Description: George Bush deplanes Air Force 2 at Logan. Holds rally at Faneuil Hall. Supporters wave presidential campaign placards.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/24/1988
Description: Hope Kelly reports that Charles Laquidara (WBCN disc jockey) is leading a radio campaign against the Shell Oil Company. Laquidara is encouraging listeners to cut up their Shell credit cards to protest Shell's involvement with the repressive South African government. The campaign is part of a larger international boycott aimed at all Shell products. Interview with Laquidara about the campaign. Footage of Laquidara and employees in the WBCN studios and footage of Roger Clemens (Boston Red Sox) in the WBCN studios. Kelly quotes Norm Allsteader (Shell Oil Company) as denying any Shell involvement with the South African government. Kelly reports that Jerry Straccia (Shell Oil dealer in East Boston) is feeling the effects of the boycott. Interview with Straccia about the boycott. Straccia criticizes the boycott. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Teachers and parents are frustrated over new starting times for the Boston Public Schools for the coming school year and Meg Vaillancourt interviews Elma Lewis about the Roxbury neighborhood
1:00:13: Visual: Footage of Charles Laquidara (WBCN disc jockey) in the WBCN radio studio. Laquidara introduces a song. Shots of Laquidara putting up anti-apartheid signs in the studio. Shots of the signs. Footage of Laquidara saying on-air that the Shell Oil Company supports the South African "military machine." Hope Kelly reports that Laquidara is leading a radio campaign called "Shell shock"; that Laquidara is encouraging radio listeners to cut up their Shell credit cards in order to protest Shell's involvement with the South African government. V: Shots of a WBCN female employee opening the mail; of cut up credit cards pulled from the envelopes. Kelly reports that local celebrities are participating in the campaign. V: Footage of Roger Clemens (Boston Red Sox pitcher) in the WBCN studio. Clemens reads an anti-apartheid radio spot. Kelly reports that Clemens came in to do a radio spot; that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has turned in his credit card. V: Shots of WBCN employee pulling cut-up credit cards from envelopes received by WBCN. V: Footage of Laquidara in the studio, being interviewed by Kelly. Laquidara says that twenty or thirty credit cards are being turned in each day; that he would like to see 1,000 credit cards be turned in each day. Laquidara says that each credit card represents money to Shell. Shot of a sign above a Shell gas station. Kelly reports that the Shell Company says that the campaign has had no effect. V: Footage of Laquidara saying that he hopes these campaigns will convince Shell to get out of South Africa; that he hopes other companies will follow suit. Laquidara says getting out of South Africa is the right thing for Shell to do. Shot of a radio script with instructions for listeners on how to participate in the campaign. Kelly reports that Laquidara's campaign is part of a larger international boycott aimed at all Shell products. Kelly notes that Royal Dutch Shell has approximately 300 subsidiaries; that Shell Oil Company is a visible subsidiary in the US. V: Shot of Laquidara in the studio holding a bumper sticker reading, "Get the Shell out of South Africa." Laquidara speaks on the air. Shots of a car pulling up to a Shell gas station; of a large Shell sign above the gas station. A quote from Norm Allsteader (Shell Oil Company) appears written on-screen. Kelly quotes Norm Allsteader (Shell Oil Company) as saying that "Shell Oil Company has no employees, no investments, and certainly sells no oil to South Africa." V: Footage of Laquidara saying that members of the Board of Directors of Royal Dutch Shell sit in on board meetings at the Shell subsidiary in Houston, Texas. A second quote from Norm Allsteader (Shell Oil Company) appears written on-screen. Kelly quotes Allsteader as saying, "No Shell company outside of South Africa is sending any oil to South Africa." V: Shot of Jerry Straccia (Shell oil dealer in East Boston) wiping the gas pumps clean at his Shell gas station. Kelly stands in the parking lot of Straccia's Shell station in East Boston. Kelly reports that there are over 300 Shell stations in New England. Kelly notes that Straccia says that he is feeling the effects of the boycott. V: Footage of Straccia standing in front of gas pumps at his station. Straccia says that Laquidara's campaign is going to hurt a lot of people before it affects Shell. Shot of the Shell sign above Straccia's gas station. Shot of Straccia and a mechanic looking under the hood of a car. Audio of Straccia saying that he has noticed a 50% drop in business; that the decline is most noticeable during the morning hours when Laquidara is on the air. Kelly reports that Straccia has been a Shell dealer for over three years; that Straccia had been a fan of Laquidara until now. V: Shots of Straccia standing near the gas pumps; of the handle of a gas pump in the gas tank of a car. Kelly reports that Straccia has not spoken to any other Shell dealers about the campaign; that Straccia has spoken to Laquidara. V: Footage of Straccia saying that Laquidara told him that he understands Straccia's position. Straccia says that he does not think that Laquidara understands how much he is hurting Straccia. Footage of Laquidara saying that he does not know how long he will keep the campaign going.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/23/1988
Description: Charter plane pilots and air taxi operators fight high small aircraft landing fees at Logan Airport. Massport wants to cut down traffic. Federal judge is considering equity of fees.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/11/1988
Description: MassPort plans to raise landing fees at Logan, posing a burden on small aircraft. Business lobbyists fight proposal. Ray Flynn & area residents happy about improved safety.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/22/1988