Description: talk show/ interview style in cctv’s old control room time-sensitive/call-in # technocal difficulties
Collection: CCTV
Description: talk-show-style show, humerous with interviews/ random sound ommitions call-in number cctv based
Collection: CCTV
Description: humerous talk-show-style-show with interviews, two shows random sound ommitions, call-in number cctv-based
Collection: CCTV
Description: talk show/interview style with guests timesensitive/call-in # 2 shows on 1 tape technical difficulties
Collection: CCTV
Description: talk-show-style show, humerous call-in number cctv based, random sound ommitions
Collection: CCTV
Description: Annual event held in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King
Collection: CCTV
Collection: CCTV
Description: 1990
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/18/2008
Description: Man struggles with own identity. Short on 3 men, “Spare Change”
Talent:Lloyd Smith, Lawrence Prift, Steven Duarte
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 11/25/2003