Description: Story on the thriving Boston rock scene. Interviews with musicians who came from Boston. Footage of Boston Music Awards. Up and coming bands mentioned include Down Avenue, The Liars, and New Man. Aimee Mann thanks crowd. Marcus Jones focuses on one up and coming band, The Regulars. Interview with lead singer on why he's based in Boston. Interview with Debbie Gilberg, manager of The Regulars. Jones says that Boston is a good place to develop a local base following because it has venues and radio that feature local artists. Interview with radio DJ on finding good local bands to play on the air. Footage from Tracy Chapman's Fast Car music video. Interview with Jeff Marshall, founder of Monolith Records, on signing bands to smaller labels. following the edited story is b-roll of Newbury Comics interiors with closeups on album covers. Exterior of Newbury Comics.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/16/1988
Description: Hope Kelly reports that Superintendent Laval Wilson proposed a set of reforms to improve the Boston Public Schools in the beginning of his tenure as superintendent. Kelly reviews Wilson's proposals for school reforms and notes that the programs were backed by the Boston School Committee. Kelly's report includes footage of Wilson in 1985 and footage of Wilson announcing his school reform package. The Boston School Committee has recently cut Wilson's budget by $8.5 million. Kelly reviews the budget cuts. Interviews with John Nucci (Boston School Committee), Sam Tyler (Boston Municipal Research Bureau), and Ellen Guiney (Educational Advisor to Mayor Flynn) about the budget cuts. Kelly reviews the budget figures for municipal spending on education from 1984 to 1989 and budget figures for overall city spending from 1986 to 1988. Kelly notes that the city's spending on education has greatly increased from 1984. She notes that critics believe that the School Department is not spending its money wisely. Kelly reports that the city will need to curb its spending in the next few years due to the absence of budget surpluses. Kelly's report is accompanied by footage of students in the Boston Public Schools.
1:00:19: Visual: Footage of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) being interviewed by the Boston School Committee for the position of superintendent of schools on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that his goal is to convince the members of the Boston School Committee that he is the best candidate for the position. Hope Kelly reports that Wilson took over the Boston Public School System at a time when the average graduating senior reads at a seventh-grade level. Kelly notes that the average drop-out rate is 43%. V: Shots of high school students outside of a high school; of students descending a stairs in a school building. Kelly notes that Wilson approached the job with determination. V: Footage of Wilson saying that his goal is to lift the educational level of the students coming out of the Boston public school system. On-screen text and visuals detail the specifics of Wilson's proposed educational programs. Kelly reports that Wilson proposed a set of reforms called the Boston Education Plan. Kelly notes that Wilson proposed a $3.1 million dollar program for after-school remedial reading; that Wilson proposed a $1.3 million program to standardize remedial reading programs city-wide. Kelly notes that the School Committee backed Wilson's programs when he arrived. Kelly reports that the School Committee cut Wilson's budget by $8.5 million on Wednesday. V: On-screen text detail the specifics of the budget cuts. Kelly reports that Wilson proposed a budget of $364.6 million; that the School Committee cut his budget to $355.9 million; that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has refused to spend more than $350.0 million on the school budget. V: Shot of Flynn talking to reporters. Footage of John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee) saying that the city administration does not understand the impact of its cuts to the school budget. Kelly reports that Sam Tyler (Boston Municipal Research Bureau) runs an agency which monitors city spending. V: Footage of Tyler being interviewed by Kelly. Tyler says that city officials were thinking about the future when they asked the School Department to keep its spending to within $350 million. Tyler says that the superintendent cannot introduce new programs and expect them all to be funded. Footage of Ellen Guiney (Flynn's Education Advisor) being interviewed by Kelly. Guiney says that $350 million is what the city can afford to spend on education. On-screen text and visuals detail the city of Boston's spending on education from 1984 to 1989. Kelly reports that the city has increased its spending on schools from $245 million in 1984 to $341.1 million in 1989. V: Footage of Guiney says that some city officials in other departments think that the School Department already receives too much money. Kelly reports that some critics wonder if the School Department is spending its money wisely. V: Shot of two elementary-school students in front of a computer terminal. Footage of Tyler saying that the school system has improved. Kelly reports that Nucci points to a 1% decrease in the drop-out rate. Kelly notes that Guiney points to improved teacher salaries and more teachers; that Guiney admits that there have been few actual performance gains by students. V: Shot of Nucci; of Guiney; of a white male teacher in a classroom. Footage of Guiney saying that she would have liked to have seen greater improvements in the last five years. Shot of an African American girl coloring a picture in a classroom. Kelly reports that spending by the city has risen overall in the past five years. V: On-screen text compares the rise in city spending to the rise in school spending from 1986 to 1988. Kelly reports that city spending has risen 34% since 1986; that school spending has risen 23% since 1986. Kelly stands in front of the offices of the Boston School Committee. Kelly reports that the city had surpluses from 1986 to 1988; that it is less certain that surpluses will exist in future city budgets. V: Footage of Tyler saying that the city needs to put a brake on its spending. Shot of elementary school students entering a classroom.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/06/1988
Description: Boston wants to increase taxi pool by raising the quota of medallions available (at $90,000), a limit unchanged in over 50 years. Passenger paying driver. Ritz-Carlton doorman hailing cab.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/28/1988
Description: The tricky task of winter weather forecasting for Boston's tv meteorologists. Clips of weathercasts from local stations.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/07/1988
Description: Conflict of development rights for transportation+ construction of new arena in Boston. Dukakis+Bulger claim to be working toward solution; Flynn skeptical. Bruins on ice. Amtrak train pulls into North Station.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/23/1988
Description: Republican Party and Mayor Flynn are concerned that William Bulger wields too much power in conflict between transportation bond issue and development of new arena. Clip of Bruins game.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/01/1988
Description: Bulger proposes open enrollment in public schools, wherein parents choose where to send children, regardless of residency. Paleologos questions validity, fearing it gives up on Boston schools.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/25/1988
Description: On State House steps, Sen. Arlen Specter (on behalf of Bush campaign) attacks Michael Dukakis' furlough policy. John Kerry and James Shannon try to mitigate negative effect of the surrogate.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/06/1988
Description: Boston Bush headquarters on last day of campaign. Ron Kaufman, mastermind of several anti-Dukakis approaches.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/07/1988
Description: George Bush campaigns in Boston & professes to emphasize the positive … while his surrogate John Sununu attacks Dukakis' record.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/07/1988