Description: Overview of the history of presidential debates in advance of the debate between Walter Mondale and Ronald Reagan. Footage of debates between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, Reagan and Carter, and Mondale and Gary Hart. Interview with a man about televised debates. Some video problems. Reporter voice-over throughout reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 09/06/1984
Description: Guests walk in front of the Museum of Fine Arts. Barbara Bush walks into the event tent. Dedication ceremony of the West Wing of the museum. Speeches given by Chairman Howard Johnson and Director Jan Fontaine cover the history of the museum and facilities of the new wing. Honored guest Barabra Bush is introduced and addresses the audience. Governor Ed King addresses the audience. I.M. Pei, and Mayor Kevin White also sit on stage during ceremony. Interiors of the new wing. Entrance to the People's Republic of China exhibit.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/17/1981
Description: Silent footage shot from the outside of the Pru Cinema at 903 Boylston St. of signs and the marquee for the movie "Deep Throat." Some footage of men leaving the theater and shots of the lobby taken through the lobby doors.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 06/26/1974
Description: Deer Island sewage treatment, boiler room, generators, control room, outside shots. Water gates, gas spheres, rushing water. Man explains the sewage treatment process and the way the machinery works. Boston skyline across the Harbor. Tape damage toward the end of the video.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/26/1982
Description: Interiors of Deer Island House of Corrections. Shots of occupied and unoccupied cells. Shots of cell block. Guard walks down cell block. Graffiti on cell walls. Prisoner walks through cafeteria. Exteriors of Deer Island House of Corrections. Camera operator and reporter discuss composition of shots throughout.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/27/1977
Description: Story #1456. Silent footage of paintings, woodwork, and sketches on display at an art fair.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/15/1972
Description: Deer Island prison exterior with snow. Main brick dormitory and several outbuildings. Boston skyline across harbor with whitecaps on waves. Plane flying low on approach to Logan Airport touches down on runway in distance.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/27/1977
Description: Footage of EMTs rushing into a building followed by EMTs coming out with a body on a stretcher and loading it into an ambulance. Interview with the D.A. in office, followed by silent b-roll of the office. Mix of sound and silent. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Delahunt investigation - Into Brookline kidnapping victim's father's shooting death concludes that police killed the man, file film and interview with D.A. [District Attorney] Delahunt."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 01/22/1977
Description: Christy George reports that the campaigns of Jesse Jackson and Michael Dukakis have different agendas for the upcoming Democratic convention. She notes that Jackson may not support Dukakis's choice of running mate because he would like to be named as Dukakis's running mate. George reports that Jackson has threatened to have floor fights on all platform issues that he does not win, and to present his speech outside of the convention if he feels slighted by the party. George speculates on whether the delegates for each candidate will unite at the convention. Interview with Dukakis delegate Raymond Jordan and Jackson delegate Saundra Graham about their views of the convention. Jordan says that he is working to unite all Democrats behind Dukakis. Graham says that Dukakis must accommodate Jackson's platform to win his delegates. George's report includes footage of Dukakis and Sen. Lloyd Bentsen at a press conference and footage of Dukakis campaigning. George's report also features footage of Jackson and footage of Sen. Dianne Feinstein at the 1984 Democratic National Convention. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: An African American family moves into the McCormack housing project
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Raymond Jordan (Dukakis delegate) being interviewed by Christy George. Jordan says that he is working to unite all Democrats behind the nomination of Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate). Footage of Saundra Graham (Jackson delegate) saying that Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) has broken the barrier which had kept people of color from running for elected offices. George reports that the Jackson campaign and the Dukakis campaign have different agendas for the Democratic Convention in Atlanta next week. V: C-Span footage from the 1984 Democratic National Convention. Dianne Feinstein (US Senator) urges the members of the Democratic Party to put aside their differences in order to work for their goals. Shot of Democratic leaders including Jackson shaking hands at the the Convention. Shots of construction workers preparing the set and stage for the 1988 Democratic National Convention. George reports that Jackson may not support Dukakis's choice of running mate; that Jackson wants to be Dukakis's running mate. V: Shot of Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen (US Senator) at a press conference. Footage of Jordan saying that Dukakis supporters are going to the convention to support Dukakis. Footage of Graham saying that Dukakis needs to accomodate Jackson supporters. George reports that Jackson is threatening floor fights on all 13 platform issues that he does not win. V: Shot of Jackson speaking from a podium. Footage of Jordan saying that Dukakis has done everything he can to accomodate Jackson on the platform issues. Footage of Graham saying that she is going to the convention to fight for the issues which are important to her and her constituents. George reports that Jackson is threatening to give his speech outside of the convention hall if he feels mistreated by the Democratic Party leadership. V: C-Span footage of Jackson addressing the 1984 Democratic Convention. Shot of the audience. Footage of Jordan saying that Jackson's attitude is "political posturing." Jordan says that no one knows what Jackson's real motives are. Footage of Graham saying that Dukakis is acting unreasonably; that Dukakis is trying to control the convention rules and the party platform. George speculates as to whether Jackson supporters and Dukakis supporters will unite at the convention. V: Shots of Dukakis standing at the shore of a lake; of Jackson addressing a small crowd; of the convention set being constructed in the Atlanta convention center. Footage of Graham saying that Jackson needs to urge his supporters to support Dukakis as the Democratic nominee. Footage of Jordan saying that Jackson supporters and Dukakis supporters both want the Democratic nominee to win the presidency. George notes that the convention could be boring if both sides unite immediately behind one candidate and one platform.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/11/1988
Description: Story about possible Nazi collaborator John Demjanjuk's discovery in the United States and extradition to Israel. Denjanjuk was mistaken as a different Ukrainian concentration camp guard known as "Ivan the terrible," and sentenced to death in Israel in 1988, but returned to the US when the mistaken identity was proven. He was deported to Germany 10 years later to face trials for new allegations, but died before the case was concluded. This story is about Dejanjuk's extradition to Israel in 1986 to face trial for the first time. Footage of Denjanjuk in handcuffs coming off a plane in Israel, historical footage of WWII, interview with Treblinka survivor Eliahu Rosenberg, and still images of concentration camps. Reporter voice-over through reel. Sound
Collection: WCVB Collection