Description: Exteriors of the Massachusetts State House. AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) state workers on strike, picketing outside State House with placards. Closeup on Beacon St. street sign.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/21/1976
Description: Richard Voke announces projected budget deficit of $2.3 billion. Reps. Reinstein, Miceli, DeFilippi and Barbara Gray at angry Ways & Means hearing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/09/1990
Description: Massachusetts State House interiors. Senate door with sign on transom. House of Representatives door. House chamber empty; wide shot of rows of seats, podium, balcony. Reporter and camera operator discuss shots off camera. Several takes of reporter standup on the new 1979 state congress, specifically the power of Speaker Tom McGee.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/26/1978
Description: Massachusetts Governor Ed King's State of the State Address. Discusses welfare statistics: case reduction, office reduction; improvement of services and poverty situation. King states that he was elected as a businessman, not a politician. Following speech is footage of applauding cabinet and legislators; King smiling and waving. King exits assembly hall led by Sergeant-at-Arms. Reel 2 of 2.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/12/1982
Description: Governor Edward King's first press conference in office. Lieutenant Governor Thomas O'Neill sits next to King throughout. King talks about the Cabinet meeting he just had about the administration's future plans. He takes questions from the press, mostly focused on the budget.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/24/1979
Description: Edward F. King (not to be confused with Edward J. King) holds a press conference to announce his Republican gubernatorial candidacy at Park Plaza Hotel. Otto Walrab, former Chairman of the Republican State Committee, introduces King. King talks about his past experience and Massachusetts economic policy. He talks about cutting across traditional party lines, especially in Massachusetts, a heavily Democratic state. He criticizes Michael Dukakis for tax plan and for his judicial appointments, including Robert Bonin and Margaret Burnham. King takes questions from the press. Several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/04/1978
Description: Convening of a Joint Committee of the Massachusetts Senate and House of Representatives. Interiors of the State House. Michael Dukakis proceeds into the chamber and delivers the State of the State address (for his first term as governor). His address touches on the state of Massachusetts towns, specifically North Adams, and the great benefits Massachusetts is able to provide people who need extra attention, including the elderly, handicapped, mentally disabled, mentally ill, and disadvantaged children. George Keverian, Kevin Harrington, William Bulger, Tom O'Neill and other state government dignitaries are present. Some video dropout. reel 1 of 2.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/11/1978
Description: Housing activists go to Massachusetts House Ways and Means Chairman Thomas Finneran's office to 'evict' him because of his budget proposal. The protesters are arrested. Human service advocates and religious leaders also hold separate protests. The house is debating local aid and tax increases. Rep. Thomas Finneran talks about his budget in the House Chambers. Interviews with Reps. John McDonough and Stanley Rosenberg suggesting new taxes are needed to support services.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/21/1991
Description: Interview with Massachusetts Representative Johnston on the reforms he is trying to push through the legislature, which deal with the appointing and workings of committees within the House. Speaker of the House, Thomas W. MgGee is fighting against these changes. Massachusetts State House interiors. Door into the House Chambers. Shot of the House Chambers from multiple angles. Several takes of the reporter standup. Door into the Senate Chambers. Still images of Representative Johnston and Speaker McGee.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/02/1979
Description: Massachusetts State Representatives speak pro and con on gay rights anti-discrimination bill. Reps. Salvatore Dimasi, Roger Goyette, Susan Schur, Philip Travis, Eleanor Myerson, James Miceli, Francis Woodward, Thomas Vallely, Willian Robinson. The debate focuses mainly on discrimination against gay people in the workplace, but also touches on AIDS and gay foster care rights.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/23/1985