Description: Deer Island sewage treatment, boiler room, generators, control room, outside shots. Water gates, gas spheres, rushing water. Man explains the sewage treatment process and the way the machinery works. Boston skyline across the Harbor. Tape damage toward the end of the video.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/26/1982
Description: Long shot of Deer Island prison from Winthrop shore on hazy day. Guard house. Suffolk County House of Correction sign. Winthrop police chief David Rice. Houses in Point Shirley section. Airplanes fly low approaching airport. Tanker.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/28/1982
Description: Deer Island prison (Suffolk County House of Correction) exterior. Cars approach gate with trunks open for inspection. Long wide shot across harbor of old prison building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/23/1977
Description: Deer Island sewage treatment plant interior. Massive pipes, control room with wall of gauges. Exterior channels of rushing water, girders, gangplanks, globular sludge thickening tank.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/26/1982
Description: Deer Island sewage treatment plant seen from Winthrop. Shirley Street truck route with snow. Very hazy Boston skyline across shimmering water in late afternoon.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/20/1984
Description: Reps. Susan Tucker and Mary Jeanette Murray take MWRA tour of Boston Harbor on Envirolab boat that measures pollution and examines marine life.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/01/1988
Description: EPA announces huge potential fines for non- compliance with harbor cleanup schedule. MWRA vows to keep up with deadlines for improved sewage treatment. Michael Deland, James Hoyte, Paul Levy.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/16/1987
Description: Charles Bennett interviews a longtime fisherman on the state of the fishing industry and the change in quota regulations. Boat docked at Fish Pier in snow flurries. Boston Fish Market Corporation building on pier. Seagulls hover over water in the Boston Harbor. Assorted catch offloaded by the bucketful and sorted by hand into wooden bins. Fishermen in yellow and orange rain gear. Tracking hauls wooden bins of fish. Men inside booth listening to the radio.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/06/1982
Description: Ray Flynn bobbing on boat appeals for federal funds, a share of the "peace dividend," for harbor cleanup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/02/1990
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/17/1985