Description: Description of AIDS related dementia through interviews with several men who have it and clinicians treating them. Man performing hand - eye coordination test. AZT pills being counted.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1990
Description: Philip Johnston talks about promoting condom use to protect against AIDS. State will fund PSAs for safe sex. Larry Kessler fears campaign will not be aggressive enough.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/12/1990
Description: AIDS quilt is on display at MIT athletic center. Visitors comment on its immenseness and personalness.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/21/1990
Description: Many people get together to stitch new panels in memory of loved ones to add to AIDS quilt when it returns to Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/20/1990
Description: Constitutional Convention begins debate on abortion amendment; adjourns without vote. Bulger bangs gavel. Sen. Lois Pines, Rep. David Cohen. Senators parade to House chamber for joint session.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/11/1990
Description: Via parliamentary tactics in the Constitutional Convention, opponents delay voting on abortion amendment. Charles Flaherty and William Bulger on Speaker's podium.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/27/1990
Description: Abortion rights activist says leading Democrats had to switch their stance to pro-choice to be viable candidates. Anti-abortion group targets many state races to elect candidates of their ilk.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/18/1990
Description: Democratic gubernatorial candidates Bellotti, Weld, Evelyn Murphy address abortion rights rally outside State House. Nicki Nichols Gamble.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/01/1990
Description: Two mentally ill people tell of prejudice and misconceptions they have encountered based on stereotypes, and the need for enlightened acceptance. Interior of group residence.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/28/1990
Description: Archibald Cox, Common Cause and Rep. Stephen Doran tout Act for Accountable Politics to promote ethics in government by restricting campaign funds and outside income for elected officials.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/28/1990