Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on issues of race in the presidential campaign. While the African American community has traditionally voted Democratic, Michael Dukakis is not receiving unanimous support from the African American community. Younger African Americans seem open to voting Republican. At a meeting of the Black Republican Leadership Council, Reverend Earl Jackson criticizes the Dukakis campaign and Ed Reed speaks out in favor of George Bush. Interviews with African American voters about which candidate they support. Many of the interviewees support Bush. Vaillancourt reports that some African American voters support Bush because they want to support the eventual winner. She notes that some African American voters are disillusioned with Dukakis for not choosing Jesse Jackson as his running mate. The African American community is still a Democratic stronghold, but that Dukakis may be alienating some African American voters in his effort to appeal to more conservative Democratic voters. Interview with Janice Thurmond of the Dukakis campaign about the campaign and his appeal to African American voters. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of Dukakis and Jackson at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Curtis Davis of the Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project (GRIP)
1:00:22: Visual: Footage from CBS of Lloyd Bentsen (Democratic US vice-presidential candidate) being interviewed on October 26, 1988. Bentsen says that there are elements of racism in the campaign. Meg Vaillancourt reports that race has become an issue in the presidential election; that Democrats claim that Republican campaign advertisements are racist. Vaillancourt notes that Republican accuse Democrats of racially divisive tactics. V: Footage of the Reverend Earl Jackson (Black Republican Council) addressing a meeting of the Black Republican Leadership Council in Roxbury. Shots of the audience. Jackson accuses Michael Dukakis (Democratic US presidential candidate) of hypocrisy. Jackson remarks that Dukakis has kept his distance from the African American community during the campaign; that Dukakis is now accusing George Bush of racism (Republican US presidential candidate). Shots of an African American neighborhood; of African American female shopper. Vaillancourt reports that the African American community has traditionally voted Democratic; that younger African Americans have doubts about Dukakis. V: Footage of an African American female saying that she will vote Republican this year because Dukakis is not a good candidate for president. Footage of another African American female saying that she would vote for Bush because he seems like an honest man. Footage from CNN of Dukakis, Kitty Dukakis (wife of Dukakis), Jesse Jackson (African American political leader), and Jaqueline Jackson (wife of Jackson) with other Democratic Party leaders at the 1988 Democratic National Convention; of delegates at the convention. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis is not running as strongly with African American voters as previous Democratic candidates. Vaillancourt reports that a poll has found younger African American voters to be more open to Republican overtures. V: Shots of the meeting of the Black Republican Leadership Council; of the attendees. Footage of Ed Reed (Black Republican Council) saying that Bush will make an effort to increase minority participation if elected. Vaillancourt reports that some African Americans are supporting Bush because they want to support the winner. V: Shots of African Americans residents on the streets of Roxbury. Footage of an African American man saying that Dukakis doesn't have what it takes to win. Vaillancourt reports that African American voters may not be convinced by the Republican Party's position on economic issues. V: Footage of an African American woman saying that she will vote for Dukakis because she is a poor, African American woman. Shots of a voter registration table in Dorchester. African American workers register African American residents to vote. Vaillancourt notes that many African American voters seem angry at Dukakis. V: Footage of an African American male saying that he is angry at Dukakis for not choosing Jackson as his vice-president. Footage of an elderly African American woman saying that she remembers when the candidates were nice to poor people. Footage from CNN of Michael Dukakis, Kitty Dukakis, and Euterpe Dukakis (mother of Michael Dukakis) at the Democratic Convention. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis may be alienating traditional Democratic voters by trying to appeal to a wider spectrum of voters. Vaillancourt notes that the African American community is still a Democratic stronghold. V: Shots of African American residents on the streets of Roxbury. Footage of Janice Thurmond (Dukakis campaign) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Thurmond says that young African Americans take civil rights for granted. Thurmond says that Dukakis represents justice and a sense of fair play.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/27/1988
Description: Hope Kelly reports that students from the Boston University School of Theology held a ceremony to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. She notes that attendees at the gathering also prayed for peace in the Persian Gulf. Interviews with BU Theology students Virgil Hammett, Leon Chestnut, Jessica Davis, and Roxie Coicou. The students talk about civil rights, the legacy of King, and their desire for a peaceful resolution to the Persian Gulf Crisis. Chestnut, Hammett and Davis address the gathered students and lead prayers to end the war. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Carmen Fields reports on African American soldiers in the Persian Gulf War
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of students from the Boston University School of Theology walking on the Boston University (BU) campus at dusk. The students sing, "We Shall Overcome." The students gather together and link arms near the Martin Luther King Memorial statue near Marsh Chapel. Shots of the students. Hope Kelly reports that students at the BU School of Theology were celebrating the life of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights activist); that the celebration of peace is happening while the nation is at war. V: Footage of Virgil Hammett (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Hammett says that he sees the connection that King saw between civil rights and the Vietnam War. Hammett says that some US soldiers in Kuwait are fighting for rights that they do not possess at home. Footage of Leon Chestnut (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Chestnut says that charity begins at home. Chestnut says that the US must set its own house in order before going off to war. Footage of Jessica Davis (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Davis says that a lot of money is spent on weapons; that the government is not providing for the needs of the people. Kelly reports that Davis is a divinity student who is studying to be a minister. Kelly notes that Chestnut is a Hebrew Bible scholar and a preacher. V: Shot of Chestnut and Davis standing in a chapel. Footage of Chestnut addressing the gathering of divinity students on the BU campus. Chestnut quotes from a psalm. Footage of Chestnut being interviewed. Chestnut talks about the importance of having faith. Footage of Chestnut addressing the gathering of divinity students. Chestnut talks about faith. Footage of Roxie Coicou (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Coicou says that people need to pray and to talk about the war. Kelly reports that Coicou was born in 1968, which was the year that King was assassinated. V: Footage of Davis being interviewed. Davis talks about seeing King speak when she was a little girl. Davis says that society's problems have changed little since the 1960s. Footage of Coicou being interviewed. Coicou says that politics will continue; that people need to pray. Shot of BU students at the gathering. Footage of Hammett addressing the gathering. Hammett prays for love and understanding. Hammett prays for the realization of King's goals. Footage of Davis addressing the gathering. Davis prays for an end to the war. Shots of the students at the gathering.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1991
Description: Massachusetts Fair Share register African American voters to vote in Roxbury. Christy George interviews a female community worker who discusses Mass Fair Share's voter registration drive, its lawsuit against the Boston Election Department and the importance of voter education in the African American community. The woman says that some city officials do not want to disrupt current voting patterns by registering new voters; that the Boston Election Department started to cooperate only after the lawsuit was filed. She adds that the recent voter registration drives have been successful.
0:59:57: V: An African American man and an African American woman sit behind a table on a sidewalk in front of the Charles Drew Neighborhood Health Center in Roxbury. Handmade signs for voter registration are posted behind the table. The signs read, "Voter registration here today" and "Save your health center. Register and vote." An African American woman stands in front of the table. A young African American man in a blue shirt sits beside the woman at the table. He watches her fill out forms. More young African Americans stand in front of the table. The male community worker fills out a form for another young African American male. He asks the young man questions as he fills out the form. The young man signs the form. Shot of the community worker's hand as he fills out the form. 1:03:29: V: The two community workers sit behind the table. The young man in the blue shirt stands in front of the table. The young man hands his license to the male community worker, who is filling out a form. The young man signs the form and walks away. Three more young African American males stand in line in front of the table. Close up shot of one of the African American males. The male community worker fills out forms for one of the young men. The young man gives his license to the community worker. Shots of the female community worker; of the book and papers she is studying. 1:10:19: V: A middle-aged African American woman stands at the voter registration table. An African American man registers to vote with the male community worker. The young woman in the red skirt passes by the people gathered at the bus stop. She speaks to two men standing on the sidewalk. She turns and walks back to the voter registration table. The young woman in the red skirt directs someone to the voter registration table. A middle-aged African American woman registers to vote at the table. Shot of the exterior of the Charles Drew Building. The young woman in the red skirt speaks to two young African American men on the sidewalk. 1:13:17: V: An African American woman exits an MBTA bus. The young woman in the red skirt directs her to the voter registration table. They young woman continues to approach people on the street and direct them to the table. 1:14:44: V: Christy George interviews the female community worker. The worker says that Mass Fair Share filed a lawsuit concerning voting discrepancies in the primary elections of September,1982. The worker says that the Boston Election Department was not cooperative last year; that the department failed to provide reliable registrars and sites for Mass Fair Share voting registration drives. The worker says that Mass Fair Share fought to set up voting registration tables at MBTA stations. George notes that voting registration tables need to be set up in a "site of principal activity." The worker says that the Boston Election Department determines which sites can be used; that the department has not made it clear which sites are allowed. The worker says that parks are now allowed as voter registration sites; that the Boston Election Department had previously allowed mills, schools, factories; that churches and welfare offices are recent additions to the list. The worker says that the Boston Election Department began to cooperate after Mass Fair Share filed a lawsuit. George notes that Mass Fair Share has organized voter registration drives all week long. The worker says that the turnout has been excellent at the drives; that the Boston Election Department had predicted a low turnout; that Mass Fair Share is trying to create a momentum around voter registration. George asks the worker if the City of Boston was trying to make voter registration difficult. The worker says that the city can predict which areas vote and how they will vote; that the city does not want to disrupt current voter patterns by registering new voters. The worker says that Mass Fair Share wants to educate people on the importance of voting and on the issues; that the organization is not supporting individual candidates. George asks if voter registration is a civil rights issue. The worker says that voter turnout in the African American community was below the city average; that Mass Fair Share would like to encourage voting in the African American community; that voter registration is more of a problem than voter turnout. The worker says that voter education is important in the African American community; that citizens need to know that voting is a basic right; that citizens need to understand why voting is important. The crew takes cutaway shots of George and the worker.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/28/1983
Description: African American voters line up at the polls to vote in the Boston mayoral primary election. A few young African American men pose for the camera and voice their support for candidate Mel King. Footage of voters in line to get booths; going to booths. Donna Hodge interviews several African American voters about their support for King. Hodge interviews the members of an African American family who complain of voting irregularities and registration problems.
1:00:02: Visual: African American voters line up at the polls to vote in the mayoral primary election. A few young African American men pose for the camera and voice their support for Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston). Voters pass by the camera into a building. 1:00:26: V: Voters line up at a table. Poll workers behind the table check the voters' names against the list of registered voters. Shots of African American voters in line; of voters at the table; of poll workers seated at the table. An African American poll worker leads a white female voter to a voting booth. An African American male poll worker examines the voting rolls in front of him. 1:02:39: V: Voters check in with the poll workers at the table. Donna Hodge interviews an African American male voter. The man says that he voted for King; that it is not his first time voting; that King has a chance to win; that he did not like mayoral candidates Ray Flynn or David Finnegan. Hodge interviews a young African American female voter. The young woman says that today his her first time voting; that she voted for King because he is the first African American man to run for mayor of Boston. Hodge interviews a middle-aged African American female voter. The woman says that she has been voting since she turned 18; that she voted for King; that King did not engage in bickering with the other candidates; that she hopes King will win. Hodge interviews an African American male voter. The man says that he is a middle-class African American from New York City who wants his Boston neighborhood cleaned up; that he voted for King because the city needs prominent African Americans; that he is a first-time voter. Hodge interviews a young African American male voter. The young man says that he voted for King because he wants an African American mayor. The young man says that he was impressed by King because he went out on the streets to hand out his own campaign flyers and to meet people. The young man says that he likes King's position on employment for young people; that he is a first-time voter. Hodge interviews a young African American female voter. The young woman says that she is a first-time voter; that she voted for King because he is the best man for the job. 1:08:37: V: Hodge and the crew set up an interview with an African American family outside of the polls. Hodge asks the male family member why he was unable to vote. The man says that his address was not on the list; that he was not allowed to vote on an absentee ballot because he lacked proper identification. The man's mother says that she and her daughter were allowed to vote without showing identification; the woman says that she has been voting at this polling station for 13 years. The daughter agrees that she was not asked to show identification; that her brother was the only voter asked for identification. The man's mother says that the voter lists were not complete; that she does not understand why she and her daughter were allowed to vote but not her son. The son and daughter add that their address is not on the voter list; that there were several addresses in the neighborhood not included on the voter lists.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/11/1983
Description: Carmen Fields interviews Frank Hector (World War II veteran) and Ralph Cooper (Vietnam veteran) about their experiences in the military. Hector talks about the accomplishments of African American soldiers and war veterans. Hector says that the military is a good experience for young African Americans. Cooper talks about the disproportionate numbers of African American soldiers in the front lines and the lack of services for veterans of color. Hector and Cooper talk about their opinions of Colin Powell (Head, US Joint Chiefs of Staff). Field's report is accompanied by footage of Powell and soldiers during the Persian Gulf War. Fields reports that many African Americans join the military to escape the high unemployment rate in the African American community. Field's report is accompanied by footage of Reverend Michael Haynes leading a church service at Roxbury's Twelfth Baptist Church. Relatives of soldiers in the Persian Gulf War stand in front of the altar to pray for the soldiers. Fields interviews Haynes. Haynes says that African American soldiers must be granted equal rights and privileges when they return home from the war. Fields' report is accompanied by footage from interviews with people on the street about African American soldiers in the Persian Gulf War.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1991
Description: Hope Kelly reports on a celebration at the Museum of Afro-American History marking the arrival of the first African Americans in Massachusetts. Kelly notes that the first African Americans arrived as immigrants, not as slaves. Kelly's report features footage of Henry Hampton (Chairman, Museum of Afro-American History) addressing the gathering. Kelly reviews the history of African Americans in Massachusetts. Kelly's report is accompanied by historical photos and drawings related to African American history in Massachusetts.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of a group of African American singers performing a song. Hope Kelly reports that a gathering at the Museum of Afro-American History celebrated the anniversary of the arrival of black immigrants in Massachusetts; that the first black immigrants arrived in Massachusetts on February 26, 1638. V: Shot of a black and white image of black immigrants and early white settlers; of a ship in a harbor; of a black man addressing a crowd. Footage of Henry Hampton (Chairman of the Board, Museum of Afro-American History) saying that the most important history is found in the lives of individual people; that people form the families and cultures which are important to history. Kelly reports that the first black immigrants arrived in a boat from the West Indies; that the first black immigrants were not slaves; that many worked as servants and laborers and in factories; that skilled professions were off limits to the first black immigrants. V: Shots of a black and white image of early black immigrants in the hold of a boat; of a poster for a slave auction. Shots of black and white images of the early black immigrants working as servants. Shot of a color image of black men working as dock laborers. Shots of a black and white image of black immigrant women working in a factory. Shot of a black and white image of black men and women waiting at a dock as sailing ships approach. Shot of a black and white image of a slave auction. Kelly reports that the experience of black immigrants in the north was different from that of black slaves in the South. V: Shot of a black and white image of two black children and a white school master. Shots of black and white photos of African Americans in Boston in the nineteenth century. Footage of Henry Hampton addressing an audience. Hampton says that the study of history must include the stories of all people. Footage of a group of African American singers singing "Amazing Grace."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/26/1988
Description: Compilation of edited pieces covering the Blinstrub fire. Interview with Stanley Blinstrub in front of his destroyed nightclub, with fire fighters in the background. He says that he still can't believe it. Another interview with Stanley Blinstrub on his plans to rebuild. Outtakes of the interview in front of the building on fire. He mentions that Jimmy Durante was booked to a sold out house next month, and he'll have to cancel those shows. B-roll of the fire, fire trucks, and fire fighters. Aerial views of the fire. Reporter standup. More outtakes of the interview in front of the building on fire. Interview with a men who grew up working at Blinstrub's on his reaction. Interview with another man on the history of Blinstrub's. Closeups on music scores and other artifacts rescued from the fire. Footage of the building being gutted after the fire. Another interview with Blinstrub on the cause of the fire.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 02/07/1968
Description: Children and parents gathered around a big cake singing "Happy Birthday." Shots of several different babies in birthday hats and with their parents. Sound. This is 1 of 2 reels. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Blizzard Babies - Beth Israel Hospital held a birthday party for all the babies born there during blizzard week last year, and also invited all those folk who helped out."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/02/1979, 02/04/1979
Description: Children and parents around the cake singing "Happy Birthday" as a man helps a boy cut the cake. Interview with a man about getting to the hospital during the storm, followed by an interview with his wife about giving birth to twins. Shots of babies eating cake. Sound. This is 2 of 2 reels. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Blizzard Babies - Beth Israel Hospital held a birthday party for all the babies born there during blizzard week last year, and also invited all those folk who helped out."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/04/1979
Description: No audio through first half of video. Aftermath of blizzard of '78. Sunny day on impassable highway with abandoned, buried cars. Snow removal by bulldozer. Tire skidding. Driver cleans off covered car. Interview with John Tarbox, a driver from Rockland, MA who was stranded. He gets in his still buried car and starts it up. Interview with Donald Jones, a young army man from California, who has never seen snow. State police cruiser, helicopter.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/09/1978