Description: David Boeri reports that African American community leaders and city officials have proposed to build the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) in Roxbury. The MWRA headquarters would be the cornerstone in a project to develop Parcel 18, located near the Ruggles MBTA station. At a press conference with city officials and African American leaders, Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church), Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council), mayor Ray Flynn, Harold Hestnes (member of "The Vault"), and James Kelly (Boston City Council) all speak out in favor of Parcel 18. The Massachusetts State Legislature is also considering the city of Quincy for the MWRA site. African American leaders are asking state legislators to show their support for the African American community by choosing Parcel 18. State Sen. Paul Harold speaks to the media and says that Quincy is the right place for the MWRA headquarters. At a press conference Paul Levy of the MWRA says that the MWRA site does not have to be in Quincy.
1:00:08: V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) at a press conference. Supporters stand behind him. Bolling says that "this project won on the merits." Footage of Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) saying that the project is very important to the community; that the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) must locate its headquarters on Parcel 18. Shots of the vacant land of Parcel 18 in Roxbury. Shot of the Ruggles MBTA station and the Boston skyline visible from Parcel 18. Shots of traffic on the street near Parcel 18. David Boeri reports that the development of Parcel 18 is part of a plan to bring jobs and development to Roxbury. Boeri notes that the development of Parcel 18 is a $200 million public/private venture; that the venture includes minority developers. V: Shots of two people entering the Ruggles MBTA station. Boeri reports that the MWRA would be the major tenant in the development. V: Shot of Parcel 18. Shot through a chain-link fence of the Boston skyline looming above Parcel 18. Boeri reports that the Massachusetts state legislators are considering other sites for the MWRA headquarters; that supporters of Parcel 18 development are lobbying for the MWRA to be located on Parcel 18. V: Footage of Bolling saying that people of color are told that they will be treated fairly in this country. Bolling says that the process should not be manipulated to prevent people of color from receiving their due. Shots of members of the media and the audience at the press conference. Boeri reports that African American leaders consider the MWRA vote to be a crucial litmus test for state legislators on the issue of race. V: Footage of Stith saying that many "progressive politicians" seem to lack the courage to stand up for their principles. Shots of Bolling; of other Parcel 18 supporters at the press conference. Boeri reports that the coalition at the press conference was assembled by Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston); that the coalition includes members of "The Vault" (Boston's powerful financial leaders). V: Footage of Harold Hestnes (member of "The Vault") speaking at the press conference. Hestnes says that the development of Parcel 18 would create a "climate of financial responsibility." Maura Hennigan (Boston City Council) is visible behind Hestnes. Shots of Richard Voke (State Representative) and David Scondras (Boston City Council) at the press conference. Boeri notes that the coalition is broad enough to include James Kelly (Boston City Council). V: Footage of Kelly turning around to look at the coalition standing behind him. Stith puts his hand on Kelly's shoulder and says, "You're with your own." The Parcel 18 supporters laugh along with Kelly. Shot of a reporter at the press conference. Boeri reports that Flynn believes that the development should proceed because it represents social justice and good business sense. V: Footage of Flynn at the press conference. Flynn says that this is a good opportunity for state legislators to prove their commitment to social and economic justice. Flynn says that the people of Roxbury have been disenfranchised and "left behind" in the past. Shot of a coalition member at the press conference. Boeri reports that the city of Quincy is competing with Parcel 18 for the MWRA headquarters. Boeri notes that Quincy will be the repository of the sludge from the Boston Harbor Cleanup project. V: Footage of Paul Harold (State Senator from Quincy) speaking to the media in a park. Harold says that the issue revolves around the survival of a sewage plant, a sludge plant and a landfill facility. Harold says that Parcel 18 has nothing to do with the real issue. Boeri reports that Paul Levy (Executive Director, MWRA) made a controversial decision today. V: Footage of Levy at an MWRA press conference. Levy says that Quincy must receive a premium from the MWRA; that the MWRA is open to discussing compensation for the city of Quincy. Levy says that compensation should not include locating the MWRA headquarters in the city. Footage of Harold saying that state officials have been ill advised on the issue. Harold says that the issue should have been decided days ago. Boeri stands in front of the Massachusetts State House. Boeri reports that the Parcel 18 coalition is trying to pressure a few state legislators to support Parcel 18. Boeri notes that the votes of those legislators will be necessary for Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) to sustain his veto of any vote which tries to move the MWRA headquarters from Roxbury to Quincy. Boeri notes with irony that the MWRA was created by state legislators to remove politics from the Harbor Cleanup Project.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/07/1989
Description: Visit to Scotch Market in Quincy where haggis is made from sheep's organs mixed with onions and oatmeal.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/27/1989
Description: MWRA advisory board members tour Quincy site which could become their headquarters instead of Roxbury. Sen. Paul Harold.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/30/1989
Description: MWRA board chooses Fore River shipyard in Quincy as sludge processing plant for Boston Harbor cleanup. Residents are up in arms. Footage of site.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/01/1989
Description: Former General Dynamics worker at Quincy Shipyard suffers from asbestos induced lung disease. Visuals of asbestos covered pipes. Welding and sheet metal work. File cabinets.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/03/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Massachusetts State Legislature has passed a bill designating the city of Quincy as the location for the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Parcel 18 in Roxbury had been chosen as the initial site for the headquarters. Speaker of the House George Keverian and House leadership in the chambers of the House of Representatives. Mayor Ray Flynn , City Councilor Bruce Bolling, and Parcel 18 supporters at a press conference outside of the Massachusetts State House. Flynn and Bolling express their support for Parcel 18. Flynn says that the legislature's decision has undermined public confidence in the government. Governor Michael Dukakis has vetoed the bill designating Quincy as the MWRA site at a press conference. Interview with Reverend Tony Bethel of the Parcel 18 Task Force, who says that he and his supporters will continue to fight for economic justice for Roxbury. Footage of the building in Quincy proposed to house the MWRA.
1:00:12: V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) at a press conference outside of the Massachusetts State House. Bolling says that state legislators need to stand with the supporters of Parcel 18; that the supporters of Parcel 18 are on the "correct side." Shots of a crowd of Parcel 18 supporters gathered outside of the State House for the press conference. The supporters hold signs reading, "Parcel-to-parcel linkage" and "Roxbury equals economic opportunity." Marcus Jones reports that the Massachusetts state legislature has passed a bill which designates the city of Quincy as the location for the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Jones notes that the bill overrules the MWRA's initial decision to build their headquarters on Parcel 18 in Roxbury. V: Footage of George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) and the House leadership at the front of the chambers of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Shots of the exterior of the Ruggles MBTA station in Roxbury; of the Boston skyline from Parcel 18 in Roxbury. Jones reports that Quincy legislators pushed for the MWRA to settle in an aging industrial building near the site of a sludge facility. V: Shots of officials climbing the stairs of an industrial building in Quincy; of the interior of the building. Shots of the sludge facility in Quincy. Jones notes that Parcel 18 supporters say that the battle is not yet over. V: Shots of demonstrators at the press conference outside of the State House. Shot of a sign reading, "Keep the MWRA in Roxbury." Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) saying that the legislature's decision jeopardizes the citizens' confidence government. Flynn says that the legislature has not shown a commitment to "straightforward, honest government." Shot of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) signing a piece of paper at a press conference. Members of the media photograph him. Jones reports that Dukakis vetoed the legislature's MWRA bill yesterday; that the legislature will vote next week on Dukakis's veto. Jones reports that Parcel 18 supporters will lobby for the Roxbury site over the next week. V: Shot of the press conference outside of the State House. Shots of demonstrators and audience members at the press conference. A demonstrator holds up a sign reading, "Fairness equals a vote for Roxbury." Footage of Bolling saying that Quincy was not chosen to be the initial site because Quincy did not have the best proposal.The crowd applauds for Bolling. Footage of the Reverend Tony Bethel (Parcel 18 Task Force) being interviewed by Jones outside of the State House. Bethel says that he and his supporters will continue to fight for economic justice for the Roxbury area, even if Dukakis' veto is overruled. Jones reports that Parcel 18 supporters have vowed to continue the fight to bring the MWRA to Roxbury.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/11/1989