Description: Christopher Lydon reports on the demise of the elevated tracks along the MBTA orange line. The elevated train stations were designed by Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow (nephew of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) and were once considered the architectural pride of the city's mass transit system. Interview with Margaret Floyd of Tufts University and State Rep. Byron Rushing about the elevated line. Floyd discusses the architecture of the stations. Rushing talks about the architectural and historical significance of the elevated line, and its importance to the community. Interviews with people on the street who give their opinions on the elevated line. Following the edited story is additional b-roll of the elevated line and orange line trains.
1:00:00: Visual: Shot of Dover Station on the elevated tracks of the orange line of the MBTA. Shots of Dover, Northampton, Dudley, and Eggleston Stations on the elevated orange line. Shots of the elevated tracks. Christopher Lydon reports that the elevated tracks of the orange line run through Roxbury and the South End; that trains will not longer pass through the stations after this evening. V: Shots of a tunnel leading to one of the orange line stations. Graffiti covers the walls. Shots of the decrepit exteriors of stations along the elevated tracks of the orange line. Lydon says that the elevated stations were once the "architectural pride" of the city's mass transportation; that the stations were designed by Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow (architect and nephew of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) for a turn-of-the-century competition. V: Shots of architectural drawings and plans of the elevated stations. Footage of Margaret Floyd (Tufts University) talking about the modular design of the elevated stations of the orange line. Floyd talks about the ornate ironwork and other details which do not appear in contemporary architecture. Shots of the elevated stations; of the iron railings of a walkway leading to a station. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative from Roxbury) saying that he is surprised that historic preservationists have not protested the demolition of the elevated stations. Rushing says that the orange line was the first elevated line in the country to be designed for electric trains. Shot of a person looking from one of the windows of an elevated station. Shots of an orange line train traveling along the elevated tracks. Lydon reports that Dudley Square is dominated by the elevated train station. V: Shots of the elevated tracks in Dudley Square from below. Footage of Rushing saying that the physical structure of the elevated tracks has been an important characteristic of the neighborhood for a long time. Rushing adds that people talk about Dudley Station in unflattering terms. Footage of a white man saying that Dudley station is "unsightly"; that the station is falling apart and is beyond repair. Footage of Rushing saying that there is a place for "funkiness"; that the tracks cannot be put back up once they are torn down. Rushing adds that one can never predict what will happen to the neighborhood when the tracks are taken down. Footage of an African American man saying that Dudley station only needs some renovation and a paint job; of a young African American man saying that he would like the area around Dudley station renovated to resemble Lafayette Place when the tracks are taken down. Footage of a young African American boy saying that the area should be turned into "everything." Shots of Dudley Station. Footage of Rushing saying that the city should pave the road where the tracks once were; that a bike path should be constructed along the route of the tracks. Byron talks about being able to ride from Franklin Park to downtown Boston. Rushing calls the elevated tracks a "fantastic piece of sculpture." Rushing says that the tracks are "the Eiffel Tower on its side." Shots of the train tracks from a moving train; of the tracks from beneath. Rushing talks about how the elevated tracks connect several neighborhoods; that the elevated tracks do not belong to any one community. Rushing speculates that an artist in the future will be commissioned to come up with a way to connect the neighborhoods, while making an artistic statement at the same time. Rushing says that the artist will come up with a design similar to the elevated tracks. Rushing says that he does not know why the city is so eager to dismantle the tracks. Shot of an orange line train moving down the tracks.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/30/1987
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/05/1984
Description: Rudolph Pierce, Mickey Roache and others hold forum with students at Humphrey Center on "stop and search" tactics by Boston police. Rebecca Rollins reports that Boston lawyers and police officials participated in a forum with students at Madison Park High School. Rollins notes that the topic of the forum was gang activity and the Boston Police Department's stop-and-search procedures. Rollins notes that students and community members have complained about unreasonable stop-and-search procedures by police offiicers. Rollins' report includes footage from the forum. Panelists include Rudolph Pierce (Boston Bar Association), Joan Stanley (Colette Manoil Law Offices) and Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston). Pierce says that police have the right to stop a person if there is reasonable suspicion of guilt. Dennis Jean (senior, Madison Park High School) talks about his experiences with police officers who have stopped him. Candido Brown (junior, Madison Park High School) asks why police should be able to search him if he is innocent. Roache tells students that the police department is obliged to protect the rights of citizens. Rollins reports that the forum will help to improve communication between youth and police. Rollins' report includes footage of police officers arresting an African American man. This tape includes additional footage of the forum at Madison Park High School.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Rudolph Pierce (Boston Bar Association) speaking at a Madison Park High School. Pierce talks about gang members in Boston. Footage of Joan Stanley (Colette Manoil Law Offices) speaking at the press conference. Stanley says that neighborhood residents are fed up with the activities of some gang members. Rebecca Rollins reports that Boston lawyers and police officials talked about gang activity with students at Madison Park High School. Rollins notes that the lawyers and police officials read fictional scenarios about confrontations between gangs and police. Rollins reports that lawyers and police officials met with students to discuss their differences over the Boston Police Department's stop-and search procedures. V: Shots of the students in the audience at Madison Park High School; of an African American female student addressing the panel of lawyers and police officials. Shot of Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) addressing the students. Footage of a white police officer arresting an African American man. The police officer puts handcuffs on the man, who stands next to a red sports car. Footage of Pierce addressing the students. Pierce says that a police officer has the right to stop and frisk someone if they have reasonable suspicions about the person. Pierce says that the "reasonable suspicion" must be based on facts. Footage of Dennis Jean (senior, Madison Park High School) saying that he and his friends would be stopped and searched almost every day by police. Pierce says that police officers once forced him to drop his pants in public. Pierce says that police officers force people to remove their sneakers; that his friends have had their money stolen by police officers. Pierce says that police officers harass people when they stop to search them. Footage of Roache addressing the students. Roache says that the police often want to act on information that they receive. Roache says that police officers are obliged to protect the rights of citizens. Shots of students in the audience; of the lawyers and police officials at the front of the room. Rollins reports that Roache told students that he investigates every complaint about the improper treatment of citizens at the hands of police officers. Rollins notes that students and police officials cannot agree on what constitutes "improper treatment." V: Shot of two white police officers searching a young African American male on the street. Shot of the lawyers and police officials on the panel at Madison Park High School. Footage of Candido Brown (junior, Madison Park High School) addressing the panel. Brown asks the panel why police officers should be allowed to bother him when he is not doing anything. The students applaud. Shot of a white official addressing the students. Rollins reports that the forum may not resolve the stop-and-search controversy; that the forum will improve communication between youth and police. V: Shots of students at the forum. Footage of Jean saying that the police should be investigating "gang territory." Jean says that police know where the gangs are and what the gangs wear. Jean says that he is not wearing any gang insignia.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/08/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that the city of Boston is experimenting with a parcel-to-parcel linkage program to promote development in both the downtown area and in the outlying neighborhoods of the city. A new development project has linked a development in Chinatown to the development of Parcel 18 near the Ruggles MBTA station in Roxbury; the developers had to agree to develop both parcels of land. Vaillancourt reviews the details of the proposed development in each neighborhood. Interview with Stephen Coyle of the Boston Redevelopment Authority about the linkage project. Coyle says that the city is linking desirable downtown sites to sites in other neighborhoods in an attempt to bring jobs and services to the neighborhoods. Mayor Ray Flynn, Governor Michael Dukakis, and City Councilor Bruce Bolling at a press conference in Roxbury talk about the benefits of the linkage project. The Columbia Plaza Associates are a group of minority developers who will most likely develop the sites in Chinatown and Roxbury. Vaillancourt reviews the city's criteria for the development project. The project may bring more jobs and better housing to the Roxbury neighborhood. Following the edited story is b-roll of the area near the Ruggles MBTA station. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jesse Jackson campaigns for president in New Hampshire
1:00:06: Visual: Footage of Stephen Coyle (Boston Redevelopment Authority) saying that public land is being used to create "community equity." Shots of a street in Chinatown.<br /><br />Meg Vaillancourt reports that a new development project will affect two communities; that a parking garage and another lot on Essex Street will be developed into office space, retail space, a hotel, and moderate-income housing. Vaillancourt adds that land near the Ruggles MBTA station in Roxbury will be developed into a commercial center with two office buildings, a cultural center, and mixed-income housing for over 150 families. <br /><br />: V: Shots of a parking garage in Chinatown; of the area near the Ruggles Street MBTA station in Roxbury.<br /><br />Vaillancourt notes that developers who wanted the land in Chinatown had to agree to develop the land in Roxbury. <br /><br />: V: Shot of shoppers on a street in Chinatown; of African American commuters entering the Ruggles MBTA station. Shot of a sign reading, "Parcel-to-parcel linkage program project #1. Kingston-Bedford/Parcel 18."<br /><br />Vaillancourt reports that the parcel-to-parcel linkage program is the first program of its kind in the nation. <br /><br />V: Footage of Coyle saying that the downtown sites are desirable to developers; that the city is linking downtown sites with sites in other neighborhoods; that the city would like to bring the service economy into other neighborhoods. Coyle says that Roxbury can benefit from a service economy, especially with the new MBTA orange line trains. Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) addressing a crowd seated outside of the Ruggles MBTA station. Flynn talks about the necessity of good jobs, affordable housing, and neighborhood revitalization. The crowd applauds. The crowd is mostly African American. Shots of an older African American woman in the crowd.<br /><br />Vaillancourt reports that the $400 million project will provide benefits to both communities; that the projects will create more than 2,000 jobs in construction; that the projects will provide more than 8,000 permanent jobs when complete. <br /><br />V: Shots of construction workers working on building sites. Footage of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) saying that these projects will prove to students that there are opportunities for them if they stay in school to be trained. Shot of the audience members. Footage of Bruce Bolling (President, Boston City Council) says that the projects are about the "economic mainstreaming" of those who had been factored out of the process. Shots of an African American woman and her child in the audience; of an African American man at the podium.<br /><br />Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury and Chinatown residents met with the Columbia Plaza Associates; that Columbia Plaza Associates are the minority developers of the projects. Vaillancourt notes that the Columbia group must satisfy five criteria before being officially designated as the developer of the projects. Vaillancourt reports that the group must expand minority and community participation in the project beyond 30%; that the group must develop a plan with clear community benefits; that the plan must get maximum benefit from the $6.6 million in linkage funds; that the project plans must be sensitive in scale and design; that the group must find private investors who promote community ownership and who will insure the projects. <br /><br />V: Shot of the Boston skyline from area near the Ruggles MBTA station. Text on screen lists the city's criteria for development. Footage of Coyle being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Coyle says that the plan requires that the land be put to use for the community. Shot of an African American woman holding her child.<br /><br />Vaillancourt stands in front of the Ruggles MBTA station. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury community activists blocked a 1970 plan to extend an interstate highway; that the plan would have destroyed several area neighborhoods; that the activists argued for more jobs, more housing and better transportation. Vaillancourt notes that the project looks like it will fulfill the wishes of those community activists.:
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/12/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) is considering a parcel of land in Roxbury for the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). The development of Parcel 18 near the Ruggles MBTA station is seen as a cornerstone to the area's economic revitalization. Interview with Anthony Williams, Assistant Director of the BRA about the proposed development. Williams shows Jones maps of the area and plans for the development. Williams talks about the benefits of constructing the MWRA headquarters in Roxbury. Jones reports that the land was cleared in the 1960s and has lain vacant ever since. Interview with State Rep. Byron Rushing about the proposed project. Rushing says that the community must benefit from any development of the land. Following the edited story is additional footage of the area around Parcel 18 and footage from Jones' interviews with Williams and Rushing.
1:00:05: Visual: Shots of Parcel 18 in front of the Ruggles MBTA station in Roxury; of the entrance to the Ruggles MBTA station. Marcus Jones reports that Parcel 18 is one of six locations being considered as the site for the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Jones reports that developers and city officials see construction of MWRA headquarters as a cornerstone to the area's economic revitalization. V: Shots of Anthony Williams (Assistant Director, Boston Redevelopment Authority) showing Jones a map of the area. Shot of a map of proposed development in the area. Jones reports that the land has been vacant for more than twenty years. V: Shots of traffic passing by Parcel 18 and the Ruggles MBTA station. Footage of Williams being interviewed by Jones. Williams says that development takes time; that the community must be involved in the development process. Williams says that construction of the MWRA headquarters would allow development to proceed at a quicker rate. Shot through a fence of Parcel 18, Ruggles MBTA station and the Boston skyline. Jones reports that Roxbury has the highest unemployment rate of any neighborhood in Boston; that Roxbury has seen none of the benefits of development in downtown Boston. V: Shot of Jones and Williams looking at a map. Shots of the map. Footage of Williams saying that Parcel 18 is in close proximity to the downtown area. Williams says that the Roxbury neigborhood is centrally located with good access to public transportation. Williams notes that museums and universities are convenient to the site. Williams says that development will proceed quickly when people realize the potential of the site. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) says that there is always risk involved in the development of a site. Rushing says that he wants the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) to promise that the land will be put to beneficial use even if this development fails. Shot of Parcel 18. Jones reports that the site was cleared in the 1960s to make room for the construction of Interstate 95; that the community blocked construction of the highway. Jones reports that the community wants the development to bring jobs and affordable housing to the community. V: Footage of Rushing saying that any benefits from the development of the site must go to the local community. Shots of Parcel 18.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/23/1989
Description: Hope Kelly reports on the annual reenactment on Patriot's Day of the ride of American Revolutionary leader William Dawes. Kelly notes that Dawes's ride is overshadowed by that of Paul Revere (American revolutionary leader). Dawes began his ride to Lexington in 1775 from the site of the First Church of Roxbury. Tom Plant (Roxbury historian) organizes the annual reenactment at the First Church of Roxbury. Plant and others in colonial costume participate in the reenactment. Interview iwth Plant and Butch Redding (Roxbury resident) about the reenactment and the rich history of the Roxbury neighborhood. Kelly reports that many historians overlook the sacrifices made by black soldiers during the American Revolution.
0:59:28: Visual: Shot of a man in colonial costume leading a horse to the front steps of the First Church of Roxbury. Shots of the weathervane and steeple of the church; of the steeple of the church. Hope Kelly reports that there has been a church located on the site of the First Church of Roxbury for 350 years; that William Dawes (American revolutionary leader) began his ride to Lexington in 1775 from the site of the First Church of Roxbury. Kelly notes that Paul Revere (American revolutionary leader) did not make his ride alone. V: Footage of Tom Plant (Roxbury historian) dressed in colonial costume. He speaks to a small crowd in front of the First Church of Roxbury. Plant says that many people forget that Dawes rode one of the most historic rides in American history. Plant says that Roxbury residents are thankful that Roxbury is a part of that history. Shots of a small crowd listening to Plant. Kelly reports that Plant is the president of the congregation of the First Church of Roxbury; that he is president of the Historical Society of Roxbury Highlands. Kelly says that Plant is the organizing force behind the annual re-enactment in Roxbury. V: Shots of Plant speaking; of men on horseback in colonial costume. Kelly reports that Plant sent William Dawes off on his ride with a blessing at the re-enactment. V: Footage of Plant giving a blessing. Shots of the man playing Dawes in the re-enactment; of the audience applauding. Footage of Plant being interviewed by Kelly. Kelly asks Plant what he was thinking about during the re-enactment. Plant says that he is often transported back to colonial times when he walks the streets of Roxbury. Plant says that he felt like he was transported back during the re-enactment. Shots of "Dawes" and another man on horseback riding away from the church on horseback. Footage of the audience singing as the men ride away. The audience includes Byron Rushing (state representative) and Butch Redding (Roxbury resident). Redding is dressed in colonial dress. Kelly reports that a small crowd was present to celebrate a neglected part of history. V: Footage of Butch Redding (Roxbury resident) being interviewed. Redding says that Roxbury is rich in both white American history and African American history. Shot of the crowd outside of the church. Kelly reports that many African American soldiers fought in the American Revolution; that they were treated with ambivalence by the American army. Kelly notes that the exclusion of people of color was the norm in the eighteenth century; that many forget the sacrifices made by soldiers of color in the American Revolution. V: Shots of Plant addressing a small audience from the pulpit of the First Church of Roxbury; of audience members. Footage of Plant addressing the audience about the role of African Americans in history.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/15/1991
Description: Roxbury residents and clergy march past sites of shootings, singing hymns and carrying cross to commemorate victims of violence.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/13/1990
Description: Resident of Garrison Trotter section of Roxbury is unhappy that nearby vacant house owned by city may become group home for mentally ill. City official says no class can be excluded by local objection.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/11/1991
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Massachusetts State Legislature has passed a bill designating the city of Quincy as the location for the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Parcel 18 in Roxbury had been chosen as the initial site for the headquarters. Speaker of the House George Keverian and House leadership in the chambers of the House of Representatives. Mayor Ray Flynn , City Councilor Bruce Bolling, and Parcel 18 supporters at a press conference outside of the Massachusetts State House. Flynn and Bolling express their support for Parcel 18. Flynn says that the legislature's decision has undermined public confidence in the government. Governor Michael Dukakis has vetoed the bill designating Quincy as the MWRA site at a press conference. Interview with Reverend Tony Bethel of the Parcel 18 Task Force, who says that he and his supporters will continue to fight for economic justice for Roxbury. Footage of the building in Quincy proposed to house the MWRA.
1:00:12: V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) at a press conference outside of the Massachusetts State House. Bolling says that state legislators need to stand with the supporters of Parcel 18; that the supporters of Parcel 18 are on the "correct side." Shots of a crowd of Parcel 18 supporters gathered outside of the State House for the press conference. The supporters hold signs reading, "Parcel-to-parcel linkage" and "Roxbury equals economic opportunity." Marcus Jones reports that the Massachusetts state legislature has passed a bill which designates the city of Quincy as the location for the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Jones notes that the bill overrules the MWRA's initial decision to build their headquarters on Parcel 18 in Roxbury. V: Footage of George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) and the House leadership at the front of the chambers of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Shots of the exterior of the Ruggles MBTA station in Roxbury; of the Boston skyline from Parcel 18 in Roxbury. Jones reports that Quincy legislators pushed for the MWRA to settle in an aging industrial building near the site of a sludge facility. V: Shots of officials climbing the stairs of an industrial building in Quincy; of the interior of the building. Shots of the sludge facility in Quincy. Jones notes that Parcel 18 supporters say that the battle is not yet over. V: Shots of demonstrators at the press conference outside of the State House. Shot of a sign reading, "Keep the MWRA in Roxbury." Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) saying that the legislature's decision jeopardizes the citizens' confidence government. Flynn says that the legislature has not shown a commitment to "straightforward, honest government." Shot of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) signing a piece of paper at a press conference. Members of the media photograph him. Jones reports that Dukakis vetoed the legislature's MWRA bill yesterday; that the legislature will vote next week on Dukakis's veto. Jones reports that Parcel 18 supporters will lobby for the Roxbury site over the next week. V: Shot of the press conference outside of the State House. Shots of demonstrators and audience members at the press conference. A demonstrator holds up a sign reading, "Fairness equals a vote for Roxbury." Footage of Bolling saying that Quincy was not chosen to be the initial site because Quincy did not have the best proposal.The crowd applauds for Bolling. Footage of the Reverend Tony Bethel (Parcel 18 Task Force) being interviewed by Jones outside of the State House. Bethel says that he and his supporters will continue to fight for economic justice for the Roxbury area, even if Dukakis' veto is overruled. Jones reports that Parcel 18 supporters have vowed to continue the fight to bring the MWRA to Roxbury.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/11/1989
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/16/1987