Crowd at Thinking Machines Corporation applauds Senator Al Gore. Sheryl Handler (CEO, Thinking Machines) introduces him.
Gore credits the audience for working in a field in which the U.S. faces a lot of competition and mentions his previous visits. He introduces his wife, Tipper, and daughter, Kristen. He speaks about the influence of Thinking Machines products in other business environments and mentions that Thinking Machines has more customers in foreign countries than in the U.S. He speaks about the need for an information infrastructure that would bring information to those who need it. He speaks about the presentation capabilities of Thinking Machines computers and the necessary infrastructure to make these computers available for use by businesses anywhere in the country. He proposes a nationwide fiber-optic network as a necessity for America’s competition in the world marketplace.
He takes questions from the audience. He discusses changing from a Cold War mentality and the changing nature of strategic resources. He talks about the global environmental crisis and environmentally-friendly manufacturing processes. He discusses ethnic conflicts and states the need for the U.S. to work with the U.N. to stop the killings in Bosnia.
Applause as he leaves through the crowd.