Description: Mix of sound and silent footage. Preparations for the Clamshell Alliance Seabrook Occupation, a protest of the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant. Man reads list of rules for peaceful occupation. Closeups of license plates and bumper stickers. Cathy Wolff holds press conference on international support for the demonstration, the nonviolence civil disobedience training received by the protesters, and direct action that might take place after the occupation. Man speaks at press conference on the need to protect the salt marsh area being bulldozed by construction. Silent footage of crowds at occupation. Helicopter flies overhead. Silent footage of the salt marshes and wildlife. Protest march towards Seabrook site, singing and chanting. Interviews with protesters. Police officer directs protesters. Occupation site and activities. Interview with occupation organizer. Protesters talk publicly with police officers about the arrest procedure that is likely occur. Police announce over megaphone that protesters who don't vacate will be arrested and charged with trespassing. Protesters are peacefully arrested. Interviews with protesters on getting arrested. School buses drive away loaded with arrested protesters. Crowds applaud arrested protesters as bus drives by.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/1977
Description: Interiors of airplane on runway. Passing airplanes on runway; taking off, landing. Aerial view of Suffolk Downs, Revere Beach, Nahant, Seabrook, New Hampshire. Ocean, houses near beach, serpentine inlets, rough terrain, dense treetops, construction site.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/13/1977
Description: Large crowd of people at a demonstration against Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant. Arlo Guthrie addresses the crowd, talks about the Clamshell Alliance, and then sings a song. Protest banners held by crowd. Shots of the Seabrook plant construction site. Helicopter flies overhead. Slow pans across the demonstration site. Solar panel and diagrams for solar power plan. Solar power skit by men in costumes. Closeups on groups of people in the crowd and at campsites. Group of people play music at campsite. Line of Porta Potties. Police stand by jeep behind No Trespassing sign on Seabrook site. Interview with man on the size on the demonstration.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/25/1978