Description: David Boeri reports on protests against US foreign policy during a visit by Secretaries of State George Shultz and Defense Casper Weinberger to the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University. Boeri notes that demonstrators protested against apartheid and US policies in South Africa, Nicaragua and El Salvador. Boeri's report includes footage of protesters and footage of Shultz and Weinberger entering the museum. Boeri notes that some of the demonstrators were Harvard alumni advocating Harvard's divestment from South Africa. Boeri interviews Boone Schirmer (Harvard alumnus) about Harvard's refusal to divest from South Africa. Boeri reports that security has been tightened all over campus. This protest takes place during the celebration of Harvard's 350th anniversary. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Mario Valdes reports on the book Blood Royal, which covers the ancestry of the British Royal Family
1:00:10: Visual: Shots of a large police contingent outside of the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University; of police officers marching in formation in front of the museum; of police officers stationed on the roof of a Harvard building. Shots of individual police officers. Shots of officials entering the museum. Footage of apartheid protesters marching with signs and banners outside of Harvard Yard. The protesters carry signs and a banner reading, "Harvard must divest." Shot of George Shultz (US Secretary of State) exiting a car and being escorted toward the museum. Shots of protesters demonstrating behind a cordon of police officers. The protesters chant, "Shultz go home". Shots of signs reading, "Harvard honors destructive engagement and Shultz" and "Biko lives." Boeri reports that Schultz visited Harvard University today; that demonstrators gathered to protest his presence at Harvard. Boeri notes that protesters began to gather outside Harvard Yard in the morning; that demonstrators were protesting several issues. V: Footage of protesters marching as they chant, "George Shultz end the war. Stop the killing in El Salvador." Shot of a protester wearing a white death mask. Another protester carries a sign and wears a bloodied shirt. Footage of protesters chanting, "No Contra aid." Footage of protesters demonstrating against apartheid in South Africa. Shots of a sign reading, "End Harvard support for apartheid" and "Divest now." Boeri reports that some of the demonstrators were alumni and alumnae pushing for Harvard to divest from South Africa. V: Footage of Boone Schirmer (Harvard alumnus) saying that Harvard's refusal to divest is disgraceful; that Harvard's slogan is "Veritas," which means truth; that Harvard is supporting a South African government which is based on the lie of white supremacy. Shot of a quotation written in stone above an entrance to Harvard Yard. The quotation reads, "Open ye the gates. . . ." Boeri reports that the gates to Harvard Yard were locked today to keep out the protesters. V: Shot of a security officer locking the gates. Shot of a protester standing outside the gates with a sign reading, "End support of apartheid." A small child stands at the gates, looking into Harvard Yard. Boeri reports that alumni and alumnae were turned away from the gates. V: Shot of a Harvard alumnus turning away from a locked gate. Boeri reports that Shultz had lunch at the Fogg Art Museum after giving a speech; that Schultz had no comment on today's hijacking of a Panam jet in Pakistan; that Shultz only caught a brief glimpse of the protesters. V: Shots of Shultz entering the museum. Boeri notes that Casper Weinberger (US Secretary of Defense) also attended the lunch at the museum; that Weinberger had no comments for the media. V: Footage of Weinberger exiting his car and being escorted into the museum with other officials. Boeri reports that the protests outside of Harvard Yard were uneventful.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/05/1986
Description: While John Silber speaks to bankers on the state economy, many men wait in line for jackets at Salvation Army in Cambridge. Silber refers to filing his income tax return.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/22/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on a protest by Cambridge activists against plans proposed by MIT to develop a parcel of land near Central Square. Protesters accuse MIT and the developer of misleading the public by underestimating the size and scope of the project planned for the Simplex site. Bill Cavellini from the Simplex Steering Committee and Ken Campbell of MIT discuss the plans for the site. Vaillancourt reviews the plans for the site. The protesters differ with MIT over the amount of low-income housing to be built on the site and on the definition of low-income housing. Bill Noble from the Simplex Steering Committee criticizes MIT's definition of low-income housing. Cambridge activists and the homeless community are at odds with one another over the most effective form of protest against the development. At a protest, a scuffle breaks out between one of the activists and a homeless man. Community activist Mel King tries to make peace between the two sides. The Cambridge City Council will soon vote on the planned development. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of students on the campus of MIT in warm weather.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of a group of protesters marching through a snowy lot near Central Square in Cambridge, chanting "We say no to MIT." Meg Vaillancourt reports that a small band of Cambridge activists are protesting the development of 27 acres of land owned by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); that MIT is working with Forest City Developers to build a multi-million dollar research and development complex; that the proposed site is known as the Simplex site. V: Shots of protesters standing near a sign for University Park at MIT; of the sign for University Park. Footage of a protest leader addressing the crowd of demonstrators. The protesters carry signs. Vaillancourt reports that the activists claim that developers deliberately misled the public; that the developers underestimated the size and scope of the project. V: Footage of Bill Cavellini (Simplex Steering Committee) saying that the developers told the public that they would build a $250 million development; that the developers will build a $500 million development. Cavellini tells Vaillancourt that the activists received documentation about the development from a confidential source. Cavellini says that Forest City Developers have been deceptive and have breached the public's trust. Footage of Ken Campbell (MIT) saying that the activists got hold of documents from October of 1987; that the Cambridge City Council approved the plan for the site in December of 1987; that the plan approved by the Council includes 400,000 square feet of housing. Shot of documents and information distributed by the opponents of the plan. Vaillancourt reports that the University Park Development Plan includes housing, a hotel and a 12-screen cinema; that a four- to six-screen theater had been discussed by the developer in public. V: Shot of a vacant lot in Cambridge, covered with snow; of a group of people standing outside of a house in Cambridge. Vaillancourt reports that opponents say that numerous zoning changes will be required to build the project, including the widening of streets and the removal of the city fire station in Central Square. V: Shot of a group of protesters; of a sign reading, "Cambridgeport has decided to stop MIT expansion." Vaillancourt says that MIT and the Simplex Steering Committee differ on how much low-income housing will be built on the site. V: Footage of Campbell saying that MIT has doubled the amount of affordable housing in the original proposal; that MIT is proposing 100 low-income units and 50 moderate-income units. Footage of Bill Noble (Simplex Steering Committee) saying that MIT's definition of low- and moderate-income is not accurate; that MIT is really proposing moderate- and middle-income units. Vaillancourt reports that there are many homeless people in the area; that activists and the homeless do not always agree on how to oppose the development. Vaillancourt says that the homeless do not think that the protesters are representing the interests of the homeless. V: Footage of a female protest leader addressing the demonstrators and the press. A scuffle breaks out between Cavellini and Carlos (homeless man). Footage of Carlos addressing the demonstrators. Carlos says that affordable housing is not the same thing as housing for the homeless. A female protester yells that Carlos does not represent the views of the community. A shouting match ensues. Vaillancourt reports that Mel King (community activist) tried to bring the two sides together. V: Footage of King addressing the crowd. King says that the two sides must unite to fight against the greed of MIT. Members of the crowd cheer. Vaillancourt reports that the Cambridge City Council will vote on MIT's proposal on Monday.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/07/1988
Description: Indoor skateboard rink in Cambridge. Teen and younger boys practice maneuvers on ramps, slides, tubes and half-pipes. Caution signs advise on technique and warn about injuries. Boys wear helmets, gloves, elbow and knee pads.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/01/1978
Description: Stevie Wonder appears at a Harvard Law School forum at Sanders Theater. Man introduces Wonder. Wonder sings "Let's Join Together As One And Have Some Fun." Wonder talks about the elements required to achieve success and the need for artists, the media, and lawyers to work together to benefit all people. Wonder encourages the law students to do pro bono work for those in need. He says, "Without people, there are no laws, and no laws, no lawyers." Tape 1 of 2.
1:00:00: Visual: Audience members file into Sanders Theatre at Harvard University before a Harvard Law School Forum featuring Stevie Wonder. 1:00:39: V: The audience applauds as Stevie Wonder (pop singer) walks on to the stage. Wonder is guided onto the stage by an African American man and an African American woman. They help Wonder get seated behind a podium, facing the audience. Shot of the audience members applauding. A white male Harvard representative thanks the audience and welcomes Wonder. 1:02:34: V: The African American man who guided Wonder onto the stage stands at the podium to introduce Wonder. He welcomes Wonder on behalf of the university. The man reviews Wonder's career and talks about Wonder's accomplishments. The man talks about Wonder's efforts for political and social change. The man mentions Wonder's efforts to create a holiday in honor of Martin Luther King's birthday. The audience applauds. 1:05:20: V: The man finishes speaking and guides Wonder to his keyboard. The keyboard is set up near the podium, facing the audience. The audience cheers. Wonder makes adjustments to his keyboard. Wonder programs his keyboard to play a drumbeat. Wonder begins to accompany the drumbeat on his keyboard. A crew member adjusts the microphone for Wonder. Wonder begins to sing "Let Us Join Together As One And Have Some Fun." The audience claps in time to the music. Wonder finishes the song and the audience cheers. 1:12:35: V: Wonder talks about the need to bring attention to oneself in order to succeed. Wonder says that students are trying to win the attention of their professors; that job applicants are trying to win the attention of job recruiters; that musicians compete for the attention of their audiences. Wonder says that many individuals are competing for attention in a democratic society; that competition is good. Wonder talks about the need to follow through on initial success. Wonder says that one needs to continue to excel after winning the attention of others. Wonder says that he will not "name names"; that everyone can think of public figures who have not lived up to their initial successes. Wonder says that artists and the media are in the "same family"; that lawyers are part of that family as well; that communication is essential to all three professions. Wonder says that successful individuals in these professions must work for the benefit of all people. Wonder talks about the importance of giving freely to help others. Wonder talks about giving tickets to his concerts to needy children and families. Wonder says that he wants to give those children the opportunity to dream. Wonder tells the Harvard Law School students that they must share their knowledge with the less fortunate; that lawyers must give their services to those in need. Wonder says, "Without people, there'd be no laws, and without laws, there'd be no lawyers." Wonder has a good rapport with the audience.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/19/1984
Description: Stevie Wonder speaks at a Harvard Law School Forum at Sanders Theatre. He answers questions from the audience. Wonder discusses his record label and the ups and downs of his career. Wonder talks about his need to be creative and to make music. Asked about apartheid, Wonder says that he will not perform in South Africa; he says that American citizens should make an effort to not support apartheid. Wonder takes his glasses off and pretends to read a letter given to him from an audience member. The audience cheers.
1:00:06: Visual: Stevie Wonder speaks at a Harvard Law School Forum at Sanders Theatre. Wonder talks about his record label. Wonder says that he is always looking for new talent. Wonder elicits laughs from the audience when he tries to imitate the mannerisms of a slick record producer. 1:01:43: V: Tape cuts out during an audience member's question about the ups and downs of Wonder's career. Wonder answers that his faith has helped him a lot. 1:01:58: V: Wonder talks about his desire to be creative and to make music. He talks about the time period when his song "Uptight" became a hit. Two members of a campus singing group present Wonder with a button from their group. One member of the group asks Wonder about his position on boycotts of apartheid South Africa. Wonder says that he will not perform in South Africa; that he understands the feelings of some musicians who do perform there. Wonder says that American citizens have a responsibility to do what they can to not support apartheid; that American citizens understand the ill effects of racism. An audience member talks about how she gave Wonder a necklace in 1973 when she attended one of his private recording sessions. Another audience member asks permission to go up on stage to present Wonder with a letter she wrote for him. The woman gives Wonder a hug on stage and presents him with the letter. 1:08:05: V: Wonder pretends to take off his glasses and read the letter. The audience cheers. Wonder leaves the stage. The audience applauds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/19/1984
Description: End of Susan Sontag interview. Discussion of the play Jacques and his Master and Songtag's staging of it, while cutaways are being shot. Stage area. American Repertory Theater.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/17/1985
Description: Ten O'Clock News broadcast. Anchors Christopher Lydon and Gail Harris. David Williams reports on gubernatorial political campaigns of Michael Dukakis and Greg Hyatt. Marcus Jones reports on Healthy Start program providing better maternal health services to poorer women. Interviews with Dr. Juliette Tuakli-Williams, Sen. Jack Backman, Joan Tighe, Rep. Patricia Fiero, and Kathy O'Donnell. "Today on Wall Street" segment. Gail Harris reports on 1987 federal budget and tax reform bills. Christopher Lydon reports on Reagan Administration and Tip O'Neill's views on US aid to Nicaraguan Contras. On-set interview with Noam Chomsky and John Silber on contra aid. Silber argues for and Chomsky argues against US aid to the Contras. The two guests interrupt each other and talk over each other. Gail Harris reports on employee strikes in several business. Christy George reports on the development of Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge through history. Interview with Charles Sullivan, Director of the Cambridge Historical Commission. Interview with Kevin Crane, attorney for a developer, on the development plans along Mass Ave. Interview with Kate Mattes, local business owner of Kate's Mystery Books. Interview with author Robert Parker. Interview with Betty Desrosiers on the effect of the Red Line extention on Mass. Ave development plans. Interview with Cambridge resident Joel Bard. Interview with developer Peter Wasserman. Weather and Sports reports. Lydon reports on Chilean human rights violations and South African funerals. Harris reports on a Soviet launch of a manned space craft and Haley's Comet.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/13/1986
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/03/1984
Description: Cambridge teen sex
Collection: Ten O'Clock News