Description: Evening Compass newscast during the first week of Phase II integration of Boston schools. Ed Baumeister reads school attendance statistics and reports on the stoning of a bus in Jamaica Plain. Pam Bullard reports on resistance to busing among Hyde Park parents. She interviews Hyde Park residents Paul Murphy, Ginny McCarthy, William Wager, Sylvia Connaughton, Pauline Haley, and Eddie Remondi. Remondi invokes the civil disobedience of Martin Luther King as a model for the antibusing movement. Gary Griffith reports on complaints of police brutality by Tactical Patrol Force officers in South Boston, Charlestown and Roxbury. Bill MacDonald, Joseph Rowan, William Johnston, Val Williams, and Kathy Fitzpatrick (all of the Boston Police Department) talk about the TPF and respond to the charges of brutality. Baumeister reports on how busing has affected East Boston. He interviews East Boston residents Rose DiScisio, Mina DeFilippo, Mrs. Jay DiGiangregorio and Evelyn Babin about busing. Judy Stoia interviews Dennis Kearney (State Representative), Gloria Conway (Editor, Charlestown Patriot) and Mon O'Shea (Associate Dean, Bunker Hill Community College) about youth violence in Charlestown. Conway, Kearney and O'Shea complain that the media has exaggerated the violence in Charlestown; that youth violence is a problem across the city. Greg Pilkington reports on his conversation with James Nabrit (attorney for the plaintiffs, Brown v. Board of Education) about busing as a means to achieve school desegregation. Pilkington reports that Nabrit says that busing is a necessary remedy for school desegregation.
19:30:00: Ed Baumeister introduces the Evening Compass broadcast. Opening credits roll. Baumeister reports that today's school attendance was 52,631 out of 76,127; that school attendance has risen each day since school opened; that a bus carrying white students was stoned in Jamaica Plain. Baumeister comments that coverage of the busing crisis has moved from daily statistics to larger issues of resistance and a white minority school population. Baumeister reports that Bob Schwartz (Educational Advisor to the Mayor) fears that a minority white school system in Boston will lead to a decline in the quality of education; that Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) favors a metropolitan desegregation plan. Baumeister reports that Thomas Atkins (President, NAACP) is not worried about a white minority population in the schools. 19:32:22: Pam Bullard reports on resistance to busing in Hyde Park. Bullard reports that over 600 African American students attend Hyde Park High School with 900 white students; that the school has been calm this year; that police are stationed outside of the school; that there was a heavy police presence in the school last year due to trouble between African American and white students; that residents of Hyde Park are still heavily opposed to busing. Visual: Footage of buses pulling up to Hyde Park High School; of white students walking toward the school; of African American and white students entering the school. Footage of Paul Murphy (Hyde Park parent) saying that he will never support busing; that the school appears calm but there is great tension within. Ginny McCarthy (Hyde Park parent) says that there is very strong antibusing sentiment in Hyde Park; that residents are not able to vent their feelings because of the strong police presence. William Wager (Hyde Park parent) says that he resents seeing police officers lining the streets. Sylvia Connaughton (Hyde Park parent) says that the antibusing movement has been silenced; that all forms of antibusing protest have been outlawed; that she will continue to fight the court order nonviolently. Pauline Haley (Hyde Park parent) says that the strong police presence does not allow for any form of protest. McCarthy says that antibusing residents will fight the court order through political means; that the antibusing movement must stay united and visible; that people should fight the court order, not leave the city. Connaughton agrees that the antibusing movement must stay active and visible; that the antibusing movement will not give up and accept busing. Eddie Remondi (Hyde Park parent) says that the antibusing movement must fight the court order through civil disobedience, citing the example of Martin Luther King; that the movement must fight in the courts and in the political arena. Wager says that the antibusing movement must create turmoil throughout the city through marches and lawful demonstrations; that the movement must avoid violence. 19:37:26: Baumeister introduces Gary Griffith's report on complaints lodged against the Tactical Patrol Force (TPF) by residents of Charlestown, South Boston and Roxbury. V: Footage Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) saying that the TPF is a well-disciplined and effective unit with expertise in crowd control. Griffith reports that the TPF are the elite corps of the Boston Police Department; that residents of South Boston and Charlestown have charged the TPF with police brutality. V: Footage of TPF officers gathered at the side of a street in Charlestown. A traveling shot follows one officer to his car. Footage of Joseph Rowan (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) saying that the TPF reacts to violence directed at them by residents; that there may be isolated cases of brutality; that residents are encouraged to file complaints; that all complaints are investigated. Griffith reports that many TPF officers were previously regular duty police officers; that the TPF includes an emergency services unit, a canine unit, and an anti-crime unit; that TPF officers do not get paid more than regular police officers; that TPF officers may make additional money working overtime. V: Footage of Rowan saying that the TPF officers are carefully selected; that they are trained to work as a group; that TPF officers are stable, hardworking and are not afraid to perform their duties. Griffith reports that TPF officers have been called "drug-crazed animals." V: Footage of William Johnston (Boston Police Department) saying that that TPF officers are not "mean." Val Williams (Boston Police Department) says that the TPF has to deal with difficult situations; that rumors of TPF behavior have been exaggerated. Griffith asks Kathy Fitzpatrick (Boston Police Department) if she is involved in crowd control. She responds that she performs the same job as the men; that residents of South Boston and Charlestown are venting their frustration on the TPF. Griffith reports that TPF officers do not work in the neighborhoods; that they are called into difficult situations in which they must act quickly and forcefully. Baumeister asks Griffith if the TPF cultivates their fierce reputation in the city. Griffith says that the TPF officers like to play up their roles as "the hard guys"; that the TPF officers do not appreciate the rumors that circulate about TPF brutality; that he did not ask the officers about the allegations against TPF in the Rabbit Inn case or other cases. 19:43:16: Baumeister reports that East Boston has been the neighborhood least affected by court-ordered busing; that under Phase II desegregation, the East Boston district remains 95% white, 3% African American and 2% other minority; that the geographical isolation of the neighborhood makes the busing of students difficult; that the district high school will be open to students city-wide next year; that other East Boston schools will be unaffected next year. V: Footage of the entrance of the Callahan Tunnel. Traveling shot from a car driving through the tunnel. Baumeister reports that African American students have been bused into East Boston under Phase II desegregation; that buses are quietly escorted to the schools; that most students bused out of East Boston have chosen to attend city-wide magnet schools. V: Footage of a bus passing through toll booth. Footage of a white male student saying that he chose to attend Boston English High School because of its academic reputation; that he does not mind being bused; that his friends in East Boston tell him not to attend school. A white female student at a bus stop says that people tell her not to go to school. Shots of students boarding a bus in East Boston. Baumeister reports that many residents of East Boston strongly oppose busing. V: Footage of Rose DiScisio (East Boston resident) saying that many in East Boston will not allow their children to be bused; that there will be trouble in East Boston next year if students are bused out. Baumeister reports that DiScisio helps run the East Boston Information Center; that the East Boston Information Center is connected to ROAR (Restore Our Alienated Rights), the city-wide antibusing organization. Baumeister reports on the formation of two organizations formed to counter the antibusing movement in East Boston: EBQE (East Bostonians for Quality Education) and East Boston People Against Racism. V: Footage of Mina DeFilippo (East Boston resident) saying that she sends her children to Martin Luther King School in Dorchester; that her children are happy there; that she is a member of East Boston People Against Racism. Mrs. Jay DiGiangregorio (East Boston resident) says that her child has been sent to the Samuel Adams School in East Boston; that the school is overcrowded and lacks adequate facilities; that a nearby school is not overcrowded; that she will take her child out of the school system before the situation gets worse next year. DeFilippo says that her neighbors have insulted her in the streets for allowing her children to be bused; that she will continue to put her children on the bus. Evelyn Babin (East Boston resident) says that the antibusing movement is not causing trouble; that the other side tries to make the antibusing movement look bad. Baumeister reports that the organizations on both sides of the busing issue have support among East Boston residents; that many residents will wait until next year before getting involved in the busing debate. 19:50:16: Judy Stoia reports that the past two days have been relatively peaceful in Charlestown; that community leaders think reports of violence may have been exaggerated by the media. V: Footage of police officers lined up at an ice cream truck outside of Charlestown High School. Footage of Stoia interviewing Dennis Kearney (State Representative), Gloria Conway (Editor, Charlestown Patriot) and Mon O'Shea (Associate Dean, Bunker Hill Community College) on the steps of the Bunker Hill Monument. O'Shea says that it is normal for adolescents to act up; that the youth violence in Charlestown may not be related to race issues. Conway says that it is easy for kids to get caught up in the action of the moment. O'Shea says that very young children were caught up in an angry crowd on Monday evening; that it is dangerous for children to get caught up in violence. Conway says that racism is present in Charlestown, but not overwhelming; that one racist person can paint most of the graffiti in a neighborhood; that most people are concerned with the safety of their children. Kearney says that the majority of residents are shocked when they hear someone yell racial epithets at a bus of African American schoolchildren. Conway says that she has been active in the antibusing movement; that the antibusing movement has repudiated violence and has conducted peaceful demonstrations. Stoia comments that most people outside of Charlestown see it as a violent community. O'Shea says that violence is a problem in most urban environments; that there is violence in Charlestown, but it is still a good community. 19:55:07: Baumeister reports that the court case which brought desegregation to Boston schools is related to the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case; that 17 lawyers worked to bring the Brown case to the US Supreme Court. Greg Pilkington reports that five of the lawyers from the Brown case have died; that four of those lawyers are now judges (Thurgood Marshall, Spotswood Robinson, Constance Baker Motley and Robert Carter). Pilkington reports on a conversation about busing with another one of the lawyers, James Nabrit, who is retired and living in Washington D.C. Pilkington reports that Nabrit said that quality education is not possible in a segregated school system; that Nabrit believes the antibusing movement is not sincere when they claim that the quality of education suffers under busing; that in a segregated system, African American schools will be of lesser quality than white schools; that both whites and African Americans suffer from the adverse effects of segregation; that busing is necessary remedy if it is the only way to desegregate schools. 19:57:36: Baumeister closes the show. He makes a joke about getting reading lessons before the next show to improve his delivery of the news. Credits roll.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/11/1975
Description: Evening Compass newscast on the second day of Phase II desegregation of Boston schools. Ed Baumeister reports on the increased presence of federal law enforcement officials in the Boston. Report includes footage of Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) saying that violations of the law committed in the evening will be prosecuted as federal offenses. Baumeister also reports on school attendance. Footage of Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) expressing optimism about the climate in the schools. Greg Pilkington reports on police commitment to stricter law enforcement relating to school desegregation. Report includes footage of a press conference with Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) and J. Stanley Pottinger (Assistant U.S. Attorney General). Pilkington notes that police have made few arrests relating to violence Charlestown. Footage of Pilkington interviewing Scott Harshbarger (Assistant State Attorney General), about enforcement of the school desegregation order. Paul deGive reports on a confrontation between anti-busing mothers and police in Charlestown Paul deGive reports on confrontations between Charlestown residents, and police throughout the day. The report includes still photos and coverage of a standoff between police and Charlestown mothers during a prayer march. DeGive reports that Charlestown mothers charged police officers who were blocking the path of their march. DeGive reports on a confrontation between police, members of the media and Charlestown residents outside of the Bunker Hill Housing Project in Charlestown. DeGive notes that the police left the area because their presence seemed to provoke the residents. DeGive's reports includes footage of Charlestown resident chasing the media from the neighborhood. Pam Bullard reports on the atmosphere at Roxbury High School. Her report includes footage of interviews with Charles Ray (Headmaster, Roxbury High School) and a student who says that there is "no trouble" at Roxbury High School. Gary Griffith reports on police reaction to the increase in anti-busing violence and vandalism in the evenings. The report includes a photo of vandalism at the John F. Kennedy birthplace in Brookline. Graffiti in front of the house reads, "Bus Teddy." Judy Stoia reports on the atmosphere and programs at English High School. The report includes footage of interviews with English High School students, Chris Lane (Flexible Campus Coordinator, English High School) and Robert Peterkin (headmaster, English High School). Lane says that attendance has increased since yesterday. Peterkin talks about the tough academic standards at the school.
0:59:33: Audio of WGBH promotions and station identification. Baumeister introduces the Evening Compass newscast. Opening credits roll. Baumeister reports that the atmosphere in Boston schools was orderly; that nearly 2,000 law enforcement officials oversaw activities at the schools today. Bullard reports that there will be an increased federal presence in the city during the evenings. Visual: Footage of Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) saying that federal rules and regulations will now apply to evenings; that violators of the law during the evening hours will be subject to prosecution under federal law. Baumeister reports that US Marshals will not patrol the streets in the evenings; that they will be on call to assist local police. Baumeister speculates as to whether the authority of the US Marshals will be able to quell disruptions on the street, which have been more frequent than disruptions in schools. Baumeister reports that attendance in schools rose today; that 49,400 students of 76,127 were present in schools. Baumeister says that police and federal officials had grim reports about confrontations with local residents in Charlestown; that Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) was optimistic. V: Footage of Fahey saying that there have been no arrests in the schools; that the climate in the schools is "excellent." Fahey goes on to give a lighthearted report of the conditions in the schools. Baumeister reports that many members of the pro-busing Committee Against Racism (CAR) were arrested in South Boston yesterday. 1:02:54: Greg Pilkington reports that police officials had promised stricter law enforcement concerning the school situation this year; that police officials had threatened to make more arrests and to prosecute arrestees more quickly this year. Pilkington notes that the safety of schoolchildren has been assured this year, even when there has been unrest on the streets. Pilkington reports that there was only one arrest in Charlestown yesterday, where a gang of youth overturned cars and beat up an African American student at Bunker Hill Community College. Pilkington adds that Charlestown residents skirmished with police throughout the day today; that there were a handful of arrests made. Pilkington reports that Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) was asked about police action in Charlestown. V: Footage of press conference at Boston Schools Information Center. Baumeister asks why there have been many arrests for minor offenses and fewer arrests for violent offenses. DiGrazia says that there have been quite a few arrests for acts of violence; that the arrests of the members of the Committee Against Racism were unfortunate; that the CAR members needed to be moved in order to avoid confrontation along a bus route; that the CAR incident was the only one in which demonstrators tried to approach a bus route or school. DiGrazia says that there were several arrests for violent incidents today; that police are more concerned with neutralizing the situation than making arrests. Baumeister asks if police restraint is the reason for the low number of arrests. DiGrazia responds that police did show restraint in attempting to control a volatile situation today. Pilkington notes that police had promised less restraint and more arrests this year. DiGrazia says that there is a difference between "low visibility" and "restraint"; that police were using low visibility tactics last year; that police continue to use restraint this year, but are making more arrests. V: Pilkington says that the police presence is definitely more visible this year. Pilkington quotes Steve Dunleavy (spokesperson for DiGrazia) as saying two weeks before that police intended to stop violence and make more arrests this year. Pilkington notes that police have not made many arrests in Charlestown, nor have they stopped the violence. Pilkington reports that federal officials have also said that they intend to enforce the law more vigorously this year. Pilkington reports that J. Stanley Pottinger (Assistant US Attorney General) said at the press conference today that he expects the presence of FBI agents and 100 US Marshals to lead to more prosecutions under federal law. Pilkington notes that no federal charges have been filed in any of the cases being investigated by the Justice Department. V: Footage of Pilkington asking Pottinger if the youth violence in Charlestown constitutes a violation of federal law. Pottinger says that the violent activity of youth in Charlestown may constitute a violation of federal law; that attacks on police officers and fire officials are most definitely violations of federal law. Pilkington says that it is too early to predict the number of federal investigations which will result in federal charges. He notes that only 4 federal convictions resulted from 400 to 500 federal investigations last year. Pilkington reports that Scott Harshbarger (Assistant State Attorney General) will supervise the enforcement of the school desegregation order. V: Footage of Pilkington interviewing Harshbarger. Harshbarger says that the primary concern for law enforcement has been the safety of students in schools; that law enforcement has been concentrating on keeping violent demonstrators away from the schools. Pilkington notes that no arrests were made in Charlestown yesterday. He asks Harshbarger if the youth in Charlestown will feel as if they are immune from prosecution. Harshbarge says that youth in Charlestown are not immune from prosecution; that violence will not be tolerated; that the main priority right now is safety in and around the schools. Harshbarger adds that he is concerned about the youth violence. 1:09:38: DeGive reports that the morning was peaceful in Charlestown; that buses arrived at Charlestown High School without incident; that the media covering the story were fewer in number than yesterday; that there were no helicopters circling overhead. V: Shot of photographs of a female African American student looking out of the window of a bus; of Dennis Kearney (State Representative). DeGive reports that Kearney was optimistic about the atmosphere outside of the high school today; that Kearney had complained yesterday about the helicopters, the heavy police presence, and the large numbers of media. DeGive reports that DiGrazia held a brief press conference outside of Charlestown High School after the opening of the school; that DiGrazia said that police presence in Charlestown would be just as heavy today as yesterday. DeGive reports that 300 local police officers and Metropolitan District Commission police officers were stationed in Charlestown; that the Tactical Patrol Force and mounted police were on standby. V: Shot of photographs of DiGrazia speaking to reporters in front of the high school. Shot of photographs of police officers on a sidewalk in Charlestown; of officers stationed in Monument Square as a school bus passes by; of DiGrazia. DeGive reports that DiGrazia said that large groups would not be allowed to gather today in Charlestown. DeGive says that 200 antibusing mothers gathered to march on the street; that the women were stopped by a line of police; that the situation soon turned tense and ugly. DeGive reports that reporters and police were heckled by residents; that rocks and bottles were thrown occasionally at police officers and the media. V: Shot of photographs of a large group of white women sitting down in the street; of the women and police officers facing off on the street; of the media covering the confrontation. Shot of photographs of women sitting down in the street. DeGive reports that the trouble began when the group of mothers marched from Bunker Hill Street up to High Street, along the west side of the Bunker Hill Monument; that the group had grown to over 200 people when police cordoned off High Street and stopped the women from going further. DeGive reports that police ordered the marchers to walk along the sidewalk; that fathers and children complied with police while mothers sat down in High Street as a gesture of protest. DeGive reports that more police were added to the cordon in order to separate protesters from the media; that the mothers rose and demanded to be let through; that the mothers sang "God Bless America" and chanted the Lord's prayer and the "Here we go, Charlestown" refrain. V: Shot of photographs of the women gathered in the street; of street signs for Cordis Street and High Street; of the police cordon blocking the marchers' progress along High Street; of the women sitting down in the street. Shots of photographs of marchers in front of the cordon of police; of the women standing up in the street to face police; of marchers waving American flags. DeGive reports that the mothers charged the police line; that the police were ordered not to let them through, but not to hurt them. DeGive reports that the situation became rough; that males in the crowd were subject to the use of force; that two young men with the group of mothers were arrested quickly and roughly. DeGive reports that one man was dragged from the crowd with his neck locked between the body of a police officer and his nightstick; that another man was slammed against a car and subdued by five members of the Tactical Patrol Force (TPF). DeGive reports that the crowd finally chose to use the sidewalk; that the crowd moved down to the Revolutionary War-era training ground on Winthrop Street; that mothers dispersed while a group of youths challenged mounted police on the training ground. V: Shots of photographs of mothers facing off with police; of mothers pushing against the police cordon. Shots of photographs of police and officials on the street; of police officers walking in formation away from Monument Square. DeGive reports that the youths fired skyrockets at the mounted police; that one of the horses reared back and fell on a curb; that the police officer mounted on the horse was unhurt. DeGive reports that there was a lull in the action at lunchtime; that crowds gathered again near the Bunker Hill Housing Project on Bunker Hill Street around 1:30pm. DeGive reports that bus routes were changed to avoid the crowds; that the buses left Charlestown High School without incident. DeGive reports that there was a confrontation between police officers, the media, and bottle-throwing residents of the Bunker Hill Housing Project around 3:00pm; that a police lieutenant said that it was impossible to arrest those throwing bottles because they hide in the housing project. DeGive reports that the police lieutenant ordered his men away from the housing project because he felt that the police presence only provoked the residents. V: Footage of helmeted police officers crossing Bunker Hill Street and walking toward a police bus parked on Concord Street. White housing project residents yell and jeer at the departing police officers. White kids and teenagers move across the street toward the police officers and media. A station wagon passes by with "NEVER" written on the side window. DeGive reports that kids from the project crossed the street because they were attracted by members of the media; that the police departed the scene, warning the media that they would be unprotected. V: Footage of members of the press photographing the children from the projects; of the police bus departing down Bunker Hill Street. DeGive reports that the crowd grew in size after the departure of the police; that the crowd became hostile toward the media; that the media departed soon after. V: Footage of the crowd jeering at the media. Members of the media retreat up Concord Street. Audio of a man from the media saying, "C'mon, we're getting out of here." The crowd surges toward some members of the media, throwing objects. Members of the media get into their cars and pull away. The crowd throws objects at the departing members of the media. 1:15:13: Baumeister reports that white attendance at Roxbury High School has been extremely low; that 231 of 322 African American students attended school today; that 20 out of 241 whites attended school today; that 62 out of 116 other minorities attended school today. Baumeister introduces a report by Pam Bullard. Bullard reports that she spoke to white and Asian students at a bus stop in the South End; that they were not concerned about attending Roxbury High School. V: Shots of photographs of white and Asian students at a South End bus stop; of two white female freshmen. Bullard reports that two white female freshmen reported having no problems yesterday at Roxbury High School; that they were not pleased when they first heard that they had been assigned to Roxbury High School; that they had no problems yesterday and do not mind their assignment. Bullard reports that 44 Chinese American students attended Roxbury High School today; that a female Asian student said that she was happy at Roxbury High School. V: Shots of photographs of Asian students boarding the bus; of a female Asian student. Shots of photographs of Roxbury High School on Greenville Street; of a sign inside the building reading, "Welcome to Roxbury High. Have a Happy Day..."; of a freshly painted hallway inside the school; of the lunchroom; of a painted murals inside the school. Bullard reports that the busloads of students were met at the school entrance by faculty and staff; that the interior of the school has been recently painted; that the lunchroom and hallways are bright and immaculate; that some walls are decorated with artwork by the students. Bullard reports that Roxbury High School has set up innovative reading, math, and career programs in conjunction with Harvard University; that the school is collaborating with State Street Bank. V: Shots of photographs of Asian students exiting a bus in front of the school; of African American students approaching the school on Greenville Street. Bullard reports that Charles Ray (Headmaster, Roxbury High School) has said that this year's opening was very smooth; that Ray is optimistic about the school year. V: Footage of Bullard interviewing Ray outside of Roxbury High School. Ray says that the students this year are highly motivated; that many want to attend college; that the high school's programs can help the students develop their future plans. Ray says that most of the students are conscientious and sincere. Bullard asks Ray about how to improve the reputation of Roxbury High School. Ray says that he has invited parents to visit the school and experience how it is run; that he hopes the students from from the North End and Charlestown will take advantage of the excellent faculty and programs at Roxbury High School. Footage of Bullard interviewing Caroline Correia (student, Roxbury High School). Correia says that the school year has been good so far; that there is "no trouble" at Roxbury High School; that white students should not stay away because the school is located in an African American community. Correia says that she would like to see more white students at Roxbury High School; that more white students would probably be better for the school. 1:20:00: Baumeister reports that nighttime disturbances related to the busing crisis began the evening before schools opened this year. Baumeister introduces Gary Griffith's report from police headquarters. Griffith reports from the Police Department Information Center on Berkeley Street. Griffith sits at a desk, in front of a flag and a map of Boston. Griffith reports that US Marshals will now be available in the evenings to enforce the court order. Griffith reports that four US Marshals were present at South Boston High School two evenings ago, after a disturbance by South Boston youth. Griffith reports that there were no disturbances in South Boston during the day yesterday. He notes that there were motorcades in Charlestown and South Boston yesterday evening; that two Molotov cocktails were thrown at a school in Charlestown; that two youths were arrested for the possession of 17 Molotov cocktails in Roslindale; that an incendiary device was thrown through the back window of the John F. Kennedy birthplace in Brookline; that graffiti reading "Bus Teddy" was written on the sidewalk in front of the house. V: Shots of photographs of the JFK birthplace in Brookline; of graffiti reading "Bus Teddy," written on the sidewalk in front of the house. Griffith reports that a number of police officers were injured yesterday evening in South Boston; that the officers were punched, kicked, or hit by rocks. Griffith reports that a police officer was struck by a dart; that darts were hurled from a slingshot at police officers in South Boston yesterday evening; that windows at the South Boston District Courthouse were broken yesterday evening. Griffith reports that South Boston was very calm this morning; that only a small crowd was gathered near the high school in the morning; that there was no crowd gathered after school. V: Shots of photographs of Norman Halladay (Boston Police Department) holding a dart; of a broken window at the South Boston District Court. Shots of photographs of police and media in front of South Boston High School as buses pull up; of African American students boarding buses after school. Griffith reports that William Reid (Headmaster, South Boston High School) reported a minor incident involving two white females and one African American female at the high school today; that Reid says that the atmosphere in the school is less tense than last year. V: Shots of photographs of Reid speaking to reporters; of African American students on the steps of South Boston High School at the end of the school day. Griffith reports Reid's remarks that adult opposition to busing is expressed in the evenings. Griffith reports that the atmosphere in the city changes during the evening hours; that city officials announced this evening that US Marshals would be standing by; that the police have prohibited motorcades. Griffith notes that the Tactical Patrol Force and the Mobile Operations Patrol are on duty tonight; that police presence will now be as heavy in the evening as it is during the day. 1:23:17: Baumeister reports that desegregation has benefitted English High School; that English High School is a city-wide magnet school with the largest fine arts department of any school; that the school is developing a drama department; that the school has a flexible campus program and is developing its partnership with the John Hancock Mutual Insurance Company. Baumeister introduces Judy Stoia's report on the school. V: Footage of buses pulling up outside of English High School; of white students exiting buses; of African American students gathered in the courtyard of the school. Audio of Robert Peterkin (Headmaster, English High School) talking about the racial tension at the school last year. Peterkin says that a white female student was looking for the gymnasium; that she began screaming when an African American male student stopped her in the hall to try to give her directions. Footage of police officers talking to Peterkin outside the school; of African American students walking toward the school. Stoia reports that English High School once had a reputation as one of the toughest schools in the city; that magnet programs are being put into place at the school; that police officers at the school spend their time directing traffic. V: Footage of white students exiting a bus and gathering in the courtyard of the school; of more buses pulling up to the school. Stoia reports that there were 651 African American students, 445 white students and ten students of other minorities in attendance today; that some students are not here voluntarily; that most students want the school year to be peaceful. V: Footage of Stoia interviewing a white female student outside of English High School. The student says that she was assigned to English High School; that she wanted to attend Brighton High School; that the school seems nice, but Brighton High School is closer to her home. Stoia interviews three African American female students. One student says that the atmosphere in the school is peaceful. A second student says that everyone gets along well; that the students will get along fine if their parents stay out of the situation. Stoia interviews Chris Lane (Flexible Campus Coordinator, English High School). Lane says that attendance at English High School has risen since yesterday; that the rise in attendance figures is probably due to the peaceful opening of school yesterday. Lane says that he is optimistic about the school year; that school buses arriving with white students from the outlying neighborhoods were full this morning. Stoia interviews two white male students from Brighton. Both students like English High School. One student likes the multi-story building and the pool. The other student likes his English and math classes. The first student says that there has been no racial tension inside the school. Footage of Peterkin saying that many students were frustrated by the interruptions in schools city-wide last year; that many students at English High School are very serious about their education; that academic requirements at English High School have been strengthened; that students do not have a lot of time to misbehave. Shot of students entering the school. 1:27:14: Baumeister closes the show. End credits roll.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/09/1975
Description: Fernald School Farrell Hall. Man cutting grass on riding lawnmower. Five mentally retarded girls in austere dormitory room. One spreads blankets on cots. Supervisor appears briefly.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/01/1975
Description: Footage of the first day of school at Charlestown High School during year two of desegregation in Boston. Media crews gather at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. Helicopters circle overhead. Police in riot helmets and MDC officers on horseback are stationed in front of the school. A police officer with a rifle is posted on the roof of the school. No buses have yet arrived.
0:00:08: Visual: Media crews gather at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument to cover the first day of school at Charlestown High School. The noise of helicopters is audible. Shots of media crews and equipment; of the Bunker Hill Monument; of the shabby exterior of Charlestown High School. A small group of people stand at the doors to Charlestown High School. Police officers wearing riot helmets are gathered on the streets outside of the school. MDC police officers on horseback are stationed on the streets. A helmeted police officer with a rifle is posted on the roof of the school. Small groups of onlookers are gathered around Monument Square. Shot of helicopter overhead. A few white people enter and leave the school. 0:16:24: V: A group of young men walk on the street. They make an obscene gesture to the camera; one appears to be drinking. Two US Marshals, one white and one African American, walk down the street toward the school. Shot of helicopter circling the area.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975
Description: Tone at the beginning of the video. Footage of the first day of school at Charlestown High School during Phase II desegregation of Boston schools. Exterior shots of school building. Media crews are gathered at the foot of Bunker Hill Monument to cover the arrival of buses. Helicopter noise is audible. A school bus accompanied by a police officer on motorcycle pulls up in front of the school. Students, mostly African American, exit the bus. The bus pulls away and police line the street in front of the school. A second bus pulls up. The students exit the bus and head to the entrance of the school. Students and teachers inside the school look out the window at the activity on the street.
0:00:50: Visual: Media crews are gathered at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument to cover opening day at Charlestown High School. The noise of helicopters overhead is audible. An MDC police officer on horseback is stationed in front of the school. School officials stand at the school entrance. 0:01:27: V: A yellow school bus escorted by a police motorcycle escort pulls up to the front of the school. African American students and some students of other races exit the bus and enter the school. Officials and police confer outside of the bus. Shots of exterior of Charlestown High School; of media crews; of helicopter overhead. The bus pulls away from school. Students and teachers in the school look out the window at activity outside. 0:05:53: V: Helmeted police line up in the street outside the school. They receive instructions from their superior officer. Noise from police radios is audible. A second bus with police escort pulls up outside school. African American students exit the bus and enter the school. Students crowd the entrance to the school. The bus pulls away. Police and officials remain outside of school.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975
Description: Exteriors of Charlestown High School. Stop sign, with "Forced Busing" written under the "Stop." Pam Bullard interviews Frank Power (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) about preparations for school desegregation and the coming school year. Power says that his first priority is the safety of students. Power says that flexible campus options will be cut back for safety reasons. Power says that many Charlestown students have transferred to parochial schools and schools outside of Boston to avoid busing. Power discusses about the inadequate facilities at current Charlestown High School building, and is hopeful about the potential of the newly planned building. Powers says that the physical education program at the Charlestown Boys Club will be cut due to safety concerns. While shooting cutaways, Power and Bullard informally discuss his frustrations with the limitations of the school's facilities. Students will eat lunch at their desks because there is no lunchroom at the high school. Bullard does several takes of reporter standup to the Charlestown busing story.
0:00:20: Visual: Shots of the exterior of Charlestown High School school; closeup of stop sign with graffiti reads "STOP forced busing." 0:02:12: V: Pam Bullard interviews Frank Power (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) outside of the school in Monument Square. Power says that he is concerned about safety at Charlestown High School; that safety concerns will force a cut back on the flexible campus program; that the school is ready to open; that he will not speculate on the reaction of Charlestown residents to busing; that students have transferred out of Charlestown to schools outside of the city to avoid busing; that there are plans for a new high school in Charlestown; that programs like physical education at the Charlestown Boys Club will be cut due to safety concerns; that he has worked in integrated schools before; that there are security plans in place for the opening of school. Powers and Bullard talk informally about cutting physical education at the Boys' Club for safety reasons; about lack of space at Charlestown High School; about cutting out the flexible lunch option for safety reasons; about the lack of lunchroom at Charlestown High School. 0:09:28: V: Shot of Charlestown High School exterior. Bullard does a few takes of her introduction to the story on busing at Charlestown High School. Bullard introduces story: Charlestown is expected to have 236 African American students and 524 white students; Charlestown residents are angry about busing; police fear that resistance to busing will be strong. 0:13:04: V: A car circles Monument Square with a loudspeaker blaring an anti-busing message. Bullard does several more takes of the introduction to the story.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 08/19/1975
Description: Frank Power (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) holds a press conference at foot of Bunker Hill Monument. Power answers questions about opening day preparations, school attendance, and programs at Charlestown High School. He will not comment on any racial tension or incidents. Power insists that the opening day was "routine" and that he has no knowledge of any happenings outside of the building. Power compliments his staff on their performance. Power says that projected enrollment statistics are high; that he will contact students who did not attend school today. A large mass of police officers gather in front of Charlestown High School. Paul deGive interviews Power alone. Power says that he did not turn away students who were late if they had a note from their parents. Power says that he may reinstate the flexible campus program eventually. DeGive shoots cutaways. DeGive interviews parents Peggy King and Gertrude Harris in front of a building in the Bunker Hill Housing Project. King and Harris resent the police presence in Charlestown. King talks about sending her four children to schools outside of Boston in order to avoid busing assignments. Hayes says that young children should not be bused; that she will try to enroll her children in public schools in Somerville. King predicts that the situation in Charlestown will grow worse if busing continues.
0:53:59: Visual: Media crews surround Frank Power (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) as he responds to questions at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument, across the street from Charlestown High School. On the defensive, Power insists that the opening day was routine and refuses to comment on the police presence. He reports that 315 students out of 873 attended school. He insists that the school and the teachers were ready for opening day; that he didn't feel any tension in the building. Powers reports that the school will contact all students who were not present and request that they attend school. Shot of an MDC police officer on horseback outside of Charlestown High School. Power insists again that the opening was routine. Power responds in a hostile manner to a reporter asking about relations between African American and white students; he says that he did not spend the day in the classrooms with the students. 0:56:36: V: Power insists that he was inside the school all day and was not aware of happenings outside of the building. He reports that seven buses brought students to the school; that some white students are bused in from Forest Hills; that the projected enrollment figure is high and includes students who may have finished school over the summer. On the defensive, Power responds that he does not know how many Charlestown students boycotted school; that he will count the number of Charlestown students attending school only if it is required of him. Power notes that he has been headmaster for eight years. Shot of police officers lined up outside of Charlestown High School. 0:58:42: V: Power asks the reporters why they don't ask more good questions. He happily responds to a "good" question about how he prepared the teachers for opening day. He says that the teachers at the school performed magnificently; that he would like to thank them through the media. Power responds that he has suspended the flexible campus program due to safety concerns; that there is no lunchroom at the school; that the students eat lunch in their homerooms. He insists again that the opening was routine, but with fewer students. Shot of three men tending to broken fence on Monument Square. Power reminds the media that the Public Information Center has attendance statistics; that he estimates racial breakdown to be 235 white students, 66 African Americans and 14 other minorities; that he will work to bring attendance numbers up. Power explains again why the projected enrollment figure is high. 1:02:07: V: Shot of a large crowd of helmeted police officers outside of Charlestown High School. Paul deGive interviews Power. Power responds to complaints that he turned away students by explaining the school's late policy. He insists that he did not turn away students who arrived late if they had a note from their parents; that parents could call and alert him that their students were arriving late. Power says that the opening day was routine and insists that he noticed no tension; that the flexible campus program would be suspended for safety reasons; that the flexible campus program and other programs might be reinstated eventually; that the racial breakdown was 235 white students, 66 African Americans and 14 other minorities; that the projected enrollment figure was high; that he will try to bring attendance numbers up by contacting absentee students. Power refuses to make guesses as to whether more whites or more African Americans stayed out of school. DeGive thanks Power and ends interview. 1:06:54: V: DeGive and Power speak to one another informally. Power speaks to other reporters. The crew does extra takes of deGive. 1:09:11: V: DeGive prepares to interview Peggy King and Gertrude Hayes (residents, Bunker Hill Housing Project) as they sit with some children outside of a building in the Bunker Hill Housing Project. King does not want her children bused out of Charlestown because a new school has been built there. Both women resent the police presence. They do not believe that the police should be allowed inside the housing project. King has four children who were to be bused; she sent them to schools in Wakefield, Lynn and Dorchester to avoid busing. The crew does several takes of this exchange. King says that she cannot afford parochial schools, but knows they are an option. She believes the situation in Charlestown will get worse. Hayes does not believe that younger children should be bused at all. The children become noisy; the crew tells them to quiet down. King thinks that more families will send their students out of Boston. Hayes has three children who were to be bused; she is going to try to send them to school in Somerville. The women agree that the busing plan primarily affects poor families from the housing project; that the plan discriminates against them. The crew does extra takes of deGive interviewing the women. Hayes talks about her efforts to enroll her students in Somerville schools; King talks about fighting the court order.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 04/03/1975
Description: Front facade with pilasters of Jeremiah E. Burke High School in Dorchester. Students, mostly African Americans, walk towards school entrance in small groups. Teacher ushers students into school right after the bell rings. Classroom of almost all black students with white teacher.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/15/1975
Description: Judy Stoia interviews Dennis Kearney (State Representative), Gloria Conway (Editor, Charlestown Patriot) and Mon O'Shea (Associate Dean, Bunker Hill Community College) on the steps of the Bunker Hill Monument. They talk about the anti-busing movement in Charlestown. O'Shea says that the media have portrayed Charlestown as a violent community; that the Charlestown anti-busing movement is working for public safety and rumor control. Conway discusses the damage the media can cause by reporting unverified rumors. Paul deGive interviews Conway on police presence in Charlestown and about violent youth in Charlestown. Conway says that police officers in Charlestown allowed a peaceful demonstration to proceed today; that residents need to vent their frustrations. Conway discusses the ways local and national media interact with the people involved in the busing situation, while they shoot cutaways. Tape 3 of 3
1:00:01: Visual: Judy Stoia interviews Dennis Kearney (State Representative), Gloria Conway (Editor, Charlestown Patriot) and Mon O'Shea (Associate Dean, Bunker Hill Community College) on the steps of the Bunker Hill Monument. 1:00:34: V: Stoia asks about the image of Charlestown as a violent community. O'Shea says that Charlestown's image is created by the media; that he does not condone violence; that anti-busing leaders in Charlestown have worked for public safety and the establishment of a rumor control center. Conway talks about the importance of the rumor control center. 1:03:16: V: Stoia winds up the interview. Two police officers descend steps beside them. The group talks informally. Stoia explains the editing process. Stoia compares anti-busing resistance in South Boston to resistance in Charlestown. The crew takes extra cutaway shots of the group. Conway talks about her work at The Patriot. Shots of area around Bunker Hill Monument. 1:07:39: V: The crew sets up Paul deGive's interview with Conway. DeGive asks about possible removal of TPF from Charlestown. Conway says that some police presence is necessary; that she will not speculate on numbers; that tension in the community has diminished; that the police were effective today because they allowed a peaceful demonstration to proceed; that peaceful demonstrations allow residents to vent their frustration; that many police deployed on Bunker Hill Street today were local officers known to the community; that the MDC Police officers have tried to work with the community. DeGive asks about violent youth gangs. Conway says that it is not unusual for youth to be out in the streets in Charlestown; that she cannot identify the element that needs to be controlled by the police. DeGive rephrases his question about potential violence of Charlestown youth. Conway says that there are a few leaders making trouble, but many kids are caught up in the events. 1:14:33: V: The crew sets up cutaway shots of Conway and deGive. DeGive and Conway talk informally. Conway comments on local and national media coverage of busing. Conway comments on TPF action against female residents of Charlestown. The crew wraps up the shoot.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/10/1975