Description: Lithuanians yearn for independence from Soviet Union. In Boston, Lithuanians gather at City Hall to proclaim their solidarity and listen to ethnic singing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/16/1990
Description: At Boston recruiting center, man enlists in army to escape high unemployment in civilian world. Officer describes what is sought in new recruits, including intelligence.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/10/1990
Description: Marcus Jones interviews Louis Elisa, from the State Office of Environmental Affairs. Jones notes that Elisa is a neighborhood environmental activist in Roxbury. Elisa and Jones walk through Roxbury and Franklin Park while they talk. Elisa talks about the need for the environmental movement to open up to minorities. Elisa notes that many people do not believe that African Americans are committed to the environment. Elisa talks about his efforts to improve his own neighborhood. Elisa notes that he is trying to prevent the dumping of garbage on a nearby vacant lot. Jones and Elisa discuss the rehabilitation of Franklin Park in Roxbury. Elisa says that the Franklin Park Coalition sought corporate funding to clean up the park, leading to a public/private partnership. Elisa talks about the need to give young people access to the outdoors. He adds that access to the outdoors and recreational activities might decrease violence in the city. Following the edited story is additional footage of Elisa and Jones walking through the city as they discuss environmental issues.
1:00:05: Visual: Shots of the exterior of the Saltonstall Building on Cambridge Street in Boston; of Louis Elisa (State Office of Environmental Affairs) and Marcus Jones (WGBH reporter) exiting the building. Marcus Jones reports that Elisa works in the Saltonstall Building for the State Office of Environmental Affairs. Jones notes that Elisa is a neighborhood environmental activist in Roxbury. V: Footage of Elisa being interviewed by Jones on the street. Elisa says that the environmental movement is often associated with rural and suburban areas; that many urban residents are concerned about the environment. Jones notes that Elisa is an African American urban resident; that the environmental movement has not done enough to reach minority and urban constituents. V: Footage of Elisa being interviewed by Jones. Elisa says that the environmental movement has been shortsighted; that many people see a great divide between rural and urban areas. Elisa says that many people do not believe that African Americans are committed to the environment. Elisa says that the environmental movement does not understand that African Americans use and enjoy parks and open spaces. Elisa says that the environmental movement needs to open up to minorities. Shot of Elisa and Jones walking down a Roxbury street. Jones reports that problems with crime and violence take precedence over environmental issues in Roxbury; that a group of environmentalists in Roxbury are trying to make a difference. Jones notes that Elisa and his neighbors have been trying to get a lot near his apartment building cleaned off. V: Shots of Jones and Elisa walking through an abandoned lot. Audio of Elisa saying that the lot is an eyesore; that the lot is an affront to the residents of the community. Elisa says that he called the city of Boston to complain about garbage being dumped on the lot. Elisa says that the city told him that the owner of the lot could do what he wanted with the lot. Elisa says that the neighboring houses are looked after carefully. Jones reports that Franklin Park is an example of an environmental success story in Roxbury. V: Shot of a golfer hitting a golf ball at Franklin Park. Footage of Elisa saying that a group of Roxbury residents including Elma Lewis got together to advocate for Franklin Field Park; that the advocates began to clean up the park. Elisa says that the park was created by Frederick Law Olmsted (landscape architect); that the park is an asset for the city. Elisa says that the advocates found corporate funding to clean up the park. Elisa says that the rehabilitation of the park is an example of a public-private partnership. Shots of golfers walking across the fairway at the golf course at Franklin Park; of the golf course. Shot of Elisa and Jones walking along a path in Franklin Park. Audio of Elisa saying that it is important for young people to have access to parks, campgrounds, ice skating rinks and coastal areas. Elisa says that more access to the outdoors might decrease violence in the inner city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/18/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on black South African leader Nelson Mandela's visit to Madison Park High School. Vaillancourt reports that a large crowd waited in the hot gymnasium for Mandela to arrive. She adds that Madison Park High School was one of many stops on Mandela's itinerary during his visit to Boston. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of the crowd in the gymnasium and footage of a musical group performing traditional African music. Vaillancourt reports that the crowd erupted in ecstatic cheers when Mandela arrived. Vaillancourt's report also includes footage of Mandela's arrival at the high school. Members of the crowd are on their feet as they cheer. Mandela talks about the importance of education to today's youth. Vaillancourt reports that Mandela also spoke of the struggle against apartheid and the importance of sanctions. Vaillancourt notes that many people in the crowd consider Mandela to be a hero. Vaillancourt's report includes shots of Mandela with Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) and his entourage on stage at the high school.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of a crowd filling the bleachers of a gymnasium at Madison Park High School on June 23, 1990. The crowd claps and applauds. Shots of crowd members on the bleachers. Meg Vaillancourt reports that many Roxbury residents waited at Madison Park High School for an opportunity to see Nelson Mandela (black South African leader). Vaillancourt notes that Mandela is a hero to many people of color; that the Roxbury community used the Mandela visit as an opportunity to showcase its strenghts. V: Footage of Roxbury community members performing for the audience. A musical group in African dress plays on African instruments. African-American girls perform a dance in front of the audience. A man plays a rhythm on a drum strung around his neck. Vaillancourt reports that Mandela's plane arrived late at Logan Airport; that a luncheon at the John F. Kennedy Library ran long. Vaillancourt reports that every stop on Mandela's itinerary ran long; that a faithful crowd at Madison Park High School waited while chanting his name. V: Shots of the crowd standing on the bleachers. The crowd sings, claps and chants. Many crowd members hold up signs welcoming Mandela. Vaillancourt reports that the gymnasium was sweltering; that the crowd stayed to wait for Mandela. Vaillancourt notes that the crowd erupted in cheers when Mandela arrived. V: Shots of members of the crowd; of people fanning themselves. Footage of Mandela approaching the stage as the crowd cheers. Mandela and Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) wave at the crowd. Mandela raises his clenched fist. Mandela is accompanied by an entourage including Charles Yancey (Boston City Council). Vaillancourt reports that the crowd's ovation for Mandela lasted five minutes. V: Shots of the crowd on its feet. The crowd cheers for Mandela. Vaillancourt reports that Mandela spoke of the struggle against apartheid and the importance of sanctions. V: Footage of Mandela addressing the crowd. Mandela says that he and others are concerned by the high drop-out rate among schoolchildren in Boston. Mandela says that the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Shots of the crowd. Vaillancourt reports that Mandela emphasized education. Vaillancourt notes that the drop-out rate in Boston Public Schools is nearly 40%. V: Footage of Mandela addressing the crowd. Mandela says that many students leave school because of poverty and frustration. Mandela urges students to stay in school. Shots of the crowd. Many members of the crowd fan themselves. Vaillancourt reports that Mandela spoke briefly; that Mandela's visit to Madison Park High School was the high point of Mandela's visit for many Roxbury residents. V: Footage of Mandela addressing the crowd. Mandela tells the crowd that he loves them. The crowd cheers. Mandela greets community leaders who are on stage with him, including Shirley Owens Hicks (State Representative), Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) and Byron Rushing (State Representative). Themba Vilakazi (South African exile) and Louis Elisa (NAACP) are on stage with Mandela.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/25/1990
Description: Preview of ICA exhibit of Robert Mapplethorpe's photographs with curator commenting on pictures. Close-ups of many photos, including nudes and controversial images. Discussion focuses on the XYZ portfolio.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/31/1990
Description: WCVB disputes rights of exclusive marathon coverage purchased by WBZ from the Boston Athletic Association (BAA). Boston Marathon Credential Committee working. Runners and TV cameras filming. Interview with James Coppersmith of WCVB on why the station is suing for coverage rights, since the Boston Marathon is a public news event. Quote from WBZ news director Stan Hopkins. Interviews with runners. Discussion of the changes in the Boston Marathon over the last ten years.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/13/1990
Description: Oil market overreacts to Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Price per barrel fluctuates, closing higher. Boston stock exchange. Traders in Tokyo.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/02/1990
Description: Giant American flag from Mt. Rushmore is brought to State House steps in Flag Day ceremony by Elks.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/14/1990
Description: Elderly people and nursing home workers mob the State House halls in a rally to protest Medicaid cuts. Reps. McNeil, Sen. Houston. Keverian assures crowd of continued SSI benefits.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/06/1990
Description: Mentally ill persons march to State House in rain to protest elimination of funds that support day treatment programs.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/26/1990