Description: Marcus Jones reports that the DiMaiti family has created the Carol DiMaiti Stuart Foundation to memorialize Carol Stuart, who was murdered. The foundation will fund scholarships for residents of the Mission Hill neighborhood and activities to bolster race relations in the city of Boston. DiMaiti family members hold a press conference. Carol's father Giusto DiMaiti talks about his daughter. Interview with Carol's brother Carl DiMaiti, who is the president of the foundation. He talks about his sister and the activities of the foundation, saying that the foundation would like to grant scholarships to students who have achieved academically or who have contributed to their schools. DiMaiti says that the foundation and its advisory board will try to fund innovative programs to improve race relations in the city. DiMaiti says that more must be done to improve race relations. This tape also includes footage from WCVB news coverage of the Stuart murder case. Editor's note: The b-roll following this edited story on the tape was entire comprised of third party footage, and so has been edited out.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Giusto DiMaiti (father of Carol Stuart) at a press conference on January 25, 1990. DiMaiti says that Carol Stuart was a loving, caring person. Marcus Jones reports that the DiMaiti family has created a foundation to memorialize Carol Stuart; that they hope to fund scholarships for residents of the Mission Hill neighborhood; that they hope to fund activities to bolster race relations in the city of Boston. V: Shots of the members of the DiMaiti family at a press conference; of the media at the press conference. Shot of a color photo of Stuart wearing a bridal veil. Jones reports that the foundation has received over $260,000 worth of donations. Jones reports that Carl DiMaiti is the president of the foundation; that Carl DiMaiti hopes to begin granting scholarships in the fall. V: Footage of Carl DiMaiti being interviewed by Jones. Jones asks what kind of people will receive the scholarships. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation would like to grant scholarships to hard-working students who have achieved academically or who have contributed to their school. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation would like to grant scholarships to students who want to give something back to society. Carl DiMaiti says that Carol Stuart was a tax attorney; that Stuart volunteered her time at a Latino community center in Somerville; that Stuart helped people with their taxes during tax season. Jones asks about the foundation's goal of funding activities to improve race relations. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation would like to fund innovative programs that bring together people from different backgrounds. Carl DiMaiti talks about an city-wide basketball league or an exchange between suburban and inner-city schools. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation will look to its advisory board for guidance. Carl DiMaiti says that more can be done to improve race relations in Boston. Jones asks Carl DiMaiti for his opinion on race relations in Boston. Carl DiMaiti says that race relations can be improved; that the Carol DiMaiti Stuart Foundation cannot improve race relations by itself. Carl DiMaiti says that some people have been surprised that the family started the foundation. Carl DiMaiti says that the family has derived many benefits from creating the foundation. Carl DiMaiti says that the family has begun to see how many good people live in the city of Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/26/1990
Description: Christy George reports that Ernie Branch teaches karate to urban kids. Interview with Branch, who talks about the value of karate. Branch says that hard work, dedication, and concentration are all important in karate. Branch holds a class with a group of kids. Interviews with the children in Branch's class about why they like karate and about what they would like to be when they grow up. Interviews with parents Haroldine Haley and Michael Langelow about the benefits of the karate classes. Branch's karate classes are funded by the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency (MHFA).
0:59:58: Visual: Footage of minority youth in a karate class. Shots of individual youth as they perform their exercises. Shot of Ernie Branch (karate instructor). Christy George reports that Branch is a volunteer; that Branch is also a father and a former marine. V: Footage of Branch counting out loud as the youth do their exercises. Shots of individual youth in the class. Branch circulates among the class members. Footage of Branch being interviewed. Branch says that young kids have not yet decided if they want to be "good guys" or "bad guys." Branch says that the "good guys" do not offer any incentives; that the "bad guys" do offer incentives. Branch says that kids must learn that short term greed does not pay off in the end. Branch says that he tries to teach kids that hard work, dedication, and concentration will pay off. Branch says that kids need to learn how to think. George reports that Branch teaches karate to kids; that karate is a form of self-defense; that karate teaches confidence, structure, and self-respect. V: Branch instructs the members of the class to sit down. They sit down. Shots of individual members of the class. A young African American boy performs exercises in front of the class. Footage of Branch being interviewed. Branch says that major sports like basketball and football do not appeal to all kids. Branch says that some kids who fail in other sports find success in karate. Branch says that there is no failure in karate; that kids can progress at their own rate of speed; that kids receive individual attention. Footage of the members of the class being interviewed by George. George asks what karate teaches them about not fighting. King Branch (age eleven) says that karate has taught him that people will make trouble for you if you make trouble for them. King Branch says that he does not want to be the one who starts a fight; that he might be the one who gets beat up. Footage of Nathaniel Pomales (age eleven) says that it is important to remember hand blocks so that others cannot hit you. George remarks that karate requires a lot of concentration. Pomales says that he keeps it all in his head. Footage of Camille Langelow (age nine) saying that she has learned discipline and how to stand up for herself. Footage of James Haley (age nine) saying that karate has taught him to avoid bad behavior; that he usually has bad behavior. Footage of Andrew Cherry (age ten) saying that karate has taught him to avoid fights; that karate has taught him to ignore what others say about him. George reports that two of the children in Branch's class have special needs; that they are overactive and have trouble concentrating. George notes that these students have no problem in Branch's class. V: Shot of Branch instructing the members of the class as they do their exercises. Footage of Haroldine Haley (mother of James Haley) sitting with James Haley. Haroldine Haley says that she used to have trouble getting James Haley to do his homework. Haroldine Haley says that she told James Haley that he could not go to karate if his homework is not finished. Haroldine Haley says that James Haley always has his homework done before karate now. George reports that Haroldine Haley and Michael Langelow (father of Camille Langelow) think that parents need to be more involved with their children. Footage of Michael Langelow sitting with Camille Langelow. Michael Langelow says that kids are being destroyed by drugs, gangs, and violence. Michael Langelow says that parents need to be responsible for their children. Shots of two members of the class performing exercises in front of the others. George reports that Branch's karate classes are funded by the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency (MHFA); that the MHFA finances low-interest mortgages for low-income housing. George reports that the MHFA has found that the best way to protect its real estate is to protect the tenants. George notes that the MHFA conducts classes and counseling in areas including substance abuse, single parenting, suicide prevention, and karate. V: Shot of Branch demonstrating hand movements for the class. Footage of Pomales saying that he wants to be a scientist and an astronaut when he grows up; of Cherry saying that he would like to be a basketball player. Footage of a young girl in the class saying that she would like to be a doctor. Footage of Camille Langelow saying that she would like to be a runner or another kind of athlete. Footage of King Branch saying that he would like to be a US Marine sergeant. Shots of the students in karate class. George says that not all kids have someone who cares about them. V: Footage of Ernie Branch being interviewed. Branch says that he cares about youth because they represent the future. Shots of the students performing exercises in unison. Branch corrects one of the girls in class.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/26/1990
Description: Marcus Jones reports on efforts to provide positive male role models for young African American boys through the Paul Robeson Institute for Positive Self-Development. Third and fourth grade boys attend the Institute every Saturday, and 25 men from diverse backgrounds assist the boys in developing their understanding of math, science and history. Interviews with Pamela Brodie and Delores Wilson, who are both teachers at the Holland Community School. Both teachers praise the program. Brodie talks about the need for positive male role models. Interview with Keith Motley, a member of the Paul Robeson Institute, about the program. Motley says that programs like this one can help to end the violence on the streets. Interviews with two African American boys who attend the Institute. Following the edited story is additional footage of Brodie and her students in class at the Holland School.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage of students in a classroom at the Holland Community School in Dorchester. Shot of students are getting out their textbooks. The students are seated at their desks. Pamela Brodie (teacher, Holland Community School) stands at the front of the room. Shot of students raising their hands to be called on. Most of the students are non-white. Marcus Jones reports that the majority of students in public elementary schools in Boston are non-white. Jones reports that most of the teachers are female. Jones notes that male authority figures are limited; that African American male authority figures are virtually absent. V: Footage of Brodie being interviewed. Brodie says that most school systems have a lot of female teachers. Brodie says that it is important to have positive male role models for students; that some students do not have a male role model at home. Brodie says that schools need more male role models. Jones reports that elementary school students are in their formative years. Jones reports that a group called Concerned Black Men of Massachusetts visit the Holland School to help students make the right choices. V: Shots of students eating lunch at their desks. Shots of an African American boys walking around the classroom. Footage of Keith Motley (Paul Robeson Institute) being interviewed. Motley says that the group wants to fight against violence; that education is necessary to end violence. Footage from the Paul Robeson Institute. An African American man addresses a group of African American boys. The man speaks from a podium, while the boys sit in seats. The man encourages the boys to be the best people they can be. The man says that the future depends on them. Jones reports that the organized effort to provide positive role models is called The Paul Robeson Institute for Positive Self-Development. Jones reports that African American boys from the third and fourth grades in the Holland and Fifield Schools are involved in the program; that the boys visit the African American Institute at Northeastern University on Saturdays. Jones reports that 25 men from diverse backgrounds assist the boys in developing their understanding of math, science, and history. Jones says that the Institute focuses on African American history. V: Shot of an African American man speaking to a group of African American boys in a classroom. The boys are seated at desks. Shot of a sign for the African American Institute on the exterior of a building. Shot of an African American man standing at the front of a classroom. African American boys are seated at desks. A second African American man leans on a chalkboard as the other man teaches. Shot of a group of African American boys in orange T-shirts standing in a circle. The boys hold hands. An African American man stands in the center of the circle. African American men stand in a circle surrounding the boys. Footage of an African American boy being interviewed by Jones. Jones asks if the teachers at the institute are teaching him to be proud of himself. The boy says yes. Footage of another African American boy being interviewed by Jones. The boy says that the program has taught him that he can do something else besides sell drugs on the street. Shots of Brodie standing in her classroom; of an African American boy flipping through a textbook. Jones reports that the Robeson Institute has been operating for a year; that the Robeson Institute has earned praise from parents and teachers. V: Footage of Delores Wilson (teacher, Holland Community School) being interviewed. Wilson talks about one of her students who has behavior problems. Wilson says that the student's behavior has improved since attending the Robeson Institute. Wilson says that the student now helps other kids. Footage of Motley being interviewed. Motley says that programs like the Robeson Institute should be promoted and encouraged; that men and women should get involved. Shot of the African American boys at the Institute standing in a circle while holding hands. African American men form a circle around the boys. An African American man stands in the center.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/13/1990
Description: Rebecca Rollins reports that the murder rate in the city is rising. She notes that an overwhelming number of teenagers are involved in these homicides. Rollins interviews teenagers Grantley Payne, Michael Duval, and Pinto Triplett about why teenagers carry guns. Payne says that guns provide protection and grant status to teenagers. Payne and another teenager play basketball on an outdoor court. Rollins interviews Franklin Tucker (counselor) about teenagers and guns. Tucker talks about how teenagers obtain firearms. Tucker talks about the lack of programs aimed at preventing violence. He adds that many teenagers involved in violence come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Rollins' report is accompanied by footage of an African American teenager being treated by paramedics. This tape includes additional footage of Payne and another teenager playing basketball on an outdoor court.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of a body on a stretcher being wheeled by medics to an ambulance; of an African American police officer speaking to an African American male suspect. Shots of Grantley Payne (age 18) and another teenager playing basketball on an outdoor court. Rebecca Rollins reports that the death toll in the city is rising at record pace; that the number of homicides may total 150 by the end of the year. Rollins notes that an overwhelming number of teenagers are involved in the homicides as victims or suspects. V: Shot of medics lifting the body of an African American teenager onto a stretcher. Shots of guns and weapons laid out on a table. Footage of Payne being interviewed. Payne says that guns provide protection and grant status to teenagers. Footage of Franklin Tucker (Barron) being interviewed by Rollins. Tucker says that teenagers are importing their own guns; that teenagers are ordering them by mail from states with lenient gun laws. Barron says that guns are being brought in by bus and car. Tucker says that teenagers are carrying new guns and serious firearms. Rollins reports that Tucker is an expert on the subject of kids, guns, and schools; that Tucker directs counseling services for kids caught with weapons on or near school property. V: Footage of Tucker being interviewed by Rollins. Tucker says that many teenagers carry guns for protection. Footage of Michael Duval (age 16) being interviewed by Rollins. Duval says that fighting and violence have progressed from hands to knives to guns. Duval says that a lot of movies have violence. Duval mentions the 1988 film Colors. Rollins asks why kids carry guns. Pinto Triplett (age 18) says that it is difficult to be a teenager in the projects; that teenagers who carry guns live in rough neighborhoods. Triplett says that many of these teenagers do not come from good backgrounds; that many teenagers cannot get jobs. Triplett says that some of these teenagers are the victims of racial discrimination. Footage of Tucker being interviewed by Rollins. Tucker says that there are no programs focusing on prevention; that society is trying to put these kids in jail. Tucker says that prisons are already overcrowded. Rollins stands in front of a basketball court. A group of teenagers play basketball on the court. Rollins says that the Boston Police Department and City Hall will officials will meet to discuss the problem of guns and violence.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/19/1990