Description: Interviews with women school integration policy. A group tried to get Massachusetts legislators to tour Boston's schools, but only one Representative showed up. Women talk with the Representative. Ray Flynn in State House corridor. Woman discusses schools having specialized programs to attract students based on interest. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/10/1974
Description: Story on David A. Yallop's book "In God's Name," which claims that Pope John Paul I was murdered. Clark Booth summarizes it's argument, reviews the book, and questions it. Footage of the Pope, the Vatican, church services, Pope John Paul the first's funeral, still images of people that Yallop claims were part of the conspiracy, and Booth in the studio. Reporter voice over throughout. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/1984
Description: label on tape: "Jimmy Carter Inaguration People's Prayer Meeting." Reporter in the studio introduces the story. crowd at the Lincoln Memorial, reporter standup, choir singing, shot of the Lincoln Memorial, Ruth Carter Stapleton reads a bible passage, shots of the crowd, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. speaking, and people signing Amazing Grace. Some video problems. Reporter voice-over throughout. Poor image quality. Sound
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 01/20/1977
Description: Reel begins with a voice over track (with no picture) by the reporter about the arrowheads and other artifacts that were found, followed by an interview with archeologist Michael Roberts. Reporter closing standup. This reel is 2 of 2. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Harvard n.c. [news conference] / Marlboro Indians - During routine excavation work for new road construction, the state DPW uncovered and ancient Indian burial ground."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 12/08/1978
Description: Reel begins with a reporter standup about how archeologists found an ancient Indian campground. B-roll of artifacts displayed on tables at the Peabody museum. This reel is 1 of 2. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Harvard n.c. [news conference] / Marlboro Indians - During routine excavation work for new road construction, the state DPW uncovered and ancient Indian burial ground."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 12/08/1978
Description: Report on an alarming increase in the infant mortality rate in Boston. Review of the statistics noting that the infant mortality rate among African Americans is 2.5 times the infant mortality rate among whites and that the increase was most pronounced in the Roxbury neighborhood. Interview with Dr. Bailus Walker, the Commissioner of Public Health, who says that the increase in the infant mortality rate is the result of a cutback in social programs from 1982 to 1984. Mayor Ray Flynn talks about the effects of cutbacks in social programs. The state has put $15 million toward reducing the infant mortality rate. Marian Wright Edelman, the Director of the Children's Defense Fund, speaks at a press conference, saying that the US has one of the highest infant mortality rates of any industrialized nation. The video cuts to black for 45 seconds during this story, from 00:01:34 to 00:02:15, presumably for graphics that weren't added to this copy. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of health care workers, parents and children at the Codman Square Health Center.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of a doctor examining a non-white baby with a stethoscope. Hope Kelly reports that the infant mortality rate in Massachusetts is nine out of 1,000 infants; that 22 of every 1,000 African American babies die; that the infant mortality rate for African Americans is 2.5 times higher than the infant mortality rate for whites. V: Footage of three young African American children playing outside of a housing project. Kelly reports that the infant mortality rate is 15 out of 1,000 for babies born in Boston; that the mortality rate for non-white babies born in Boston is 23 out of 1,000. V: Shots of a white child standing near a park bench; of a doctor examining a pregnant African American woman. Kelly reports that infant mortality rates have increased from previous years. V: Shots of an African American infant girl being undressed before a medical examination. Kelly reports that the state-wide infant mortality rate was 8.9 deaths per 1,000 babies in 1984. V: Video cuts out. Black screen is visible. Kelly reports that that the state-wide infant mortality rate was 9.1 per 1,000 babies in 1985. Kelly notes that the African American infant mortality rate was 17 per 1,000 babies in 1984; that the African American mortality rate was 22.1 per 1,000 babies in 1985. Kelly adds that the increase was drastic in the city of Boston. Kelly notes that the African American infant mortality rate in Boston was 11.7 per 1,000 babies in 1984; that the African American infant mortality rate in Boston was 15.4 per 1,000 babies in 1985. Kelly notes that the increase in the infant mortality rate was pronounced in the Roxbury area; that the infant mortality rate in Roxbury rose from 16.5 per 1,000 in 1984 to 23.4 per 1,000 in 1985. Kelly adds that the infant mortality rate in North Dorchester doubled from 1984 to 1985. V: Video cuts back in. Footage of Dr. Bailus Walker (Commissioner of Public Health) saying that he is concerned but not surprised about the rise in the infant mortality rate. Walker says that the infant mortality rate is the result of cutbacks made in social programs from 1982 to 1984. Kelly says that Walker and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) blame cutbacks by the federal government. V: Footage of Flynn saying that the rise in the infant mortality rate is attributable to dramatic cutbacks in nutrition programs, housing programs, and other social programs. Kelly says that the state put $15 million dollars toward an effort to reverse the increase in the infant mortality rate in 1985. V: Shots of the State House. Footage of Walker saying that it is too soon to see the results of the effort; that the data for 1986-1988 will show the results of the state effort. Shots of a Boston Globe front page article. The headline reads, "Hub infant deaths up 32%. Kelly says that Boston is home to some of the nation's most advanced medical centers. V: Shots of Boston City Hall; of signs for Boston Hospitals, including the New England Medical Center Hospital and Children's Hospital. Kelly reports that the Boston's Mission Hill neighborhood is very close to the Harvard Medical Complex and other hospitals. V: Shots of a child riding a go-cart outside of a housing project in Mission Hill; of a woman standing at the window of her aparment, holding an infant. Shots of African American children playing outside of the housing project. Kelly reports that the infant mortality rate in Mission Hill is 50 deaths per 1,000 births; that the infant mortality rate in Mission Hill is as high as the infant mortality rate in many third-world countries. Kelly reports that there are high infant mortality rates among African American communities across the nation. V: Footage of Marian Wright Edelman (Director, Children's Defense Fund) at a press conference. Wright Edelman says that an African American infant born in Washington D.C. is more likely to die than in infant born in Trinidad and Tobago; that the US and one other nation have the highest infant mortality rates among twenty industrialized nations surveyed. Footage of Walker saying that he will be concerned if this trend continues for three or more years; that a one-year "snapshot" does not yet indicate a trend.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/09/1987
Description: Hope Kelly reports on an increase in the infant mortality rate since last year. Kelly reviews statistics on the infant mortality rate in Massachusetts and in Boston. There is a wide discrepancy between the infant mortality rates in the white and African American communities. Two out of three infant deaths in Boston are African American infants. Interview with Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of Public Health, David Mulligan and Howard Spivak about the rising infant mortality rate. The state of Massachusetts has implemented prenatal care programs for all pregnant women. Interview with Commissioner of Boston Health and Hospitals, Judith Kurland, about the prenatal care programs. Kurland says that the programs do not reach the women who are most in need of them. Kurland says that an increase in poverty has resulted in an increase of the infant mortality rates. Kelly reviews statistics concerning teenage pregnancy in the state, noting that teenage pregnancy is becoming increasingly common. Kelly's report is accompanied by footage of infants in a hospital nursery and footage of a doctor examining a baby.
1:00:01: Visual: Shots of an infant in a neo-natal intensive care unit; of an infant in an incubator being wheeled through the corridors of a hospital. Hope Kelly reports that infant mortality refers to any infant who dies within the first year of life; that the infant mortality rate among the minority population in Massachusetts is high. Kelly reports that the infant mortality rate for white babies is 7.1 per 1,000 births; that the infant mortality rate for African American babies is 17.2 per 1,000 births. Kelly notes that the infant mortality rate for white babies in Boston is 8.1 per 1,000 births; that the infant mortality rate for African American babies in Boston is 24.4 per 1,000 births. Kelly reports that the infant mortality rate has increased since last year. V: On-screen text and visuals detail the statistics of the infant mortality rate in Massachusetts. Footage of David Mulligan (Commissioner of Public Health) saying that there the infant mortality rate signals a wide discrepancy between the white community and the African American community. Kelly reports that two out of every three infant deaths in Boston are African American infants; that African Americans make up less than one-quarter of the city's population. V: Footage of Howard Spivak (Deputy Commissioner of Public Health) saying that infant mortality rates are high across the nation; that Massachusetts has one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the nation. Shot of a woman dressing a baby in an examination room of a health clinic. Kelly reports that Massachusetts has already implemented pre-natal care programs for all pregnant women. V: Footage of Judith Kurland (Commissioner, Boston Health and Hospitals) saying that these programs are good; that the programs do not always reach the women who need the most help. Kurland says that there are women who do not know that help is available. Kelly reports that Kurland runs the health department of the city of Boston. Kelly reports that one out of four newborns at Boston City Hospital will spend time in the intensive care nursery. Kelly notes that the mothers of these children often receive inadequate pre-natal care. V: Shot of an infant in the intensive care nursery. Shot of a health care worker tending to an infant in a hospital nursery. The health care worker takes a measurement and refers to a gauge. Kelly reports that Kurland does not think that the pre-natal care programs in Massachusetts are adequate. V: Footage of Kurland saying that the programs need to reach women in housing projects and on street corners. Shot of health care workers tending to an infant in a hospital nursery. The workers look at an image on a computer monitor. The infant is hooked up to medical equipment. Kelly reports that Kurland is proposing a radical expansion of health care. Kelly notes that outreach is necessary in order to help at-risk women. V: Footage of Kurland saying that there has been an increase in poverty during the past eight years; that increases in poverty are linked to increases in infant mortality. Kelly reports that teenage pregnancy is on the rise in Massachusetts. Kelly reports that 88,047 babies were born to teenage mothers in Massachusetts in 1988; that 84,343 babies were born to teenage mothers in Massachusetts in 1987. Kelly notes that the teenage birthrate has increased 22% since 1980. V: Shot of a young woman and a baby at the window of an apartment building. On-screen text and visuals detail statistics about teen pregnancy in Massachusetts. Shot of Dr. Graunke (pediatrician), a woman, and a baby in an examination room at the Codman Square Health Center. The woman puts the child on the examination table.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/12/1989
Description: Parents and infants in the lobby of a health care center. Rebecca Rollins reports that many Massachusetts state legislators have said that the state's rising infant mortality rate is a priority. State Rep. John McDonough and State Sen. Edward Burke were the only two of seventeen members of the Legislative Health Care Committee attended a recent meeting on the infant mortality rate. Rollins notes that some legislators said that they were not aware of the meeting. Interviews with Burke and Dr. Jean Taylor of the Roxbury Comprehensive Community Health Center. Taylor says that the all of the members of the committee would have attended if the subject were white infant mortality. Rollins notes that the infant mortality rate is three times higher in the African American community than in the white community. Rollins reports that any legislation related to infant mortality will most likely be written by Burke and McDonough.
1:00:02: Visual: Footage of a health care worker speaking to an African American woman in the lobby of a health care center. The man holds an infant on his lap. Shot of the infant. Rebecca Rollins reports that African American infants in the Boston area are three times more likely than white babies to die in their first year. Rollins reports that many Massachusetts state legislators have said that the state's rising infant mortality rate is a priority. Rollins reports that the Legislative Health Care Committee gave its full attention to the issue of insurance; that the infant mortality issue did not get the same attention. V: Shots of legislators at a meeting of the Legislative Health Care Committee. Rollins reports that there are seventeen members of the Legislative Health Care Committee; that only two members were present at recent hearings on the rising infant mortality rate. V: Shots of black and white photos of the members of the Legislative Health Care Committee, including state representatives Athan Catjakis, Marjorie Claprood, Sherwood Guernsey, Robert Howarth, Frank Hynes, Joseph McIntyre, John McNeiil, Chester Suhoski. Shot of a black and white photo of John McDonough (State Representative). Rollins reports that McDonough and Edward Burke (State Senator) were the only two members who attended the hearings. V: Footage of Burke being interviewed in his office. Burke says that he does not know why other members were prevented from attending the hearings. Rollins says that most of the fifteen legislators were unavailable for comment. V: Shots of black and white photos of state senators on the Legislative Health Care Committee, including Senators Louis Bertonazzi, Robert Buell, John Houston and Thomas White. Shot of a black and white photo of Robert Howarth (State Representative). Rollins reports that Howarth said that he was not aware of the meetings. V: Shot of a black and white photo of John Bartley (State Representative). Rollins reports that Bartley said that he thought the meeting had been scheduled for the day after the primary election. Rollins reports that Bartley said that he had no intention of attending the meeting. Rollins notes that Bartley called back later to say that he had never been notified of the meeting. V: Footage of Burke being interviewed in his office. Burke says that the members were probably notified about the hearings. Burke says that notifications were sent out from his office and from the office of the House Chairman of the committee. Rollins reports that Dr. Jean Taylor (Roxbury Comprehensive Community Health Center) testified at both hearings. V: Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Rollins. Taylor says that all of the members of the committee would have attended the hearings if the subject was related to white infant mortality. Rollins stands in front of the Massachusetts State House. Rollins reports that the previous day's hearings were the final hearings on infant mortality for this year. Rollins notes that any legislation related to infant mortality will most likely be written by Burke and McDonough. Rollins notes that the absence of the fifteen legislators may have compromised progress in the state's health care system.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/16/1990
Description: Hope Kelly reports on the health care workers and patients at the Codman Square Health Center. Kelly notes that the health care workers at the Codman Square Health Center are not surprised at the rise in the infant mortality rate in Boston. She adds that many of the patients at the Center are immigrants and have no health insurance. Kelly interviews Bill Walczak (Codman Square Health Center), Dr. Tony Schlaff (head of the Codman Square Health Center), Dr. Graunke (pediatrician, Codman Square Health Center) and Cynthia Smith (head nurse, OBGYN practitioner, Codman Square Health Center). The four health care workers describe the challenges faced by poor women and children. Walczak says that many of the patients are in a perpetual state of crisis due to housing and transportation problems. Schlaff talks about the need for health education and pre-natal care for at-risk populations. Graunke talks about high rate of malnutrition in Codman Square. Smith talks about the rising rate of teen pregnancies. Kelly's report includes footage of health care workers and several patients at the center. Kelly's report also features footage of Dr. Graunke examining patients. Kelly notes that workers at the Center often treat children who have never received medical attention. This tape includes footage of Dr. Kenneth Edelin (Boston City Hospital), Juanita Wade (Boston School Committee), Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) and others at a press conference on Codman Square's high infant mortality rate. It also includes shots of newspaper articles about the rising infant mortality rate.
1:00:06: Visual: Shot of the church in Codman Square. Shot of the sign for the "Codman Square Health Center." Shot of a white female doctor examining an African American infant with a stethoscope. Footage of an African American health care worker asking a mother about her child's symptoms. The mother (Beverly) says that the child has vomiting and diarrhea. Hope Kelly reports that workers at the Codman Square Health Center were not suprised at the increase in the infant mortality rate in Boston. V: Footage of Bill Walczak (Codman Square Health Center) talking about an Hispanic woman who had come in to the health center looking for some emergency food. Walczak says that the woman and her thirteen children had been evicted from their home; that the woman and her children have no place to live because of the housing shortage. Footage of Dr. Tony Schlaff (Head of the Codman Square Health Center) talks about a pregnant woman who was due to give birth. Schlaff says that the woman had only visited the healthcare center twice during her pregnancy; that the woman did not know that smoking was harmful to the health of her fetus. Kelly reports the Codman Square Healthcare Center has 1,100 registered patients and 20,000 medical visits per year. Kelly talks about a woman from Barbados named Beverly, who has an infant daughter named Ashley and two sons ages 8 and 3. V: Shots of Beverly in the waiting room of the healthcare center. Kelly talks about a woman named Carmen and her son Ian. Kelly reports that Carmen receives aid from the AFDC and from a nutrition program. V: Shots of Dr. Graunke (pediatrician, Codman Square Health Center) examining Ian. Carmen looks on. Kelly reports that many women do not come in for their appointments at the healthcare center. V: Footage of Graunke saying that 30 to 40% of the appointments at the healthcare center are not kept. Footage of Walczak saying that the patients are always in a state of crisis due to housing problems and transportation problems; that the patients do not have the access to "the things that are taken for granted by middle-class Americans." Footage of an African American woman working behind the reception desk at the clinic. A mother and her child wait in front of the desk. Kelly reports that 50% of the patients at the Codman Square Health Center do not have medical insurance; that 20% of the patients have no telephone; that 40% of the patients are immigrants. V: Shot of an African American health care worker filling out paperwork; of Graunke examining Ian in an examination room; of vials being put into a metal container in an examination room; of medical equipment in an examination room. Kelly reports that the center frequently treats children who have never received medical care; that some children have never been immunized. Kelly reports that positive tests for tuberculosis and lead poisoning are common. V: Footage of Graunke saying that the malnutrition rate is six times greater in Codman Square than it is in the rest of Massachusetts. Shots of storefronts in Codman Square. Kelly reports that the closest grocery stores is two bus rides away from Codman Square; that smaller stores are expensive and sell a lot of junk food. V: Footage of Cynthia Smith (Head nurse, Codman Square Health Center) saying that she is seeing two or three new teenage pregnancies per week. Footage of Walczak saying that advances in medical technology have not helped eradicate infant mortality from poor neighborhoods. Kelly notes that the waiting room wall has a photo of Codman Square from 1935. V: Shots of an African American man and an African American boy sitting in the waiting room. Kelly notes that progress seems to have stopped in Codman Square. V: Shot of an African American health care worker.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/11/1987
Description: Rep. Kevin Fitzgerald and Sen. Bill Owens support a bill, sponsored by Byron Rushing, creating commission to investigate police misconduct in Stuart murder case. Rep. Michael Flaherty opposes it. Interview with Frank McGee on police investigation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/08/1990