Description: Mass. General Hospital shows off new neuroscience center. One of its primary goals is study of mind - body link through collaboration of psychiatrists, surgeons, researchers. Brain disease. Lab workers.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/30/1988
Description: Syringe on beach, other washed up medical refuse collected in plastic. Bins for infectious hospital waste. Supply room and operating room at BCH. trash
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/21/1988
Description: David Boeri reports that midwives at Boston City Hospital have been locked out by the hospital administration in a dispute over hospital policy. Boeri notes that the lockout is probably a reaction to the mass resignation by the midwives two weeks ago. Dr. Kenneth Edelin (Chief of Obstetrics, Boston City Hospital) has restricted midwives to the delivery of uncomplicated pregnancies. The midwives accuse Edelin of restricting midwifery practice at the hospital and abandoning their commitment to poor women. A protest gathering of nurse midwives and expectant mothers outside of the hospital. Anna Fernandez (mother), Lisa Nesbitt (expectant mother), Virginia Taylor (BCH nurse midwife), Joanna Rorie (nurse midwife), and Dr. Louis Laz (former Director of Obstetrics, BCH) address the gathering. Interview with Rorie who defends the safety record of nurse midwives and Laz who criticizes the hospital policy. Interview with Edelin, who responds to the accusations of the midwives and to charges that many obstetricians have resigned in response to his leadership style. Boeri notes that midwives are an integral part of the city's plan to provide quality care to poor women. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Christy George reports on a discrimination suit filed against the Boston Housing Authority
1:00:05: Visual: Shots of women and their babies gathered outside of Boston City Hospital. David Boeri reports that 20% of the women who deliver their babies at Boston City Hospital (BCH) are attended by midwives; that midwives are an integral part of the city's plan to provide quality care to poor women. Boeri reports that women gathered at BCH today to support midwives. V: Footage of Anna Fernandez (mother) addressing the crowd of women and children. Fernandez says that midwives deserve support. Shots of women and babies at the gathering. Boeri reports that midwives were locked out of the hospital on Monday; that expectant mothers will not be attended by their midwives during the lockout. V: Footage of Lisa Nesbitt (expectant mother) addressing the gathering. Nesbitt is crying as she says that she was promised a midwife for her delivery. Boeri reports that midwives say that the lockout is a vindictive reaction to their mass resignation of two weeks ago. Boeri notes that the midwives were protesting hospital policies; that the midwives accuse Kenneth Edelin (Chief of Obstetrics, BCH) of abandoning poor women. V: Shots of midwives gathered outside of the hospital entrance; of midwives studying a document as they stand outside of the hospital; of a woman hugging Nesbitt as she finishes speaking. Footage of Virginia Taylor (BCH nurse midwife) saying that BCH physicians have tried to restrict midwifery practice at the hospital; that hospital policy limits womens' choice of midwives. Footage of Edelin saying that neither he nor any of the physicians on staff are against midwives. Edelin says that the midwives must practice within the scope of hospital protocol and the laws of Massachusetts. Boeri reports that Edelin says that nurse midwives are limited to the delivery of uncomplicated pregnancies; that nurse midwives are practicing outside of the law. V: Shots of a nurse midwife walking into an examination room; of a nurse midwife talking to an African American patient. Boeri reports that midwives say that they are operating within the law and with a great safety record. V: Footage of Joanna Rorie (nurse midwife, Dimock Community Health Center) addressing the gathering. Rorie says that doctors consider labor as a potential disaster instead of as a natural process. Shot of Dr. Louis Laz (former Director of Obstetrics, BCH) addressing the gathering. Boeri notes that half of the obstetricians at BCH have resigned in protest of Edelin's leadership. V: Footage of Laz saying that the obstetricians who have resigned are united in their support of the midwives. Laz says that the BCH is no longer pursuing its goal of providing model care to inner city women. Footage of Edelin saying that the obstetricians resigned because he refused to turn his conference room into offices for the obstetricians. Edelin says that he does not want to respond to the obstetricians and midwives who say that they resigned over his leadership. Shot of a sign for BCH. Boeri reports that Edelin is confident that he will be able to replace the obstetricians and midwives who have resigned; that the crisis at BCH will pass. Boeri notes that Edelin says that he is committed to providing quality care. V: Shot of an ambulance with its sirens blaring; of the midwives and mothers gathered outside of BCH.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/17/1988
Description: 2 programs in Boston public schools, Compact Ventures and Sports Pact, encourage students to remain in school and motivate them to achieve. Classrooms. Joan Benoit.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/02/1988
Description: Benjamin Zander conducts Boston Philharmonic Orchestra in rehearsal of William Kraft's “A Kennedy Portrait” to commemorate 25th anniversary of assassination. John Shea narrates with JFK quotes.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/18/1988
Description: Urban mayors gather in Boston for National League of Cities conference. They focus on need for housing assistance and problem of homelessness. Ray Flynn, Tom Bradley, Henry Cisneros, William Hudnut III.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/05/1988
Description: Ray Flynn's six month trial needle exchange program gets hearing in City Council. Dr. George Lamb explains it; Dapper O'Neil opposes, Rosaria Salerno favors. Person shooting up. Intravenous drugs.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/11/1988
Description: Demonstrators on State House steps demand more funding for human services (necessitating new taxes).Dukakis,legislative hearing.Paul Kollios, Frank Keefe, John Houston, Marie Parente, Philip Johnston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/06/1988
Description: Jan von Mehren reports on Henry Hampton's address to students at Boston University. Von Mehren notes that Hampton talked about the importance of campus activism and civil rights. Von Mehren's report includes footage of Hampton speaking to the student audience. Hampton encourage students to make demands on the university administration. Pearl Shelton (community activist) addresses the students from the audience. She encourages them to become involved in the struggle for change in society. Von Mehren's report also includes footage of Rosa Moreno (Boston University law student) and Derek Davis (Boston University law student) talking about the lack of activism on college campuses. Von Mehren discusses the role of campus activism in the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Von Mehren's report includes footage from Eyes on the Prize of Diane Nash (civil rights activist). This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: K.C. Jones of the Boston Celtics reacts to racist remarks made by Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder on national television Reactions to comments by Jimmy "the Greek"
1:00:06: Visual: Black and white footage of the Civil Rights Movement from Eyes on the Prize. African American students face off with white police officers during the civil rights movement. African American student demonstrators are marching on a street. Shot of an FBI poster seeking information on the murder of three civil rights activists. Shots of students being escorted into police vehicles; of police using fire hoses on civil rights activists in Birmingham, Alabama. Shots of civil rights activists at city hall in Nashville, Tennessee; of Diane Nash (civil rights activist) standing with Ben West (Mayor of Nashville). Footage of Nash saying that she asked West if he believed that discrimination was wrong. Footage of West saying that he told Nash that discrimination was morally wrong. Shot of Nash applauding as she faces West. Jan von Mehren talks about how students were on the front lines of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Von Mehren notes that some civil rights activists lost their lives; that some were jailed. Von Mehren talks about the participation of college student Diane Nash in the civil rights movement. Von Mehren says that today's college students have only vague memories of the civil rights movement. Von Mehren reports that Henry Hampton (civil rights activist and filmmaker) addressed a group of high school and college students today at Boston University. V: Shots of students listening to Hampton speak; of Hampton addressing the students. Footage of a white female student asking Hampton how Boston University can increase the enrollment of minority students. Hampton says that students need to be persistent in making demands on the administration. Von Mehren stands at the back of the auditorium where Hampton is speaking. Von Mehren says that the civil rights activists from the 1960s are trying to convince the younger generation to become active. V: Footage of Pearl Shelton (community activist) standing in the audience. She asks how many students are members of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) or the Urban League. Shelton says that students need to give something back to society. Footage of Shelton being interviewed by von Mehren. Shelton says that Martin Luther King (civil rights leader) would be disappointed in the lack of activity in the current movement for civil rights. Footage of Rosa Moreno (Boston University law student) saying that there is apathy among students today; that some students do not know how to become involved; that civil rights organizations need to distribute information to students. Footage of Derek Davis (Boston University law student) saying that students have not mobilized behind one cause or political candidate; that many students are disillusioned or skeptical; that some students are interested in fighting for change. Shots of Hampton addressing the crowd; of students in the crowd listening to Hampton. Von Mehren says that today's students have not united behind one cause; that many are trying to make a difference. V: Footage of Hampton saying that today's students need to dream like King did. Shot of the audience applauding.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/18/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports on Northeastern University's observation of the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. Jones notes that a ceremony commemorating King's life was held at the university. Jones' report includes footage from the ceremony. Sonia Sanchez (poet and teacher) talks about King. Jones' report also includes footage of King. Susan Sullivan (Northeastern Law student) makes the announcement that the university is awarding an honorary law degree to Nelson Mandela. Interviews with Daniel Givelber (Dean, Northeastern University School of Law) and Sullivan about the decision to award a degree to Mandela. Jones notes that the university trustees overturned a policy which required recipients of degrees to pick them up in person. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: David Scondras, Charles Yancey and Ray Flynn: Boston City Council makes fair housing policy
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of an African American man performing a song at a ceremony commemorating the life of Martin Luther King (civil rights leader) at Northeastern University. Shots of the audience. Marcus Jones reports that hundreds of people gathered at Northeastern to commemorate the life of King; that King's 59th birthday is Friday. V: Shots of King addressing a crowd; of King marching at the head of a group of civil rights demonstrators. Footage of Sonia Sanchez (poet and teacher) talks about King's struggle to advance the cause of civil rights. Sanchez says that King's work is not finished. Shots of audience members applauding. Jones reports that Sanchez was the featured speaker at the ceremony; that the remarks of Susan Sullivan (Northeastern Law student) were the highlight of the event. V: Footage of Sullivan announcing that the Board of Trustees at Northeastern University has decided to award an honorary law degree to Nelson Mandela (jailed South African leader). The crowd applauds. Jones reports that Northeastern law students have petitioned the university for three years to grant a degree to Mandela. V: Shot of the entrance to the library at Northeastern Law School. Shot of a paper taped to the door of the library. A handwritten note on the paper reads, "Trustees grant Mandela Honorary Degree." Jones reports that the request had been previously denied due to a policy which required recipients of degrees to pick them up in person. Jones notes that Mandela has been jailed by the South African government because of his opposition to apartheid. V: Black and white footage of Mandela speaking; of a sign for Pollsmoor Prison, where Mandela is held. Jones notes that the university's decision to accede to the demands of students and faculty is unprecedented. V: Footage of Jones interviewing Daniel Givelber (Dean, Northeastern University School of Law). Givelbar says that Northeastern has an unusually diverse group of Trustees; that the Trustees felt like they were doing the right thing. Givelbar notes that the Board of Trustees made the decision to divest two years ago. Footage of Susan Sullivan saying that the degree should have been granted when the students first petitioned for it; that the law students should not have had to fight so hard for it. Sullivan says that international recognition could hasten Mandela's release from jail. Jones notes that the scheduled protest by the students turned into a celebration. Jones says that Northeastern students hope that other universities will follow Northeastern's example.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/14/1988