Description: Marcus Jones reports that artist Robert Guillemin, also known as "Sidewalk Sam," is working with elementary-school students to create a mural to celebrate Boston's ethnic diversity. The mural will be two stories tall, made up of 30,000 personal drawings by children and student, and it will hang in the Grand Concourse of South Station. Guillemin talks to students about the mural and works with them in the classroom. Students sit together as they work on drawings for the mural. Jones interviews a fourth grade student from Hurley School, who talks about her drawing for the mural. Mayor Ray Flynn has endorsed the mural project, and he visits the classroom and talks to individual students about their drawings. Interview with Flynn, who says that the mural promotes peace and unity in the city. Jones reports that volunteers at Roxbury Community College are putting the mural together, and it will be unveiled to the public tomorrow. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of Guillemin and students working on the mural and footage of volunteers at Roxbury Community College putting together the mural.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/14/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Silber held a press conference on a Roxbury street today, trying to explain his comments during the previous evening's gubernatorial debate, in which he referred to the residents of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan as "a group of drug addicts." Silber apologizes for hurting anyone's feelings. A group of African American community leaders stand behind him. Vaillancourt notes that Silber blamed the media for not attending his speech on crime control on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that the press conference changed tone when Silber got into a hostile argument with Roxbury resident Priscilla Flint Russell. Interviews with Roxbury residents about John Silber. City Councilor Bruce Bolling, State Rep. Gloria Fox, and other Roxbury community leaders held a press conference today at which they condemned Silber for his comments. Following the edited story is additional footage of the Roxbury community leader press conference. Segments of Bruce Bolling's statement. Additional footage of John Silber's press conference. Segments for City Councilor Charles Yanceys' statement at the Roxbury community leader press conference. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on negative media coverage of the Roxbury community
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of John Silber (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) speaking at a press conference on the corner of Humboldt Avenue and Homestead Street in Roxbury. Bill Owens (State Senator) and other African American community leaders stand behind Silber. Silber says that there are upstanding, responsible citizens who fear for their lives in the Roxbury community. Silber says that he did not indict them in recent comments. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Silber held a press conference on a Roxbury street today. V: Shots of the press conference. Silber is surrounded by members of the media. A camera crew stands on top of a van to film Silber. Vaillancourt reports that Silber tried to explain his comments during a debate on the previous evening. Vaillancourt notes that a reporter at the debate asked Silber why he has not held any campaign events in the Roxbury, Dorchester, or Mattapan areas of Boston, which is also known as Area B. V: Footage from a gubernatorial campaign debate on September 11, 1990. Silber says that it is useless to give a speech about crime control to "a group of drug addicts." Silber says that it is better for him to give a speech on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that Silber tried to clarify his remarks today. V: Footage of Silber at the Roxbury press conference. Silber says that he regrets the confusion; that he did not mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Vaillancourt notes that Silber's comments were not all apologetic. V: Shot of a member of a TV news crew at the press conference. Footage of Silber at the Roxbury press conference. Silber tells a reporter that he was not making an apology to the community. Vaillancourt reports that Silber held his press conference in the area where Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident and murder victim) was killed two years ago. V: Shot of a 1988 Boston Herald newspaper article featuring a photo of Moore. Vaillancourt reports that Silber chose the spot for the press conference in order to remind people of his crime control proposals. Vaillancourt notes that Silber also tried to blame the media. V: Footage of Silber at the press conference. Silber says that this is not the place for a speech about law and order. Silber says that he will make the speech at this press conference. Silber says that he recently gave a speech on crime control on the steps of the State House; that no one attended. Vaillancourt reports that there are six days left before the gubernatorial primary election. Vaillancourt notes that Silber received a lot of media attention today. V: Shots of members of the media standing on top of a van at the press conference; of reporters surrounding Silber at the press conference. Vaillancourt reports that the press conference changed its tone when a Roxbury resident told Silber that he needs to acknowledge drugs as an equal opportunity problem. V: Footage of Silber and the media at the press conference. Priscilla Flint Russell (Roxbury resident) addresses Silber. She asks him how the drugs and guns are getting into Roxbury. Russell says that Roxbury teenagers are not bringing in the drugs and guns. Silber says that the high-level drug dealers must be prosecuted by the federal courts. Russell asks who will be prosecuted. Silber tells Russell to ask Francis Bellotti (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts). Russell says that she wants an answer from Silber. Silber says that he is not a prosecuting attorney. Russell stands and yells at Silber. Russell points out that Silber is the one who came to the neighborhood to talk about drugs; that she is not a drug addict. Silber turns away from the microphone, saying that he has no time for "fanaticism." Russell tells Silber to get out of the neighborhood. Vaillancourt reports that neighborhood residents talked about Silber's comments after the press conference. V: Footage of a female neighborhood resident saying that Silber showed his ignorance by speaking of her community in that way. Footage of an African American man saying that he got out of the neighborhood and went to college. The man says that he is not offended by Silber's statements. Footage of an African American woman saying that Silber's comments were taken out of context; that people are afraid to walk the streets. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury community leaders held a press conference today; that they refused to speak Silber's name. V: Shot of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at the press conference. Footage of Gloria Fox (State Representative) speaking at the press conference. Fox says that Silber is a "wicked racist individual" who deserves no name. Fox says that Silber perpetuates the racist atmosphere which prevailed during the Carol Stuart murder case. Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader) is among the leaders at the press conference. Vaillancourt stands on a street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Silber took a lot of heat from the Roxbury community today. Vaillancourt notes that the Roxbury community has not received much attention from Bellotti or from the Republican gubernatorial candidates. Vaillancourt reports that the Roxbury community felt snubbed by the 1988 presidential campaign of Michael Dukakis (governor of Massachusetts) because the campaign made no major stops in Roxbury. V: Footage of an African American man saying that politicians need to be more visible in Roxbury when there is no election going on. Footage of another African American man saying that he expects little from the next governor of Massachusetts; that the present governor has done little for the Roxbury community. Shot of two white police officers carefully watching an African American boy as he walks down the street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/12/1990
Description: Francis "Mickey" Roache (Boston Police Commissioner), Minister Don Muhammed (Roxbury community leader), Superintendent Albert Sweeney (Chief of the Bureau of Professional Standards), and Deputy Arthur Morgan (Bureau of Professional Standard) are present at a press conference to announce the results of the internal police investigation of the Silver Shield Club rape case. Roache reviews the details of the case. Roache says that Sweeney conducted a thorough investigation which turned up no witnesses or victim. Roache says that there is no evidence that a sexual assault ever took place at the Silver Shield Club. Roache adds that police have identified a suspect in the murder of Lucia Kai. Sweeney talks about the investigation. Sweeney says that all of the officers involved in the case passed a polygraph examination. He adds that the investigation is closed. The panelists answer questions from the media. Muhammad says that he is satisfied with the police investigation. He adds that Kai's murderer must be found. Roache says that the investigation will be reopened if compelling evidence is found. Roache will not comment on Kai's murder except to say that police have not found probable cause to link their suspect to the murder. Sweeney notes that Richard Armstead (Boston Police Department) was not asked to take a polygraph test because he was not a witness to the alleged sexual assault. He adds that the officers involved have been cleared of all accusations. Sweeney says that Armstead and William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) have both conducted themselves in a professional manner. Sweeney notes that no victims or witnesses have come forward. Sweeney continues to talk about details of the case. He says that it is difficult to trace the origins of the rumors that sparked the allegations.
1:00:00: Visual: Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston), Minister Don Muhammed (Roxbury community leader), Albert Sweeney (Boston Police Department), and Arthur Morgan (Boston Police Department) seat themselves at a press conference to announce the results of an internal police investigation of the Silver Shield Club rape case. Nancy Sterling Gleason (spokeswoman for Roache) introduces each of the men at the table. Roache summarizes the allegations in the Silver Shield case. Roache says that rumors have surfaced that an African American female was sexually assaulted at the Silver Shield Club in 1982. Roache reviews the details of the case. He reports that an African American female was found murdered in the Franklin Park section of Roxbury; that rumors suggested a connection between that homicide and the sexual assault at the Silver Shield Club. Roache says that he has conducted a thorough internal investigation of the matter; that there is no evidence of a sexual assault ever having taken place at the Silver Shield Club. Roache says that Sweeney spent many months investigating the matter; that the investigation has produced no victim or no witnesses. Roache reports that Lucia Kai (Roxbury resident) was murdered in August, 1982; that police have not yet solved the case; that there is a suspect, but no probable cause. Roache says that he is pleased to have worked with community leaders on this investigation; that the Silver Shield Club investigation is closed. Roache compliments Sweeney on his thorough investigation. 1:05:32: V: Shot of Muhammed; of Sweeney. Sweeney says that the investigation has led to the conclusion that there was no sexual assault at the Silver Shield Club in 1982. Sweeney reports that there are no witnesses, victim, or evidence to support the allegations. Sweeney says that the officers involved in the case voluntarily submitted to a polygraph examination; that the results were confirmed by the Massachusetts State Police Department. Sweeney says that the officers were asked if they had any knowledge of the sexual assault, if they participated in the sexual assault, and if they had any knowledge of any sexual assaults at the Silver Shield Club at any time. Sweeney reports that the officers denied any knowledge or participation in the sexual assaults; that the polygraph examination confirmed the truth of those answers. Sweeney says that the investigation is closed. Roache says that all of the officers in the department were invited to come forward with information on the case. Shot of Morgan. 1:07:49: V: The panel takes questions from the media. A reporter asks Muhammed if he is satisfied with the investigation. Muhammed says that he will not be satisfied until the Kai's murderer is found; that there is no evidence to support the sexual assault allegations at the club. Muhammed says that he would push for further investigation of the sexual assault allegations if compelling evidence were found; that Roache and the Boston Police Department have done an "admirable" job of reopening the case and pursuing the investigation. A reporter notes that Detective Richard Armstead (Boston Police Department) has accused the officers involved in the case of lying about the alleged sexual assault; that Armstead is not satisfied with the investigation. The reporter asks if action will be taken against Armstead. Roache says that disciplinary action is taken against an officer only if he or she violates given rules and regulations. Roache says that further investigation of the allegations will take place if compelling evidence is found. A reporter asks why the media had not been informed that there was a suspect in the investigation of Kai's murder. Roache reminds the reporter that the case is four years old. Roache says that the police have not found a probable cause which will link the suspect to the murder. Roache says that the police will work with the community to uncover evidence to solve the crime. Shots of the assembled media. Roache says that he will provide copies of the investigation to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the office of the US Attorney. 1:12:57: V: Shots of individual reporters and audience members. Roache tells a reporter that he will not comment on specific aspects of Kai's murder. Shot of the panel from the back of the room. A reporter asks if an apology will be offered to the officers accused of the sexual assault. Roache says that rumors can be very damaging. Jump cut on videotape. Shot of the panel from the side of the table; of individual reporters. A reporter asks about the status of the suspect. Roache says that he will not comment except that the suspect resides out of state. A reporter asks why Armstead was not required to take a polygraph examination. Sweeney says that Armstead was never a first-hand witness of the alleged sexual assault; that the officers who took the polygraph test were named as witnesses to the alleged sexual assault. Sweeney notes that Boston Police officers Jose Garcia, William Dunn, and William Kennefick took the polygraph test. A reporter asks if there was an officer named as the perpetrator of the alleged sexual assault. Sweeney says that Dunn was the principal suspect; that Dunn has been cleared of the accusations. A reporter asks if Armstead's allegations were handled properly by his superior officers. Roache says that he cannot speak for Armstead; that he is proud of Armstead for coming forward; that he is sure Armstead will act professionally as the investigation comes to a close. Roache adds that William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) also conducted himself professionally at the time of the initial investigation; that the case is closed. A reporter asks how many officers came under investigation as suspects. Sweeney says that Garcia was named as the principal witness; that Garcia was alleged to have rescued the victim; that Dunn and Kennefick were named as suspects in the alleged assault. Sweeney notes that Garcia, Dunn, and Kennefick say that there was no sexual assault at the club. Sweeney adds that no victims or witnesses have come forward. Sweeney continues to explain details of the case. Shot of a female reporter. A reporter asks if there have been any attempts to trace the origins of the rumor. Sweeney says that it is difficult to trace the origins of a rumor from 1982; that the allegations were made at a time of great tension and difficulty within the police department. Sweeney says that the rumor was fed by an investigation by William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) in 1982. Sweeney says that Celester's investigation brought Armstead into the case; that the current investigation has proceeded from Armstead's accusations.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/10/1986
Description: David Boeri reports on the Silver Shield case. Interview with Richard Armstead of the Boston Police Department, who gives his version of the events in the case. Boeri reviews the facts about the case and the people involved. Boeri's reports includes footage of William Celester (Boston Police Department) and photographs of Lucia Kai (Roxbury resident) and police officers Jose Garcia, William Dunn and William Kennefick. Boeri notes that an investigation has cleared the officers of all allegations. Press conference with Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department), Albert Sweeney (Boston Police Department), Arthur Morgan (Boston Police Department), and Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader). Nancy Gleason (spokesperson, Boston Police Department) says that there is no evidence of a crime being committed at the Silver Shield Club. Boeri notes that one of the officers may have told Bruce Wall (Twelfth Baptist Church) about the alleged rape at the club. Interview with Wall, who says that he will not comment on what he was told.
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of Richard Armstead (Detective, Boston Police Department) walking down a street in Roxbury. Armstead unlocks the door to a house. David Boeri says that Armstead has been ordered to appear before a grand jury on December 3; that Armstead is the source of the allegations in the Silver Shield rape case. Boeri reports that Armstead has insisted that an African American girl was raped by white police officers; that the girl was murdered to ensure her silence. V: Shots of police officers in the lobby of a Boston Police Department building. Boeri notes that Armstead was not a witness to the rape; that Armstead heard the story from William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) in July, 1982. V: Shot of Celester in uniform, speaking to a reporter. Footage of Armstead being interviewed by Boeri in his home. Armstead describes the circumstances surrounding his conversation with Celester about the rape. Boeri reports that Celester told Armstead that Jose Garcia (Boston Police Department) was sleeping in the backroom of the Club; that Garcia was awoken by screams. V: Shots of the exterior of the Silver Shield Club in Roxbury. Shot of a color photo of Garcia. Footage of Armstead saying that Celester told him that Garcia witnessed a white police officer forcing an African American teenage girl to perform oral sex at gunpoint. Boeri reports that Celester told Armstead that William Dunn (Boston Police Department was the perpetrator; that William Kennefick (Boston Police Department) was one of six or seven officers who witnessed the rape. V: Shots of black and white photos of Dunn and Kennefick. Boeri reports that Celester told Armstead that the Garcia rescued the girl; that the girl ran from the car near the Orchard Street Housing Project. V: Shot of the Orchard Street Housing Project at night from a moving car. Armstead says that Garcia told Celester about the rape. Boeri says that all of the officers involved have denied Armstead's allegations. V: Shots of photographs of Celester, Garcia, Kennefick, and Dunn. Boeri reports that the officers were cleared of the allegations by the most recent investigation by the Boston Police Department in January, 1986. V: Shot of Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston), Minister Don Muhammed (Roxbury community leader), Albert Sweeney (Boston Police Department), and Arthur Morgan (Boston Police Department) at a press conference. Shot of Roache speaking at the press conference. Boeri notes that the investigation found no evidence of a crime. Boeri adds that the investigation concluded that Celester acted responsibly by attempting to verify the rumors about a rape at the club. V: Footage of Boeri commenting on a Police Department internal report. Boeri notes that the report says that Celester informed Armstead of the rumor. Armstead says that the report is not true. Armstead adds that Celester never told him that the account of the rape was a rumor. Boeri reports that Celester may have told the same story to a civilian. V: Shot of a photo of Celester; of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Youth, 17, on danger list after shooting by a policeman." Boeri says that Reverend Bruce Wall (Twelfth Baptist Church) spoke with Celester in August of 1982, after the shooting of an African American youth by a police officer. V: Footage of Wall being interviewed by Boeri. Wall says that he will not comment on whether Celester told him about the rape. Boeri notes that Wall does not deny being told about the rape. Boeri reports that six weeks after the alleged rape, the body of Lucia Kai (murdered Roxbury resident) was found in Franklin Park. V: Shots of the exterior of the Silver Shield Club; of the woods in Franklin Park; of a color photo of Kai. Footage of Armstead saying that Kai was the girl who was raped at the Silver Shield Club. Boeri reports that police officials says that there is no evidence that Kai was raped at the club. V: Footage of Nancy Gleason (Boston Police Department spokesperson) saying that there is no evidence of a crime being committed at the Silver Shield Club.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/18/1986
Description: Southwest Corridor Project. Roxbury, Orange Line construction.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/21/1981
Description: Three interviews on southwest corridor mass transit and development project. Areas affected include the South End, Roxbury Crossing, and Jamaica Plain. Construction will create numerous jobs and have an affirmative action goal with a 30% minority set-aside. $391 million (80% federal funds) will be for orange line and railroad relocation; plus an arterial street, community college, housing, and industrial park will make for at least a half billion dollar project. Residents are concerned about impact of noise and disruption in the adjacent neighborhoods, equitable employment opportunities, and environmental issues. Community groups want to be sure the new road and transit routes do not split the surrounding areas along socioeconomic lines.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/15/1976
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/20/1984
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the lack of summer jobs for urban youth. Many teenagers try to find summer jobs through the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Interview with director Laurence Jones, who says that many teenagers are not working this summer because there are not enough jobs. He adds that many kids may turn to drugs and crime in order to make money to supplement their families' incomes. He talks about the importance of summer jobs for teenagers, which can help teenagers break out of the cycle of poverty. Marcus Jones reports that the private sector has not provided as many summer jobs this year as in previous years. He adds that the city has increased funding, but that there are not enough jobs to go around. Laurence Jones believes that the city will see long-term benefits from providing summer jobs to teenagers. Marcus Jones' report is accompanied by footage of African American kids and teenagers participating in activities at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Young people play in a gymnasium and work on computers. Marcus Jones' report also features footage of Laurence Jones speaking to teenagers in his office at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Following the edited story is additional b-roll of African American youth playing in the gymnasium at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Also, teens playing games on computers and closeups of the screens as they play.
0:59:58: Visual: Footage of an African American boy in the gymnasium of the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. The boy is running part of a relay race with other kids. An older teenager supervises the kids. Shots of African American young people working on a computer at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Marcus Jones reports the the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club provides access to a wide range of activities to Roxbury youth; that many teenagers try to find summer jobs through the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. V: Shot of Laurence Jones (Director, Roxbury Boys and Girls Club) entering an office in the Club. Laurence Jones shakes hands with a young African American male teenager. Shot of the teenage boy. Marcus Jones reports that Laurence Jones says that he was only able to place a dozen teenagers in summer jobs this year; that Laurence Jones says that many more teenagers are seeking employment. V: Footage of Laurence Jones being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Laurence Jones says that there are several thousand kids in the Roxbury community; that there are only a couple of hundred jobs. Laurence Jones says that many teenagers are not working. Shot of Jones speaking to an African American teenage boy in the lobby of the Boys and Girls Club; of two African American teenage girls sitting in the lobby of the Boys and Girls Club. Shot of Laurence Jones speaking to a young African American woman in the office of the Boys and Girls Club. An African American man stands in the doorway. Marcus Jones reports that the private sector has not come through with as many jobs this year as in previous years; that federal funding has been cut; that state funds are limited. Jones notes that the city of Boston has increased funding for summer jobs by $4 million; that the increase in funding is not enough. V: Footage of Laurence Jones being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Laurence Jones says that there is a lot of gang activity in Roxbury; that some teenagers are turning to drugs and crime in order to make money. Laurence Jones says that some of these kids are supplementing their families' incomes. Marcus Jones reports that Laurence Jones believes that the city must do more to provide summer jobs for teenagers; that Laurence Jones believes that the city will suffer later on if the issue is ignored. V: Footage of Laurence Jones being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Laurence Jones says that teenagers must be given the opportunity to grow and to develop a good work ethic. Laurence Jones says that teenagers must be given work experience before the age of twenty; that teenagers must learn how to hold down a job and to manage money. Laurence Jones says that summer jobs can help teenagers break out of the cycle of poverty. Shot of Laurence Jones talking to a group of African American kids at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/12/1990
Description: First day of school in Boston, Phase IIB of court ordered desegregation. 1) Superintendent Marion Fahey is proud of faculty and students. Associate superintendent Charles Leftwich reports van and three buses were stoned. Mayor Kevin White says unlawful conduct will not be tolerated. 2) Gary Griffith reports on opening commotion at Charlestown High. One-third of enrolled students show up. Federal marshals and police outside. One arrest for disorderly conduct. Neighborhood crowd gathers in street. 3) Pamela Bullard at South Boston High. Black students get off bus to less tension than last year. Police are present but not in riot gear. 4) Art Cohen at Mackey Middle School where teacher student ratio is 1:18. Principal Lloyd Leake. 5) Bullard on magnet program encompassing 21 schools. Exterior, interior of English High. Gregory Anrig, state commissioner of education. Headmaster William Peterkin. 6) Karin Giger on bilingual program at Grover Cleveland Middle School. 7) Bullard talks to boycotting (white) Cormiers of Charlestown. Mother keeps son out of Timilty School where he was assigned to be bused; he has part-time tutoring. 8) Steve Curwood talks to participating (black) Price family from Roxbury, whose children are bused to white neighborhoods. 9) 5 Hyde Park High students, 3 minority, 2 white, discuss racial separation inside school. They expect conflict to be less than last year. 10) Steve Nevas was almost thwarted from covering a Kevin White press conference because mayor felt Nevas could not be objective. (He had investigated fundraising in White campaign.) White attempts to disassemble Channel 2 microphone and asserts he can exclude any reporter from access. Ed Baumeister says this raises First Amendment issue.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1976
Description: Advocates for poor protest outside House Ways and Means chair Rep. Thomas Finneran's office against budget cuts; Reps. John McDonough, Stanley Rosenberg. Parcel 18 Ruggles Center in Roxbury to be occupied by Registry of Motor Vehicles; Mayor Raymond Flynn, Gov. William Weld, BRA executive director Stephen Coyle, Rev. Tony Bethel. Architect's scale model of City of Boston development in Coyle's office. Studio interview with Myron Weiner (MIT) and Kishore Mandhyan (BC) on assassination of Rajiv Gandhi and election violence in India. Young Boston children make fanciful, recycled art of objects from industrial surplus bins. Dr. Walter Drew of Institute for Self Active Education encourages this for its free-spirited creativity and joyous expression.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/21/1991