Description: Charles Ray, the Headmaster of Roxbury High School, talking to students, parents and faculty members in the offices of Roxbury High School. Pam Bullard interviews Ray in the administrative offices of the school. Ray talks about how the school has changed since the beginning of school desegregation in 1974. He notes that white attendance is still low, but that it is improving. Ray describes the school's bilingual program, and the academic programs set up at the school in conjunction with Harvard University. He says that many students from Roxbury High School received college scholarships last year, and discusses their college opportunities. Ray talks about the atmosphere at the school, and the close relationships between the students and the faculty. He notes that very few students transfer out of the school. He adds that most students feel comfortable at Roxbury High School. Ray says that he tries to learn the names of every student in the school. Ray talks about the challenges of urban education. He says that he encourages pregnant students to remain in school as long as possible. Ray says that he would like to see a program set up to allow students to bring their children to school with them. Ray describes the school's building and facilities. Ray tells Bullard that it is important to treat each student with respect.
1:00:05: Visual: Charles Ray (Headmaster, Roxbury High School) speaks to an African American female student in the office of Roxbury High School. He tells the student what she needs to do in order to change school assignments. 1:01:37: V: Pam Bullard sets up an interview with Ray. Ray talks about some of the photographs in the school office. He notes that the photos were taken by students from the school. Ray talks to a student who has entered the office. The student asks Ray about the television crew in the school office. Bullard notes that the Boston Public Schools are beginning their fifth year of desegregation. Bullard asks Ray how things have changed in five years. Ray notes that Roxbury High School was paired with South Boston High School during the first year of desegregation. Ray notes that only a small percentage of students from South Boston attended Roxbury High School during the first year of school desegregation. Ray says that Roxbury High School was placed in the same district as Charlestown High School during the second year of school desegregation; that Roxbury High School has remained in that district. Bullard asks Ray about white attendance at Roxbury High School. Ray says that the school has more white students now than it had during the first year of school desegregation. He notes that sixty-three white students have been assigned to the school this year; that twenty-five white students are in attendance. Ray says that he would like the Boston School Department to assign more white students to the school. Ray says that Roxbury High School has a bilingual program for Asian and Spanish-speaking students. Bullard asks Ray about Roxbury High School's programs in conjuction with Harvard University. Ray explains that Roxbury High School has been paired with Harvard University by the federal court order governing school desegregation in Boston. Ray talks about a tutoring program in which Harvard students tutor Roxbury High School students. Ray talks about the Harvard Upward Bound Program. He adds that Harvard and Roxbury High School have set up programs for students in advanced math and sciences, reading, and art. Ray explains that teachers and advanced students can take courses at Harvard University. 1:06:46: V: Bullard notes that students who attend Roxbury High School tend to stay at the school and do not transfer out. Ray agrees that not many students transfer out of the school. He adds that most students like the school and the faculty. Bullard asks Ray if many students from Roxbury High School attend college. Ray says that 74 students graduated from Roxbury High School in 1978; that 37 of those students went on to college. He adds that many of the students received scholarships last year. Ray adds that the Girls High Alumni Association has contributed to a scholarship fund for the students. Ray notes that many Roxbury High School students have done well in their college careers. Bullard asks why Roxbury High School has been a successful school. Ray says that the teachers get to know the students and their families very well. Ray notes that the faculty know most of the students by name; that the students feel comfortable at the school. Ray adds that these close relationships are the key to the school's success. Bullard asks Ray if he knows the name of every student at the school. Ray says that he is learning the names of all of the incoming freshmen; that he makes an effort to talk to the students in the hallways. Ray adds that he knows the names of all of the returning students. Bullard notes that all of the students like Ray and speak highly of him. Ray talks about the importance of knowing the name of each student. He adds that the students know that the teachers and other faculty members care about them. 1:11:43: V: Bullard asks how urban education has changed in the past decade. Ray says that programs for special needs students have changed; that pregnant students now stay in school. Ray says that he encourages pregnant students to stay in school for as long as they can. He says that he encourages them to return to school as soon as possible. Ray adds that he would like to start a program that would allow students to bring their children to school with them. He says that it might be difficult for Roxbury High School to meet the safety requirements for such a program. Bullard asks Ray if he would have chosen to be assigned to Roxbury High School. Ray says that he likes Roxbury High School. He adds that the school is structurally sound and has good facilities; that he likes the layout of the building. Ray says that the faculty at the school have a good relationship with the community and with the parents. Ray adds that he likes the atmosphere at small high schools. He says that each student gets personal attention at Roxbury High School. Bullard asks Ray what he has learned over the course of his career. Ray says that he has learned the importance of treating each student with respect. He says that the students treat him respectfully in return. Bullard closes the interview. 1:16:38: V: Ray stands behind the counter of the office at Roxbury High School. He answers questions from a student about her school schedule. Ray confers with a teacher about two problem students. Ray tells the teacher that he will speak to the students. Ray talks to two more students about their school schedules. Ray confers with another teacher in the office.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/13/1978
Description: Racially integrated, open classrooms at the Joseph Lee School in Dorchester. The teachers are primarily white. The classes are racially integrated; the majority of students are African American. Pam Bullard interviews Frances Kelley (Principal, Joseph Lee School) about school attendance, the faculty and the atmosphere at the school. Kelley is optimistic about the coming year. Bullard interviews two Roxbury High School students about their experiences at the school. Both are enthusiastic about the school, report little racial tension among students, and comment on how helpful headmaster Charles Ray is to the students.
0:59:58: Visual: Racially integrated classes enter the Joseph Lee School in Dorchester. The doors close. A few latecomers knock on the door to be let in. 1:02:01: V: Frances Kelley (Principal, Joseph Lee School) talks to a teacher about attendance. A white teacher helps students in an open classroom. The class is integrated, although a majority of the students are African American. The teacher helps the students learn how to print their names. The students color in pictures on their worksheets. Shot of a white student and an African American student sitting together at a table. 1:08:19: V: Shot of open classrooms at Lee School. Several classes are conducted at once. A teacher tells her students to stand up behind their chairs. The students stand and push their chairs in. Another white teacher teaches her class to read the names of colors. The class is racially integrated. 1:12:20: V: Pam Bullard sets up an interview with Frances Kelley (Principal, Joseph Lee School) in the open classrooms. Kelley admits that a certain percentage of students have not returned to the Lee School this year; that her staff will begin contacting their parents. Kelley says that parents are supportive of the programs at the Lee School; that some are upset because bus routes were consolidated this year; that there is some confusion over bus stops. Bullard comments that the Lee School lost some faculty this year. Kelley says that her faculty likes the school; that some are worried about losing their jobs due to the shrinking student population. Kelley says that morale tends to be low in June; that morale is higher in September when teachers return to school. Kelley says that the faculty at the Lee School is young, enthusiastic, and innovative; that the children like the school and its programs. 1:15:28: V: Bullard sets up an interview with a non-white female student (Betty) and a white male student (Paul) about their experiences at Roxbury High School. Both students opted to return to Roxbury High School after attending the previous year. Betty says that she likes the school because it is close to where she lives and it has good programs; that there are no problems. Paul says that he returned to Roxbury High School to play football; that he gets along well with the teachers and had no problems during the previous year; that he does not mind taking a bus to school. Betty says that there is no tension among the students at the school. Paul agrees that there are no racial problems. Betty says that it is a small school; that the teachers will give individual attention to the students. Paul says that everyone at the school seems to get along; that the teachers are willing to help the students with problems they might have; that Charles Ray (Headmaster, Roxbury High School) is a good principal. Bullard talks to the students informally while the crew takes cutaway shots. Betty says that she likes the programs at the high school; that there is a new chemistry lab; that students have access to photography equipment. Paul says that he moved to Boston from California last year; that people had told him not to attend Roxbury High School; that he liked the school after visiting it for the first time. Bullard comments that Roxbury High School does not deserve its bad reputation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/09/1976
Description: Buses pull up to Roxbury High School. The buses are not full. Asian students exit the buses and enter the school. African American and Asian students approach the high school on foot. Shots of housing in the surrounding area. Exteriors of Joseph Lee Elementary school, which school children walking towards school. Buses pull up to the Lee Elementary School. White and African American students exit buses and enter the school. African American students and parents approach the school on foot. Racially integrated classes line up in the recess yard and enter the Lee School. The students wave at the camera as they enter the school.
1:00:16: Visual: A nearly empty bus pulls up to Roxbury High School. Asian students exit the bus and enter the school. African American students approach the school on foot. Shots of Greenville Street, in front of Roxbury High School. A second bus pulls up to the school. More Asian students exit the bus and enter the school. Shot of plaque above entrance, reading "Roxbury High School." Two police officers are stationed in front of the school. Asian and African American students approach the school on foot. 1:07:20: V: A small school bus is parked in front of the Joseph Lee Elementary School. Young students of various races exit the bus. African American students and parents approach the school entrance. African American and white students exit another small school bus and approach the school entrance. Two of the white boys are identical twins. An African American boy asks the camera crew questions. He walks in front of the camera in order to be on television. More African American students and parents approach the school. Closeup shots of young African American students who have approached the camera crew. 1:12:57: V: A school bus pulls up in front of the school. Mostly white and a few African American students exit the bus and are greeted by an African American teacher. The students enter the school. Another school bus pulls up. The same African American teacher greets more African American and white students as they exit the bus. The students enter the school. 1:17:10: V: African American and white students line up for class in the recess yard. A young white female student stands alone, looking lost. The racially integrated classes enter the school building. Many students address the crew or wave at the camera as they pass by.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/09/1976
Description: Hope Kelly reviews the history of school desegregation in Boston. She notes that many critics cite the absence of middle-class and white students as a reason for the continued failure of the Boston Public Schools. She focuses on the Timilty Middle School in Boston, a magnet school with successful reading and math programs for its students. Kelly interviews teacher William Moran and principle Shirley Gonsalves about the school and its programs. Moran says that the students are successful. He adds that many come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Gonsalves talks about the benefits of school desegregation. Kelly reports that the Timilty School was named a National School of Excellence in 1989. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of students and teachers in classrooms at the Timilty School.
1:00:07: Visual: Shot of a school bus door closing. Shots of a school bus outside of the Timilty Middle School; of students on the bus; of white and African American students exiting the Timilty Middle School; of students boarding a bus outside of the school. Shots of African American and white students in a hallway of the school. Hope Kelly reports that busing for school desegregation began seventeen years ago in Boston; that busing was viewed as a way to bring equal opportunity to all students. Kelly notes that busing drove many middle-class white and African American parents away from the school system. Kelly reports that critics cite a lack of middle-class students as a reason for the continued failure of Boston Public Schools. V: Footage of William Moran (Timilty School) being interviewed. Moran says that all students can learn. Kelly reports that Moran grew up in the South End and Roxbury; that Moran attended Boston Public Schools and went to college. V: Shots of Moran walking through a corridor in the Timilty School; of Moran speaking to three students in the doorway of a classroom. Kelly reports that Moran is the seventh-grade coordinator at the Timilty Middle School; that Moran attended the Timilty School twenty years ago. Kelly reports that the Timilty Middle School ranks first city-wide in reading; that the Timilty Middle School is second city-wide in mathematics. Kelly notes that the students at the Timilty School do not come from advantaged backgrounds. V: Shots of a white teacher teaching students of diverse races in a well decorated classroom. Shots of the students in the classroom. Footage of Moran saying that students at the Timilty School low-income families; that many of the students live in housing projects. Moran says that the students come from disadvantaged neighborhoods across the city; that the school is a city-wide school. Kelly reports that most of the students at the Timilty School are non-white and poor. V: Shots of students walking in a corridor of the Timilty School. Footage of Shirley Gonsalves (Timilty School) being interviewed by Kelly. Gonsalves says that race and class are not the determining factors among the school's students. Gonsalves says that the school can do nothing about the relative poverty of its students. Kelly reports that Gonsalves is the assistant principal at the Timilty School; that she has worked in the Boston Public School System for seventeen years. V: Shot of Gonsalves walking through a corridor and up a set of stairs with a student. Kelly reports that Gonsalves began teaching in Boston during the first year of school desegregation. V: Footage of Gonsalves being interviewed. Gonsalves says that she grew up in the rural South where busing was used to maintain segregated schools. Gonsalves says that she rode a bus to school from the age of six to the age of eighteen. Shots of students walking in a corridor at the Timilty School. Kelly reports that there are low numbers of white students in the Boston Public School System; that 11% of students at the Timilty School are white. Kelly reports that Gonsalves believes that school integration has been a success. V: Shots of a white student entering a classroom at the Timilty School; of a white teacher standing with two African American students in a hallway. Footage of Gonsalves being interviewed by Kelly. Gonsalves says that students attended schools in their own neighborhoods with students of their own race before school integration. Gonsalves says that students were not exposed to other students of different backgrounds and from different neighborhoods. Gonsalves says that students need to learn about people of different backgrounds. Shots of a white teacher teaching to a class of middle school students; of an African American male student sitting at a desk in the classroom. Shots of other students in classrooms; of an African American female student writing on a chalkboard; of an African American boy reading a book at his desk. Shot of the white teacher teaching to students in the classroom. Kelly reports that the Timilty School is a magnet school; that classes are smaller at the Timilty School; that the schoolday at the Timilty School is 1.5 hours longer on four of five days per week. Kelly reports that the waiting list to enter the sixth grade class at the Timilty School had 200 names. Kelly reports that the Timilty School was named a National School of Excellence in 1989. V: Shot of Gonsalves and a student walking in the corridor.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/22/1991