Description: B-roll footage of Massachusetts Port Authority (MASSPORT) structures and five MASSPORT workers on strike, picketing in a parking lot. Signs read "MASSPORT Unfair to Teamsters Local 137" and "On Strike." Footage of traffic on bridge; roadway. Motorcycle policeman with canine assistant wearing goggles on back of bike. Zoomed clip of air traffic control tower at Logan Airport; slightly larger group of striking workers circle in parking lot; state policeman regulates traffic.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/08/1980
Description: Exteriors of Maverick housing project in East Boston. White children play outside. Lone black girl sits on fence. Black Power and racist graffiti. Boarded up windows. East Boston environs shot from moving car.Sign for Police Station 7. Interview with a Maverick resident, Mrs. Baker, about vandalism and threats from youth, and destruction of her apartment and possessions and death of three dogs due to a fire of suspicious origin. Interview with a priest, Father Corrigan, who says 12 African American families moved out of project because of intimidation and harassment. Shot of Maverick St. sign. Interview with Maverick resident, Mrs. Porter, about the families who moved out, many of whom she knew, and why she's going to stay. They shoot cutaways.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/24/1976