Description: Interview with Li'l Abner cartoonist and political satirist Al Capp in his Cambridge home. He talks about evading his father's creditors, and scheming to take semesters at various arts schools around the city. He says he likes the Boston view of the world, and talks about the influence Boston has had on his work. He talks about turning conservative. He criticizes American presidents, calling Gerald Ford ‘clumsy’ and Jimmy Carter ‘weak.’ He talks about working on Li'l Abner with a team of men.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/04/1977
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Alex Haley discussed African American history and his work at a Black History Month event at Harvard University. Haley is in great demand as a speaker during Black History Month. Haley speaks to students and faculty. Interview with Haley, who talks about how he came to write the novel Roots. Haley also discusses the importance of African American history and the importance of Black History Month. Haley believes that Black History Month is important because it draws attention to African American history; he is concerned about a lack of historical awareness among African Americans. Jones's report is accompanied by footage from the television series based on Roots.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Alex Haley (author) walking into a building with two other men. Marcus Jones reports that February is the busiest month of the year for Haley; that February is known as Black History Month. V: Shot of Haley standing up as an a small audience applauds for him. Footage of Haley being interviewed by Jones. Haley says that he will speak at thirty-two different venues during the month of February, 1991. Jones reports that Haley discussed history and his work with students and faculty at Harvard University today; that Haley will speak at Salem State College this evening. V: Shots of Haley speaking to students in a room at Harvard University. Shots of the students. Shot of the cover of Haley's novel, Roots. Jones reports that Haley told the story of his own family in Roots; that Haley is in great demand as a speaker during Black History Month. V: Footage Haley being interviewed by Jones. Haley says that people tend to talk about black history as if it is separate from American history. Haley says that black history is a part of American history; that people who claim to know American history must be familiar with black history. Haley says that American history has many components; that historians of American history must also know Native American history. Jones reports that Haley says that he does not court controversy. Jones reports that Haley is known for documenting the life of Malcolm X (African-American leader); that Malcolm X is a controversial figure. V: Shot of the cover of The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Footage from the TV series, Roots. Jones reports that history is always controversial; that Haley learned the power of history when he traced his family tree back to Africa. Footage of Haley being interviewed by Jones. Jones asks Haley about his motivation for writing Roots. Haley says that he had heard family stories from his grandmother and her sisters; that his initial motivation was curiousity. Haley says that the civil rights movement made him begin to think about Africa and his roots there; that his grandmother had told him stories handed down about Africa. Footage from Roots. Jones reports that all newcomers to the US are aware of their roots; that Haley is concerned about the lack of historical awareness among African Americans. V: Footage of Haley being interviewed by Jones. Haley says that most images of cowboys in the old west are of white cowboys; that more than half of the cowboys in the old west were African American. Haley says that it is important for young African Americans to know that African Americans were also cowboys. Haley says that young African Americans need to know the part played by their people in American history. Haley says that young African Americans cannot grow up thinking that they are the same as white people. Haley says that young African Americans need to be able to identify with other African Americans. Shots of Haley speaking to students at Harvard; of the students. Jones reports that Haley is not a critic of the limited attention given to black history during one month per year. Jones reports that Haley does not see Black History Month as "tokenism." Jones says that Haley sees Black History Month as an opportunity to encourage people to explore their roots. V: Footage of Haley being interviewed by Jones. Haley says that Black History Month is necessary because it sets aside a block of time to concentrate of black history. Haley says that he hopes that successive Black History Months in the coming years will leave a strong imprint on the popular perception of black history. Footage from Roots.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/25/1991
Description: Exterior of American Repertory Theatre with JACQUES AND HIS MASTER by Milan Kundera banners. Loeb Drama Center. Snow falling and on ground.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/17/1985
Description: Former Singapore political prisoner Francis Seow tells how Amnesty International helped obtain his release through letters protesting human rights abuses. Graphic visuals of torture. Harvard Law School.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/23/1991
Description: Andrew Young, Ambassador to the United Nations, speaks at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He takes questions about the UN, divestment from South Africa, the Middle East peace process and the Carter Administration. He also discusses his transition from the civil rights movement to politics. Young has a good rapport with the students in the audience.
0:00:44: Visual: Andrew Young (Ambassador to the United Nations) speaks at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. A representative from the school sits on stage while Young speaks. Young talks about the Trilateral Commission. He says that the Trilateral Commission "is the rich people of the world getting together to talk." Young says that UN has been criticized for being a part of the "Western Bloc"; that five members of the UN Security Council are western nations; that the UN must make policy with all nations in mind. Young describes UN efforts to initiate an arms embargo against South Africa; that the UN resolution on South Africa was not as strong as many would have liked; that the resolution is effective because all of South Africa's trading partners have agreed on it. Young mentions the "North-South dialogue." He says that it is important for nations to deal with issues like trade, debt relief and foreign aid as a group; that the Trilateral Commission is a negotiating group. Young says that there are competition and adversarial relationships among members of the Trilateral Commission; that the members of the Trilateral Commission are competing with each other, not with the Third World. 0:04:12: V: Young responds to an audience member's question about the UN Security Council. Young says that the US, France and England are permanent members of the Security Council; that France and Canada hold two of the rotating seats. Young has a good rapport with the crowd. The crowd laughs at his jokes. An audience member asks about UN policy in Africa. Young says that he does not think pressure should be put on US corporations to divest from South Africa. Young adds that companies would continue to invest in South Africa through complicated transactions using foreign subsidiaries. Young notes that the students at Harvard should be learning all about the complicated finances of multi-national corporations. Young says that nothing would change through divestment; that US corporations are complicit with the government of South Africa; that change can be wrought through the guilt felt by these corporations. He notes that the students should continue to put pressure on Harvard's Board of Directors to divest from South Africa. He says that students should be idealistic, while administrators like him must be realistic. An audience member asks about the Carter Administration's policy in the Middle East. Young says that Jimmy Carter (US President) has been willing to expend political capital pushing for a peace settlement in the Middle East. Young says that Carter has never tried to impose peace on the parties involved in the conflict. Young says that Anwar Sadat (President of Egypt) has moved boldly to move the peace process forward; that the Carter Administration must work with Sadat; that the USSR must be forced to participate in the peace process; that the USSR will undermine the peace process if they are not involved. Young notes that Sadat and the Soviets have had a difficult relationship. 0:12:55: V: An audience member asks how he can remain morally conscious when the policy he conducts for the US is not always morally conscious. Young says that protest movements in the 1960s have led to a reawakening of the nation's moral conscience; that the Carter Administration was voted into office by morally conscious voters. Young notes that it is easier to protest than it is to govern; that the Carter Administration is staffed with idealistic, moral people of all races and ethnicities. Young notes that he chose to enter politics to put his ideals into action; that effective change can be made through politics as well as protest. Young talks about his experiences in the civil rights movement and the movement against the Vietnam War. Young says that there was a logical progression from the protest movements of the 1960s to the politics of change in the 1970s. Young says that he took his post in order to effect change in foreign policy; that foreign policy issues and domestic policy are closely related; that he has not compromised his ideals in performing his job. Young jokes that he tries to stand up for what is right while doing his job; that he might be looking for a new job someday because of that; that perhaps Harvard will hire him if he ever needs a job. The audience laughs at the joke. 0:18:30: V: An audience member asks Young if he has seen an increase in "television diplomacy." Young says that he has seen an increase in "television diplomacy." Young responds to another audience question. Young says that the Carter Administration is staffed with people who are advocating change; that these people were outside of politics before. Young notes that Ernie Green (Assistant Secretary for Manpower) was one of the students who integrated Little Rock High School in 1958; that Green is working hard to create jobs within the African American communities; that he has been working on the problem for only six months. Young notes that an African American lawyer from Harvard helped prepare the brief for the Bakke court case. Young notes that Patricia Harris is Carter's Secretary for Housing and Urban Development. Young says that African American organizations needs to work within the structure of the government; that the activists in the civil rights movement were working with the Kennedy Administration in the early 1960s.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/06/1977
Description: Opponents of Proposition 1-2-3 fear the Cambridge referendum would encourage harassment of rent control tenants.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/31/1989
Description: Arco Gas Station on Fresh Pond Parkway. .
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/15/1982
Description: Public art and sculpture installations are celebrated at Alewife, Davis, Porter, and Harvard T stations. Red line train arrives at Alewife. Animal tiles at Alewife. Artist Susumu Shingu, creator of mobile at Porter Square. Mags Harries' bronzed gloves along escalator rail. Glass enclosed elevator. Wavy surface relief on stone facade. Cow trompe l'oeil painting. Joan Mondale speaks at dedication. Brass quintet plays.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/03/1985
Description: Environs of Arthur D. Little (ADL) on Acorn Park in Cambridge. Exteriors, parking lot, sign, approach road, adjacent Route 2 traffic. Susse Chalet Inn. Cambridge City Hall entrance. circa 1983
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/08/1985