevent a return to segregated schools; that the plan must be given careful thought. Kelly says that the choice of educational programs is more important than the choice of school location. Stevens asks Kelly if busing is "almost dead." Kelly says that busing is no longer the only remedy for Boston schools; that busing can serve as a tool to further the goals of desegregation and educational quality. The crew takes cutaway shots of Stevens and Kelly. Stevens and Kelly speak informally. 1:12:36: V: Stevens sets up an interview with O'Bryant. Stevens asks for O'Bryant's opinion of the "freedom of choice" proposal. O'Bryant says that parents are trying to reform the rigid geocode system; that students have been denied access to schools because of the geocode system. O'Bryant mentions students who have been denied access to the Trotter School. O'Bryant says that the parents are asking for more accessibility to the schools; that the "freedom of choice" proposal has been made into a bigger issue than it should be. O'Bryant says that the geocode system assigns students to schools based upon their residence; that the geocode system is archaic and inflexible; that the geocode system must be addressed in the consent decrees put forth by the court; that leaving the geocode system in place would have "disastrous" consequences. Stevens asks O'Bryant about NAACP intervention in the court case, and NAACP opposition to the "freedom of choice" plan. O'Bryant says that there is a lack of communication between the NAACP and supporters of the plan; that supporters of the plan want greater access to the schools. Stevens asks if the "freedom of choice" plan could result in a return to segregated schools. O'Bryant says that schools in Boston are already segregated because white parents refuse to send their children to most schools located in African American communities; that African American parents want greater access to quality schools all over the city. The crew takes cutaway shots of Stevens and O'Bryant. O'Bryant says again that the "freedom of choice" plan does not represent a return to segregated schools. 1:16:13: V: Stevens sets up an interview with Barbara Gray (parent), who supports the "freedom of choice" plan. Gray says that the supporters of the plan want greater access to all of the schools; that supporters of the plan want an end to the rigid geocode system. Gray explains that the geocode system assigns children to schools according to address and race. Gray says that all of Boston schools need to have high standards; that the each of the schools should have different programs designed to suit specific needs; that students should be able to choose a school whose programs suit their needs. Gray says that education needs to be improved so that all of the schools are equally competitive and able to provide a good education. Stevens asks if the "freedom of choice" plan could result in a return to segregated schools. Gray says that she does not want to go back to segregated schools; that true integration does not exist in Boston because there are not enough white students in the school system; that white students might return to the system if the schools are reformed. The crew takes cutaway shots of Stevens and Gray. Gray says that parents want more control over the education of their children. 1:19:59: V: Stevens records the closing segment of the story from outside of the headquarters of the Boston School Committee. She reports that the supporters of the "freedom of choice" plan are working on an official proposal for the end of the month; that the Massachusetts State Board of Education will propose an end to court intervention in the Boston School System. Stevens does two more takes of the closing segment.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/08/1982
Description: Upon his release, Carmen Fields interviews South African exiles Themba Vilakazi and Janet Levine about the life and political development of Nelson Mandela. Vilakazi and Levine discuss Mandela's beginnings as a lawyer, his arrest and imprisonment, and his refusal to renounce armed struggle as a means to end apartheid. They talk about the importance of Mandela as a symbol. Levine talks about Winnie Mandela and her role in the struggle against apartheid. Vilakazi says that apartheid laws are still in place and that black South Africans are still struggling against the white regime. Fields notes that the figure of Nelson Mandela embodies the struggle of a nation. Fields's report includes footage and photographs of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela from the 1950s to the present and footage of events in South Africa from the 1950s to the present.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Nelson Mandela (black South African leader) in South Africa after his release from prison. Mandela waves to supporters. Shots of a large demonstration in a South African stadium on February 13, 1990; of Mandela arriving at the demonstration. Footage of Themba Vilakazi (South African exile) being interviewed by Carmen Fields. Vilakazi says that he would not have predicted the recent turn of events in South Africa. Fields reports that Vilakazi left South African twenty-five years ago; that Vilakazi remembers when Mandela was imprisoned in June of 1964. Fields reports that Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of high treason and sabotage. V: Black and white footage of a prison truck leaving a South African government building. A crowd stands outside of the building. Shot of a black and white photograph of Mandela surrounded by government officials. Fields reports that Janet Levine (South African exile) has been in the US for six years. V: Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that Mandela disappeared and the African National Congress (ANC) was banned by the South African government. Levine says that she feared that Mandela would die in prison; that she was thrilled when he was released. Shots of Mandela at the demonstration in the South African stadium; of an upraised fist. Fields reports that Mandela is a living legend who embodies the struggle of a nation; that Mandela carries great moral authority. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela before he went to prison. Shot of traffic passing by police in South Africa the late 1950s or early 1960s. Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela among a large group of people; of a black and white portrait of Mandela. Fields reports that Mandela was 25 when he joined the ANC; that Mandela became the ANC's national president six years after he joined the organization. Fields reports that Mandela was banned; that Mandela was arrested by South African police at a protest in Sharpeville in 1960. Fields notes that Sharpeville was the scene of a police attack which left 67 people dead. V: Black and white footage of a black demonstrators at Sharpeville; of two men holding protest signs. Shots of a body lying on the ground; of police dragging a body along the ground. Shots of black men running along a street; of black men waving from a departing bus. Shots of white police officers checking the identity papers of a black man; of a black man lying on the ground with his hands over his eyes; of the body of a black man lying on a street; of another body lying on the ground. Fields reports that Mandela fled to Algiers after his arrest; that Mandela received training in guerilla warfare in Algiers. Fields reports that Mandela no longer believed in 1960 that the fight against apartheid could be non-violent. V: Black and white footage of Mandela delivering a speech in 1961. Mandela says that it is useless to preach peace and non-violence against a government which engages in savage attacks on its defenseless citizens. Fields reports that Mandela was captured a year later; that Mandela's diary was used as evidence in his nine-month trial for treason. Fields reports that Mandela's diary contained notes on guerilla warfare tactics. V: Black and white shot of men handcuffed together. One man flips through a small notebook. Black and white shots of South African Security Forces outside of a government building; of a crowd in a street; of a prison truck moving along a street. Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that it was a crime to have a photograph of Mandela; that it was a crime to have read Mandela's writings. Levine says that Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) was also an important figure; that Winnie Mandela was constantly protesting and defying the South African police. Black and white shot of Winnie Mandela in the 1960s. Color footage of Winnie Mandela arguing with white officials in the street. Winnie Mandela is led away. Fields notes that Winnie Mandela maintained her defiance while Nelson Mandela was in prison. V: Audio of Levine saying that Winnie Mandela kept Nelson Mandela's name alive while he was in prison. Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela in prison. Black and white shots of South African Security Forces; of a demonstration in South Africa; of demonstrators. Black and white shot of a park bench bearing a "whites only" sign. Fields reports that the South African government made conditional offers to set Mandela free; that Mandela refused to accept their conditions. V: Footage of Vilakazi being interviewed by Fields. Vilakazi says that Mandela has great appeal; that many would like to associate themselves with Mandela. Footage of Mandela at the demonstration in a South African stadium on February 13, 1990. Mandela addresses the crowd. Mandela raises his fist as he speaks. Fields reports that Mandela is uncompromising; that Mandela has never renounced armed struggle as a means to end apartheid. Fields notes that Mandela advocates peace. V: Footage of Mandela addressing the crowd at the demonstration. Mandlela says that the movement will move forward to achieve freedom and justice. Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that Mandela is no longer a politician; that Mandela has been ennobled. Footage of Vilakazi being interviewed by Fields. Vilakazi says that South Africa has not changed a lot since Mandela was put in jail. Vilakazi says that there are more repressive laws now than in 1964.Vilakazi says that there is still reason to fight. Shots of a large group of people filling up a road in South Africa; of demonstrators at the stadium; of Mandela walking with an upraised fist; of a small black child with his hand held up.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/20/1990
Description: Boston Police Department press conference with Police Commissioner Robert DiGrazia, Superintendent Joseph Jordan, Deputy Superintendent Lawrence Quinlan, Captain Morris Allen, and Captain Fred Conley. Steve Dunleavy (spokesperson for DiGrazia) is the moderator. The speakers are seated at a table featuring an array of street weapons used against police in a riot in South Boston on the previous day. Press conference includes police department videotapes of a riot in South Boston on the previous day and of an unruly crowd at a Citywide Coordinating Council (CCC) meeting at English High School. DiGrazia announces that violence and disruptions of public order will no longer be tolerated by police.
0:00:16: Visual: Shot of bottles, baseball bats, pipes, bricks and other weapons lying on table. Some have exhibit tags attached to them. Microphones are also set up on the table for a press conference. Shot of a police map of the city of Boston. 0:03:31: V: Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) and others sit down at the table displaying the weapons. Steve Dunleavy (spokesperson for DiGrazia) introduces the police officials on the panel: Captain Morris Allen, Superintendent Joseph Jordan, DiGrazia, Deputy Superintendent Lawrence Quinlan, Captain Fred Conley. Dunleavy announces that a short videotape will be shown. 0:05:02: V: A videotape plays on a television screen. The videotape shows a large crowd on a city street. Police officers in riot gear are stationed on the street. Dunleavy points out the weapons used by the crowd, and that the crowd has thrown tear gas at the police. The videotape shows a cloud of tear gas in the police ranks. Rioting crowd charges police, throwing bricks and other objects. Dunleavy says that the street on the videotape is East 6th Street in South Boston. V: The videotape shows crowd throwing rocks and other objects. The crowd retreats, still throwing objects, as police advance. Dunleavy announces that the next videotape was shot at English High School last Thursday at a meeting of the Citywide Coordinating Council (CCC). V: The videotape shows a noisy crowd seated in an auditorium. Members of the CCC are seated on stage. The crowd chants and claps its hands, disrupting the meeting. Arthur Gartland (CCC) threatens to call in the police to establish order. Shot of members of press watching videotape on the television. 0:14:03: V: Shot of DiGrazia. Dunleavy shows photos of the aftermath of violence yesterday in South Boston, including photo of a police cruiser with rear window missing. He says that the weapons on the table were used against police in South Boston yesterday. DiGrazia says that a demonstration in South Boston turned violent yesterday; that citizens of Boston have a legitimate right to stage demonstrations against busing; that the actions of some are denying the rights of others; that the governor's wife was denied her right to speak at Faneuil Hall; that a US Senator has been harassed and threatened; that a presidential candidate was denied the right to speak out last week; that parents are prevented from holding meetings. DiGrazia says that there is a conspiracy against public order in Boston; that the police will no longer be tolerant of those disrupting the rights of others. DiGrazia says that the police will protect the rights of anti-busers and pro-busers alike; that arrests will be made and violators of the law will be prosecuted. 0:18:44: V: Reporters ask questions to DiGrazia and other police officers. DiGrazia says that a small number of people in the city are using the busing issue as an excuse to pursue vandalism and mayhem. DiGrazia says that the police department took a low visibility approach to busing in 1974; that they acted more forcefully in 1975; that they have been attempting to let people demonstrate against the law; that they will be more forceful from now on. A reporter asks if there is evidence of a conspiracy against the police. DiGrazia replies that the weapons on the table are evidence of a conspiracy; that police were letting the demonstration proceed until they were attacked by the crowd.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/16/1976
Description: Boston Police Department press conference with Police Commissioner Robert DiGrazia, Superintendent Joseph Jordan, Deputy Superintendent Lawrence Quinlan, Captain Morris Allen, and Captain Fred Conley. Steve Dunleavy (spokesperson for DiGrazia) is the moderator. The speakers are seated at a table featuring an array of street weapons used against police in a riot in South Boston on the previous day. DiGrazia says that violence and disruptions of public order will no longer be tolerated. He says that the police department is actively investigating participants in the violence at the previous day's demonstration in South Boston. DiGrazia says that the police are gathering evidence against the South Boston Marshals and others for engaging in violent actions. DiGrazia notes that the demonstrators in South Boston knowingly violated the restrictions of their parade permit. Some drop out in the middle of the video. Reel 2 of 2.
1:00:03: Visual: Press conference with Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston), Captain Morris Allen, Superintendent Joseph Jordan, Deputy Superintendent Lawrence Quinlan, and Captain Fred Conley. Steve Dunleavy (spokesperson for DiGrazia) is the moderator. DiGrazia and the police officers sit at a table displaying bottles, rocks, pipes and bricks which were used against police in a demonstration in South Boston the day before. DiGrazia takes questions from reporters. A reporter comments that one anti-busing organization has decided to take to the streets. DiGrazia replied that statements like that will be considered conspiratorial and could be used against the organization in court. DiGrazia says that the police will use whatever force is necessary to keep order. DiGrazia says that the police department has been working with the state police and the MDC police since 1974; that the Boston police will continue to rely on those police forces for support. DiGrazia says that he is compiling facts and evidence to be presented before a grand jury; that the police will arrest those who participate in violence or who violate the civil rights of others. DiGrazia says that a parade permit was granted to demonstrators in South Boston yesterday; that the demonstrators knowingly violated the permit when they marched up to the high school to confront police. 1:02:52: V: A reporter asks DiGrazia if the police department has the support of the mayor. DiGrazia says that the mayor supports police efforts to enforce the law and protect the community. DiGrazia says that he is concerned with the lack of prosecutions of those violating the court order; that he was pleased when the US Justice Department began investigating cases in 1975; that he is particularly dismayed at the lack of prosecutions in the South Boston District Court. DiGrazia says that he does not know where the demonstrators in South Boston procured tear gas. DiGrazia says that the police is now taking a more forceful approach against disruptors of public order. A reporter asks if past policies of tolerance were a mistake. DiGrazia says that they began with a low visibility policy in September of 1974; that the policy worked in all areas of the city except South Boston; that in 1975, they changed tactics and were more forceful; that the police have been tolerant of demonstrations up until now; that they will no longer tolerate violence during demonstrations. DiGrazia says that expenses are not an issue when city residents are injured and property is damaged; that the money will be made available to the police to deal with these problems. 1:06:02: V: A reporter asks DiGrazia about how the police handled demonstrators at the Citywide Coordinating Council (CCC) meeting. Shot of weapons on table. DiGrazia says that police tried to take their cues from Arthur Gartland (CCC), who ran the meeting; that from now on, police will act when they think it is necessary. DiGrazia says that he has not been in contact with Judge Garrity about the change in police deparment tactics. Dunleavy adds that a list will be made available of the 80 police officers injured in yesterday's demonstration in South Boston; that 13 arrests were made at the demonstration. DiGrazia says that the police department's new policy on demonstrations will not affect the way police handle their duties in and around the schools. DiGrazia says that he will not station more police in South Boston permanently; that he will send more officers there if it is necessary. A reporter comments that demonstrators were using radios to monitor police activity. A reporter asks if police department will change radio frequencies to avoid being monitored. DiGrazia says that police department may explore other means of communications in order to avoid radios altogether. 1:09:24: V: DiGrazia invites the reporters to question the other officers who were all present at the demonstration in South Boston on the previous day. A reporter asks if it is a small group of people who are actively participating in violence. DiGrazia replies that he has seen demonstrations with as few as 150 people; that 1,000 people were present at yesterday's demonstration; that there is a group of 300-400 "hoods" who are leading the violence; that the police department is gathering evidence on the participation of the South Boston Marshals in violent acts. DiGrazia says that the police department is actively investigating actions connected to yesterday's demonstration; that he will not put a time limit on the investigation. DiGrazia thanks the media and leaves. 1:10:41: V: DiGrazia exits. Members of the media talk among themselves. Jordan talks to members of the press informally. 1:12:07: V: Judy Stoia stands next to map of South Boston. Allen refers to the map as he charts out the course of the previous day's demonstration. Allen says that one group of marchers began at the Broadway MBTA station and proceeded up West Broadway to Perkins square; that the other group of marchers began at the Andrews MBTA station and marched up Dorchester Avenue to Perkins Square;that the marchers were supposed to proceed to the Dorchester Heights Monument. Allen says that the marchers chose to march up East Broadway to G Street, heading toward the front of the high school; that there were over 2,000 marchers gathered in Perkins Square. Stoia and crew prepare to leave.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/16/1976
Description: Robert DiGrazia resigns as Boston police commissioner to become police chief in Montgomery County, Maryland. Gives press conference on strengths and weaknesses in his department.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/04/1976
Description: Diana Ross rehearses at Music Hall. She wears a "Boston Loves Diana Ross" T-shirt. She answers questions from reporters at the edge of the stage. She talks about playing Dorothy in the Wiz and her inspirations. She talks about having children.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/10/1977
Description: Interview with comedian Dick Gregory at Logan Airport. Discusses plans to hold prayer vigil at White House; discusses the beliefs in the Qu'ran and how Iranian culture is modeled after it. Gregory believes that government of President Jimmy Carter should study teachings of Qu'ran as part of its diplomacy with Iran; Gregory answers questions about his 15 minute meeting with Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran in regards to the US Embassy Hostage Crisis in Iran.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/09/1980
Description: Marcus Jones reports that a poll by The Boston Globe found that African American residents do not think that African American politicians are providing strong leadership for the community. Interviews with African American residents David Reddick, Evangeline Josey, and Joe King about African American leadership. Jones reports that Donald Polk (Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts) does not believe that the Boston Globe poll is a good measure of the effectiveness of the African American leadership. Interview with Polk who says it is easy to criticize the leadership. He adds that residents need to get more involved in the activities of the community. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) on the Phil Donahue show in October of 1986.
1:00:20: Visual: Footage of David Reddick (South End resident) being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Reddick says that he is no longer happy with the leaders of the African American community. Shots of African American residents walking on street. Jones reports that The Boston Globe released results of a poll about leadership in the African American community. V: Shots of a Boston Globe newspaper article with a headline reading, "Black leaders criticize Globe poll on their effectiveness." Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) on the Phil Donahue Show from October, 1986. Bolling says that his efforts and the efforts of Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) have produced significant changes in the city of Boston. Jones reports that the Globe poll found that African American residents do not think that African American politicians are providing strong leadership. V: Footage of Evangeline Josey (Roxbury resident) saying that the politicians need to provide leadership on issues like crime and drugs; that the politicians need to organize the community. Footage of Donald Polk (Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts) saying that the community cannot expect a few people to solve the community's problems. Polk says that Martin Luther King (civil rights leader) could never have emerged as a leader without the efforts of Rosa Parks (civil rights activist). Shots of Polk and Jones walking together on a street. Jones says that Polk does not believe that the Globe poll is a good measure of the effectiveness of African American leaders. V: Footage of Polk saying that people will shoot at a target if given the opportunity; that the Globe poll holds up leaders as targets. Footage of Joe King (Mattapan resident) saying that African American leaders have not provided good leadership. Shots of Jones interviewing Polk; of African American residents on a city street. Jones reports that Polk says that good leaders need good followers. V: Footage of Polk saying that people become leaders when contribute their efforts to an activity or movement. Shot of an African American man exiting the Boston Bank of Commerce.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/15/1988