Description: Apartheid protesters gather in front of the South African Consulate at 100 Charles River Plaza in Boston, surrounded by press. Mel King (community activist), Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) and Willard Johnson (Head, TransAfrica) demand to see Richard Blankstein (honorary consul to South Africa). Police officers bar entry to the building. Johnson announces to the media that the protesters will ask for Blankstein's resignation from his post. He adds that they will ask Blankstein's law firm to sever ties with South Africa. Johnson and the others are eventually allowed to enter the building. Several takes of reporter standup. Police, protesters and the media wait outside of the building. Themba Vilakazi (member of African National Congress) is interviewed by the media, announcing the resignation of Blankstein, and noting that Blackstein doesn't want to talk to the media. Johnson, King and Yancey exit the building. Johnson reads a statement of resignation from Blankstein, which says he is not a supporter of apartheid. Johnson announces a victory for the protesters. Johnson, King and Yancey walk over to a group of protesters on the street. Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) leads the protesters in a chant. Johnson announces the resignation of Blankstein. The crowd cheers.
1:04:34: V: Johnson tells the media that the protestors have asked for the right to meet with Blankstein; that they would like to ask Blankstein to resign from his post as honorary consul. Johnson says that the protestors are acting in the best interest of the public. Johnson says that the protestors are willing to meet with Blankstein outside of the building. Johnson says that Blankenstein must resign publicly; that his law firm must sever ties with South Africa. Johnson says that the police officer has gone inside to ask Blankstein to meet with the protestors. Johnson says that the protestors' goal is to force the resignation of Blankstein; that the protestors will focus next on other corporations with ties to South Africa. 1:06:30: V: Four protestors, including Yancey and Johnson, are let into the building. They are accompanied by Themba Vilakazi (member, African National Congress). Police officers stand guard at the entrance to the building. Protestors and the media wait on the sidewalk outside of the entrance. Tug Yourgrau reports from the sidewalk in front of the entrance. The chants of protestors are audible. Yourgrau reports that Blankstein has been honorary counsel to South Africa in Boston for two years; that Blankstein has refused to be interviewed on camera. Yourgrau reports that the protestors have promised to picket Blankstein's offices again of Friday; that a candlelight vigil has been planned on Sunday at the Boston Public Library. Yourgrau does several takes of his comments for the news story. 1:09:13: V: Police officers are lined up in front of the entrance to the building. The sidewalk is crowded with members of the media, protestors and bystanders. 1:10:13: V: Vilakazi talks to the media. Vilakazi reports that Blankenstein has signed a letter of resignation, which he will hand to the protestors. Vilakazi reports that Blankenstein has said that the actions of the protestors influenced his decision to resign. Vilakazi notes that Blankenstein has said that he does not support apartheid. 1:11:20: V: The media and protestors peer curiously into the lobby of the building. Johnson exits the building, accompanied by King and Yancey. Johnson reads a statement of resignation from Blankstein. Blankstein's statement describes his post as honorary consul. The statement denies that Blankstein is a supporter of apartheid. The statement reads that Blankstein does not wish to be made an apologist for the South African government. Johnson shows the letter to the media. Johnson says that Blankenstein's resignation is a victory for the protestors. Johnson says that the protestors will target other corporations with ties to the South African government. 1:14:02: V: Johnson, King and Yancey walk away from the building. The three men walk toward a group of protestors on the street. A large group of protestors is picketing on the sidewalk. The protestors chant, "Blankstein, resign." Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) stands on the bed of a pick-up truck, leading the chant through a bullhorn. Johnson takes the bullhorn from the man and addresses the crowd. Stith starts to cheer. King and Yancey stand on the bed of the pick-up truck with Johnson. Johnson announces Blankstein's resignation and holds up the letter. Johnson reads a portion of the statement from Blankstein. The crowd cheers as Johnson reads the statement. Shots of the crowd of protestors. The crowd chants, "Freedom, yes. Apartheid, no."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/04/1984
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that African American community leaders expressed their rage over the handling of the Carol Stuart murder case. Von Mehren notes that the leaders accused city officials, the Boston Police Department and the news media of racism in handling the case. Von Mehren's report includes angry speeches by Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque), Rev. Graylan Hagler (Church of the United Community), and Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council). Von Mehren notes that the African American leaders have accused police of ignoring obvious clues during their investigation. Von Mehren adds that some leaders called for the resignation of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) and Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department). Von Mehren interviews Hagler. Hagler says that police officers ignored community residents who approached them with information about the case. Von Mehren concludes by saying that the African American community suffered a grave injustice in the aftermath of the murder.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Bill Owens (State Senator) speaking at a press conference. A group of African American community leaders stand behind him. The group includes Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) and Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque). Owens says that a great injustice has been done to the African-American community. Shots of the attendees at the press conference. Jan von Mehren reports that African American community leaders expressed rage and fury at a press conference today. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler speaking at the press conference. Ellis-Hagler accuses Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) of placing blame too quickly on the African American community. Ellis-Hagler compares Flynn's actions to that of the Ku Klux Klan. The attendees at the press conference give vocal support to Ellis-Hagler's assertions. Footage of Muhammad at the press conference. Muhammad asks if white public officials will call Charles Stuart (murderer of Carol Stuart) "an animal." The crowd cheers. Von Mehren reports that African American leaders believe that Flynn, the Boston Police Department, and the media rushed to conclusions about the Stuart case. Von Mehren notes that the African American leaders say that racism played a huge role in the case. V: Shots of the press conference; of Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) addressing the press conference. Footage of Muhammad at the press conference. Muhammad says that police usually suspect the husband when a woman is killed. Muhammad says that police automatically suspect an African American man when a woman is killed in an African American neighborhood. Von Mehren stands outside of Muhammad's Mosque. Von Mehren reports that African American leaders have accused the police, the mayor, and the media of ignoring vital information about the case. Von Mehren notes that the African American leaders says that the vital information was circulating on the streets of Roxbury on the day after the shooting. V: Footage of Muhammad at the press conference. Muhammad says that there were rumours on the street that Charles Stuart was a drug addict. Muhammad says that police should have investigated those rumours. The crowd cheers. Von Mehren notes that Ellis-Hagler runs a recovery center for drug addicts out of his church in Roxbury. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler being interviewed by von Mehren. Ellis-Hagler says that the workers in his recovery center told him that Charles Stuart was the murderer on the day after the murder occurred. Ellis-Hagler talks about a man from the community who went to police with information about the murder. Ellis-Hagler says that the man shared information with police which confirmed the alibi of William Bennett (suspect). Ellis-Hagler says that the police told the man that they had a suspect who suited their purposes. Footage of Muhammad at the press conference. Muhammad says that apologies are worthless; that the damage has already been done. Muhammad says that the city has stabbed the African American community in the back. Muhammad says that the African American community has been devastated. Shot of a sign at the press conference. The sign reads, "What does (sic) Boston and South Africa have in common? Stopping and detaining men because of the color of their skin." Von Mehren reports that some African American leaders called for the resignation of Flynn and Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston); that some called for restitution to Mission Hill residents. V: Shots of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at the press conference; of attendees at the press conference. Shot of Muhammad at the press conference. Von Mehren adds that the African American community was dealt a grave injustice when police, public officials, and the media were taken in by Charles Stuart's hoax.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/05/1990
Description: Charles Stuart's body is pulled from Mystic River, lending a new perspective to the murder of his wife. Press conferences with Newman Flanagan and Ray Flynn. Unusual views of Tobin Bridge. Footage of wrongly accused suspect, Willie Bennett. Interviews with black Mission Hill residents.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/04/1990
Description: Combat Zone environs. Marquees and store signs: “adult movies,” “uncensored books,” “nude review,” “XXX.” Publix Theater, Pussycat Cinema, Naked i, Two O'Clock Lounge. New England Medical Center adjacent. Display of pornographic materials and erotic books. District police headquarters sign and police station on Washington Street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/15/1977
Description: Tape dropout in beginning. Combat Zone environs. Thriving pornography district. XXX rated movies, peep shows, Naked i, Pussy Cat Cinema, adult book store, State and Pilgrim Theaters, Intermission Lounge. Garish marquees with flashing lights. MBTA and Boston police cars.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/15/1976
Description: Deborah Wang reports that the Boston Police Department and the District Attorney's Office keep the money confiscated from drug arrests. Neighborhood groups want the money to go back into the community to fund drug education, drug treatment, and crime watch efforts. Interview with Bill Good of the Boston Police Department. Good says that the Police Department needs the money to keep its "operational edge" over drug traffickers. Interview with City Councilor Charles Yancey, who says that community residents are the most valuable asset in the war against drugs. Press conference at City Hall, where Yancey, Ben Haith (Roxbury Multi-Service Center) and Louis Elisa (NAACP) talk about the need to return confiscated drug money to the community. City Councilor Dapper O'Neil arrives at the press conference. O'Neil and State Rep. Byron Rushing confront each other on the issue. Wang reports that the city budget is tight and various groups are fighting over small amounts of money. Wang's report is accompanied by footage of police officers making a drug arrest.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of a police cruiser stopped behind a red sports car. A white police officer searches an African American man. Shot of a plastic bag containing drugs. Deborah Wang reports that 7,500 people were arrested by police on drug-related charges last year; that police have confiscated weapons, drugs, and money from drug arrests. V: Footage of Bill Good (Boston Police Department) saying that approximately $990,000 has been forfeited to the Police Department through drug arrests. Shots of police officers searching the trunk of a red sports car. Shot of a police officer searching a handbag. Wang reports that the Boston Police Department has gone to court to obtain the money; that the Police Department has split the money with the District Attorney's office. Wang reports that the Police Department uses the money to pay informants, to buy drugs for deals, and to conduct police investigations. V: Footage of Good saying that the money is essential to the Police Department; that the money represents an "operational edge" for drug investigators. Good says that the money can be used at the discretion of drug investigators. Wang reports that some city officials see other uses for the money. V: Footage of Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) being interviewed by Wang. Yancey says that the city needs to fight an effective war against drugs. Yancey says that community residents are the city's most valuable allies in the war against drugs. Wang reports that neighborhood groups want the money to go back into the community; that the groups want the money to fund drug education, drug treatment, and crime watch efforts. V: Footage of Yancey at a press conference at City Hall. A group of neighborhood activists including Byron Rushing (State Representative) are with Yancey at the press conference. Shot of Ben Haith (Roxbury Multi-Service Center) speaking at the press conference. Footage of Louis Elisa (NAACP) speaking at the press conference. Elisa says that funding is needing to fight the war on drugs; that the confiscated money belongs to the community. Elisa says that the confiscated money comes from Charlestown, South Boston, Roxbury and Dorchester; that the confiscated money should go back to the communities to fund anti-drug initiatives. Footage of Good being interviewed by Wang. Good says that the neighborhood groups have good intentions. Good says that it is a mistake to take the money from the Police Department. Good says that the confiscated money funds the day-to-day operations of the Police Department's anti-drug effort. Shots of three police officers conferring near a police cruiser; of a police officer searching a handbag. Wang reports that the Boston City Council has the support to pass a bill requiring the confiscated money go back to the neighborhoods. Wang notes that Dapper O'Neil (Boston City Council) is opposed to the initiative; that O'Neil "crashed" the press conference at City Hall today. V: Footage of Rushing and O'Neil confronting one another over the issue. O'Neil says that Rushing is trying "to shake people down" for money. Rushing walks away from O'Neil. Yancey and David Scondras (Boston City Council) look on. O'Neil has an exchange with another neighborhood activist. Yancey addresses the media from a microphone. Wang reports that the dispute revolves around a relatively small amount of money; that the money represents less than one percent of the police budget. Wang notes that the city budget is tight; that money is hard to come by.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/01/1989
Description: Robert DiGrazia resigns as Boston police commissioner to become police chief in Montgomery County, Maryland. Gives press conference on strengths and weaknesses in his department.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/04/1976
Description: Mounted Boston police officer near Quincy Market. Crowds of children pet horse. Street performer. Angled view of upper facade of Faneuil Hall juxtaposed with Sixty State Street high rise. Quincy Market plaque. Grasshopper weather vane. Sign for “Where's Boston?”
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/15/1978
Description: Gay rights supporters shout, clap, chant outside Senate chambers of President of the Senate William Bulger, urging a vote on gay rights bill. Footage of police with sitting protester whom has handcuffed himself to the Senate balcony. Courtroom officer stomps on stomach of demonstrator laying on floor. Protestors give opinions on protest and gay rights bill. Footage of demonstrators holding hands, chanting. Reporter mentions Governor Michael Dukakis as a long-time proponent of the bill. Interview with Sen. Royal Bolling Sr., who gives input on bill. Police officers wearing gloves to protect from AIDS. Clips of Senate sign above door to chamber in which bill is being discussed. Story is followed by b-roll of protesters chanting; obstructing door to chambers. Police and Senate officials interact with protesters.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/04/1988
Description: Hope Kelly reports on the incidence of hate crimes in Boston. Kelly explains that hate crimes are defined as incidents of racial violence; she cites statistics that illustrate how hate crimes have affected various racial and ethnic groups. Kelly's report includes footage of Jack McDevitt (Center for Applied Research, Northeastern University) giving a seminar on hate crimes in Boston. The small audience includes uniformed police officers. McDevitt says that most hate crimes are not initially categorized as such by police officers. McDevitt talks about the seriousness of hate crimes. He notes that all racial and ethnic groups are affected. Kelly's report includes shots of Boston residents on the streets and shots from a moving car of downtown Boston in the evening.
1:00:13: Visual: Shots from a moving car of downtown Boston at night. Hope Kelly reports that hate crimes are defined as incidents of racial violence; that Boston has had 452 hate crimes over the past four years. Kelly notes that hate crimes are rarely recognized for what they are. V: Footage of Jack McDevitt (Center for Applied Research, Northeastern University) addressing a small audience. McDevitt says that his research looks at how Boston's 452 hate crimes were initially categorized by the responding officer. McDevitt says that 19 of the 452 incidents were initially categorized as racially motivated. Shots of the audience listening to McDevitt. Shots of police officers in uniform as they listen to McDevitt. Kelly reports that one of the goals of the study is to teach police officers and citizens to recognize these crimes for what they are. V: Footage of McDevitt saying that Boston's hate crimes were more serious than statistics show them to be. Kelly reports that half of Boston's 452 hate crimes involved assaults; that thirty percent of the assaults were serious enough to require hospitalization. Kelly reports that national statistics show only 7% of assaults as serious enough to require hospitalization. V: Shots from a moving car of residents on the streets of Boston at night. Audio of McDevitt saying that many of Boston's hate crimes involve multiple offenders attacking a single victim. Shots of Washington Street in Roxbury during the day. Elevated train tracks are visible. Shots of African American men gathered outside of Joe's sub shop on Washington Street. Kelly reports that McDevitt found turf issues to be the motivation of many hate crimes in Boston. V: Footage of McDevitt saying that members of every racial and ethnic group were victims of hate crimes. Kelly reports that the study found that Africans Americans and whites were equally apt to be victims of hate crimes; that the perpetrators were usually of another race than their victim. V: Shots of residents walking on the streets of Boston in the daylight. On-screen text and visuals detail hate crime statistics. Kelly reports that 118 African Americans were victims of hate crimes; that 92% of those victims were attacked by whites. Kelly reports that 111 whites were victims of hate crimes; that 78% of those victims were attacked by African Americans. Kelly reports that whites and African Americans accounted for 2/3 of all victims. Kelly reports that 6% of victims were Latino; that the rest of the victims were Asian. Kelly notes that Vietnamese residents were victimized at a rate far out of proportion to their population. V: Shot of a white business man walking and an African American business man walking in the financial district. Shots of Latino residents walking on a street; of two Asian men conversing on a sidewalk. Kelly reports that the perpetrators were unknown in 25% of Boston's hate crimes. V: Shots of a police car traveling slowly through a parking lot. On-screen text and visuals detail statistics about perpetrators of hate crimes. Kelly reports that 63% of known offenders are white; that 33 % of known offenders are African American; that 4% of known offenders are Latino and Asian. Kelly notes that victims are often reluctant to report hate crimes. V: Shots of McDevitt talking about his study; of police officers and officials in the audience, including Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department). Shot from a car of a street in downtown Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/27/1989