Description: Former CIA director George H. W. Bush speaks on national security and foreign affairs. In regards to relations with South American countries, Bush explains his belief that one should not use 1977 morals to pass judgment on events that happened in the past. Denies allegations that the CIA used the African Swine Fever Virus in Cuba to "destabilize". Also denies that he ever authorized any use of chemical or biological warfare agents. He touches briefly on his potential candidacy for presidency.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/08/1977
Description: George McGovern visits Boston to raise funds among liberals for his 1980 Senate reelection campaign in South Dakota. He doubts that there will ever be a senate race run purely on funds contributed within the border of the state. He thinks that campaigns should be financed publicly. Speaks about his nomination for presidency in 1972. Additional footage includes McGovern meeting and speaking with liberal Massachusetts politicians at a gathering.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/20/1979
Description: Hope Kelly reports that city and state officials held a ceremony at the Massachusetts State House to honor Robert Gould Shaw and the soldiers of the 54th regiment. Kelly reviews the history of Shaw and the African American soldiers of the 54th regiment in the Civil War. Kelly reports that the 1989 film Glory tells the story of the 54th regiment. Kelly's report includes clips from the film. Bill Owens addresses the ceremony. Part of the ceremony takes place in front of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial. Michael Dukakis and Ray Flynn are part of the ceremony proclaiming Glory Day in Massachusetts. Marilyn Richardson, the curator of the Museum of Afro-American History, addresses at audience at the African Meeting House.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of a re-enactment of civil war soldiers marching in front of the Massachusetts State House. Footage from the 1989 film Glory. Hope Kelly reports that Glory took four years to make. Kelly notes that the film is about African American soldiers in the Civil War. V: Footage of Bill Owens (State Senator) reading a proclamation. The proclamation makes reference to John Andrews (former Governor of Massachusetts) who issued a call to arms for African Americans and to Robert Gould Shaw (US Army colonel) who commanded the Massachusetts 54th Regiment. V: Footage from the film Glory. Kelly reports that the Massachusetts 54th Regiment became the first African American fighting unit in the nation's history; that the Regiment was led by Gould; that Gould was a an upper-class white man from Boston. Kelly reports that army officials at the time did not think that African Americans could be competent soldiers. Kelly notes that the Regiment proved army officials wrong. V: Footage from the film, Glory. Kelly reports that city and state officials held a ceremony outside of the Massachusetts State House; that Thursday has been proclaimed Glory day in Massachusetts. V: Shot of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston), Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), and other leaders at the ceremony. The leaders stand quietly in front of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial as a trumpeter plays "Taps." Shot of the media at the ceremony. Shot of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial. Kelly reports that the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial has stood on Boston Common for ninety-three years. V: Shot of the face of a soldier carved into the Shaw Memorial. Shot of a group of female singers singing a gospel song. Men in military uniform stand behind them holding flags. Kelly reports that the Shaw Memorial shows Shaw on horseback and the soldiers on foot. Kelly notes that Shaw was on horseback and the soldiers on foot when they charged Fort Wagner in South Carolina in July of 1863. Kelly reports that Shaw and 32 African American and white soldiers were killed in the attack; that Shaw and the soldiers were all buried together. V: Shot of the Shaw Memorial. Footage from the film, Glory. Shot of the re-enactment march in Boston. Kelly reports that today's ceremony started at the Memorial; that the ceremony moved to the African Meeting House on Beacon Hill. Kelly notes that the African Meeting House served as a recruitment center for local African Americans during the Civil War. V: Shot of an African American man in military dress holding an American flag; of a group of African Americans in military dress at the ceremony. Footage from the film Glory. Footage of Marilyn Richardson (Curator, Museum of Afro-American History) addressing an audience in the African Meeting House. Richardson says that society must honor the principles for which the soldiers fought. Footage from the ceremony at the State House. An African American man sings "Glory Hallelujah." A crowd of media and attendees is gathered. V: Footage from the film Glory.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/08/1990
Description: B-roll of the workings of Gorton's factory in Gloucester. Blocks of fish are cut and breaded on an assembly line. Breaded filets are packaged in boxes. McDonald's sign hangs on the wall of the factory. Shot of box with "Mac Filet O Fish" on label. Fish filets for grocery store sale are packaged. Quality control checks. Man moved boxes with forklift.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/30/1980
Description: Governors Conference in Boston. Sen. Edward Kennedy and Rep. John Anderson meet with the National Governors Association, including Govs. Jerry Brown, Ella Grasso, Reubin Askew, Dixie Lee Ray, Ed Herschler, James Longley, Harvey Wollman, Richard Lamm, Meldrim Thomson, Mike O'Callaghan, and Richard Snelling. End of the discussion on health care and insurance policy. Governor Dukakis speaks and Senator Kennedy responds. Many closeups on Kennedy, Dukakis, and audience pans. Governor Snelling introduces John Anderson and the panel on government regulations. Cuts of Anderson's speech about the problem of over-regulation by Congress and the legislative veto, with shots of governors around the table. The Director of the US Office of Management and Budget, James T. McIntyre, speaks to the same issues. Rep. Anderson takes questions.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/28/1978
Description: Mayor Kevin White honors seven distinguished Bostonians at a gala reception at the Parkman House. Women's rights advocate Florence Luscombe, community activist Melnea Cass, former senator and governor Leverett Saltonstall, former senator and ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, theater critic Elliot Norton, historian Walter Muir Whitehill, entrepreneur Sidney Rabb (of Stop & Shop). Personal narratives of the honorees with archival stills of their lives.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/06/1977
Description: Green line T pulling into and out of Kenmore station underground during rush hour. Old style PCC trolley and newer LRV cars. Driver's point of view, looking down tracks into dark subway tunnel. Passengers get on and off.Passenger reading Benjamin Disraeli. Passenger complains about MBTA service.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/15/1979
Description: Marcus Jones reports that state and local officials have come through with funding for a multi-million dollar program to revitalize Grove Hall, which is Roxbury's business district. The area has experienced hard times since the late 1960s. Press conference to announce the revitalization program. City Councilor Charles Yancey and Mayor Ray Flynn talk about the program to revitalize the district. Jones walks through district while conducting an interview with Walter Little, the Executive Director of the Neighborhood Development Association of Grove Hall. Little talks about the revitalization program and the development of the area. Little notes that there is a high concentration of subsidized housing in the area. Little talks about the history of the area, noting that the district once had a large Jewish population. Jones notes that the revitalization program will benefit current and future residents of the area. Following the edited is additional footage from the press conference and Jones' interview with Little while walking through the Grove Hall District.
1:00:23: Visual: Footage of Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) at a ceremony to mark the revitalization of Grove Hall. Yancey says that the revitalized Grove Hall will develop into the best community in the city of Boston. Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) at the ceremony. Flynn says that the concerns of the Grove Hall community will no longer be ignored. Shots of the neighborhood; of signs for the Grove Hall Cafe and the Boston Legal Assistance Project. Marcus Jones reports that state and local officials have finally come through with a multi-million dollar program aimed at revitalizing Roxbury's business district. Jones notes that the area has experienced hard times ever since the riots which followed the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader) in 1968. V: Shot of Jones in the Grove Hall district with Walter Little (Executive Director, Neighborhood Development Association of Grove Hall). Jones asks about a boarded up building on the street. Shot of a woman crossing the Street. Footage of Little standing with Jones. Little says that three tenants of one building have now become owners of the properties on the block. Little says that local residents must have the opportunity to participate in the ownership and development of a property. Shot of the streets in the area. Jones remarks that Little has lived in this area for forty years. V: Shot of a "No Trespassing" sign on a boarded-up building; of another boarded-up building. Footage of Little saying that the area has the largest concentration of subsidized housing of any area in the city; that there are 2800 subsidized units within the Grove Hall boundaries. Little says that economic balance is important to the survival of a commercial district. Little says that the small shops currently in the Grove Hall area are not enough to support a thriving commercial district. Little notes that many of the current businesses are fairly new to the area. Jones reports that Little remembers when there was a large Jewish population in the area; that Siegel's cafeteria was a popular restaurant in those days. V: Shot of Jones and Little walking on in the Grove Hall District, near a liquor store which once was Siegel's Cafeteria. Footage of Little saying that Siegel's Cafeteria closed in the early 1970s; that they were one of the last businesses to leave the area. Shot of the front of the liquor store; of two women walking on the street. Shot of a boarded-up apartment building. Jones reports that the revitalization plan aims to benefit the current and future residents of the Grove Hall area. V: Footage of Little saying that the money is available for the project; that buildings in the area will no longer be boarded up after the revitalization. Shot of Jones and Little on the street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/20/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the competion of renovations at the Renaissance Building in the Grove Hall district of Roxbury. The project was funded with money from the city's only minority-owned bank and was overseen by minority architects and contractors. Jones adds that the building is a cornerstone of the Grove Hall revitalization effort. People hold a celebration for the completion of the restorations. A crowd stands outside of the building. Virginia Morrison (Neighborhood Development Corporation of Grove Hall) and Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque) address the crowd. Muhammad says that gang activity will decline as more renovation takes place in the neighborhood. Interview with Trevor Blake (TTB Construction Inc.) and Ernest Scott, a businessman, about the renovations. Blake talks about the challenges faced by minority businesses and contractors. Scott says that renovations and increased foot traffic will force the drug trade out of the area. Jones reports that the city of Boston has committed an additional $50,000 to the Grove Hall revitalization effort.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of a gathering to celebrate the restoration of the Renaissance Building in the Grove Hall district of Roxbury. Virginia Morrison (Neighborhood Development Corporation of Grove Hall) addresses the gathering. Morrison says that the building makes a statement on behalf of Muhammad's Mosque, of the Grove Hall Board of Trade, of the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge, of the residents of the area. Morrison says that the building represents the way that the residents of the area intend to live. Shot of a man tearing off paper above the door to reveal the street number. Marcus Jones reports the newly renovated Renaissance Building is located at 483 - 487 Blue Hill Avenue. Jones says that the building was "an eyesore" for more than a decade; that the building is now the cornerstone of the Grove Hall revitalization effort. V: Footage of Morrison addressing the gathered crowd. Supporters stand behind her, including Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque). Morrison says that the building cost $1,276,000 to renovate; that the building was renovated by qualified African American workers from the community. Shot from an upper window of the Renaissance building, of the intersection of Blue Hill Avenue and Cheney Street. Shots of people looking at the interior of the newly-renovated building. Shot of the newly renovated kitchen. Jones reports that the project was funded with money from the city's only minority-owned bank; that the project was overseen by minority architects and contractors. Jones reports that the building includes twelve apartments on the upper floors of the building; that there is retail space on the bottom level. V: Shot of a man exiting the Ernest Scott Insurance Agency. Footage of Trevor Blake (TTB Construction Inc.) standing in one of the apartments. Blake talks about the challenges faced by African American businesses and contractors. Footage of Ernest Scott (businessman) saying that the whole neighborhood is improving. Jones reports that Scott's Insurance Agency has operated on Blue Hill Avenue for over thirty years. Jones notes that Scott's business is one of the new tenants in the Renaissance Building; that Scott believes that businesses and residents need to fight the gangs and drug dealers in the neighborhood. V: Shot of the exterior of the Ernest Scott Insurance Agency. Shot of a man fixing lettering to the interior of a window of the Insurance Agency; of an employee and customer at the Insurance Agency. Footage of Scott saying that foot traffic and business activity puts a damper on the drug trade. Scott says that participants in the drug trade will be forced out of the area. Shots of traffic on the street in the Grove Hall area; of the crowd gathered in front of the Renaissance Area. Jones reports that community organizers hope to refurbish the entire Grove Hall district within five years; that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has committed an addtional $50,000 to the effort. V: Footage of Muhammad addressing the crowd outside of the Renaissance Building. Muhammad says that the Grove Hall community deserves the same respect and resources as any other neighborhood. Muhammad says that gang activity will dwindle as more renovation takes place in the neighborhood. The crowd claps for Muhammad. Morrison approaches the microphone.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/12/1990
Description: Hope Kelly reports that Reverend Graylan Hagler of the Church of the United Community has announced his candidacy for mayor of Boston. He says that it is time for a change in the city of Boston. His supporters cheer. Kelly reviews Hagler's credentials and career. She notes that Hagler has a confrontational style and is experienced in the art of political theater. Kelly reviews Hagler's recent political activities. Kelly's report includes footage of Hagler addressing striking hotel and restaurant workers in November of 1988 and footage of Hagler with unemployed construction workers at a press conference at a Roxbury construction site in December of 1990. Kelly's report also includes footage of Hagler denouncing racism on the part of city officials at a press conference in the wake of the Carol Stuart murder case. Kelly's report includes footage from an interview with Hagler in March of 1991. He says that he is seeking justice and equity in the city.
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of the Reverend Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) announcing his candidacy for mayor of Boston. Ellis-Hagler says that it is time for change. The audience applauds. Shots of Ellis-Hagler supporters cheering. Hope Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler's announcement was a rousing reminder that many residents of the city are ready for a change. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler speaking to supporters. Ellis-Hagler says, "no more business as usual" and "no more disrespect." Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler is a minister; that Ellis-Hagler was born in Baltimore and graduated from Oberlin College. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler listed many reasons why Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) should not be re-elected. V: Shots of Ellis-Hagler as he addresses the crowd. Shots of the audience. Footage of Ellis-Hagler addressing supporters. Ellis-Hagler says that streets in some neighborhoods have more trash-filled lots than houses. Ellis-Hagler says that the city is ready for a change. The audience applauds. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler says that his constituents are the ones who live on streets with vacant lots. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler believes that the city needs to hire more of its own residents instead of bringing in workers from outside. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler addressing supporters. Ellis-Hagler says that many workers in the city come from towns outside of the city. Ellis-Hagler says that the city is ready for change. The audience applauds. Shot of Chuck Turner (teacher) holding up Ellis-Hagler's arm as he sits down after his speech. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler is experienced in the art of political theater; that Ellis-Hagler does not give in or give up quickly. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler speaking to striking hotel and restaurant workers in November of 1988. Ellis-Hagler embraces Domenic Bozzotto (union leader). Footage of Ellis-Hagler at a press conference at a construction site in Dudley Square in December of 1990. Unemployed African-American construction workers stand behind him. Ellis-Hagler says that the workers will not "go away with crumbs." Shots of the construction site. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler was arrested twice last winter at the construction site of a new Post Office facility in Dudley Square. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler was supporting the cause of unemployed construction workers in his community. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler being interviewed on March 13, 1991. Ellis-Hagler says that people must buck the system in order to stand up for their dignity and rights. Footage of Ellis-Hagler at a press conference about the Carol Stuart murder case in January of 1990. Ellis-Hagler compares the actions of city officials and the media to the actions of the Ku Klux Klan. Ellis-Hagler says that the African American and Latino communities have been "raped" by the police and the media. Shot of an audience member at the press conference holding a sign reading, "What do Boston and South Africa have in common? Stopping and detaining men because of the color of their skin." Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler excoriated the police, the media, and the mayor after the murder of Carol Stuart (Reading resident). Kelly notes that Ellis-Hagler's style is confrontational. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler being interviewed on March 13, 1991. Ellis-Hagler says that he has a desire to seek justice and equity in the city. Ellis-Hagler says that he wants the voices of all of the people to be heard. Kelly stands outside of a church. Kelly reports that Flynn' s campaign is following the actions of Ellis-Hagler; that Ellis-Hagler is short on money, but long on mission. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler addressing his supporters. Ellis-Hagler says that he and his supporters will win. The audience applauds. Ellis-Hagler steps back from the microphone and greets Elizabeth Ellis-Hagler (wife of Graylan Ellis-Hagler). Another man speaks into the microphone.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/01/1991