Description: Mayor Kevin White's message to citizens of Boston regarding the opening of school. He says that all residents share the responsibility for a safe opening of schools. He adds that no threat to school children or school buses will be tolerated, and that police, federal marshals, and the FBI will be on hand to enforce the court order. White reminds citizens that the education of schoolchildren must not be politicized. This tape has audible time code on track 2.
0:59:04: Visual: Chalk slate indicates production information: School Opening / Mayor White / 9 -3- 75 / Ferrante (producer) / DeBarger (director). 0:59:32: V: Kevin White reminds viewers that school starts on Monday; that the first week of school is a time of transition for teachers, students, and parents; that many are concerned about the safety of children in schools as well as safety on the streets; that many will have to adapt to the changes brought by new school assignments. White says that every citizen has a responsibility to make the school opening peaceful no matter how he or she feels about busing; that responsibility, judgement and restraint will be important. White says that every child has a right to attend school safely; that he will use every resource at his disposal to guarantee safe access to schools for all children. White says that a comprehensive safety plan has been developed to maintain peace on the streets and to avoid violence and disruption in schools. White pledges that he will not tolerate any breach of public safety; that unlawful activity posing a threat to schools, buses, or school children will be punished with the maximum sentence. 1:02:17: White says that many concerned citizens and parents have participated in the development of the public safety plan; that the plan for 1975 triples the efforts made in 1974; that 1,000 Boston police officers, 300 state troopers, 250 MDC police and 100 federal marshals will be on duty along bus routes and near schools; that 400 school crossing supervisors, 300 bus monitors and over 900 transitional aids will be employed by the city; that the FBI and special teams of prosecutors will be on hand to investigate unlawful activity. White says again that interference with school desegregation will not be tolerated; that violators of the court order risk arrest and prosecution under federal law; that the city is better prepared for the opening of school this year. White urges city residents to act with decency, compassion, and charity; to avoid violence; to set a good example for the city's children. White reminds viewers that children need to go to school; that schools need to be separate from politics and power struggles.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/03/1975
Description: Boston mayoral debate from the 1975 campaign. 1975 mayoral campaign debate in WGBH studio, moderated by Pam Bullard, Ed Baumeister, and Gary Griffith, between Mayor Kevin White, Robert Gibbons, Senator Joseph Timilty, and Norman Oliver. Main topic is busing for school integration. Timilty believes that busing is a waste of resources; Gibbons believes that busing was forced by government and should be stopped. Discussion of budget: White is attacked for his handling of state funds. Timilty claims Boston is on verge of bankruptcy. White claims that he has tried to take politics out of City Hall. There is much bickering between Baumeister and Gibbons. Oliver says that Boston Police Department is not operating in the interest of the black community in the city. Timilty gives closing address, talks about type of city citizens want. Oliver closing address: vows to stand up against racism. Gibbons closing address: create neighborhoods for productive working class. White closing address: proud of his record in eight years as mayor. Talks about trying to balance the city fiscally. Ed Baumeister signs off.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/02/1975
Description: Evening Compass late edition newscast covering day 3 of Phase II desegregation in Boston Schools. Ed Baumeister summarizes events and report on school attendance figures. Pam Bullard reports that attendance figures show white students to be in the minority: Peter Meade (Mayor's Office) comments on racial makeup of the school system; Cardinal Medeiros (Archdiocese of Boston) comments on influx of Boston students to parochial schools to avoid busing. School officials comment on the opening of schools: Charles Leftwich (Associate Superintendent of Schools) reports a missing bus and problems with buses arriving late; Robert Donahue (Boston School Department) reports on registration for unassigned students; Frances Condon (Boston School Department) reports on kindergarten registration. Bullard interviews Thayer Fremont-Smith (Lawyer, Boston Home and School Association) about the court action to overturn forced busing. Fremont-Smith says that the court-ordered busing plan is too broad and will result in racially imbalanced schools as a result of declining white enrollment. Edwin Diamond (media critic) analyzes Boston Globe coverage of busing crisis with guests Mike McNamee (MIT student) and Robert Healy (Executive Editor, Boston Globe). Healy says that a local newspaper has to deal with the crisis differently than a national newspaper.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/10/1975
Description: Day 3, year 2 of desegregation. Reporters on set give accounts of day's events in school system. Ed Baumeister opens with press conference in which Metropolitan Distric Commission Police (MDC) Superintendent Lawrence Carpenter and mayoral spokesperson Peter Meade comment on student safety and “minority white” school system. Clip of Robert Donahue of School Department on student suspensions. Reporter Pam Bullard presents statistical figures for racial makeup of schools. Clip of Cardinal Medeiros on white influx to parochial schools. WGBH reporters discuss political significance of majority African American schools. At police command center, officers monitor communications to spot trouble and coordinate efforts of State, MDC, and Boston police forces: George Landry of Boston Police Department comments on the professional rivalry between groups. Reporter Gary Griffith reports on South Boston residents who are less vocal in protest than in year 1. Stills of bandaged Michael Coakley, allegedly beaten by the Tactical Patrol Force (TPF). Claims against brutality of TPF. Reporter Paul deGive discusses Charlestown residents' resentment of media and threatened retaliation against media presence. Stills of peaceful Charlestown marchers filling street. Gloria Conway, editor of Charlestown Patriot comments on the peaceful demonstration. Pam Bullard reports on location about Joseph Lee elementary school in Dorchester (first busing site) exterior and open classrooms. Lee School Principal Frances Kelley talks about school's program. Children line up to board bus; wave goodbye from inside bus as it pulls away.
2:12:09: Ed Baumeister introduces the show. Opening credits. Baumeister gives summary of the day's events: no arrests related to the schools; an orderly demonstration in Charlestown. Visual: Footage of the day's press conference by city officials. Baumeister asks if there are plans to reduce police presence. Lawrence Carpenter (MDC Police Superintendent) replies that he does not know; Peter Meade (Mayor's Office) doubts that there will be a reduction. Baumeister notes the absence of top officials from daily press conference; that present attendance levels in Boston schools indicate that white students are in the minority. V: Footage of Robert Donahue (Boston School Department) reporting on discipline in the schools. Donahue gives information on new student registration for the following day. Baumeister reports that attendance was 52,109 (68,4%). 2:16:01: Pam Bullard reports on the percentages of white and minority children in Boston schools. Bullard reports that under the court-ordered desegregation plan, 60 of 162 Boston schools are projected to be predominantly African American; that 46 of 115 elementary schools are projected to be predominantly African American; that current attendance levels put 61 of 115 elementary schools predominantly African American. Bullard reports that school officials fear that white children will become a minority in Boston schools. V: Footage of Meade talking about desegregation leading to a white minority in other urban school systems. Meade says that one could project a non-white majority in the future based on elementary school enrollments; that racial imbalance in Boston schools is unfortunate. Bullard reports that elementary enrollment is down 18% from previous year; that 73 whites of 306 have attended the Lee School so far; that 85 of 145 whites have attended the Morris School so far; that 86 of 136 whites have attended the Ripley School so far; that 75 of 148 whites have attended the Kilmer School so far. Bullard reports that many white parents enrolled children in private schools to avoid eventual busing; that Catholic schools are serving as a haven for anti-busers despite a pledge to the contrary by Humberto Cardinal Medeiros (Archdiocese of Boston). V: Footage of Medeiros saying that he would examine enrollment numbers at Catholic schools before determining any punishment for those who enrolled to avoid busing. Bullard reports that school officials are uncertain if white students will return. 2:21:49: Baumeister asks Bullard about the significance of a majority non-white school system. Bullard replies that a majority non-white school system may not receive sufficient funds from a white city government; that the city risks losing its white population. Baumeister reports on a rivalry among state, MDC and Boston police forces during the 1974 school year. 2:22:33: Donovan Moore reports on coordination among state, MDC and Boston police forces. Moore reports that school desegregation requires 100 federal marshals, 250 MDC police officers, 350 state troopers and 1,000 Boston police officers. V: Footage of officers sitting in front of radios at communications center in Boston Police Headquarters. George Landry (Boston Police Department) explains how the communications center operates. Officers are shown looking at a map of the city and working the radios. Moore reports that the center can communicate instantly with officers on the streets. Moore lists the different police forces. V: Shots of an MDC officer on horseback; of state police in front of South Boston High School; of Boston police officers walking on the street. Footage of Landry admitting to a spirit of competiveness among the police forces. Landry denies any hostility. 2:25:49: Gary Griffith reports that South Boston remains a stronghold of the anti-busing movement; that South Boston has been relatively quiet since the opening of school three days ago. V: Shots of photographs of Nancy Yotts (South Boston Information Center); of students in front of a high school; of African American students boarding buses. Griffith reports that the SBIC has accused the police department's Tactical Patrol Force (TPF) of police brutality; that the SBIC has produced witnesses including Michael Coakley, who says he was beaten by police. Griffith reports that the SBIC has demanded the withdrawal of the TPF from South Boston; that Warren Zanaboni (South Boston Marshals) says he tries to get South Boston youth off the streets at night. V: Shots of photographs of an SBIC poster in a store window; of Michael Coakley, with bandaged head and arm in a sling. Shot of a photograph of Zanaboni. Griffith reports on small skirmishes between police and South Boston youth during the previous three nights; that the MDC police and the police in South Boston have a good working relationship with the South Boston Marshals; that the TPF does not have a good relationship with the marshals; that four arrests were made by the TPF the previous evening; that South Boston residents say the trouble would subside if the TPF withdrew. 2:28:55: Paul deGive reports that relations between between Charlestown residents, the police and the news media show slight improvement; that rumors circulated in the morning that residents would target the media; that the media tried not to antagonize the residents during the mother's march. V: Shots of photographs of mother's march in Charlestown; of prayer meeting at the St. Francis de Sales church; of camerapeople covering the march; of peaceful street scenes in Charlestown; of police patrolling streets. DeGive reports that the police did not crowd the marchers; that Superintendent Joseph Jordan (Boston Police Department) was calmly watching events develop; that police were quietly patrolling the streets. V: Footage of Gloria Conway (Editor, Charlestown Patriot) interviewed by deGive. Conway says that the police were wise to allow a peaceful demonstration because it allowed residents to vent their frustrations; that the police presence today seemed less aggressive and threatening; that many officers were covering their regular beats. DeGive reports that Conway, Dennis Kearney (State Representative) and community leaders requested that the TPF not be deployed in Charlestown. [ V: Shot of a photograph of Kearney in street. DeGive reports that Mon O'Shea (Associate Dean, Bunker Hill Community College) accused the TPF of creating a military-like atmosphere; that community leaders agree that some police presence is needed; that Kearney is seeking a way to keep Charlestown youth in check. 2:34:16: Baumeister adds that the atmosphere was calm and attendance was low at Charlestown High School. Bullard reports from the Joseph Lee School in Dorchester. Bullard notes that the Boston School Committee's decision to ignore the racial imbalance at the Lee School's opening provoked the lawsuit leading to court-ordered desegregation in Boston; that four years later, the Lee School is still racially imbalanced. V: Shots of photographs of the Lee School; of groups African American kids outside of Franklin Field Housing Project; of school classrooms. Bullard notes that the Lee School is located in an inner city neighborhood; that white students from West Roxbury were to be bused into the Lee School; that 73 whites out of 306 have attended the Lee School so far; that the school is an excellent but underutilized facility. V: Footage of Bullard interviewing Frances Kelley (Principal, Joseph Lee School). Kelley talks about enrichment programs at the Lee School. She says that the school opened with no problems; that white parents may be staying away due to safety concerns; that in the past, parents have been very satisfied with the Lee School. Footage of children exiting school and boarding buses. Bullard notes that children assigned to the Lee this year will stay for subsequent grades; that desegregation has failed so far at the Lee. V: Footage of African American children outside of Lee School; of white children leaving the school on a bus. 2:40:07: Baumeister talks about the evening's late newscast and closes show. Credits roll.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/10/1975
Description: Evening Compass late edition newscast on the second day of school during Phase II desegregation of Boston Schools. Ed Baumeister and Paul deGive introduce the show and give attendance statistics. Introduction includes footage of Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) giving an upbeat statement on the opening of schools. Greg Pilkington reports on African American students who are bused into Charlestown. Pilkington's report includes interviews with Caroline Bell (local resident), Harietta Moore (local resident), Robert Kelley (student), Galina Davis(student), Georgia Carter (local resident), John Filadoro (bus driver) and Leona Pleas (bus monitor). Pilkington notes that the bus rides from the South End to Charlestown have been uneventful so far. Pilkington reports on a group of Roxbury parents who are urging other African American parents to send their children to Charlestown High School. Richard Gittens (transitional aid, Charlestown High School) reports that there are no problems at Charlestown High School. Pilkington interviews Nathaniel Jones (general counsel, NAACP) about school desegregation issues and busing in Boston. Jones says that segregated schools are harmful to both white students and African American students. Judy Stoia interviews Renee Burke (student, Hyde Park High School) and Donald McCarthy (student, Hyde Park High School) on their participation in a leadership program to lessen racial tension at Hyde Park High School. Stoia interviews Judy Rattash (First National Bank of Boston), Suzanne Kelly (Stonehill College) and Gail O'Reilly (teacher, Hyde Park High School) about Hyde Park High School programs in conjuction with Stonehill College and the First National Bank of Boston. Rattash, O'Reilly and Kelly talk about the programs available to Hyde Park High School students. DeGive reports that the Massachusetts Supreme Court failed to lift an injuction blocking the City of Boston from paying legal fees for the Boston Home and School Association's appeals of court-ordered busing. DeGive notes that the Home and School Association will seek private funding to continue the fight against the court order. Pam Bullard interviews John Coakley about magnet schools and the opening of schools across the city. Coakley says that public-safety issues are being handled better this year than last year. This tape has audible time code on track 2 and visible time code in the upper right corner.
23:00:02: Ed Baumeister introduces a special Evening Compass broadcast featuring information on the school situation. Baumeister reports that the city is calm; that federal marshals are ready to act if there are any signs of a disturbance. Opening credits roll. Paul deGive reports that school attendance was 64.9%. Baumeister reports that there is still confusion over school assignments for some students. [ V: Footage of Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) saying that the general climate of the schools is "excellent"; that there have been no arrests in the schools. Baumeister reports that there were 14 arrests in Boston today; that 94 have been arrested since the opening of school; that 9 police officers have been injured. 23:02:25: Greg Pilkington reports on African American students assigned to Charlestown High School. V: Footage of African American students boarding buses at corner of Lenox and Tremont Streets, near the Cathedral Housing Project in the South End; of African American students riding buses. Pilkington reports that Charlestown has been the center of resistance to Phase II busing; that many African American students assigned to Charlestown schools did not attend the opening day of school for fear of violence; that there was no violence in the schools or along the bus routes on opening day. V: Footage of Pilkington interviewing parents at the bus stop. Caroline Bell (local resident) says that her two sons were assigned to the Holden School in Charlestown; that her sons were apprehensive about going to school in Charlestown; that they were pleased with the school when they returned home after the first day. Harietta Moore (local resident) says that four of her children were assigned to schools in Charlestown; that they did not attend the opening day of school; that they will attend school today because the schools in Charlestown appear to be peaceful. Robert Kelley (student) says that a crowd threw rocks at his bus as he was leaving school in Charlestown; that the climate inside the school was fine. Galina Davis (student) says that a crowd outside of her school in Charlestown was insulting the African American students. Footage of buses lined up to pick up students at a bus stop. Pilkington says that the busing of students from the South End to Charlestown was uneventful yesterday; that the absence of a bus monitor caused some confusion. V: Footage of Georgia Carter (local resident) saying that parents were concerned about their children riding buses without bus monitors. John Filadoro (bus driver) says that a bus monitor would have calmed the fears of the kids on the bus; that the police did a good job of breaking up crowds and easing tension on the streets; that he thinks his bus might have a bus monitor today. Leona Pleas (bus monitor) says that she came out today because she heard that bus monitors were needed; that she has a child assigned to school in Charlestown; that white parents should send their kids to school because a child's education is more important than politics; that more African American students are on the bus today to go to Charlestown. 23:06:45: Pilkington reports that 85 African American students attended Charlestown High School today; that the attendance figure for African American students at the high school is 38%; that a group of parents in Roxbury is urging African American parents to send their children to school in Charlestown. Pilkington interviews Richard Gittens (bus monitor and transitional aide, Charlestown High School) in the studio. Gittens says that the climate is good at Charlestown High School; that the principal at Charlestown High School is doing a good job; that there have been no problems between white and African American students; that the school situation is normal, despite the violence on the streets in Charlestown. Gittens says that he is among a group of parents urging others to send their children to school in Charlestown; that they hope for 100% attendance among African American students by Friday. Gittens says that African American parents and students are pleased with the middle school in Charlestown; that African American parents and students have found that there is a difference between schools in Charlestown and schools in African American neighborhoods. Gittens says white and African American parents need to send their kids to school, no matter how they feel about busing. Gittens says that the violence on the streets in Charlestown has not affected the educational climate in the high school. Gittens leaves the set. 23:11:14: Pilkington interviews Nathaniel Jones (general counsel, NAACP) in the studio about desegregation issues and the court case which brought desegregation to Boston (Morgan v. Hennigan). Jones says that the resolve of the government to enforce the court order has resulted in a peaceful opening of schools in Boston. Jones says that the plaintiffs in the lawsuit brought the case to court because the Constitutional rights of their children were being violated; that the court's decision in Morgan v. Hennigan is in line with the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education; that it is unconstitutional for a school board to make policy which results in a segregated school system. Jones says that segregation is harmful to both white children and African American children; that segregated schools are inherently unequal; that Judge Garrity's ruling eliminates segregation and tries to remedy the harm caused by segregation to white and African American children in Boston. Jones says that popular opinion about busing is irrelevant; that the Constitutional rights of the minority must be protected; that busing does not compromise a child's education; that busing has been used in the past to enforce segregation; that 3% of children in the US are bused for the purposes of desegregation. Jones says that he can understand why African Americans might have reservations about busing; that in the past, the burden of busing fell on the African American community; that the court order calls for students of both races to be bused in Boston; that the rights of African American students must be protected. 23:17:40: Baumeister reports that attendance at Hyde Park High School was 70% today; that African American attendance was 65%; that white attendance was 74%; that the school has opened peacefully this year. Baumeister reports that the pairing of Hyde Park High School with Stonehill College and the First National Bank of Boston led to the creation of Student Leadership Teams to deal with racial tension. 23:18:33: Judy Stoia interviews Renee Burke (student, Hyde Park High School), Donald McCarthy (student, Hyde Park High School) in the studio. Burke and McCarthy are members of the Hyde Park Biracial Leadership Team. Burke says that the training she received as a member of the team helped her; that the training brought the team closer together. McCarthy says that the training took place at Stonehill College; that members of the group have learned to trust one another. Burke says that members of the team are working as student aides in the school. McCarthy says that the team can set a good example for the other students; that the 52 members of the team can show that African American and white students can get along. Burke says that there has been a lessening of tension in the school; that team members can help to mediate problems among students. McCarthy says that there is much less tension this year than last year. Burke says that she hopes that the example of the biracial team will encourage more interaction between African American and white students. McCarthy says that interaction between the two groups will happen gradually; that there are probably a few resentments carried over from the previous year. 23:22:55: Stoia interviews Judy Rattash (First National Bank of Boston), Suzanne Kelly (Stonehill College) and Gail O'Reilly (teacher, Hyde Park High School) in the studio. Rattash says that the First National Bank will continue some of its pilot programs from the previous year at Hyde Park High School; that the bank developed a successful computer course taught at their facility in Columbia Park during the previous year; that the bank is developing a program called World of Work, in which students learn interview and resume techniques. Rattash says that students get hands-on experience with computers in the computer course. Kelly says that Stonehill College would like to expand the leadership program at Hyde Park High School; that they would like to get more students involved in one-day leadership workshops at the college. Kelly says that she is presently writing proposals to get funding for programs through the state legislature; that some programs may begin before the funds become available at the end of September. Kelly says that there are plans for academic enrichment programs, an ethnic studies program, an ethnic crafts course, and a radio production; that the programs take place at Stonehill College and at Hyde Park High School. O'Reilly says that she likes the programs available through Stonehill College and the First National Bank; that the bank's reading tutorial program will continue this year; that both the bank and the college will participate in the school newspaper. Rattash says that other outside organizations are interested in the schools; that the Greater Boston Real Estate Board may try to work with teachers to develop a curriculum for students at Hyde Park High School; that the bank will encourage the Junior Achievement program at Hyde Park High School. Burke says that students will be especially interested in the newspaper program. 23:29:57: Paul deGive reports that Massachusetts Superior Court Justice Francis Quirico has refused to lift an injuction blocking the city of Boston from paying legal fees for the Boston Home and School Association; that the city of Boston had paid over $50,000 until African American parents brought the city to court. DeGive reports that the Boston Home and School Association will seek private funds in order to continue to fight the court order; that the Home and School Association is slated to argue the desegregation plan in front of the First Circuit Court of Appeals next week. 23:30:56: Baumeister reports that John Coakley was praised for his performance last year as Boston's chief school desegregation planner; that he was appointed head of the city-wide magnet schools by William Leary (former Superintendent of Schools); that he was not reappointed to that post by the new superintendent Marion Fahey. Baumeister reports that Judge Garrity has requested that Coakley stay in the post until the end of September. 23:31:09: Pam Bullard interviews John Coakley in the studio. Bullard asks why there are more problems with transportation and student assignments this year. Coakley says that the school department had more time to implement the Phase I plan after it was handed down from the court; that the Phase II plan was more complex, and the schools had less time to implement it. Coakley says that organizing bus transit is very complex; that the school department did the best it could in the time allowed. Bullard reports that elementary school attendance city-wide was 70%; that elementary school attendance in Dorchester was 74%; that elementary school attendance in East Boston was 76%; that attendance in elementary-level magnet schools was 80%. Coakley says that parents choose magnet schools; that the magnet schools are well established and carry over a sizable population from year to year. Bullard asks Coakley if the magnet schools can continue to pull in students and reverse the trend of declining enrollments. Coakley says that the Boston area provides great resources to the magnet schools; that universities, hospitals, and other institutions are participating in magnet school programs. Bullard reports that attendance at high schools is down 7% from last year; that attendance at middle schools is up 11% from last year; that attendance at elementary schools is down 18% from last year. Coakley says that many elementary schools were unaffected by Phase I desegregation; that elementary schools are losing students because more schools are affected by Phase II desegregation this year. Coakley says that he thinks some elementary school students may have left public schools for reasons other than desegregation. Bullard asks Coakley to compare the opening of schools this year to the opening of schools last year. Coakley says that he is more optimistic about the schools this year; that public safety issues are being handled more effectively this year; that many residents, parents, and students do not wish to see a repeat of last year's violence; that many are trying to recover their pride in the city, which may have been lost last year. Coakley says that Phase II desegregation did try to incorporate educational improvements with desegregation; that the magnet schools are an example of this; that the involvement of universities and other institutions in the schools can provide some momentum for a more dynamic school system. 23:40:25: Bumeister reports on Evening Compass broadcasts for the following day. DeGive reminds viewers that Edwin Diamond (media critic) will analyze media coverage of busing on the tomorrow's late edition of Evening Compass. DeGive closes the show. Credits roll.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/09/1975