Description: Interview with Rep. Steven Pierce on his opposition to gay foster parents. reporter: Hashimoto
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/24/1990
Description: John Hashimoto reports that Jesse Jackson visited Madison Park High School to talk to students. Hashimoto's report includes footage of Jackson's address to students in the school gymnasium. The students cheer enthusiastically as he approaches the podium. Jackson tells students that they must live with the consequences of their actions. He tells them that they can become whatever they want to be. He reprimands one student for talking during his speech. Jackson urges students to register to vote. He directs those who are not registered to a voter registration table in the gymnasium. Hashimoto reports on speculation that Jackson will run for the presidency in 1992. Hashimoto notes that Jackson could be elected senator if Washington DC becomes a state. Hashimoto reports that Jackson also spoke at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Hashimoto notes that Jackson addressed national and political issues in his address at UMass. Hashimoto's report features footage of Jackson's address at UMass. Hashimoto reports that Jackson is working to keep himself visible. Hashimoto calls Jackson a "perennial candidate" for elected office. The edited news story is followed by b-roll footage of Jackson and his entourage arriving at the high school, and the opening of the assembly including color guard and the end of the national anthem. Additional footage of Jackson's address. Byron Rishing, Bruce Bolling, and Charles Yancey sit behind Jackson during assembly. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Francis "Mickey" Roache speaks to high school students on police stop-and-search policy
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) holding up a child as the media photographs him. Jackson greets supporters and students at Madison Park High School in Roxbury. Shots of students in the audience. John Hashimoto reports that Jackson visited Madison Park High School to talk to students about reality, hope, and self-determination. V: Footage of Jackson addressing the students. Jackson asks students to stand if they know someone their age who is in jail because of drugs. Shots of students standing up in the audience. Footage of Jackson pointing to a student in the audience. Jackson tells the student that he will escort the student out of the auditorium if the student does not stop talking. Jackson tells the student to respect the student assembly. Footage of Jackson telling the students that they can be whatever they want to be. Jackson says that if Dan Quayle (US Vice-President) can be vice president, then the students can be whatever they want to be. The students applaud. Shots of students in the audience. Footage of Jackson telling the students that they must live with the consequences of their actions. Shots of the students rising to their feet to applaud for Jackson. Hashimoto reports that Jackson ended his talk by urging the students to vote. V: Footage of Jackson addressing the students. Jackson asks the students who are eligible to vote but who are not registered to come down to the voter registration table. Shots of students walking toward the table; of students registering to vote at the table. Hashimoto reports that many are wondering if Jackson will run for president in 1992. V: Footage of Jackson addressing the students. Jackson says that he will not talk about 1992. Jackson says that his priorities are to organize workers and to register voters. Shots of students lined up to register to vote. Hashimoto reports that Jackson sounds like a candidate; that Jackson is one of the backers of a bill to make Washington DC a state unto itself. Hashimoto notes that Washington DC would need 2 senators if it became a state; that Jackson could be a candidate for one of those two positions. V: Footage of Jackson, his entourage, and his supporters walking outside of a school building. Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) walks with Jackson. Shot of Jackson entering a gymnasium at University of Massachusetts in Boston to the roaring applause of students. Jackson shakes hands with students near the podium. Shots of the audience as they applaud. Hashimoto reports that Jackson spoke at UMass Boston today; that he addressed national and political issues. V: Footage of Jackson speaking at UMass Boston. Jackson talks about the need to rebuild small towns in the US. Shots of Jackson addressing the audience at UMass Boston. Hashimoto reports that Jackson is working to keep himself visible. Hashimoto notes that Jackson's dominance as the nation's most visible African American leader is threatened by moderate politicians like Douglas Wilder (Governor of Virginia). V: Shot of Wilder exiting a voting booth. Hashimoto reports that Jackson will host his own television talk show in the fall. V: Shots of Jackson addressing the audience at UMass Boston. Footage of Jackson saying that it is time for mass action, mass education, mass demonstration; that it is time for the US to do the right thing. Hashimoto stands in the gymnasium at UMass Boston. Hashimoto reports that Jackson acts like a winner despite losing the Democratic nomination in 1988. Hashimoto says that many wonder if Jackson will ever become an elected official instead of a "galvanizing symbol." Hashimoto notes that Jackson is a perennial candidate for office, but has never won.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/08/1990
Description: Artery Business Committee endorses Boston's plans for moving excavated dirt and connecting depressed Central Artery to Route 93.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/18/1990
Description: Debate between Democratic candidates for attorney general, Scott Harshbarger and James Shannon.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/30/1990
Description: Bath Iron Works builds ships for US navy. Several have been dispatched to the Persian Gulf. However the shipyard lacks enough defense contracts to sustain its workforce. Welders, shipbuilders.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/22/1990
Description: Jim Braude and Barbara Anderson present their respective budget proposals to joint committee on taxation. Michael Connolly, Rep. Daniel Bosley.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/03/1990
Description: In the midst of Iraq crisis, President Bush is on vacation in Maine where he is often shown fishing and golfing. Bush in boat, in golf cart. Quaint Kennebunkport street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/16/1990
Description: Domenic Bozzotto calls CLT opponents mental terrorists. James Braude calls Question 3 ads distortions. Howard Foley is optimistic about passage of tax rollback.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/26/1990
Description: MIT president Charles Vest talks about the importance of teaching science and technology.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/07/1990
Description: Sears cuts prices to make up for slow start of Christmas retail season. Shoppers. Sale signs. Woman writes check. Laser gun scans price tag at cash register. Store entrance.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/24/1990