Description: Roxbury District Court judges wary of mandatory jail sentences as deterrent to illegal gun possession by juveniles. Bartley-Fox law. Courtroom. Courthouse exterior. Confiscated weapons. Judge Julian Houston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/20/1989
Description: David Boeri reports on the Bank of Boston's new mortgage program for low- and moderate-income city residents. President of Bank of Boston Ira Stepanian and Robert Mahoney announcing the new program to the media at a press conference at a Roxbury branch of the Bank of Boston. Boeri reviews the terms of the program. He notes that many houses in the area are not eligible for the program because their sale prices are too high. Interview with Roxbury resident Diana Strother, who says that many residents do not make enough money to take advantage of the program. Interview with Leon Wilson from the Bank of Boston about the terms of mortgages under the program. Boeri notes that the units in the Fort Hill condominium complex are too expensive to qualify for the Bank of Boston program. Interview with Boston resident Alvin Wilkins and realtor Eve Moss about housing prices in the area. Interview with Bruce Marks from the Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union. Marks calls the Bank of Boston program a "public relations scam" if it does not truly help low-income residents with followup steps.
1:00:03: Visual: Footage of Ira Stepanian (President, Bank of Boston) speaking to the media at a Roxbury branch of the Bank of Boston. Stepanian says that the Bank of Boston would like to help to solve some of the city's problems. Shots of media and audience members listening to Stepanian. David Boeri reports that Stepanian talked about the Bank of Boston's new mortgage program for city residents. Boeri notes that the new program is called First Step With Rate Advantage. Boeri describes the terms of the mortgages offered under the program. Boeri reports that the first year's rate is 8.65%; that the maximum purchase price cannot exceed $140,000 for a single unit; that the maximum purchase price cannot exceed $185,000 for a two-family home; that the maximum purchase price cannot exceed $225,000 for a three-family home. Boeri notes that individuals making $35,000 or less are eligible for the program; that families making $45,000 or less are eligible. V: On-screen text details the terms of the mortgages offered under the program. Footage of Robert Mahoney (Bank of Boston) addressing the audience at the Roxbury branch of the bank. Mahoney says that the program serves the needs of a certain segment of the population. Shots of African American women in the audience. Boeri notes that some Roxbury residents say that the program is out of reach for them. V: Footage of Diana Strother (Roxbury resident) saying that Roxbury residents pay the highest rents in the city; that the average income in Roxbury is $15,000. Strothers says that most Roxbury residents do not make enough to take advantage of the program. Footage of Leon Wilson (Bank of Boston) being interviewed by Boeri. Boeri notes that it is difficult to find a house for $140,000 in this neighborhood. Boeri asks about monthly mortgage payment on a $140,000 house. Wilson says that residents would pay $1,100 per month if they made a downpayment of $14,000. Boeri reports that it is hard to find houses which meet the eligibility requirements of the program. V: Shot of a condominium complex in Fort Hill with units for sale. Shot of Boeri talking to a small group of people on the front porch of one of the Fort Hill condominium buildings. Boeri notes that condominium units in a Fort Hill development are selling between $149,000 and $165,000. Boeri notes that the condominiums do not meet the eligibility requirements of the Bank of Boston program; that the condominiums are not affordable for many residents. V: Shot of homes on a residential street. Footage of Alvin Wilkins (Boston resident) being interviewed by Boeri. Boeri asks Wilkins if it is possible to find homes for $140,000 in the area. Wilkins says that homes selling at $140,000 need a lot of repair. Wilkins says that it is impossible to find a home which is ready to move in to at that price. Footage of Eve Moss (realtor) saying that the average mortgage payment for one of the Fort Hill condominiums is $1,200. Moss says that it is difficult to make those mortgage payments on a salary of $45,000 or less. Footage of Wilson saying that the Bank of Boston is trying to provide an opportunity for some people to own a home. Footage of Bruce Marks (Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union) says that the Bank of Boston is pulling a public relations scam if they are trying to bill the program as an example of a low- and moderate-income home ownership program. Marks says that he would like to see a program which is truly aimed at low- and moderate-income people. Footage of Mahoney addressing the audience at a Roxbury branch of Bank of Boston. Boeri reports that many hope the program's next step will be a bigger one.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/10/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) is considering a parcel of land in Roxbury for the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). The development of Parcel 18 near the Ruggles MBTA station is seen as a cornerstone to the area's economic revitalization. Interview with Anthony Williams, Assistant Director of the BRA about the proposed development. Williams shows Jones maps of the area and plans for the development. Williams talks about the benefits of constructing the MWRA headquarters in Roxbury. Jones reports that the land was cleared in the 1960s and has lain vacant ever since. Interview with State Rep. Byron Rushing about the proposed project. Rushing says that the community must benefit from any development of the land. Following the edited story is additional footage of the area around Parcel 18 and footage from Jones' interviews with Williams and Rushing.
1:00:05: Visual: Shots of Parcel 18 in front of the Ruggles MBTA station in Roxury; of the entrance to the Ruggles MBTA station. Marcus Jones reports that Parcel 18 is one of six locations being considered as the site for the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Jones reports that developers and city officials see construction of MWRA headquarters as a cornerstone to the area's economic revitalization. V: Shots of Anthony Williams (Assistant Director, Boston Redevelopment Authority) showing Jones a map of the area. Shot of a map of proposed development in the area. Jones reports that the land has been vacant for more than twenty years. V: Shots of traffic passing by Parcel 18 and the Ruggles MBTA station. Footage of Williams being interviewed by Jones. Williams says that development takes time; that the community must be involved in the development process. Williams says that construction of the MWRA headquarters would allow development to proceed at a quicker rate. Shot through a fence of Parcel 18, Ruggles MBTA station and the Boston skyline. Jones reports that Roxbury has the highest unemployment rate of any neighborhood in Boston; that Roxbury has seen none of the benefits of development in downtown Boston. V: Shot of Jones and Williams looking at a map. Shots of the map. Footage of Williams saying that Parcel 18 is in close proximity to the downtown area. Williams says that the Roxbury neigborhood is centrally located with good access to public transportation. Williams notes that museums and universities are convenient to the site. Williams says that development will proceed quickly when people realize the potential of the site. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) says that there is always risk involved in the development of a site. Rushing says that he wants the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) to promise that the land will be put to beneficial use even if this development fails. Shot of Parcel 18. Jones reports that the site was cleared in the 1960s to make room for the construction of Interstate 95; that the community blocked construction of the highway. Jones reports that the community wants the development to bring jobs and affordable housing to the community. V: Footage of Rushing saying that any benefits from the development of the site must go to the local community. Shots of Parcel 18.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/23/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Massachusetts State Legislature has passed a bill designating the city of Quincy as the location for the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Parcel 18 in Roxbury had been chosen as the initial site for the headquarters. Speaker of the House George Keverian and House leadership in the chambers of the House of Representatives. Mayor Ray Flynn , City Councilor Bruce Bolling, and Parcel 18 supporters at a press conference outside of the Massachusetts State House. Flynn and Bolling express their support for Parcel 18. Flynn says that the legislature's decision has undermined public confidence in the government. Governor Michael Dukakis has vetoed the bill designating Quincy as the MWRA site at a press conference. Interview with Reverend Tony Bethel of the Parcel 18 Task Force, who says that he and his supporters will continue to fight for economic justice for Roxbury. Footage of the building in Quincy proposed to house the MWRA.
1:00:12: V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) at a press conference outside of the Massachusetts State House. Bolling says that state legislators need to stand with the supporters of Parcel 18; that the supporters of Parcel 18 are on the "correct side." Shots of a crowd of Parcel 18 supporters gathered outside of the State House for the press conference. The supporters hold signs reading, "Parcel-to-parcel linkage" and "Roxbury equals economic opportunity." Marcus Jones reports that the Massachusetts state legislature has passed a bill which designates the city of Quincy as the location for the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Jones notes that the bill overrules the MWRA's initial decision to build their headquarters on Parcel 18 in Roxbury. V: Footage of George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) and the House leadership at the front of the chambers of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Shots of the exterior of the Ruggles MBTA station in Roxbury; of the Boston skyline from Parcel 18 in Roxbury. Jones reports that Quincy legislators pushed for the MWRA to settle in an aging industrial building near the site of a sludge facility. V: Shots of officials climbing the stairs of an industrial building in Quincy; of the interior of the building. Shots of the sludge facility in Quincy. Jones notes that Parcel 18 supporters say that the battle is not yet over. V: Shots of demonstrators at the press conference outside of the State House. Shot of a sign reading, "Keep the MWRA in Roxbury." Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) saying that the legislature's decision jeopardizes the citizens' confidence government. Flynn says that the legislature has not shown a commitment to "straightforward, honest government." Shot of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) signing a piece of paper at a press conference. Members of the media photograph him. Jones reports that Dukakis vetoed the legislature's MWRA bill yesterday; that the legislature will vote next week on Dukakis's veto. Jones reports that Parcel 18 supporters will lobby for the Roxbury site over the next week. V: Shot of the press conference outside of the State House. Shots of demonstrators and audience members at the press conference. A demonstrator holds up a sign reading, "Fairness equals a vote for Roxbury." Footage of Bolling saying that Quincy was not chosen to be the initial site because Quincy did not have the best proposal.The crowd applauds for Bolling. Footage of the Reverend Tony Bethel (Parcel 18 Task Force) being interviewed by Jones outside of the State House. Bethel says that he and his supporters will continue to fight for economic justice for the Roxbury area, even if Dukakis' veto is overruled. Jones reports that Parcel 18 supporters have vowed to continue the fight to bring the MWRA to Roxbury.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/11/1989
Description: Hope Kelly reports that the Boston Bank of Commerce is sponsoring the Home Ownership Loan Pool, to encourage homeownership loans for residents in minority neighborhoods. The neighborhoods of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan have received little investment money in the past. Kelly's report includes footage from a press conference with Ronald Homer (President, Boston Bank of Commerce) and community leaders. Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaks out in support of the new program. Homer talks about the Home Ownership Loan Pool. Homer says that concessionary-rate lending does not serve the long-term interests of the community. Kelly reviews the details of Homer's proposal. Kelly notes that housing is scarce in Roxbury while vacant lots are plentiful. Kelly interviews Gus Newport (Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative). Newport says that disinvestment has been a problem in the greater Roxbury neighborhood. Kelly, Newport and Gertrude Fidalgo (community worker) take a walk in the Dudley Street neighborhood. Fidalgo says that development of vacant lots will create safer conditions in the area. Kelly notes that new housing developments are planned for the area. Kelly's report includes footage of workers at the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative building.
1:00:09: Visual: Shots of vacant lots in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston. Hope Kelly reports that vacant lots in Roxbury are only 1.5 miles from downtown Boston. V: Footage of Gus Newport (Executive Director, Dudley Street Initiative) being interviewed near a vacant lot by Kelly. Kelly notes that these lots would have been developed years ago if they were in a different part of the city. Newport agrees with Kelly. Newport says that no bank financing was available to developers interested in the Roxbury neighborhood. Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at a press conference. Bolling says that there has been "a process of disinvestment" in the Roxbury community for over thirty years. Bolling says that the members of the community must determine the direction of the community's growth. Shots of the attendees of the press conference, including Juanita Wade (Boston School Committee), Charles Yancey (Boston City Council), Gail Snowden (Bank of Boston), Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader) and Newport. Shot of Mel King (community activist) listening at the entrance to the room. Kelly reports that the neighborhoods of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan have not received much investment money in the past; that a new bank program will provide financing in those neighborhoods. V: Footage from the press conference. Bolling sits at a table with Ronald Homer (President, Boston Bank of Commerce) and two others. African American community leaders stand behind them. Homer talks about a proposal which encourages banks to commit a portion of their loan portfolios to serve the greater Roxbury area. Kelly reports that the Boston Bank of Commerce is the only bank in Massachusetts that is owned and operated by African Americans. Kelly reports that the Boston Bank of Commerce is sponsoring the Home Ownership Loan Pool. Kelly reports that the loan pool encourages banks to set aside $250 million in loans for minority neighborhoods; that $25 million of the loans are to be set aside for first-time home buyers at below-market mortgage rates. Kelly reports that $100 million of the loans are to be set aside for the renovation or purchase of existing housing stock; that $500,000 be set aside for a home ownership and financing resource center. V: Shot of the exterior of the Boston Bank of Commerce. On-screem text and visuals detail the specifics of the Home Ownership Loan Pool. Footage of Homer at the press conference. Homer says that the Boston Bank of Commerce has taken a stand in the past against concessionary-rate lending. Homer says that concessionary-rate lending is not a useful way to serve the community in the long-term. Shots of attendees at the press conference including Newport, Juanita Wade (Boston School Committee) and Charles Yancey (Boston City Council). Kelly reports that Homer and others believe that concessionary-rate lending may be a good short-term solution. Kelly reports that Newport agrees with Homer. Kelly notes that Newport is the former mayor of Berkeley, California. V: Shot of the exterior of the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative building. Shot of Newport standing inside the building. Shots of staff members doing office work at the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative. Kelly reports that the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative was founded in 1984; that the Initiative has eminent domain power and zoning authority over 1.5 square miles of Roxbury land. Kelly notes that housing is scarce in Roxbury; that vacant lots are plentiful in the area. V: Shot of a map of Roxbury in the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative office. Footage of Newport and Kelly standing in front of a map of Roxbury. Newport points out the vacant lots in the area. Newport says that the Roxbury area has the most vacant land of any neighborhood in the city. Shots of Kelly, Newport and Gertrude Fidalgo (community worker) on a snowy street in Roxbury. They pass by a vacant lot. Kelly reports that 364 units of housing are planned for Roxbury; that most of those units will be affordable. V: Footage of Newport saying that disinvestment has been a major problem in the area. Kelly says that the banks are responsible for the initial disinvestment in the neighborhood. V: Footage of Newport saying that it is hard to believe that these conditions exist so close to downtown Boston. Footage of Fidalgo saying that she would not want to walk through this area because there are no streetlights or houses. Fidalgo says that more housing will create safer conditions in the neighborhood. Shots of a vacant lot and the surrounding area.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/28/1989
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that Rev. Graylan Hagler of the Church of the United Community has been critical of the Boston Police Department's stop-and-search policy in Roxbury. Hagler has proposed that graduates of the police academy spend 18 months working as coaches and counselors in the community. Interview with Hagler, who says that police officers and the community would benefit from a stronger relationship. He adds that the police must take a more innovative approach to fighting crime in the area. He also says that police officers and young people need to form a partnership. Von Mehren notes that critics do not believe that Hagler's plan is feasible.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of the Reverend Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) walking on a street in Roxbury with two African American men. Shots of the exterior of the Church of the United Community; of a sign for the Church of the United Community. Jan von Mehren reports that Ellis-Hagler spends a lot of time on the Roxbury streets. Von Mehren notes that Ellis-Hagler moved his church into a building where drug addicts were regularly shooting up. Von Mehren reports that the church is one of the most active community centers in Roxbury. V: Shots of men standing outside of the church. Two men exchange a hug as a greeting. Shots of a Boston Police Department cruiser on the street outside of the church. Shots of Ellis-Hagler and a group of people entering the church. Von Mehren reports that Hagler has been critical of the Boston Police Department's stop-and-search policy in Roxbury. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler being interviewed by von Mehren. Ellis-Hagler says that people feel less safe on the street than they did five years ago. Ellis-Hagler says that the police need to try out some new tactics in fighting crime. Ellis-Hagler talks about a proposal he submitted to the Boston Police Department. Hagler says that he has recommended that first-year police officers not be put on the street immediately. Ellis-Hagler says that first-year police officers should have an "intern" relationship with the community. Shots of Boston police officers making drug arrests on the street; of African American kids playing basketball on an outdoor court; of the snowy parking lot of a housing development. Von Mehren reports that Ellis-Hagler wants graduates of the police academy to spend 18 months working as coaches and counselors in the community. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler saying that most police officers are concerned about the community. Ellis-Hagler says that many police officers realize that an more innovative approach is necessary. Shots of a group of police officers on the street; of a police officer sitting on a motorcycle; of police officers at police headquarters. Von Mehren reports that the police commissioner has not responded to Ellis-Hagler's plan. Von Mehren notes that many citizens are calling for more police protection; that some may not like Ellis-Hagler's idea of employing police officers as coaches and counselors. Von Mehren reports that Ellis-Hagler believes that his plan will result in more effective police officers. V: Shots of Ellis-Hagler talking with a group of African American men at his church. Shots of the individual men in the group. Shot of a group of men standing outside of the church. Ellis-Hagler exits the church and embraces one of the men. Audio of Ellis-Hagler saying that the police depend on cooperation from the community to solve crime. Footage of Ellis-Hagler saying that young people are a good source of information for police officers; that young people know where and when drug activity takes place. Ellis-Hagler says that the police officers should form a partnership with young people; that both sides would benefit from the relationship. Von Mehren stands in the meeting hall of the Church of the United Community. Von Mehren reports that Ellis-Hagler will hold a community summit next Monday; that Ellis-Hagler will discuss his police partnership proposal. Von Mehren says that Ellis-Hagler is pushing the proposal; that some do not believe the plan is feasible.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/15/1989
Description: Theroch II in Roxbury is worst public housing in the city. Tour of pitiful interiors. Interview with tenants and landlord Herbert Long who is not paying mortgage to HUD.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/17/1989
Description: Michael Dukakis, Susan Tucker, David Scondras all urge gun control measures to protect teens. Street violence at night. Shooting victims wheeled to ambulance. Police firing range, target practice. Black youths play basketball. Dudley Street at night. Dorchester business district, storefronts.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/15/1989