Description: Allston Brighton environs. Busy intersection of Commonwealth Avenue and Harvard Street. Storefronts of Macy's Liquors, Ken's Pub, Great Scott, Gladstone's. People get off green line trolley, close up on the T logo. Cars drive by, pedestrians cross the street and walk down the sidewalk. Cleveland Circle storefronts (small markets, CVS, bank, hardware). Beacon Street traffic approaches head on. Massachusetts Turnpike traffic in Allston; freight containers in adjacent rail yard.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/26/1979
Description: Office of MOB (Mayor's Older Bostonians) senior citizens support services. Framed photo of Kevin White. Shuttle provides transportation for elderly citizens. Van leaves Allston Brighton Little City Hall, rides along streets. Elderly man pulls grocery cart. Interview with Mr. Nissenbaum who is happy with Mayor White's senior services. Interview with Anne Nissenbaum also endorses White. Interview with Joseph Rothfarb, unhappy that "White has overstaffed his pet projects." Another man says too much crime.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/16/1979
Description: Interview with Charlie Vasiliades about survival of Oak Square School on Nonantum Street in Brighton, being considered for closing. Last wood frame schoolhouse in Boston, serves integrated student body of 100. Small building with yellow clapboard exterior, columns, cupola. It might receive historic landmark designation. Nearby houses.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/13/1979