Description: Upon his release, Carmen Fields interviews South African exiles Themba Vilakazi and Janet Levine about the life and political development of Nelson Mandela. Vilakazi and Levine discuss Mandela's beginnings as a lawyer, his arrest and imprisonment, and his refusal to renounce armed struggle as a means to end apartheid. They talk about the importance of Mandela as a symbol. Levine talks about Winnie Mandela and her role in the struggle against apartheid. Vilakazi says that apartheid laws are still in place and that black South Africans are still struggling against the white regime. Fields notes that the figure of Nelson Mandela embodies the struggle of a nation. Fields's report includes footage and photographs of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela from the 1950s to the present and footage of events in South Africa from the 1950s to the present.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Nelson Mandela (black South African leader) in South Africa after his release from prison. Mandela waves to supporters. Shots of a large demonstration in a South African stadium on February 13, 1990; of Mandela arriving at the demonstration. Footage of Themba Vilakazi (South African exile) being interviewed by Carmen Fields. Vilakazi says that he would not have predicted the recent turn of events in South Africa. Fields reports that Vilakazi left South African twenty-five years ago; that Vilakazi remembers when Mandela was imprisoned in June of 1964. Fields reports that Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of high treason and sabotage. V: Black and white footage of a prison truck leaving a South African government building. A crowd stands outside of the building. Shot of a black and white photograph of Mandela surrounded by government officials. Fields reports that Janet Levine (South African exile) has been in the US for six years. V: Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that Mandela disappeared and the African National Congress (ANC) was banned by the South African government. Levine says that she feared that Mandela would die in prison; that she was thrilled when he was released. Shots of Mandela at the demonstration in the South African stadium; of an upraised fist. Fields reports that Mandela is a living legend who embodies the struggle of a nation; that Mandela carries great moral authority. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela before he went to prison. Shot of traffic passing by police in South Africa the late 1950s or early 1960s. Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela among a large group of people; of a black and white portrait of Mandela. Fields reports that Mandela was 25 when he joined the ANC; that Mandela became the ANC's national president six years after he joined the organization. Fields reports that Mandela was banned; that Mandela was arrested by South African police at a protest in Sharpeville in 1960. Fields notes that Sharpeville was the scene of a police attack which left 67 people dead. V: Black and white footage of a black demonstrators at Sharpeville; of two men holding protest signs. Shots of a body lying on the ground; of police dragging a body along the ground. Shots of black men running along a street; of black men waving from a departing bus. Shots of white police officers checking the identity papers of a black man; of a black man lying on the ground with his hands over his eyes; of the body of a black man lying on a street; of another body lying on the ground. Fields reports that Mandela fled to Algiers after his arrest; that Mandela received training in guerilla warfare in Algiers. Fields reports that Mandela no longer believed in 1960 that the fight against apartheid could be non-violent. V: Black and white footage of Mandela delivering a speech in 1961. Mandela says that it is useless to preach peace and non-violence against a government which engages in savage attacks on its defenseless citizens. Fields reports that Mandela was captured a year later; that Mandela's diary was used as evidence in his nine-month trial for treason. Fields reports that Mandela's diary contained notes on guerilla warfare tactics. V: Black and white shot of men handcuffed together. One man flips through a small notebook. Black and white shots of South African Security Forces outside of a government building; of a crowd in a street; of a prison truck moving along a street. Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that it was a crime to have a photograph of Mandela; that it was a crime to have read Mandela's writings. Levine says that Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) was also an important figure; that Winnie Mandela was constantly protesting and defying the South African police. Black and white shot of Winnie Mandela in the 1960s. Color footage of Winnie Mandela arguing with white officials in the street. Winnie Mandela is led away. Fields notes that Winnie Mandela maintained her defiance while Nelson Mandela was in prison. V: Audio of Levine saying that Winnie Mandela kept Nelson Mandela's name alive while he was in prison. Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela in prison. Black and white shots of South African Security Forces; of a demonstration in South Africa; of demonstrators. Black and white shot of a park bench bearing a "whites only" sign. Fields reports that the South African government made conditional offers to set Mandela free; that Mandela refused to accept their conditions. V: Footage of Vilakazi being interviewed by Fields. Vilakazi says that Mandela has great appeal; that many would like to associate themselves with Mandela. Footage of Mandela at the demonstration in a South African stadium on February 13, 1990. Mandela addresses the crowd. Mandela raises his fist as he speaks. Fields reports that Mandela is uncompromising; that Mandela has never renounced armed struggle as a means to end apartheid. Fields notes that Mandela advocates peace. V: Footage of Mandela addressing the crowd at the demonstration. Mandlela says that the movement will move forward to achieve freedom and justice. Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that Mandela is no longer a politician; that Mandela has been ennobled. Footage of Vilakazi being interviewed by Fields. Vilakazi says that South Africa has not changed a lot since Mandela was put in jail. Vilakazi says that there are more repressive laws now than in 1964.Vilakazi says that there is still reason to fight. Shots of a large group of people filling up a road in South Africa; of demonstrators at the stadium; of Mandela walking with an upraised fist; of a small black child with his hand held up.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/20/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt interviews Gabu Tugwana (editor, The New Nation) over the telephone. Tugwana describes the euphoric reaction to the arrival of Nelson Mandela (black South African leader) in Johannesburg today. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela), and Desmond Tutu (black South African leader). Vaillancourt notes that 36 black South Africans have been killed in 24 hours of political unrest. Tugwana discusses the political unrest in South Africa and voices concern for Nelson Mandela's safety. Tugwana predicts that the fears of white South Africans will be assuaged when they hear Nelson Mandela speak about the future of the country. Vaillancourt notes that Nelson Mandela's return to Soweto has been postponed for safety reasons.Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of black and white South Africans and by footage of political unrest in the streets
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/12/1990
Description: Christy George reports that F.W. de Klerk, the President of South Africa, announced that the ban on the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa will be lifted, and Nelson Mandela will be freed. George's report includes footage of de Klerk making the announcement and footage of Desmond Tutu reacting to the announcement. George's report also features footage of black and white South Africans reacting to the news and footage of black South Africans celebrating. George interviews Gabu Tugwana, the editor of The New Nation over the telephone. Tugwana discusses de Klerk's announcement and describes reaction to the announcement in South Africa. Tugwana says that apartheid laws are still in force. George's story includes footage of black South Africans and South African security forces; it also includes footage of Koos van der Merwe and Dr. Andries Treunicht, both of the Conservative Party, reacting to the news. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Aggrey Mbere talks about South Africa and his exile in the US
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of F.W. de Klerk (President of South Africa) speaking in government chambers. De Klerk announces the lifting of the ban on the African National Congress (ANC) and other black political parties. De Klerk announces that Nelson Mandela (jailed ANC leader) will be freed. Shot of Archbishop Desmond Tutu (black South African leader) clapping and cheering. Shots of black and white South Africans as they listen to and watch de Klerk's speech. Christy George reports that de Klerk's announcement signaled dramatic changes for South Africa. V: Shots of a white South African taking a newspaper from a vendor; of white officers in the South African Security Forces as they flip through a newspaper. Shots of black South Africans marching in a street. Footage of black South Africans singing and dancing as they celebrate the lifting of the ANC ban. Shots of black South African school boys running in a road; of black South Africans running and cheering in a street. Shot of black South Africans marching in the street. Shots of officers in the South African Security Forces; of officers with german shephard dogs on leashes. Shot of black men running away from officers in the Security Force. Shot of a black man unfurling a flag in front of a building. Shots of a group of black South Africans chanting and waving signs; of black South Africans running from officers in the Security Force. Audio of Gabu Tugwana (editor, The New Nation) saying that there was much excitement and emotional celebration in South Africa today. Tugwana says that black South Africans were excited to be able to raise their flag; that the flag had been illegal. George reports that she spoke to Tugwana by telephone today. George notes that Tugwana described scenes of jubilation in South Africa today. V: Shot of a sign for the New Nation newspaper, hanging in the window of the newspaper's offices. Shot of George taking notes as she speaks on the telephone. Shot of a sign with a photo of Mandela on it. Footage of Tutu addressing a crowd. Tutu says that "the walls of apartheid are falling." Audio of Tugwana speaking to George. Tugwana says that Africa will join democracy movements across the world. Tugwana says that governments will not change unless threatened. Shots of de Klerk entering governmental changes. Government officials stand as he enters. Shots of de Klerk addressing the government officials; of the seated government officials. Shots of white South Africans standing outside of a government building. George reports that conservative white South Africans say that they will fight against de Klerk's changes. V: Footage of Koos van der Merwe (Conservative Party) saying that white South Africans will fight to retain their right of self-determination. Van Der Merwe says that white South Africans will fight any domination of blacks over whites. Footage of Dr. Andries Treunicht (Conservative Party) speaking to the media. Treunicht says that de Klerk has taken a "revolutionary" position; that the revolution has overtaken the national party. Shot of George taking notes as she speaks on the telephone. Audio of Tugwana saying that de Klerk has taken a revolutionary position; that progressive critics see de Klerk's reforms as "half-hearted." Shots of two white South African women reading a newspaper; of black South Africans marching and dancing in the street. Footage of George on the telephone. George asks Tugwana how his life will change because of these reforms. Tugwana says that his life will not change a lot. Tugwana says that the Population Registration Act will still be enforced; that he will still be confined to the Soweto Township. Tugwana says that he will still be prosecuted if he tries to live outside of Soweto. Shots of black South Africans singing together at a march. Shot of a man holding a newspaper. The headline reads, "ANC Unbanned."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/02/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt talks to students at the Martin Luther King Middle School in Dorchester about their opinions of Nelson Mandela (black South African leader). The students tell what they know of Mandela's life and struggle. Two students compare Mandela to American civil rights leaders Martin Luther King, Jr. and to Malcolm X. Some students talk about whether violence should be used to further one's goals. The students agree on the importance of fighting for equality. They are united in their admiration for Mandela. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) greeting crowds in South Africa.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Meg Vaillancourt (WGBH reporter) talking to students in the library of the Martin Luther King School in Dorchester. Vaillancourt asks how many students have heard of Nelson Mandela (black South African leader). All of the students raise their hands. Vaillancourt reports that Mandela had already been jailed for fifteen years when these students were born. V: Black and white shot of Mandela as a young man. Vaillancourt notes that the middle-school students knew a lot about Mandela. V: Footage of an African American male student saying that Mandela fought against apartheid in South Africa. Footage of another African American male student saying that Mandela is the leader of "the black congress" in South Africa; that he was accused of participating in the bombing of a government building in South Africa. Footage of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) exiting an airplane onto a runway in Johannesburg. Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela wave at supporters. Vaillancourt reports that Mandela has been in the news since his release from prison. Vaillancourt notes that the students had heard of Mandela from their parents and friends; that the students recognized Mandela in thirty-year-old photos. V: Shot of Vaillancourt in the library with the students. Black and white shot of Mandela as a young man. Footage of an African American male student saying that Mandela reminds him of Martin Luther King (American civil rights leader). Footage of another African American male student saying that Mandela reminds him of Malcolm X (American civil rights leader). Footage of another African American male student says that black people need to fight for equality; that black people should use violence if non-violence does not work. Footage of an African American female student saying that violence should be avoided if possible. Footage of an Asian American female student saying that segregation in the US is like apartheid in South Africa. The student says that the people united to end segregation in the US. Footage of an African American male student saying that there are other ways to achieve goals besides violence. Footage of an African American male student saying that he would like to teach the South African goverment to trust black South Africans. Shots of the middle-school students sitting with Vaillancourt in the library. Vaillancourt reports that she spoke to students ranging in age from eleven to fifteen. Vaillancourt notes that the students believe that Americans can learn from Mandela's struggle. V: Footage of an Asian American female student saying that people need to fight for their rights sometimes; that there is a price to be paid. Footage of an African American male student saying that forgiveness is important; of another African American male student saying that Mandela showed patience and endurance during his struggle. Shot of Nelson Mandela raising his fist and smiling for the media.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/13/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt interviews Nthabiseng Mabuza about the release of Nelson Mandela. Vaillancourt notes that Mabuza was only twelve years old when she was paralyzed from injuries sustained during an attack on her home by South African security forces. The Fund for a Free South Africa has helped Mabuza and her family settle in Boston. Vaillancourt's report includes footage recorded in January, 1990 of Mabuza talking about the raid on her home by security forces. Mabuza talks about the importance of Mandela's struggle; she adds that she is happy about his release. She had first heard about Mandela when she was a child. Mabuza says that she hopes to return to South Africa one day. Interview with Nthabiseng's mother, Anna Mabuza, about Mandela's release. Anna Mabuza says that she is afraid to return to South Africa because she fears reprisals from the government. Following the edited story is additional silent b-roll footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza and Anna Mabuza in their home. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Hope Kelly reviews the major events and key issues during the tenure of Laval Wilson
1:00:04: Visual: Shot of a color photo of Nthabiseng Mabuza (Cambridge resident) as a young girl in Africa. Audio of shots being fired. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mabuza was only twelve years old when South African Security Forces raided her home; that the Security Forces wounded her uncle and killed her aunt. Vaillancourt notes that Mabuza was paralyzed from shots fired during the raid. V: Footage from January 18, 1990 of Mabuza talking about the raid. Vaillancourt reports that the Mabuza family was targeted because of their connection to the African National Congress (ANC); that Mabuza's father was a member of the ANC; that the ANC was banned in South African until last month. V: Shot of Mabuza getting into her wheelchair and wheeling herself through her house. Shot of a black and white photo of Mabuza's father. Vaillancourt notes that Mabuza's father had already died before the raid took place. V: Footage of Mabuza being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Mabuza says that she had heard of Nelson Mandela (ANC leader) and the other leaders jailed in Robbin Island when she was a young child. Mabuza says that she now understands the importance of Mandela and his struggle. Shot of a poster reading "Free Nelson Mandela." Vaillancourt reports that Mabuza's father had worked with Mandela; that the Mabuza family is watching the changes in South Africa with interest. V: Shot of Mandela in South Africa. Mandela walks with a raised fist. Shots of black South Africans cheering for Mandela; of a young child at a rally for Mandela; of Mandela speaking to supporters. Shots of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) waving to supporters. Audio of Mabuza saying that she watched Mandela's release on television; that she is happy about his release from prison. Vaillancourt asks if she misses South Africa. Mabuza says that she does miss South Africa. Mabuza talks about Mandela's commitment to his struggle. Footage of Mabuza saying that she was shot because of that same struggle. Footage of Anna Mabuza (mother of Nthabiseng Mabuza) saying that she is happy about Mandela's release from prison. Vaillancourt reports that the Mabuza family has moved to Cambridge; that the Fund for a Free South Africa (charity organization) helped to find housing and medical assistance for Nthabiseng Mabuza. Vaillancourt notes that Nthabiseng Mabuza will start high school next month. V: Shots of Nthabiseng Mabuza in her bedroom. She maneuvers herself from her wheelchair to the floor. Nthabiseng Mabuza turns on the television. Anna Mabuza joins Nthabiseng Mabuza in front of the television. Shot of the younger sister of Nthabiseng Mabuza playing with a doll. Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza saying that she will talk to other students about the situation in South Africa; that she will continue to support the struggle. Audio of Vaillancourt asking Anna Mabuza if the family will ever return to South Africa. Anna Mabuza says that she is still afraid of reprisals from the South African government. Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza saying that it might be a long time before exiles are allowed to return to South Africa. Nthabiseng Mabuza says that she hopes to return home one day.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/14/1990