Description: Continuation of interview with Sen. Edward Kennedy on Health Security Plan proposal. He talks about the particularities of his proposed universal health care system, including some of the limitations of dental and mental health services. He advocates for quality healthcare access for all people, not just people who can afford it. While they shoot cutaways, Kennedy talks about the role of smoking and the tobacco industry in the health care discussion. He also talks about the struggle between the lobbies and the public's desire for accessible health care. Reporter reasks questions. B-roll of the office, including shots of John F. Kennedy's Boston Office desk.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/31/1977
Description: B-roll of technicians working in a lab at the Sidney Farber Cancer Institue. Lab equipment used includes: microscopes, Petri dishes, Geiger counter, fume hood. Exteriors of the Sidney Farber Cancer Institute building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/30/1982
Description: Francis "Mickey" Roache (Boston Police Commissioner), Minister Don Muhammed (Roxbury community leader), Superintendent Albert Sweeney (Chief of the Bureau of Professional Standards), and Deputy Arthur Morgan (Bureau of Professional Standard) are present at a press conference to announce the results of the internal police investigation of the Silver Shield Club rape case. Roache reviews the details of the case. Roache says that Sweeney conducted a thorough investigation which turned up no witnesses or victim. Roache says that there is no evidence that a sexual assault ever took place at the Silver Shield Club. Roache adds that police have identified a suspect in the murder of Lucia Kai. Sweeney talks about the investigation. Sweeney says that all of the officers involved in the case passed a polygraph examination. He adds that the investigation is closed. The panelists answer questions from the media. Muhammad says that he is satisfied with the police investigation. He adds that Kai's murderer must be found. Roache says that the investigation will be reopened if compelling evidence is found. Roache will not comment on Kai's murder except to say that police have not found probable cause to link their suspect to the murder. Sweeney notes that Richard Armstead (Boston Police Department) was not asked to take a polygraph test because he was not a witness to the alleged sexual assault. He adds that the officers involved have been cleared of all accusations. Sweeney says that Armstead and William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) have both conducted themselves in a professional manner. Sweeney notes that no victims or witnesses have come forward. Sweeney continues to talk about details of the case. He says that it is difficult to trace the origins of the rumors that sparked the allegations.
1:00:00: Visual: Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston), Minister Don Muhammed (Roxbury community leader), Albert Sweeney (Boston Police Department), and Arthur Morgan (Boston Police Department) seat themselves at a press conference to announce the results of an internal police investigation of the Silver Shield Club rape case. Nancy Sterling Gleason (spokeswoman for Roache) introduces each of the men at the table. Roache summarizes the allegations in the Silver Shield case. Roache says that rumors have surfaced that an African American female was sexually assaulted at the Silver Shield Club in 1982. Roache reviews the details of the case. He reports that an African American female was found murdered in the Franklin Park section of Roxbury; that rumors suggested a connection between that homicide and the sexual assault at the Silver Shield Club. Roache says that he has conducted a thorough internal investigation of the matter; that there is no evidence of a sexual assault ever having taken place at the Silver Shield Club. Roache says that Sweeney spent many months investigating the matter; that the investigation has produced no victim or no witnesses. Roache reports that Lucia Kai (Roxbury resident) was murdered in August, 1982; that police have not yet solved the case; that there is a suspect, but no probable cause. Roache says that he is pleased to have worked with community leaders on this investigation; that the Silver Shield Club investigation is closed. Roache compliments Sweeney on his thorough investigation. 1:05:32: V: Shot of Muhammed; of Sweeney. Sweeney says that the investigation has led to the conclusion that there was no sexual assault at the Silver Shield Club in 1982. Sweeney reports that there are no witnesses, victim, or evidence to support the allegations. Sweeney says that the officers involved in the case voluntarily submitted to a polygraph examination; that the results were confirmed by the Massachusetts State Police Department. Sweeney says that the officers were asked if they had any knowledge of the sexual assault, if they participated in the sexual assault, and if they had any knowledge of any sexual assaults at the Silver Shield Club at any time. Sweeney reports that the officers denied any knowledge or participation in the sexual assaults; that the polygraph examination confirmed the truth of those answers. Sweeney says that the investigation is closed. Roache says that all of the officers in the department were invited to come forward with information on the case. Shot of Morgan. 1:07:49: V: The panel takes questions from the media. A reporter asks Muhammed if he is satisfied with the investigation. Muhammed says that he will not be satisfied until the Kai's murderer is found; that there is no evidence to support the sexual assault allegations at the club. Muhammed says that he would push for further investigation of the sexual assault allegations if compelling evidence were found; that Roache and the Boston Police Department have done an "admirable" job of reopening the case and pursuing the investigation. A reporter notes that Detective Richard Armstead (Boston Police Department) has accused the officers involved in the case of lying about the alleged sexual assault; that Armstead is not satisfied with the investigation. The reporter asks if action will be taken against Armstead. Roache says that disciplinary action is taken against an officer only if he or she violates given rules and regulations. Roache says that further investigation of the allegations will take place if compelling evidence is found. A reporter asks why the media had not been informed that there was a suspect in the investigation of Kai's murder. Roache reminds the reporter that the case is four years old. Roache says that the police have not found a probable cause which will link the suspect to the murder. Roache says that the police will work with the community to uncover evidence to solve the crime. Shots of the assembled media. Roache says that he will provide copies of the investigation to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the office of the US Attorney. 1:12:57: V: Shots of individual reporters and audience members. Roache tells a reporter that he will not comment on specific aspects of Kai's murder. Shot of the panel from the back of the room. A reporter asks if an apology will be offered to the officers accused of the sexual assault. Roache says that rumors can be very damaging. Jump cut on videotape. Shot of the panel from the side of the table; of individual reporters. A reporter asks about the status of the suspect. Roache says that he will not comment except that the suspect resides out of state. A reporter asks why Armstead was not required to take a polygraph examination. Sweeney says that Armstead was never a first-hand witness of the alleged sexual assault; that the officers who took the polygraph test were named as witnesses to the alleged sexual assault. Sweeney notes that Boston Police officers Jose Garcia, William Dunn, and William Kennefick took the polygraph test. A reporter asks if there was an officer named as the perpetrator of the alleged sexual assault. Sweeney says that Dunn was the principal suspect; that Dunn has been cleared of the accusations. A reporter asks if Armstead's allegations were handled properly by his superior officers. Roache says that he cannot speak for Armstead; that he is proud of Armstead for coming forward; that he is sure Armstead will act professionally as the investigation comes to a close. Roache adds that William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) also conducted himself professionally at the time of the initial investigation; that the case is closed. A reporter asks how many officers came under investigation as suspects. Sweeney says that Garcia was named as the principal witness; that Garcia was alleged to have rescued the victim; that Dunn and Kennefick were named as suspects in the alleged assault. Sweeney notes that Garcia, Dunn, and Kennefick say that there was no sexual assault at the club. Sweeney adds that no victims or witnesses have come forward. Sweeney continues to explain details of the case. Shot of a female reporter. A reporter asks if there have been any attempts to trace the origins of the rumor. Sweeney says that it is difficult to trace the origins of a rumor from 1982; that the allegations were made at a time of great tension and difficulty within the police department. Sweeney says that the rumor was fed by an investigation by William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) in 1982. Sweeney says that Celester's investigation brought Armstead into the case; that the current investigation has proceeded from Armstead's accusations.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/10/1986
Description: B-roll of downhill skiers at Blue Hills Reservation. ‘Egon Zimmerman Ski School’ sign. Children line up for lift. Ski tows. Video dropout in the middle.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/01/1977
Description: Boston Common, Public Garden, John Hancock building, Prudential Center, Commonwealth Avenue, Boylston and Charles Streets, Government Center, snow falling, people playing in the snow.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/17/1985
Description: Exterior South Boston High, first day of school on staggered opening schedule. Police on steps. Tilt up facade. White students walk up to school. Jerome Wynegar out front. Boston Police bus pulls up. Wynegar comments on insufficient buses to bring black students from distant neighborhoods because of contract dispute and the disruption of the staggered opening schedule. Press photographers. Person on the street interview with white mother, Evelyn Gorhan, who waited with daughter for bus that never came. Black mother, Edna Calhoun from Roxbury says she will not send her son to school until buses are available. Calhoun and another black woman, Frankie MacDonald, report rocks and expletives hurled at them. Shots of the children. “Nigers suck” graffiti on brick housing project.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1977
Description: Exteriors of South Boston High School. South Boston environs. Large graffiti in crosswalk “Winegar [sic] we don't want you.” Black students stream off bus, walk toward front entrance. Jerome Wynegar stands by. Plainclothes US marshals with armbands and walkie-talkies. Police keep press photographers behind line.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1976
Description: Empty classroom at South Boston High School. Mr. Healey's science class, mostly black students, sparsely attended. Geology principles written on blackboard and other science posters on classroom walls. Boy writes in spiral notebook. Students in the hallway. Boys in mechanical shop class. Black and white boys play basketball in gym. Black teacher works with black student on vocabulary lesson. Students do class work at desks.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/08/1978
Description: South Boston environs. Graffiti written in large white letters on G Street reads, "Go home, Jerome. You failed." (Graffiti refers to South Boston High School Headmaster Jerome Wynegar.) African American and white members of a girls' softball team stand on the steps outside of South Boston High School. A few school officials, police officers and others, including Eric Van Loon (attorney for the plaintiffs, Morgan v. Hennigan), are gathered on the steps of the school. Police are stationed along G Street as school buses pull up in front of the school. African American students exit the school and board the buses. The softball team boards a bus parked in front of the steps to the school. The buses depart.
0:00:31: Visual: Shots of East 6th Street in South Boston. Boston harbor is visible in the distance. Boston Police Department trucks are parked on G Street in front of South Boston High School. Graffiti in large white letters on the pavement of G Street reads, "Go home Jerome. You failed." (Graffiti refers to South Boston High School Headmaster Jerome Wynegar.) Police are gathered in groups along G Street. 0:02:28: V: A police cruiser with flashing lights leads two yellow school buses up East 6th Street. The buses head toward the high school, directed by a police officer. African American and white members of a girls softball team are gathered on the steps of the high school. Police officers, other students and school officials are also on the steps. Eric Van Loon (attorney for the plaintiffs, Morgan v. Hennigan) stands on the steps, talking to an African American woman and two African American men. 0:04:01: V: A bus is parked in front of the steps of the high school. The softball players board the bus. A group of African American students exit the school and walk toward the school buses parked in front of the school. Two police officers seated on their motorcycles observe the scene. African American students continue to board the buses. A few white students are gathered on the steps of the high school. Police officers direct the school buses in front of the school to depart. The buses travel down G Street, followed by a police motorcycle. Members of the media record the departure of the buses. The bus carrying the softball team departs. The girls wave goodbye. 0:07:01: V: Two police officers confer in the school yard of the high school. Massachusetts State Police officers board a Massachusetts State Police bus in the school yard.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/12/1977
Description: South Boston High exterior. Parking space designated for press. Graffiti on street: “print the truth.” Two Boston police officers in front of school. Five school buses approach with lights blinking. Mostly black students stream off buses, go up steps to school entrance. Jerome Wynegar walks up. More buses arrive with black students. Long line of buses depart, descend hill. Students enter main hallway, walk through metal detector. Close-up on needle meter. Students in art class draw on large sheets of paper; teacher gives individual attention. Shots of empty classroom, with PA announcements being made in the background. Walking shot down dark hallway with lockers.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/08/1978