Description: Immigrants from Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia march on City Hall plaza to demonstrate nationalistic pride and support independence movement in Soviet Union. Interviews with participants. Edited story is followed by b-roll of the demonstration. Participants act out the "blood pact" between Hitler and Stalin. They sing the American National Anthem.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/22/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the affirmative action program at the Bank of Boston. Twenty percent of the employees at the bank are minorities. Interview with Charles Gifford from the Bank of Boston, who says that a diverse workforce makes sense. Gifford says that the bank will hire any qualified candidate, regardless of race. Gifford adds that he would like to hire more minorities in top bank positions. Jones reports that bank managers have set affirmative action goals that exceed federal requirements because they believe that an integrated workforce is good for business. Interview with Rosa Hunter, the Director of Affirmative Action Planning for the Bank of Boston. Hunter talks about the bank's commitment to diversity. Jones reviews statistics concerning minority professionals and minority managers at the Bank of Boston. He notes that most minority employees are hired for entry-level and mid-level positions. The edited story is followed by additional b-roll footage of Bank of Boston employees in the offices and cafeteria. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Meg Vaillancourt reports on affirmative action in the Boston Fire Department
1:00:10: Visual: Shots of Bank of Boston employees riding on an escalator in a Bank of Boston building; of a sign for the Bank of Boston. Shots of tellers helping customers in a Bank of Boston office. Marcus Jones reports that the Bank of Boston employs almost 20,000 people; that 20 percent of the employees are minorities. Shots of an African American bank teller; of employees eating lunch in a cafeteria. Jones reports that the bank has doubled its number of minority employees in the past ten years; that bank executives see room for more minorities among their employees. V: Footage of Charles Gifford (Bank of Boston) being interviewed by Jones in his office. Gifford says that a diverse work force makes sense regardless of affirmative action guidelines. Shots of the interior of the Bank of Boston; of customers and tellers inside of the bank. Jones reports that the Bank of Boston receives federal funding; that the Bank of Boston is obligated to comply with federal affirmative action guidelines. Jones notes that the bank management has often set goals which exceed federal requirements. Jones reports that the bank managers believe that an integrated workforce is good for business. V: Shots of employees in a Bank of Boston office. Footage of Gifford saying that the Bank of Boston is growing; that they need more employees. Gifford says that the bank will be at an advantage if it is known as an employer who is open to all. Gifford says that he wants the bank to hire people according to qualifications and performance. Jones reports that Rosa Hunter (Director of Affirmative Action Planning for the Bank of Boston) has worked at the Bank of Boston for 21 years; that Hunter has directed the Bank of Boston's affirmative action effort for two years. V: Footage of Hunter being interviewed by Jones. Hunter says that the Bank of Boston is committed to diversity; that the Bank of Boston will continue its diversity efforts regardless of court rulings against affirmative action programs. Shot of an African American employee at the Bank of Boston. Jones reports that the number of minority managers at the Bank of Boston increased from 4.3% to 9.7% between 1978 and 1988. Jones notes that the number of minority professionals at the Bank of Boston increased from 6.6% to 12.4% from 1978 to 1988. V: On-screen text and visuals detail statistics on the percentage of minority managers and the percentage of minority professionals at the Bank of Boston. Shots of employees eating at a cafeteria. Jones reports that minority employees are being hired for entry-level and mid-level postions; that few minority employees are being appointed to top-level management positions. V: Footage of Gifford saying that the bank is not satisfied with the low number of minority and female employees among its top positions. Gifford says that he expects those numbers to improve because the bank is open to promoting qualified employees to top positions regardless of race or gender. Shot of an African American female bank employee in a Bank of Boston office.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/15/1989
Description: Boston Bar Association reports on the drug problem and the burden it places on court system and prisons. They propose changing sentencing. Drug use and arrest b-roll.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/23/1989
Description: Barbara Anderson vérité: she works the State House hallways lobbying for no tax increase in budget. Pay telephone. Door to House chamber.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/14/1989
Description: Composer Bernard Rands wrote piece for the BSO in honor of 150th anniversary of BU. Symphony musicians in rehearsal. Kettle drum solo.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/23/1989
Description: Coverage of the annual performance of Black Nativity by Langston Hughes. The performance takes place in the Opera House in Boston. Interview with Music Director John Ross, who talks about the play. He says that the story of the nativity is told in a "black context," using traditional music. Excerpts from the performance.
1:00:08: Visual: Shots of schoolchildren entering an auditorium. V: Footage from the Black Nativity performed at the Opera House in Boston. V: Footage of John A. Ross (Music Director) saying that Langston Hughes used the Bible as a source for Black Nativity; that the story is told in a "black context." Ross says that the play relies on traditional gospel music. V: Footage from the performance of Black Nativity. V: Footage of a female African American student saying that some of her friends and former teachers were in the performance. Footage of a female African American student saying that the play shows us "how God began his life." Footage of a female white students saying that the acting is good; that the play is "pretty." Footage of a group of African American students in the lobby. One student says that he likes the music. Another student says that she likes everything. V: Footage from the performance of Black Nativity.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/08/1989
Description: During summer, blood supply is low. Blood donors, blood bank at Beth Israel Hospital.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/16/1989
Description: Legislative hearing considers reforming blue laws restricting Sunday business hours. Retailers want them liberalized. Church wants them intact. Shoppers enter Jordan Marsh at Downtown Crossing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/19/1989
Description: High performance driver Bob Bondurant takes road tour of Boston, negotiating traffic to demonstrate evasive maneuvers + emergency tactics he learned as Formula One racer. Race track.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/21/1989
Description: Vincent Zarrilli, proponent of Boston Bypass, explains his alternative to the Central Artery depression project. North End storefront.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/11/1989