Description: Marcus Jones reports on the competion of renovations at the Renaissance Building in the Grove Hall district of Roxbury. The project was funded with money from the city's only minority-owned bank and was overseen by minority architects and contractors. Jones adds that the building is a cornerstone of the Grove Hall revitalization effort. People hold a celebration for the completion of the restorations. A crowd stands outside of the building. Virginia Morrison (Neighborhood Development Corporation of Grove Hall) and Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque) address the crowd. Muhammad says that gang activity will decline as more renovation takes place in the neighborhood. Interview with Trevor Blake (TTB Construction Inc.) and Ernest Scott, a businessman, about the renovations. Blake talks about the challenges faced by minority businesses and contractors. Scott says that renovations and increased foot traffic will force the drug trade out of the area. Jones reports that the city of Boston has committed an additional $50,000 to the Grove Hall revitalization effort.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of a gathering to celebrate the restoration of the Renaissance Building in the Grove Hall district of Roxbury. Virginia Morrison (Neighborhood Development Corporation of Grove Hall) addresses the gathering. Morrison says that the building makes a statement on behalf of Muhammad's Mosque, of the Grove Hall Board of Trade, of the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge, of the residents of the area. Morrison says that the building represents the way that the residents of the area intend to live. Shot of a man tearing off paper above the door to reveal the street number. Marcus Jones reports the newly renovated Renaissance Building is located at 483 - 487 Blue Hill Avenue. Jones says that the building was "an eyesore" for more than a decade; that the building is now the cornerstone of the Grove Hall revitalization effort. V: Footage of Morrison addressing the gathered crowd. Supporters stand behind her, including Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque). Morrison says that the building cost $1,276,000 to renovate; that the building was renovated by qualified African American workers from the community. Shot from an upper window of the Renaissance building, of the intersection of Blue Hill Avenue and Cheney Street. Shots of people looking at the interior of the newly-renovated building. Shot of the newly renovated kitchen. Jones reports that the project was funded with money from the city's only minority-owned bank; that the project was overseen by minority architects and contractors. Jones reports that the building includes twelve apartments on the upper floors of the building; that there is retail space on the bottom level. V: Shot of a man exiting the Ernest Scott Insurance Agency. Footage of Trevor Blake (TTB Construction Inc.) standing in one of the apartments. Blake talks about the challenges faced by African American businesses and contractors. Footage of Ernest Scott (businessman) saying that the whole neighborhood is improving. Jones reports that Scott's Insurance Agency has operated on Blue Hill Avenue for over thirty years. Jones notes that Scott's business is one of the new tenants in the Renaissance Building; that Scott believes that businesses and residents need to fight the gangs and drug dealers in the neighborhood. V: Shot of the exterior of the Ernest Scott Insurance Agency. Shot of a man fixing lettering to the interior of a window of the Insurance Agency; of an employee and customer at the Insurance Agency. Footage of Scott saying that foot traffic and business activity puts a damper on the drug trade. Scott says that participants in the drug trade will be forced out of the area. Shots of traffic on the street in the Grove Hall area; of the crowd gathered in front of the Renaissance Area. Jones reports that community organizers hope to refurbish the entire Grove Hall district within five years; that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has committed an addtional $50,000 to the effort. V: Footage of Muhammad addressing the crowd outside of the Renaissance Building. Muhammad says that the Grove Hall community deserves the same respect and resources as any other neighborhood. Muhammad says that gang activity will dwindle as more renovation takes place in the neighborhood. The crowd claps for Muhammad. Morrison approaches the microphone.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/12/1990
Description: This tape features Marcus Jones' second report in a three-part series on the life of Jackie Robinson (baseball player) in honor of the fortieth anniversary of Robinson's entry into major league baseball. Jones reports on Robinson's career after baseball and his active participation in the civil rights movement. Jones notes that Robinson was the first African American to reach the level of vice-president in a major corporation when he was named to that post at the Chock Full O'Nuts company. Jones reviews Robinson's role in the civil rights movement and his political activity during the 1960 presidential elections. Jones reports that Robinson co-founded the Freedom National Bank in Harlem in 1963, which was the first bank in the US to be run by African Americans. Jones talks about Robinson's disappointment when white teammates from professional baseball refused to join him for the March on Washington in 1963. Jones' report includes footage from interviews with Rachel Robinson (wife of Jackie Robinson), Ambassador Franklin Williams (friend of Jackie Robinson), Mal Goode (journalist), and Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger). Jones' report also features footage of the civil rights movements and footage of Robinson in the 1960s. Jones' report includes footage from the film Jackie Robinson: An American Journey. Tape 2 of 3
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of Jackie Robinson walking off of a baseball field. Text on screen reads, "Jackie Robinson's American Dream." Black and white shot of an older Robinson waving goodbye; of the exterior of Ebbets Field; of a newspaper headline reading, "Giants get Robinson." Shot of a black and white photo of Robinson in a suit. Marcus Jones reports that Jackie Robinson left baseball in 1957; that Robinson chose to retire instead of be traded to the New York Giants. Jones reports that Robinson signed on as vice-president of personnel for Chock full o'Nuts company; that Robinson was the first African American to reach the level of vice-president in a major corporation. V: Black and white footage of Robinson in a baseball uniform; of Robinson in a business suit; of a sign for "Chock full o'Nuts." Black and white footage of Robinson with his employees; of Robinson meeting with a group of people. Jones reports that Robinson played an active role in the civil rights movement. V: Footage of Rachel Robinson (Jackie Robinson's wife) saying that Robinson wanted to be a part of the civil rights movement. Black and white footage of African American students integrating white schools; of African American picketers outside of a Woolworth lunch counter; of an African American man confronting a police officer; of Martin Luther King (civil rights leader); of an African American man being pushed by white men; of fire hoses being used on African American demonstrators; of African American picketers with protest signs. Footage of Ambassador Franklin Williams (friend of Robinson) saying that Robinson identified with the NAACP; that Robinson was an active chairman of the Freedom Fund Campaign. Jones reports that Robinson advocated equal opportunities for African Americans in all areas; that Robinson's stature drew attention to the cause. V: Footage from Jackie Robinson: An American Journey. Footage shows Robinson campaigning for civil rights. Robinson rides in a convertible through an African American neighborhood. Footage of Williams saying that Robinson drew great crowds; that women would pay to have him kiss them on the cheek. Footage of a Nelson Rockefeller presidential campaign rally in 1960. Robinson is visible in the crowd. Jones reports that Robinson supported Nelson Rockefeller (presidential candidate) in 1960; that Robinson campaigned for the Republican nominee Richard Nixon (1960 Republican presidential nominee) after Rockefeller lost the nomination. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Nixon and Robinson. Footage of Williams saying that Robinson believed that African Americans would be strengthened if they were represented by both of the major parties. Footage of a campaign debate in 1960 between Nixon and John F. Kennedy (1960 Democratic presidential nominee). Footage of Williams saying that Robinson had great respect for Nixon at the beginning of the 1960 presidential campaign; that Robinson eventually became disillusioned with the Republican Party. Shot of a black and white photo of Nixon and Robinson. Black and white footage of Kennedy's inaugural speech. Jones reports that Robinson continued to fight for equality for African Americans; that Robinson pushed for Mal Goode (journalist) to be hired as the first African American TV news correspondent. V: Shots of black and white photos of Robinson; of Robinson and Goode. Footage of Goode reflecting on the sacrifices made by the previous generation of African Americans. Jones reports that Robinson co-founded Freedom National Bank in Harlem in 1963; that the bank was the first bank to be run by African Americans. V: Shots of Freedom National Bank in Harlem. Black and white footage of Robinson talking about the importance of Freedom National Bank. Jones stands in front of Freedom National Bank. Jones reports that Robinson worked to free the African American community from the constraints of racism. V: Footage of Williams talking about the idea of a bank run by African Americans, in which whites could participate. Black and white footage of Robinson talking about the importance of registering African Americans to vote. Black and white footage of African Americans marching in the South in 1963; of whites standing behind a Confederate flag; of two white men waving a small Confederate flag. Jones reports that Robinson spent a lot of time in the South in 1963. V: Black and white footage of Robinson and King; of Robinson addressing a crowd about the need for equal rights. Shots of a black and white photo of King. Black and white shot of Robinson picking up a telephone. Black and white aerial shot of the March on Washington in 1963. Jones reports that Robinson was disappointed when his white Dodger teammates refused to join him for the March on Washington in 1963. V: Footage of Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger) saying that he regrets not joining Robinson for the March on Washington. Black and white shot of Robinson addressing a crowd. Jones reports that Robinson started a construction company in 1970; that the company was dedicated to building low-income housing. V: Shots of Robinson at a construction site; of Robinson looking at architectural plans; of Robinson throwing out a baseball at a ballgame. Jones reports that Robinson died in October of 1972. Jones stands outside of Ebbets Field Apartments. Jones says that Robinson's ideals still live on.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/05/1987
Description: Alexandra Marks reports on the Jeter family's business. These entrepreneurs started Jet-A-Way trash disposal and recycling business in Boston in 1967. Interview with Jesse Jeter on the lack of media attention on successful African American people and other minority businesses. He also talks about the racism he experiences in some of his business relationships. Interview with Ed and Darlene Jeter on the hard work they put into their business. They also discuss the help that affirmative action has given their company. Footage from the NAACP's Leadership Development Training Conference. Interview with entrepreneur William Singleton, president of Quest, who talks about the lack of financing for minority companies. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of the Jet-A-Way company at work. Recycling yard, dumpsters, heavy machinery.
1:00:07: Visual: Shots of machinery sorting trash at a Jet-A-Way sorting facility. Alexandra Marks reports that Jet-A-Way owns a state-of-the-art trash-sorting plant; that Jet-A-Way is a multi-million dollar Boston company; that Jet-A-Way recycles trash, industrial waste, and construction debris. V: Footage of Jesse Jeter (marketing director, Jet-A-Way) being interviewed at the facility. Jeter says that they recycle materials from projects as far away as South Korea and Japan. Marks reports that Jeter's parents started Jet-A-Way in 1967; that Jet-A-Way is one of the fastest-growing minority firms in the US. V: Shots of bales of paper being moved around a warehouse; of Jeter watching standing in the warehouse as a white worker maneuvers a piece of equipment. Shot of a Jet-A-Way truck. Footage of Jeter being interviewed by Marks. Jeter says that people are not familiar with successful African American entrepreneurs; that the media concentrate on crime, drug and poverty in the African American community. Marks reports that Jeter says that people make prejudicial assumptions about many minority businesses. V: Footage of Jeter being interviewed by Marks. Jeter says that people will second-guess the decisions of a minority firm. Jeter says that prospective clients will ask to see the client lists of minority firms; that prospective clients doubt the legitimacy of minority firms. Jeter says that his firm services MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the John Hancock Company, and the Town of Newton. Footage of Ed Jeter (Jet-A-Way) and Darlene Jeter (Jet-A-Way) being interviewed. Ed Jeter says that the company has succeeded through hard work. Marks reports that Darlene and Ed Jeter have seen the company through several economic downturns; that they are good businesspeople. V: Footage of Ed Jeter being interviewed. Ed Jeter says that the company benefitted from minority quotas that were in place when the business began. Footage of Darlene Jeter being interviewed. Darlene Jeter says that Jet-A-Way formed good business relationships with their early clients; that they have served some clients for over twenty years. Marks reports that business success was the theme of a last week's NAACP Leadership Development Training Conference. Marks reports that prominent African American women modeled business fashion; that young entrepreneurs worked the crowd at the luncheon. V: Footage from the NAACP Leadership Development Training Conference. Shot of an African American man singing and playing the piano at the luncheon. Shot of an African American woman modeling a dress on a catwalk. The audience at the luncheon applauds. Shot of a second African American woman modeling an outfit. Shot of William Singleton (President, Quest Publishing Company) talking about his company to two conference attendees. Footage of Singleton being interviewed at the conference. Singleton says that most people do not see the activity of African American entrepreneurs; that African American entrepreneurs are underfinanced and working hard. Marks reports that Singleton's company publishes the magazine "Black History Is No Mystery." Marks notes that Singleton believes that the lack of financing for African American entrepreneurs is due to ignorance. V: Shot of Singleton talking to conference attendees at a table. Footage of Singleton being interviewed at the conference. Singleton says that financers do not understand how the African American community works; that people are starting to understand. Marks reports that there are challenges for African-American businesses. V: Shots of workers sorting trash and debris on an assembly line. Jesse Jeter surveys the operation in the facility. Footage of Jesse Jeter being interviewed. Jesse Jeter says that racism exists in Boston and in the US. Jesse Jeter says that racism affects contracts, business relationships, and personal relationships. Shots of machinery moving trash in the Jet-A-Way facility; of Jeter directing operations in the facility.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1991
Description: Carmen Fields reports that Richard Taylor, the Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation and Construction, will preside over the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Construction Project in Boston. Taylor is one of the few African American Republicans in Massachusetts. Interview with Taylor, who talks about his reasons for being a Republican and his career in business. Taylor talks about his commitment to affirmative action and his plans to encourage participation by women and minorities in the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project. Taylor says that he has always pushed for fair and equitable opportunities for minority businesses. Fields notes that Taylor says that his appointment signals a commitment to affirmative action on the part of Governor William Weld. Fields' report is accompanied by footage of Rev. Graylan Hagler and unemployed construction workers at a press conference at a construction site in Roxbury. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Alexandra Marks interviews businessmen Derek Jeter and William Singleton on the challenges faced by minority businesses in Boston
1:00:03: Visual: Footage of Richard Taylor (Secretary of Transportation and Construction) being interviewed. Taylor says that he supports limited taxes, limited regulation, more research, and development and more private sector involvement. Carmen Fields reports that Taylor is a wealthy, well educated entrepreneur; that Taylor is a Republican; that Taylor is also African American. Fields reports that Taylor is part of a small but growing band of African American Republicans. V: Shot of Taylor in his office. Footage of Taylor being interviewed. Taylor says that some have argued that all African Americans should be Republicans; that Abraham Lincoln (former US president) was a Republican. Taylor says that he believes in limited taxation and limited government involvement. Taylor says that the Republican Party encourages people to pursue economic independence; that the Republican Party discourages people from looking to the government for sustainment. Fields reports that Taylor is the State Transportation Secretary; that he presides over the Central Artery-Third Harbor Tunnel Construction Project. V: Shot of Taylor greeting an African American man and a white man as they enter his office. Footage of Taylor at a meeting with the two men and another woman. Taylor talks about the risk of delays in the project. Fields reports that Massachusetts has a high unemployment rate; that the construction project will provide jobs. Fields notes that the Republican Party is often viewed as being anti-minority, anti-women, and anti-civil rights. V: Shots of Taylor at the meeting. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Fields asks Taylor if he is against affirmative action. Taylor says that affirmative action is necessary. Taylor says that minority businesses should participate in the project if it strengthens their skills; that minority businesses should be paid for a job well done. Taylor says that affirmative action helps minority businesses be competitive; that affirmative action is part of the remedial process. Taylor says that some affirmative action models are troublesome. Taylor says that he does not support quotas. Taylor says that some affirmative action models do not give minority businesses enough significant responsibility. Fields asks if he will be a reluctant or an enthusiastic supporter of affirmative action. Taylor says that he is inclined to have active and strong participation by women and minorities. Taylor says that he has always pushed for fair and equitable opportunities for minority businesses. Taylor talks about his career in business before entering government.Taylor says that he will do a good job in this area. Fields reports that Roxbury residents halted construction on a new Post Office facility in Dudley Square recently. Fields notes that residents wanted more jobs for community workers on the project. V: Footage of Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) speaking at a press conference held at the construction site of the new Post Office in Dudley Square. A group of African American men stand behind Hagler. Hagler says that he and the men will not go away with "crumbs." Shots of the construction site. Fields notes that Taylor says that he has learned from the experience in Roxbury. V: Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor says that the MBTA recently began a $9 million project to renovate Dudley Station. Taylor says that he incorporated some recent provisions from the Post Office project into the MBTA project. Turner says that it is important for the major contractor to be in agreement with the provisions of the contract. Turner says that he hopes that these provisions will be used in the Central Artery Project. Fields reports that Taylor says that his appointment signals the commitment of William Weld (governor of Massachusetts) to affirmative action. Fields notes that Turner believes that there are many opportunities for qualified people of color. V: Shots of Taylor in his office. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor talks about a recent business seminar at the Boston World Trade Center. Taylor says that the seminar focused on how minority businesses could participate in the Central Artery Project. Taylor says that he will soon meet with major contractors for the Central Artery Project. Taylor says that he hopes to link minority businesses with the major contractors in order to provide work for minorities.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1991