Description: Kenmore Square and Brighton night environs. Nightclubs, liquor stores, package stores, and bars: Rathskeller, Narcissus, Bunratty's. Cameramen and reporter talk in background. They discuss all of the Boston University students in the area and the use of positive identification to prevent underage drinking. Allston/Brighton police station. Two detectives are interviewed in the lobby of the station. They answer questions about the problems of underage drinking and fake identification. They give their opinion on the changes that will occur based on the newly raised drinking age.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/02/1985
Description: Press conference at City Hall. Boston Mayor Kevin White and Police Commissioner Robert DiGrazia read prepared statements about the following day's school opening in the third year of court-ordered busing. White expresses confidence in a peaceful opening of schools. DiGrazia says that police have been instructed to use minimum force, but to act decisively against any disruptions of public order. Both men hope that police can be removed from schools as soon as possible. White notes that the atmosphere seems calmer this year than during the previous two years. White says that he would like to remove police from the schools as soon as possible because their presence hinders the development of a healthy learning environment. Reporters question them on the school opening. Shots of Pam Bullard listening to the press conference.
2:09:33: Visual: Members of the press are assembled for a press conference at City Hall with Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) and Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston). White begins reading a statement, then stops because there is a problem with sound. 2:11:53: V: White reads a prepared statement. He says that school opens tomorrow; that fewer students face assignments to new schools this year; that more students are attending the schools of their choice; that many schools are benefitting from programs linked with universities and businesses; that three new schools are opening; that he is confident that the school year will be productive. White says that the city is prepared to guarantee the safety of all schoolchildren; that he hopes to reduce the police presence at the schools this year; that police will restore order if disruptions occur. White urges citizens to share in the responsibility for a peaceful school opening; that the city will focus on improving schools this year. 2:14:32: V: DiGrazia reads a prepared statement. He expresses confidence in a peaceful school opening. He reports that police have received instructions to allow peaceful demonstrations, but to maintain public order; that police officers have been instructed to use minimum force and to treat those arrested with respect and courtesy. DiGrazia says that police will not tolerate any acts of violence or disruption; that these acts are often committed by only a few citizens. 2:15:56: V: White invites questions from the reporters. A reporter asks DiGrazia what kind of preparations have been made for additional police support. DiGrazia says that Massachusetts State Police will be assigned to South Boston; that MDC Police will be assigned to Charlestown; that US Marshals will be present for the opening of schools. DiGrazia says that the atmosphere on the streets seems calm; that a few citizens are engaging in disruptive behavior; that the atmosphere seems calmer than in the previous two years; that police presence will be less visible than last year; that additional police will stand by for support. DiGrazia says that the police have not received any indication that there will be outside agitators at the schools. DiGrazia says that he hopes there will be little overtime for police officers this year. DiGrazia says that uniformed State Police officers will be assigned to South Boston High School; that community service officers and juvenile officers will be assigned to monitor the other schools. 2:18:52: V: A reporter asks about cooperative efforts between the School Department, the city of Boston, and the Police Department. White says that the three entities have been working together on school desegregaton for three years; that differences about the school budget have not affected efforts to achieve a successful school opening. DiGrazia says that police will continue to enforce ordinances forbidding the assembly of more than three people along a bus route, or assemblies within 100 yards of schools. Shot of Pam Bullard. White says that he would like to remove police from schools as soon as possible; that police presence hinders a healthy learning atmospheres; that police can be removed if citizens refrain from disrupting the schools. A reporter asks DiGrazia to clarify the term "minimum force" in police conduct. DiGrazia says that he hopes police can dissuade citizens from engaging in disruptive behavior; that he would like to see the police removed from the schools as soon as possible. DiGrazia refuses to elaborate on minimum tolerance policy guidelines, but says that warnings will be given to disruptors before action is taken. DiGrazia says that the school department instituted the use of metal detectors at the schools; that they will be used again this year. DiGrazia refuses to give out information on the number of police officers assigned to the schools
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1976
Description: Interview with mystery writer Jane Langton on art theft at Gardner Museum, which somewhat parallels one of her novels. B-roll follows of interiors of Gardner Museum and planted atrium. Guards, antique furniture, tapestries, paintings. Police line. Museum employee discussing investigation in the background while filming b-roll.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/19/1990
Description: Steve Curwood interviews Louise Day Hicks about her vote in favor of a curfew proposal for the city of Boston. Hicks thinks that the curfew could reduce unrest on the streets in the evenings. She says that she will vote to rescind the curfew if police are shown to use it as a means to harass residents. Hicks notes that the senior citizens and fire fighters support the curfew proposal. They shoot cutaways.
0:58:32: Visual: Steve Curwood interviews Louis Day Hicks in her office. Curwood asks Hicks why she is in favor of a curfew proposal for Boston. Hicks says that senior citizens and fire fighters have requested the curfew; that a curfew could mean greater safety in the evening. Curwood comments that police have called the curfew proposal unenforceable. Hicks says that the city should try the curfew to test its effectiveness; that she voted for it to show solidarity with the senior citizens and fire fighters. Curwood points out the expense involved in a curfew ordinance; that the county may have to pay for private lawyers to defend violators because of the heavy workload of the public defenders. Hicks says that the curfew does not place undue burden on minors, who can move about with a note from their parents; that the curfew can be rescinded if it proves to be unworkable. Hicks says that the curfew could be enforced arbitrarily as a means of harassment; that she will vote to rescind the curfew if this proves to be true. Hicks says that the law could be used to bolster parental authority; that she hopes most parents have authority over their children even without the curfew. Hicks says that she does not know if the mayor will veto the curfew. Curwood thanks Hicks. The crew takes cutaway shots of Curwood and Hicks. Curwood and Hicks speak informally. Hicks talks about her constituents' support for the curfew.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/06/1976
Description: B-roll footage of Massachusetts Port Authority (MASSPORT) structures and five MASSPORT workers on strike, picketing in a parking lot. Signs read "MASSPORT Unfair to Teamsters Local 137" and "On Strike." Footage of traffic on bridge; roadway. Motorcycle policeman with canine assistant wearing goggles on back of bike. Zoomed clip of air traffic control tower at Logan Airport; slightly larger group of striking workers circle in parking lot; state policeman regulates traffic.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/08/1980
Description: Barney Frank (US Representative) and Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston) shake hands in front of the Massachusetts State House. Frank has endorsed King for mayor of Boston. Christy George interviews King in front of the State House. King talks about the current policies of the White administration and White's recent appointments to the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA). King says that his administration would eliminate the BRA in order to consolidate city development under a community development office. King criticizes White for making mayoral appointments without regard for his successor. King adds that the current police commissioner must be forced to resign. King says that the Boston City Council should not approve White's new housing proposal. He adds that the City Council should wait until the next mayor is elected before making new policy.
1:00:05: Visual: Mel King stands in front of the State House with his supporters and talks to the media about his candidacy for mayor. He talks about the "politics of inclusion." A reporter asks King how he feels about being "Barney Frank's second choice." King says that Barney Frank (US Representative) makes good choices; that he is glad to be one of Frank's choices. Mel King thanks the media. He shakes hands with Frank. Frank and King speak to one another. 1:01:12: V: Christy George sets up an interview with King. George asks King if Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) is consolidating power. She also asks him about mayoral appointments to city jobs. King says that political patronage is unfortunate; that White has not considered his appointments from the viewpoint of his successor. King says that the police commissioner must be asked to resign; that the new administration must work around the commissioner if he refuses to resign. George comments that the business community is wary of King and Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor of Boston). She asks if White is making appointments to the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) before the mayoral elections in order to satisfy the business community. King says that the new administration must take a balanced approach to development; that the needs of the whole city must be considered. King says that his administration would consolidate the development functions of the city; that his administration would work to eliminate the BRA board as it is now; that a community development office would oversee development in the neighborhoods and in the downtown area. George notes that White's appointments to the BRA are not unusual for a mayor leaving office. King says that these candidates will be "holdovers"; that "holdover" appointments should only be allowed for a minimum period of time; that these appointments undermine public confidence in government. George asks King about White's plans to create a Neighborhood Housing Trust. King says that he hopes that the Boston City Council will not approve the program until a new mayor has been elected. King says that he will lobby the council not to approve the program. George ends the interview.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/21/1983
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Sadiki Kambon (community activist) and others have accused police of using excessive violence when pursuing African American crime suspects. He notes that Donald Johnson (shooting victim) was shot dead this evening by police while he was driving a stolen bus. Jones' report includes footage of the bus and the aftermath of Johnson's shooting. Jones notes that police have shot and killed five suspects of non-violent crimes this year; he adds that four of those five suspects were African American. Jones interviews Kambon. Kambon blames police for Johnson's death, saying that police officers would not have fired on Johnson if he were white. Kambon says that he fears for his life when interacting with police because he is an African American male. Jones reviews the case of Levi Hart (shooting victim), who was shot by police while fleeing a stolen car. Jones adds that African American communities across the nation are concerned about police behavior toward African Americans. Jones' report features footage from various sources of African Americans interacting with police and footage of race riots in Miami. Following the edited story is b-roll of the aftermath of Johnson's shooting. Police and EMTs on the scene.
1:00:08: Visual: Footage from WNEV-TV of police running after a bus on a crowded street in Jamaica Plain. Footage of police and paramedics in Jamaica Plain transporting an injured Donald Johnson (shooting victim) on a stretcher. The footage is from January 31, 1988. Marcus Jones reports that Donald Johnson was shot dead by police while driving a stolen bus in Jamaica Plain. Jones reports that some members of the African American community say that police used excessive violence against Johnson. V: Footage of Sadiki Kambon (community activist) saying that Johnson would still be alive if police had reacted properly to the situation. Shots of Johnson being put into an ambulance by police and paramedics. Jones reports that police say that they fired at Johnson because he posed a threat to their safety and the safety of others. V: Footage of Kambon saying that every issue revolves around race; that situations are seen in terms of "us and them." Jones asks Kambon if he thinks the police would have fired on Johnson if he had been white. Jones says that Kambon would not have been shot if he were white; that police knew an African American man was driving the bus. Jones reports that Johnson's shooting marks the fifth time that police have shot and killed suspects of non-violent crimes. Jones reports that four of the five shootings involved teenagers; that one of the shootings involved a case of mistaken identity; that only one of the five shooting victims was white. V: Shots of police officers and residents standing near a cordoned-off crime scene. On-screen text details statistics of police shootings. Footage of Kambon saying that he fears for his life when he interacts with police because he is an African male. Kambon describes the behavior of police officers when they stop African American males for speeding violations. Jones reports on the case of Levi Hart (shooting victim). Jones says that Hart was shot by police while fleeing from a stolen car. Jones reports that African American communities across the nation are concerned over police behavior toward African Americans. Jones notes that a police shooting touched of riots in Miami recently. Jones adds that an African American man was searched during a church service in Broward County, Florida; that churchgoers thought his afro pick was a gun. V: Shots of a photo of Hart; of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Hart case will go to grand jury." Footage from Say Brother of an African American man fleeing from police. Footage from NBC of race riots in Miami. Footage from Fox television of police searching an African American man in the back of a church. Police pull an afro pick from the man's coat. Shot of an ambulance on a Boston street. Jones reports that the Boston Police Department will not comment on the shooting of Johnson or on any other shootings. Jones notes that the matter is under investigation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/06/1989
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Boston Police Department on behalf of minority youth in Mattapan, Roxbury, and Dorchester. Von Mehren notes that the lawsuit accuses the Police Department of engaging in unreasonable search and seizure practices. Von Mehren's reports includes footage from a press conference with John Roberts (Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union), Bill Owens (State Senator), Caroline Marshall (mother of plaintiff), and Margaret Burnham (attorney). Roberts says that statements by the Boston Police Department provoked the lawsuit. Marshall and Burnham speak out against unreasonable police practices. Von Mehren quotes Paul Evans (Commissioner, Boston Police Department) as saying that the police are not violating anyone's Constitutional rights. Von Mehren reports that many students at English High School support the lawsuit. Von Mehren interviews English High School students about their experiences with police officers.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of a group of English High School students walking on a street after school. Jan von Mehren reports that many students from English High School have stories to tell about police officers who have overstepped their boundaries. V: Footage of Tony Moss (Roxbury resident, 16 years old) saying that he was walking home from school one day when police officers stopped, threw him against the wall and proceeded to search him. Footage of Hector Pinto (Dorchester resident) talking about being searched by police. Footage of a high school gym. A group of girls in the gym play with a volleyball. Another group of students stands on the bleachers. Footage of Reginald Verdieu (Mattapan resident) saying that he has never been searched; that his friends have been searched. Verdieu says that a friend was forced by police officers to pull down his pants and take off his shoes. Footage of Alexia Baez (18 years old) being interviewed by von Mehren. Baez says that a group of her friends were searched by police; that one member of the group was forced to pull down his pants. Von Mehren reports that Baez believes that the police are humiliating teenagers. Von Mehren reports that the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Boston Police Department; that the suit is being filed on behalf of African American and Latino young people from Mattapan, Roxbury, and Dorchester. V: Footage of John Roberts (Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union) speaking at a press conference. Roberts says that statements by the Boston Police Department provoked the lawsuit. Roberts sits at a table four others including Bill Owens (State Senator) Caroline Marshall (mother of plaintiff), and Margaret Burnham (attorney). Shots of the media at the press conference; of von Mehren at the press conference. Von Mehren reports that the lawsuit accuses the Police Department of engaging in unreasonable search and seizure practices; of violating the fourth amendment rights of those who are searched. V: Footage of Marshall saying that she wants the police to operate within the law; that people need to realize what is going on in their community. Shots of attendees at the press conference. Footage of Burnham saying that police are only allowed to search those who are suspected of committing a crime. Von Mehren quotes Paul Evans (Commissioner, Boston Police Department) as saying that police do sometimes make mistakes; that police are not violating anyone's Constitutional rights. V: Shot of two white police officers stopping to search a young African American male. Evans' quote appears written in text on-screen. Von Mehren reports that many English High School students applaud the lawsuit. Von Mehren notes that the students are quick to point out the problems in their neighborhood. Von Mehren says that the students do not want the police to leave the neighborhood; that the students want police to stop searching the wrong people. V: Shots of English High School students walking on the sidewalks. Footage of Verdieu saying that innocent people should not be stopped by police; that police do need to stop some people.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/21/1989
Description: As follow-up to Stuart murder, James Shannon condemns Boston police practice of stop and search. Don Murray of Patrolman's Association ridicules proposed civilian review board. Bruce Bolling at a press conference.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/18/1990
Description: David Boeri reports on the Silver Shield case. Boeri reviews the facts of the case and the allegations against the officers involved. Interview with Richard Armstead (Boston Police Department), who talks about the case. Boeri notes that police officers William Dunn and William Kennefick were cleared of the allegations against them after a third investigation into the case by the Boston Police Department. Press conference with Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department), Albert Sweeney (Boston Police Department), Arthur Morgan (Boston Police Department), and Minister Don Muhammad (Roxbury Community leader). Roache says that there is not evidence of a crime having been committed. Boeri reports that he has discovered two more police officers who have information on the case. The report includes footage of Boeri interviewing a man in a darkened room. The man's appearance and voice are altered. The man gives information about the rape at the Silver Shield Club. Boeri reports that the two witnesses have requested anonymity for fear of reprisals. He adds that the witnesses' story casts doubt on the story told by the accused officers. Boeri says that he will not reveal his sources.
1:00:04: Visual: Shot of Richard Armstead (Detective, Boston Police Department) walking down a street and entering a house. David Boeri reports that Armstead is "waging a one-man war within the Boston Police Department." Boeri reports that Armstead claims that an African American teenage girl was raped by white police officers at the Silver Shield Club in Roxbury in July of 1982. Boeri notes that Armstead has accused William Dunn (Boston Police Department) of perpetrating the act; that Armstead accuses William Kennefick (Boston Police Department) and six or seven other police officers of witnessing the rape. [Shots of black and white photos of Dunn and Kennifick; of the exterior of the Silver Shield Club in Roxbury.] Boeri notes that Armstead believes that Lucia Kai (murdered Roxbury resident) was the girl who was raped at the club; that Kai was found murdered in Franklin Park in August of 1982. V: Shot of a color photo of Kai; of Franklin Park. Boeri reports that Armstead claims that William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) told him about the rape; that Armstead says that Celester learned about the rape from Jose Garcia (Detective, Boston Police Department). V: Shot of Celester in uniform; of a color photo of Garcia. Boeri reports that Celester told Armstead that Jose Garcia (Boston Police Department) was sleeping in the backroom of the Club; that Garcia was awoken by screams. V: Footage of Armstead being interviewed by Boeri in his home. Armstead says that Celester told him that Garcia witnessed a white police officer forcing an African American teenage girl to perform oral sex at gunpoint. Shots of photos of Kennefick, Garcia and Dunn. Boeri reports that the Dunn, Kennefick and Garcia deny that the incident ever happened; that they have taken polygraph tests to prove their innocence. Boeri notes that Celester says that he was telling Armstead a rumor. V: Shot of a color photo of Celester. Boeri notes that the men were cleared last January after a third investigation into the case by the Police Department. V: Footage of Francis Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) at a press conference in January of 1986. Roache says that there is no evidence of a crime having been committed at the Silver Shield Club. Shots of the exterior of the club. Boeri reports that the Ten O'Clock News has discovered that Garcia may have told at least three officers about witnessing the rape at the Silver Shield Club. Boeri stands outside of the former Silver Shield Club. Boeri says that he has spoken to two police officers who claim that Garcia was visibly upset while telling them about witnessing the rape. Boeri says that the two officers have insisted on anonymity because they fear reprisals; that one agreed to speak on camera if his voice and appearance were altered. V: Shot of police officers taking an oath. Footage of Boeri interviewing an unidentified man in a darkened room. The man's words are written out in text on screen. The audio has been altered to prevent recognition of the man's voice. The man repeats what Garcia told him about the rape at the club. The man says that Garcia witnessed a girl to perform oral sex on several white police officers; that he is sure that the girl was being forced to perform oral sex. Boeri reports that the man told him that Garcia drew his gun and rescued the girl from the club at gunpoint. V: Footage of Boeri interviewing the unidentified man. The man says that Garcia told him and three or four other people about witnessing the rape. Boeri reports that a second police officer refused to appear on camera; that he recalls Garcia making explicit accusations against the officers at the Silver Shield club. V: Shot of a uniformed police officer on a motorcycle. The Text of Boeri's questions and the officer's answers appear on screen. Boeri reports that the officer says that Garcia rescued the girl because she was being sexually assaulted by the police officers. Boeri reports that both officers say that Garcia told the story to Celester. [Shot of a color photo of Garcia. Shot of Celester in uniform. Footage of Armstead saying that Garcia told Celester about witnessing the rape. Shot of Celester. Boeri reports that Celester says that he was only passing on a rumor to Armstead. V: Footage of Albert Sweeney (Boston Police Department) at a press conference in January, 1986. Sweeney praises Celester for investigating the rumor about the alleged rape. Footage of Boeri talking to Armstead about a Police Department internal report. Boeri notes that the report says that Celester informed Armistead of the rumor. Armstead says that the report is not true. Armstead adds that Celester never told him that the account of the rape was a rumor. Footage of Roache, Sweeney, Minister Don Muhammed (Roxbury community leader) and Arthur Morgan (Boston Police Department) at a press conference in January of 1986. Boeri reports that Garcia has denied to investigators that the incident ever took place. Boeri notes that testimony of the two unidentified police officers casts doubt on Garcia's story. V: Shot of Boeri interviewing the unidentified man. Boeri stands on a street corner in Upham's Corner in Dorchester. Boeri says that Garcia's car was firebombed in Upham's Corner in August of 1982. Boeri notes that Garcia says that drug dealers were responsible. Boeri adds that others contend that Garcia's car was firebombed in order to keep him quiet about the rape at the Silver Shield. Boeri notes that the two unidentified police officers told him that Garcia changed his story after his family was threatened. V: Close-up shot of a cloth uniform badge on an officer's uniform. The text of the second police officers testimony is written on the screen. Boeri reports that Armstead says that Garcia asked him to drop the investigation. V: Footage of Armstead saying that he refused Garcia's request to drop the investigation. Shots of the photo of Kai; of Franklin Park. Boeri notes that Armstead says that Garcia approached him again after seeing photos of Kai after she was murdered. V: Footage of Boeri interviewing Armstead. Armstead says that Garcia told him that Kai might be the girl who was raped at the club. Shot of the exterior of the Silver Shield Club. Boeri sits in an office at WGBH. Boeri says that the officers and their lawyers will not comment on the case; that the US Attorney's office had not been aware of the two unidentified police officers who spoke to Boeri; that the men have not been approached by any investigators. Boeri says that he will keep his promise not to reveal the names of the men.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/02/1986