Description: Christy George reports on the final redistricting plan for legislative districts of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. State Rep. James Brett drew up an original plan that was challenged by the Massachusetts Republican Party and by the Black Political Task Force. Both groups are fighting for more representation in the legislature. Interviews with State Rep. Byron Rushing and Lloyd King of the Black Political Task Force. Rushing claims a victory for the Black Political Task Force. George discusses whether the new redistricting plan will result in a greater number of Republican and African American representatives. George reports that the Republican Party is worried that Republican challengers will not have enough time to plot campaigns in new districts. Interview with State House Minority Leader Stephen Pierce. Interview with Rep. Brett, who talks about the redistricting plan. Footage from House chambers, including Brett explaining the new plan to his colleagues and Speaker of the House George Keverian, who addresses the House and says, "The law is an ass."
1:00:21: Visual: Shots of traffic on a city street; of scuba divers on a beach. Christy George reports that the population of Boston has been shrinking; that the suburbs south of the city have an increasing population. George reports that James Brett (State Representative) was in charge of a redistricting plan for the Massachusetts House of Representatives; that Dorchester lost a representative while Cape Cod gained one. V: Shots of Brett standing in front of a map detailing the new districts; of a street in Dorchester; of Carver Square in Carver, MA; of a ship passing through the Cape Cod Canal. George reports that Brett's redistricting plan won 159 of 160 votes in the House of Representatives; that all of the African American and Republican representatives voted for the plan. V: Shot of a roll call board of the members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Shot of Brett entering the chambers of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. George reports that the Republican State Committee and the Black Political Task Force each wanted more seats for their constituents. George notes that both groups had called Brett's original plan unconstitutional because the districts were of uneven size. George adds that Brett's new plan passed easily. V: Shot of African American teenagers standing at the entrance to a building. Shot of Brett in his office, rolling up a map of the new districts. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) saying that the Black Political Task Force scored a major victory; that race should be factored into redistricting plans. George reports from the Massachusetts State House. George speculates as to whether the redistricting plan will result in a greater number of African American and Republican representatives. V: Footage of George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) saying that the redistricting process is political. Shot of Brett and another lawmaker examining the maps of the new districts. George reports that the original plan protected incumbents and gave Republicans a good chance at winning two new seats. George reports that the new plan still allows Republicans a good chance in those two districts. George notes that the Republican Party is worried that Republican challengers will not have enough time to plot campaigns in the new districts. V: Shot of representatives at the entrance to the House Chambers. Footage of Steven Pierce (Minority Leader, Massachusetts House of Representatives) saying that the redistricting process is working to the advantage of incumbents; that Republican challengers are at a disadvantage. Footage of Lloyd King (Black Political Task Force) saying that he would have liked to have seen the creation of two additional districts for people of color; that he is happy that the redistricting has created one district for people of color. George reports that the redistricting plan divides some communities. George reports that Brett says that the new plan leaves some communities underrepresented. V: Footage of Brett saying that the court did not take into account the number of communities in the state. Brett says that the court ruled that the districts must be equal, according to the number of inhabitants in the state. Footage of Keverian in the House Chambers. Keverian says that "the law is an ass." George reports that the redistricting plan had been tying up legislation in the House; that the House is likely to vote on the transportation bond issue next.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/31/1988
Description: Salvadoran refugees arrested @ Suffolk Downs now have no means of earning a living. Centro Presente & Ray Flynn believe these immigrants should be given political asylum. Aliens, undocumented workers.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/28/1988
Description: Hope Kelly reports that the Boston School Committee voted to restructure the student assignment system in the Boston Public Schools. She notes that the rigid geocode assignment system will be eliminated. School Committee members Thomas O'Reilly and Juanita Wade drafted a general plan that was accepted by the Committee. Some Committee members had reservations about the plan. Footage of the Boston School Committee meeting. Committee member John Nucci superintendent Dr. Laval Wilson speak out in favor of the plan. Committee member Jean McGuire criticizes the plan. Interview with Committee member John O'Bryant, who cautions the Committee not to act hastily. The members of the Committee vote on the plan. Three of the four minority members of the Committee voted against the plan. Interview with Wilson about the plan. Wilson says that he will work to resolve the concerns of Committee members who voted against the plan. The specifics of the plan have yet to be decided.
1:00:11: Visual: Shots of the members of the Boston School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers during a meeting. Audience members are crowded into the room. Hope Kelly notes that the audience was packed into the chambers of the Boston School Committee for a meeting tonight. Kelly notes that the School Committee voted to eliminate the rigid geocode system of student placement. V: Footage of John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee) saying that the city has been waiting for a new plan for a long time. Footage of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) saying that it is time for a change. Kelly notes that some School Committee members had reservations. V: Footage of Jean McGuire (Boston School Committee) saying that the new plan will restructure the school system. McGuire adds that the new plan does not implement great improvements. McGuire notes that the schools will still lack adequate foreign language programs, music programs, advanced studies programs, and computer access. McGuire says that the schools lack adequate funding. Kelly reports that some members were concerned about the hasty implementation of the new plan. V: Footage of John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) saying that the city of Seattle has taken two full years to implement a similar plan; that the city of Boston needs to take its time. Kelly reports that School Committee members Thomas O'Reilly and Juanita Wade drafted a general plan; that the plan was approved by the members. V: Shots of Nucci, O'Reilly and Wade conferring before the vote. Shots of the School Committee members casting their votes for the plan. Kelly reports that ten members voted to approve the plan; that the plan was rejected by three of the four minority members of the School Committee. V: Footage of Kelly interviewing Wilson. Kelly asks if the vote broke down along racial lines. Wilson says that there was biracial support for the plan; that some African American members of the committee voiced concern over the plan. Wilson says that he will work to resolve those concerns before he returns to the School Committee with recommendations. Kelly stands in the School Committee chambers. Kelly reports that tonight's vote was an endorsement of a general plan; that the specifics of the plan have yet to be decided. Kelly notes that Wilson has until January to work out the specifics of the plan. V: Shot of School Committee members seated in the chambers.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/28/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Boston School Committee voted eight to five in favor of renewing the contract of superintendent Dr. Laval Wilson. Some members are opposed to renewing Wilson's contract and made an effort to postpone the vote on his contract renewal. Footage from a Boston School Committee meeting. Committee member Peggy Davis-Mullen proposes to postpone the vote on Wilson's contract. Committee member John O'Bryant says that he supports the renewal of Wilson's contract. Committee member Daniel Burke questions Wilson about the high drop-out rate in the Boston Public Schools. Wilson responds. Jones reports that Wilson has acknowledged the complaints of some critics by pledging to increase parental involvement in the schools and by pledging to improve the School Department's relations with unions.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of Daniel Burke (Boston School Committee) at a meeting of the Boston School Committee. Burke remarks that a certain motion is out of order. Shots of the School Committee members seated at the meeting; of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) seated at the meeting. Marcus Jones reports that some members of the School Committee are opposed to the renewal of Wilson's contract; that those members made an effort to take the matter of Wilson's contract off of the agenda. V: Footage of Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee) at the meeting. Davis-Mullen says that the decision is being forced; that the decision should wait until January. Davis-Mullen says that she does not like the way in which the decision is being made. Shot of Jones in the audience of the meeting. Jones reports that Wilson's supporters on the School Committee were able to keep the debate open. V: Footage of John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) saying that he is prepared to support the renegotiation of Wilson's contract. Footage of Wilson saying that he has a good understanding of the school system; that he has made progress in improving the school system. Footage of Burke asking Wilson about the student drop-out rate. Wilson responds to Burke. Wilson says that reading and math scores have gone up and the drop-out rate has declined. Shots of the audience at the meeting. Jones reports that Wilson admits that he has not done enough to involve parents in the educational process. Jones notes that Wilson says that he will try to increase parental involvement and to improve the school department's relations with unions. V: Footage of O'Bryant saying that Wilson has made a lot of progress in improving the system. Shots of the members as they vote on a motion. Jones reports that the School Committee voted eight to five in favor of renewing Wilson's contract; that the details of the contract remain to be discussed.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/11/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Jack E. Robinson (President, National Association of Black Americans) is trying to get a voluntary school uniform program started in the Boston Public Schools. Jones notes that some schools have found that voluntary dress codes have led to better grades and behavior. He adds that opponents of school uniforms believe that they stifle creativity. Jones interviews Robinson about school uniforms. Jones reports that Robinson believes that students are more concerned about their clothes and possessions than they are about their studies. Jones quotes from a Boston Herald newspaper article about a nine-year old drug runner who impresses his friends with his clothes. Jones also interviews John Grady (Boston School Committee), Elizabeth Foley (Boston parent), and a Boston school child about school uniforms. Jones reviews some of the benefits to school uniforms.
1:00:02: Visual: Footage of white elementary students in school uniforms rising to greet their teacher at the St. Columbkille School in Brighton. Shots of students in the classroom. Marcus Jones reports that uniforms are a long-standing tradition in private and parochial schools. Jones notes that supporters of school uniforms believe that uniforms help inspire discipline. Jones notes that opponents of school uniforms believe that they stifle creativity. V: Shots of white uniformed students in classrooms. Shots of African American uniformed students in an elementary school in Washigton DC. Jones reports that an elementary school in Washington DC and five elementary schools in Baltimore have instituted a voluntary dress code; that the schools have found that the dress code has led to better grades and behavior. V: Footage of Jack E. Robinson (President, National Association of Black Americans) being interviewed by Jones. Robinson says that school uniforms lead to a decrease in disciplinary problems. Jones notes that Robinson is trying to get a voluntary uniform program started in the Boston Public Schools. V: Footage of Robinson saying that adults wear uniforms; that business people wear suits; that people in all professions wear uniforms all over the world. Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article with a headline reading, "He's the littlest pusher." Jones reports that Robinson says that children are more concerned about clothes and stylish possessions than they are about their studies. Jones quotes from the Boston Herald newspaper article; the newspaper article says that a nine-year-old drug runner impresses his friends with his clothes. V: On-screen text quotes from the Boston Herald newspaper article. Footage of John Grady (Boston School Committee) saying that he will support uniforms if they contribute to a good learning environment in the schools. Footage of Jennifer Foley (Boston public school student) saying that she would not want to wear the same colors all year long. Footage of Elizabeth Foley (parent) saying that students are entitled to their own identities. Jones reports that there are some good reasons to institute a school uniform program. Jones notes that parents can save money on clothing bills; that students have one less peer pressure to worry them; that teachers have one less distraction in the classroom. Johnson adds that Robinson has suggested that the community can profit by having the uniforms manufactured in the neighborhoods.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/09/1988
Description: Septage haulers picket and drive their pump trucks around State House to protest lack of approved disposal sites to treat sewage. Daniel Greenbaum, DEQE commissioner.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/27/1988
Description: Boston University president John Silber and BU students comment on dormitory curfews to become effective next semester. Clip from "Animal House"
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/27/1988
Description: State House renovation inconveniences visitors. It will take place in stages over 7 years, while occupants change offices. Bulldozer shovels dirt. Torn up interiors.Barbara Hildt. People walk up steps.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/13/1988
Description: Wheelchair users gather on City Hall plaza to protest The Ride van service with lift because it is ill-equipped and unreliable. James O'Leary, MBTA general manager. Handicapped. Discrimination.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/27/1988
Description: BRA will require of developers concessions to public benefits: contributions to affordable housing, inclusion of day care facilities in new construction. Stephen Coyle. Chinatown, Lafayette Place.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/08/1988